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What is Technology-based art?

- Technology-based art is
essentially computer-generated
and/or manipulated.
Through the centuries, visual artists
used actual brushes and palettes, and a
whole array of paints, inks, and natural
pigments applied to paper, canvas, fabric,
walls and ceilings.
Today’s computer artists
employ the ever-expanding powers of
image manipulation programs and
applications to create their works
which can appear in an entire range of
media—whether as a physical output
or a virtual experience.
- make use of electronic and mechanical
devices, rather than the artist’s own hand,
to produce the desired images and effects.
Thus, these are definitely technology-based
art forms.
- In recent decades, personal gadgets such
as laptops, tablets, and android phones
have incorporated the artistic capabilities of
the large-scale computers. So it is now
possible for anyone to be a digital artist.
Computer/Digital Art
- Mobile phone (photos/Videos)
- Digital Photography
- Digital Painting
- Computer Generated Images
- Videos (TV and Film)
The mobile phone that you
constantly hold has evolved from a mere
communication tool, into a creative
device that allows you to generate
original works of art for an entire range
of purposes.
These could be personal
photographs and videos that you can
manipulate with a myriad special effects,
both visual as well as
sound and music.
They could also be school
projects or reports that require you to
combine images, incorporate text, even
include simple animation.
And the wonder of it all is that
you can do all these right on your
own mobile devices, particularly the
new-generation models known as
android tablets, phones, and
combination of both called
The tasks that traditional photo
editors used to perform manually—
cropping, retouching, airbrushing—are
now just a few of the many editing effects
done for you with split-second ease at the
click of a mouse, a keyboard command, or
a few taps and drags of your finger on a
touch screen.
You are probably already familiar with
the following image manipulation
programs and applications that run
on today’s android devices:
– a powerful, free online image editor
– allows you to make collages incorporating
photos, stickers, text, and frames
- a downloadable application for android phones that
allows you to make collages out of images from your
photo gallery.
- an iPad application (with a free downloadable
version) that enables you to ‘doodle’ on your images
using available stickers.
– a downloadable application that allows you to ‘bring
your photos to life’ in short videos set to music of
your choice
– a fast and fun way to share images with others; snap a photo,
choose from among the available filters, and share via
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more.
Computer-generated image (CGI) can be
defined as any image that is created
with the use of a computer-based
processor or program.

Because computers nowadays are so

widely used, these images are therefore
remarkably pervasive.
Computer-generated images are
difficult to identify because many
images are processed using a
Being so it is generally
understood that mere incorporation,
alteration and enhancement of
images and basic properties such as
brightness, contrast, and colors are
not necessarily computer generated.
What is
- Is recording the image using a
digital camera or a device with a
built-in camera, like your mobile
phone, android device, or tablet.
Today’s users have the option of a “point-
and-shoot” type of digital camera which
automatically makes all the adjustments in lighting,
focus, zoom-in and zoom-out, even removal of “red
eye” with the user being given some leeway for slight
It offers image enhancement features like adjusting
color and brightness imbalances, as well as
sharpening or blurring the image. It may
even offer unique effects like “fish eye” or filters
that allow pre-setting of the photo
to be taken with a colored tint or a special texture
Plus, it allows the user to immediately review the
photos taken without waiting for a complex
developing process—and to delete any unsatisfactory
images while storing the good ones for future needs.
A second option is the digital single lens reflex
(DSLR) camera. This also provides
the film-less and instant review features of a “point-
and-shoot” type of digital camera,
but gives the photographer much more artistic
freedom and control to select the camera settings to
create the desired final image with the preferred
visual effects.
Being so it is generally
understood that mere incorporation,
alteration and enhancement of
images and basic properties such as
brightness, contrast, and colors are
not necessarily computer generated.

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