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Chapter 1 “Like a hand in glove”

I was sure that the majority of people are visual learners and we accept more information by
our vision. Recently I started implementing sketch noting into my learning, which is basically
taking notes with pictures and short notes. I have really noticed that I started to remember
more information than when I used to write long paragraphs. That is why it is very useful to
use different pictures and design in our classrooms while we introducing new topics. With the
help of pictures and graphics students understanding of the topic will be enhanced.
However, I was fascinated how graphics and design affect positively on our learning. After
reading this chapter I have got profound insight on the importance of making right design in
our classes and schools, including the things they use. With the help of beautiful environment
students will be engaged and motivated more into education. I remember when I use to work
as an intern in one of the Russian school back in Kazakhstan, our principal used to pay
attention on design a lot. At that time I could not understand why she does so, yet by reading
this chapter I could understand the deepest meaning of that.

Chapter 2 “Think like a designer; You are one”

As majority people I was always thinking that I cannot be a designer because I cannot draw
and I do not have creativity. However, with the help of social media and the internet world, I
think people start see other opportunities, so did I. Couple years ago I have started to change
my beliefs towards creativity and design. As a result, I became more aware of design. The
most important thing is design and art is completely different. Design is finding a solution
towards some problems.
In order to make design done, he or she needs to follow some steps, such as finding a
problem, researching, coming up with different ideas, visualizing and implementing.
Furthermore, it is very important to change mindset and belief that I cannot design or I am
not a creative person. I guess all people can do design, we have to be just curious to explore,
look around, and brave to share our ideas.

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