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What is energy?
 Ability to exert force and do work

Forms of energy
 Potential – stored energy
o Gravitational potential energy
o Strain energy
o Chemical energy
 Kinetic – movement energy
o Sound energy
o Electrical energy
o Internal energy
o Electrmagnetic
o Light energy

Gravitaional potential energy

 If two objects have the same mass but are at different heights, the one with the
greater height will have more gravitational potential energy
 If two objects are at the same height from the ground, the object having the freater
mass will have more potential energy

 Top of an unmoving roller coaster
 Car parked on a slope
 Apple growing on a branch
 Child on top of a slide
 Aircraft flying has kinetic and gravitational potential energy(energy conversion
– chemical to kinetic)

Strain Potential Energy
 Some materials can be easily sqashed, stretched or bent but spring back into
shape once the force acting on them is released – elastic matrrials
 When squished, stretched or bent they possess potential energy

 Spring
 Gases when theyre squashed -

Enerhy changes
 When energy is used it always changes from one form to another
 Some energy always changes into heat energy
 Examples
o Switch on a light bulb changes energy from electrical to light and heat energy
o Playing a Guitar – changes chemical energy in the body ito movement and
sound energy

Wasted Energy
 Conversion of one energy form to the other always leads to some wasted energy
Example -Switching on the light bulb – electrical energy gets converted to light energy-
heat energy gets wasted
 Wasted energy can sometimes create issues like
Example -some machines make a lot of noise, hence people using them have to wear
ear protection

 Substances burned to release their chemical energy to provide heat and light
Example: wood, charcoal, gas, diesal, petrol, wax etc
 Heat may be used for- warming buildings, cooking meaks, expanding gases in vehicle
 Since coal, gas and oil were formed from plants and animals that lived millions of years
ago, they are also known as fossil fuels Commented [AD1]: Fossils are the remains or
impression of a prehistoric plant or animal embedded in
rock and preserved in petrified form.

Fossil fuels
How was Coal formed?
 275 million years ago large plants grew in Swamps
 When they died they fell into the swamps
 They did not decompose as there was a lack of bacteria in the swamps
 Eventually they formed peat Commented [AD2]: a brown deposit resembling soil,
formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable
 Peat got buried under heavy rocks which squeezed the water out of it and warmed it matter often used as fuel and in gardening
 This process slowly changed peat into coal Compost

How is oil and methane gas formed?

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