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UNIT 4 : Management and Operations

LO 1: Differentiate between the role of a Leader and the function of the Manager.

Task 1: Prepare a report that introduces the organization and its management structure



In 1948 it was incorporated as Honda motor company and started producing motorcycles in 1949. Small
engine motorcycle Honda C-100 was introduced in 1953 and by 1959 it was the largest-selling
motorcycle in the globe. The company’s other products include farm machinery and small engines.
Honda motor company is a Japanese manufacturer company of motorcycles and a major producer of
auto mobiles in world market.

It is a major Japanese exporter to the United States and other parts of the world.

The company has its plants all over the world. These plants are located in China, the United States,
Pakistan, Canada, England, Japan, Belgium, Brazil, México, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia,
India, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Taiwan, Perú and Argentina. In July 2010 89% of
Honda and aura vehicles sold in the uNIted states were built in North American plants, up to
82.2% a year earlier.

Honda's Net Sales and Other Operating Revenue by Geographical Regions in 2007[24]

Geographic Region Total revenue (in millions of ¥)

Japan 1,681,190

North America 5,980,876

Geographic Region Total revenue (in millions of ¥)

Europe 1,236,757

Asia 1,283,154

Others 905,163

For the fiscal year 2018, Honda reported earnings of US$9.534 billion, with an annual revenue
of US$138.250 billion, an increase of 6.2% over the previous fiscal cycle. Honda's shares
traded at over $32 per share, and its market capitalization was valued at US$50.4 billion in
October 2018.

Revenue Net income Total Assets

Year Employees
in mil. USD$ in mil. USD$ in mil. USD$

2005 77,851 4,376 83,853

2006 89,172 5,373 95,145

2007 99,784 5,331 108,329

2008 108,026 5,400 113,540

2009 100,112 1,370 118,189

2010 92,655 3,052 125,594

2011 107,242 6,762 138,851

2012 100,941 2,820 149,616

2013 119,523 4,443 164,988 190,338

2014 118,425 5,741 156,220 198,561

2015 121,286 4,636 167,675 204,730

2016 121,190 2,860 151,303 208,399

2017 130,193 5,734 176,311 211,915

2018 138,250 9,534 174,143 215,638

Prepare a report that introduces the organization and its management structure.

What is a management structure?

Organizational structure decides how the jobs, power and obligations are relegated, controlled, and
composed, and how data streams between the various dimensions of the board.

It is the hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority, communications, rights and duties of an


A structure depends on the organization’s objectives and strategy.

The management structure of an organization is accomplished reinforce our business aims.

An organizational structure establishes the framework for how an organization works. It is a lot
of approaches and decides that decides:

How an association controls and delegates errands and obligations

How choices are made and executed all through all aspects of an association

How data streams inside an association.

In a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and
divisions may have different degrees of independence .

Management structure of Honda Motor Company:

Honda has a tall structure within their association. Honda attempts to spread the control of their
association uniformly over the majority of their specializations. Honda feels that nobody office ought to
have enough capacity to run the organization. The official committee is at the highest point of Hondas
authoritative structure.

CEO of the company is also the member of board of directors which are 8 in number.

The management team consists of Vice Presidents Technical and Marketing and a CFO and then there
are 9 General Managers.
Quality Assurance, Sales, After sales, Marketing, HR and Admin, Panning, Supply chain, Production and
What is leadership?

The holding ability of a company’s management to set and achieve challenging goals, take fast decisions
when needed, inspire others and perform at the highest level they can to make good results is called
leadership. A leader has the quality outperform the competition and set higher objectives. People with
strong leadership skills often rise to executive seats such as CEO, CFO, CCO, President and Chairman.

Leadership implies various things to various individuals around the globe, and various things in various

Leadership is about how you need to go to “win” as a team or an organization which is only possible if
the leader has the skill of mapping and planning to achieve a certain goal.

A leader should have following qualities:

. positivity

. self- confidence

. Passion

. motivation

. enthusiasm

Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager

Roles of a leader:
Required at all levels: leadership is a capacity which is significant at all dimensions of the executives. In
the top dimension, it is significant for getting co-operation in definition of plans and strategies. In the
center and lower level, it is required for interpretation and execution of plans and projects encircled by
the top administration. Leadership can be practiced through direction and advising of the subordinates
at the time of execution of plans.

Representation of the organization: a manager is said to be the representative of the enterprise. His job
is to convey the justification of the endeavor to outside open. He is additionally illustrative of the claim
division which he leads.

Integrates and reconciles the personal goals with organizational goals: A leader through initiative
attributes helps in integrating the individual objectives of the representatives with the organizational
objectives. He is attempting to co-ordinate the endeavors of individuals towards a typical reason and in
this way accomplishes goals. This should be possible just on the off chance that he can impact and get
willing co-task and desire to achieve the goals.

He solicits support: A leader is a manager furthermore that he is an individual who engages and
welcomes backing and co-operation of subordinates. This he can do by his identity, insight, development
and experience which can give him certain outcome. In such manner, a pioneer needs to welcome
recommendations and if conceivable execute them into plans and projects of big business. Along these
lines, he can request full help of employees which results in eagerness to work and consequently
viability in running of a concern.

The role of a leader also includes to set and interpret the meaning of objectives, to create alignment on
objectives and strategies. A leader should build task commitment and optimism so that they achieve the
goals that have been set.

Lo2: Apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager in given contexts

Roles of a manager:

Interpersonal roles:
A manager needs to play out certain obligations as a nonentity. He may get the visitors from outside or
manage a social capacity of Employees. He may need to sign some authoritative archives as Head of the
Organization. These are the jobs played as nonentity. He has likewise to go about as leader when he
needs to deal with the exercises of subordinates. He has not exclusively to persuade the Employees but
on the other hand is associated with Hiring, Firing and Discipline representatives. The third job in
relational jobs is of liasoning. He needs to contract outside organizations for gathering business related
data. The outside data suppliers might be people or gatherings.

Informational roles:

All managers are required to perform informational jobs. They need to gather data from organizations
outside their own. Managers additionally assume the job of disseminators when they supply data to
subordinates in the association. This data is true just as with translations to serve clients. A manager
goes about as a representative when he speaks to the organizations to outsiders.

Decisional roles:

A Manager starts and regulates new undertakings for the improvement of hierarchical execution, this is
the enterprising pretended by him. As unsettling influence handler, Manager takes remedial activities
because of already unexpected issues. He additionally goes about as asset distribution when he allots
and screens the portion of human, physical, and fiscal assets. He goes about as a moderator when he
examines and deals with different gatherings to pick up bit of leeway for his own unit.

Table. Mintzberg’s Different Managerial Roles

Common traits shared by managers and leaders:

Traits of a leader:




Ability to challenge

Communication skills

Traits of a manager:

Being able to execute a vision

Ability to direct

Process management

People focused

Is a good manager automatically a good leader? What is the difference between leadership and

The primary contrast among Leaders and Managers is that Leaders have individuals follow them while
Managers have individuals who work for them.
A Successful Business owner should be both a solid Leader and Manager to get their group on board to
tail them towards their vision of progress. Authority is tied in with getting individuals to comprehend
and trust in your vision and to work with you to accomplish your objectives while Managing is
increasingly about regulating and ensuring the everyday things are occurring as they should.

7 types of leadership styles:

Auto-cractic leadership style:

In this style, the Leader settles on every one of the choices with no interview with subordinates or
colleagues. He makes all the essential calls which are then imparted to colleagues and they are relied
upon to deal with the directions right away. the leader is the ultimate decision-maker in an autocratic
leadership style.

Democratic leadership style:

The Democratic Leadership Style is increasingly participative in nature where the pioneer includes
colleagues while settling on basic choices. It functions admirably for an association where colleagues are
exceedingly gifted and experienced. The best piece of this sort of Leadership Style is that the
correspondence is dynamic Upward to Downward. Additionally called Participative Leadership, it requires
the pioneer to be smart, inventive, accommodating, and skilled.

Transactional leadership style:

it is a standout amongst the best Leadership Styles that doesn't lead legitimately however by implication.
In this Leadership Style, pioneers are progressively similar to mentors or instructors which includes
training or managing colleagues. It is a moderately present day administration style that is being utilized
all the more regularly by numerous associations.

Strategic leadership style:

This Leadership Style empowers you to make a group of colleagues which are well-prepared and well-
outfitted to manage unanticipated dangers and dangers. Vital Leadership Style additionally makes more
pioneers and that is the thing that authority is about.

Transformational leadership style:

Transformational Leadership centers around defining high objectives with severe due dates and working
as one to achieve them on schedule. Along these lines Transformational Leaders set testing desires for
themselves and the group to accomplish outstanding outcome.

Laissez-faire leadership style:

Laissez-faire leadership style gives the most extreme extension for advancement and adaptability. It
works best for the innovative groups having self-spurred and experienced people who don't necessitate
that dimension of supervision and invigilance. Mahatma Gandhi was a laissez-faire leader
who believed that people work best when they are not told what to do but encouraged to work on their

Bureaucratic leadership style:

They are self-motivated, passionate, and confident. Leadership style like this can be used to build a
powerful standing in the marketplace and gain a huge fan-following using their strong self-image.

Management theories:

Contingency theory:

Contingency Theory was developed by sociologist Joan Woodward after she examined why some
companies performed better than others. Contingency theorists argue that each organizational
circumstance is unique and as a result management approaches should be selected and applied based
on the specific situation at hand.

System theory:

System theory sees the board as an interrelated segment of the association. Rather than survey the
association as a progression of storehouses, every office is a piece of a general framework or living
being. The executives must help objectives and procedure streams that serve the by and large
authoritative wellbeing.
Chaos theory:

According to this, every part of a business has an effect on it; even a minute change can bring a huge
impact on the business. This leader also makes use of emotional intelligence to foresee the workers
attitudes and fix them in case there’s an issue.

Management by objectives:

It is the process of defining specific objectives within an organization that management can convey to
organization members, then deciding on how to achieve each objective in sequence. This process allows
mangers to take work that needs to be done one step at a time to allow for a calm, yet productive work

This comparison should be applied to Honda motor and other organizations from the automobile

Role leader:

The CEO of Honda Motor Company is Takahiro Hachigo since June 2015. He is a Japanese engineer and a
business man who is now the CEO of the Honda Motor Company. He was the manager officer at Honda
at started his career at Honda as a chassis engineer. Honda has the reputation of being the largest
producer of internal combustion engines reaching an impressive figure of 15 million in 2012.
It also is the eighth biggest automobile manufacturer in the world, an industry into which it
had a very late entry. In 2012, Honda had more than $99 billion in revenues out of which $3
was the yearly profit. It has more than 175,000 employees located in various parts of the
World. As of 2013 it has released more than thirty models of cars bettering its performance
year after year. Honda grew very rapidly because of the hard work and consistency of the
leaders in the company.

The assembling and dispersing arrangement of Honda are likewise hotspots for the progression of
Honda. With the worldwide system, Honda's worldwide procedures by one way or another incorporate
the globalization trademark. Honda has built up free nearby task the world over and pushed
neighborhood self-governance and proactive endeavors to limit the necessities provincial with common
comprehension. The challenge among Honda and others accelerate step by step. This is by one way or
another convey the success/lose trademark.

Operational strategy:
Honda works in the overall market – with 134 generation offices in 28 nations and at 31 R&D offices in
15 nations, around 167000 Honda representatives and partners serve 23 million clients worldwide every
year. Honda's worldwide activities are partitioned into 6 managerial districts in charge of working.
Procuring and connecting with the general population and altruistic activities locally in the networks that
Honda works. Honda is driving the freedom of their nearby administration and deals activities, in the
meantime with coordinating and forward-looking arrangement for every locale. They work under the
lead rules that help part organizations and partners in assessing and overseeing dangers, consenting to
laws and guidelines, keeping an abnormal state of straightforwardness in operational dimension, that is
all to amplify the overall consumer loyalty.

Individual strategy:

The Joy of buying:- the Honda’s associates must try their best to exceed the customers’ expectation.

The joy of selling:- which concern not only about the relationship between the dealers and their
customers, but they also feel the pride of having a positive relationship with their customers.

The joy of producing:- comes from manufacturing, research and development. by producing quality
products that satisfy customers worldwide, the Honda’s employees can experience pride in exceeding
the expectation of their customers.

That all bring the strategies of Honda from their enterprise level, through corporation, business,
operational level, to individual strategy level, that spread the Honda’s strategic spirit throughout the

SWOT analysis of Honda:


 Its strength is high innovation

 Its strength is manufacturing different products
 Strong brand equity
 Market share leadership


 It has high cost structure

 It has high deposit structure where It differs from Toyota and Nissan.
 Some cars are very high in cost so that only some people can buy.

 Due to high interest from customers into more fuel efficient and lower pollution cars, Honda
can use its strength in high R&D to develop these kind of cars to suit customer’s needs.


 less rate competitors or imports

 economic slow down
 There may be external changes like government, taxes, politics.
 Price wars.

The situational and contingency theories can focus on the following factors:

Task requirements:

Under this approach the team is given specific tasks to be accomplished and it’s the outcome of the
effort that is rewarded. Objectives are met easily utilizing the MBO approach and sales of Honda Motor
Company can increase manifold.

Peer expectations and behavior:

As seen through the history of Honda Motors the organization has been through many changes and is
always evolving. Under such circumstances it’s not unusual that the organizational behavior can witness
changes as a new team’s are formulated and new power and politics elements can creep into the team.

Organizational and culture policies:

It may be debatable but the Autocrartic leadership style and situational management approach could
set the direction right and give great strength to Honda Motors. Honda motors are very prized asset so
they need to be given a treatment that they love their Organizational culture and policies.

Critically analyze and evaluate the different theories and approaches to leadership in given contexts:

The leadership skills of Takahiro Hachigo has led organization from one to many and yet another
success. The charismatic leadership style have the vision and translate the goals in to actionable plans
that Honda motor did and is now a multi-billion company.

Transactional leadership can also help when you are facing circumstances like Kawasaki so that you
could at least bring your company back on your feet but that opportunity was also lost by them later.
Now Honda motor has made its mark in the market and is moving towards excellence in a Democratic
leadership style that enables people working for the organization have a say in its affairs can further
boost the operations of the company. This howsoever has to be coupled by a controlled management
framework where the leaders themselves should keep managing the day to day affairs of the company.

Lo3: Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the operations function of
an organization

Approaches are used to understand the operation management better. These approaches help
in analysing the situation in the organization and taking actions accordingly. These approaches
are explained below in detail.

Just in time: This method helps in focusing on the process of production. The production
process is to be completed on time with the set targets. The manufacturing system is to be
finished on time with the set goals. This facilitates in obtaining the outcomes set earlier in
making plans. With the assist of lowering the wastage of assets and the usage of them to its
complete ability, the method can emerge as just in time. Moreover, equipment and tolls are
being taken care which will make the producing accurate with preferred effects.

Total quality time: Total Quality Time is the process which helps in planning for a long period
of time to get success. The achievement outcomes for a longer time frame and helps in earning
a profit. This additionally helps in keeping the first-rate in conjunction with a fee of the product
and offerings presented by means of the Honda Motor Company.

Lean production: This theory tells about the best methods to be used to get the results or
output. The output is being affected by various factors. The managers and the leaders make the
personnel privy to the efficient use of assets and to reduce the wastage. This method improves
the productivity of the work and allows the personnel to enhance upon the abilties.

Role of leader:

The function of the leader is to examine the wishes and preference of the employees and to encourage
them therefore.

The leader has to work on increasing the capability and productivity of the employees.
The leader has to attend to the route to expose to the personnel for you to walk upon it and obtain the
desired effects.

Role of manager:

The role of the manager is to recruit the skilled and expertise candidate which will put them on the
vacancy. The supervisor has to position the proper character in the right place at the proper time.

To manage the resource in step with their talents and capability.

To look after the sports to be completed on time at the side of the desired results.

Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives:

In an organization, the cost and importance of the operation management are to be understood with a
purpose to acquire the favored effects. The company Honda has to understand and examine the
significance and cost of the operation supervisor in attaining business goals.

Increasing revenue: The operation management allows in making an growth within the ratio of the
income and calculating it. The increase inside the earnings enables in expanding the business in distinct
areas and to seize another phase of the market. increasing income also results within the making new
goals and accomplishing them.

Trends in the market: Each new day some or the alternative tendencies arises inside the marketplace.
those trends are crucial to acquire and work upon them. The Honda Motor company has to take is steps
in line with those traits in order that product and offerings can be manufactured and clients can be
made satisfied. moreover, it also helps in retaining the employees for the longer time frame.

Increasing sale: Operating management helps in increasing sale of the product and services by
conducting research about the new techniques and competitive advantage.

As discussed in the record that the managers and the leaders play their great roles in the Honda Motor
company. This relationship of the managers and the leaders enables in the employer to fulfill out the
desired output and to use the resources in keeping with its capability and potential. The decision making
enables in comparing each scenario and analyzing the sources. The wishes and desire of the worker and
the clients are being analyzed and being fulfilled in step with the marketplace conditions. proper
planning is being executed so that the implementation of the sports can carry correct effects and
efficiency of the personnel may be maintained. planning for the value and funds is being evaluated well
in Honda.

Evaluate how leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management to
successfully meet business objectives.

Leaders can increase operational efficiencies of operational management to

successfully meet business objectives by the following steps:


Empowering remote personnel to work productively- The leaders should empower their staffs to supply
on the highest ranges at the same time as working remotely as one of the high-quality methods to
empower personnel is to empower team individuals to produce in a digital surroundings via get entry to
to digital non-public networks. these networks may be secured and accessed by using the personnel
where there may be internet get admission to, letting them paintings spherical the clock. operating in
this style permits personnel to work with more freedom and extra potential to work in greater creative
environment so one can in turn growth the worker output. This fulfils the objectives of the organization
concerning developing work productivity of the paintings pressure to satisfy the needs of the clients. it
could assist in the operation management because the workers are getting a flexibility to paintings in
their preferred hours and at favored locations which in flip will assist to hold the first-rate of the product
and assist in increasing the productivity of the employees and consequently leader and bosses ought to
attention on empowering employees to paintings remotely with the aid of growing and promotions
structures to paintings remotely. The leaders and the managers must undertake this technique so as to
develop a flexibility in the operations management.

Clearing Labour redundancies: it is very critical for a leader to abolish all of the useless hierarchical
positions that is present inside the lower tiers of the organizational shape for the duration of the route
of any vital responsibilities because the leaders will be directly capable of speak with the alternative
employees regarding the organizations objective to the personnel of the lower management without
the use of any in among sources as this guarantees the clean passage of the records and by making use
of this method the top control can even encounter the view factors and taking into account the lower
control regarding the enterprise’s decision directly without any middle dealers as this can assist in
developing a feel correct feeling inside the minds of the personnel so one can help in improving the
efficiencies in operational management within the corporation. This fulfils the objective of the
enterprise which is to appearance after the welfare in their staffs and employees. From the operational
management factor of view it facilitates in clearing all the in-effective and un-effective factors of the
manufacturing process which influences the productiveness of the personnel and the principle role of
the leaders and managers is to discover the redundancy issue and disposing of it from the production
procedures for you to make sure that the verbal exchange technique which is present inside the
companies is effective in nature which helps in preserving the efficiency and productiveness of the
operations management.

Improving collaboration: that is one of the foremost technique that each supervisor ought to follow to
increase efficiencies in operations management as it facilitates in enhancing the team work between the
employees which enables in right bonding and understanding of the personnel and as end result a
healthy work surroundings is created wherein the employees work freely by using helping in each
different work. This fulfils the objective of the company concerning promoting co-operation and co-
ordination within the company and from the factor of view of the operational management it'll be
beneficial because it will broaden the conversation method inside the manufacturing manner which will
benefit inside the operations management as the speed of the manufacturing technique will increase
due to progressed expertise and collaboration of the personnel.

How leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management

to successfully meet business objectives?

Transformation of raw material into finished goods and services: This model
indicates the converting of raw material into finished goods with delivering of products
and services provided to the clients. The transformation might be executed for analysing
the options. The Transformation brings the modifications for creating the inventory
manipulate and the device measure for meeting the emblem expectancies in increasing
the employer because the complete.

the most duty of the chief and the manager is to transform the effective goods for the
production into the completed goods for increasing pride for the analysing the
operations. How leaders and executives can enhance efficiencies of operational
management to efficaciously meet commercial enterprise goals

process design: process design is the system for remodeling the raw material into
completed items and improving the sector components of the organization. The process
design will assist the procedure for increasing the outcomes through the efficiency and
managing the results for growing initiation inside the formative way.

Lo 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between leadership and

management in a contemporary business environment.

There are a number of of things which affect the operational control and selection making of the
Honda Motor company. those elements affect the organization in achieving the objectives and
goals, in keeping with the modifications, the positive and negative choices are being taken by the
leaders and executives. these factors are being discussed below:

Resources of the organization: In an employer, many assets are to be had and work
collectively. The assets work within the corporation Honda such as human resources and raw
material. those sources are to be managed in a proper and systematic way so one can take its
proper use and to take the right choice. The productivity and performance of the employee have
an effect on the decision and operational management of the company Honda.

Financial status: The financial status and resources of Honda help the leaders and managers to
make right techniques and to work in a proper course. The decisions related to the value of the
product and services provided to the clients and the investments carried out in Honda are being
affected by the cash flow and income and so on.

Market trends: each new day new tendencies are being evaluated in the marketplace. those
trends are to be analyzed in the market properly and enables in comparing the requirements of
the clients and the employer. The market trends if analyzed properly bring achievement in the
organization and a vice-versa case.

Stakeholders: The stakeholders include personnel, clients, suppliers, investors and so on. The
buyers are the people who invest only when they get desired interest and earnings to be earned.

Legal and political changes: A legal change affects the choices of the organization Honda taken
through the leaders and managers. those adjustments are the adjustments made in the policies
being imposed on the organizations and affect the planning being achieved in Honda. right here,
the leader has the role to predict the future modifications and manager fulfil its roles via
arranging and managing the resources.

Technological changes: The technological adjustments stand up within the external environment
on each new day. these adjustments are to be followed through Honda when the leaders and
managers predict the modifications and plans for the future.

Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon operational
management and decision-making by leaders and managers.

The business surroundings receives affected by some of external elements which impacts the
operations of the business and additionally the choice making a part of the corporation. therefore
it's miles very vital from an organization’s point of view to identify the influences of the outside
factors on the enterprise environment in order that it can adopt appropriate techniques and
policies to reduce the influences of the outside factors at the operations of the business and
additionally inside the decision making part of the employer. The diverse outside elements which
are identified are political, financial, social, technological, environmental and legal.

CSR: or Corporate Social responsibility is defined as a business approach that

contribute to the sustainable development by delivering economic, social and
environmental benefits to all its stakeholders. The leadership and management in an
organization have a great role to play in context of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The organization ought to additionally make certain that the natural resources are used according
of the demand of the scenario and consequently the manufacturing method should be controlled
so that you can not to provide extra products via putting most pressure despite the fact that it isn't
needed and the CSR policy need to also make certain that they do no longer make a contribution
to the boom of pollution level of a particular place by way of its activities and rather they must
awareness on lowering the pollution stages of that area.

Culture is described as ideas, customs and social behaviour of people of a specific place. The
way of life of an area affects the business environment in a right away way because the company
identifies the culture of a place and designs their products in line with the culture of that location.
culture also performs an essential function in operations management as throughout the operation
system the culture of the work force of the humans are taken into consideration and therefore
strategies are devised to increase the effectiveness of the work force of a selected culture.

The relationship of the leader and manager is to take care of each worker need and preference.
Additionally they deal with the goal of the agency Honda. The leader and the manager have their
personal roles and obligations which help in analyzing the business surroundings and to take
decisions properly. The leaders predict the future trends and the managers deal with the
resources. On one hand the leaders examine the hazard gift in the market. on the other hand, the
managers allocate the resources to each activity.

The power of the managers is being decentralized to the subordinates in order that according to
the task and activities allotted to them, they can use the power and take decisions. This power
and decisions help in the fulfilling the goal and goals of the enterprise Honda. The leaders lead
the teams and personnel. The employees observe the route proven through the leader and work at
the activities allocated by using the managers.

Various applications of operations management and the elements play a negative and positive
impact at the commercial enterprise surroundings. these elements along with cost, first-rate etc.
are being evaluated properly so that techniques may be made effective and results in reaching the
objective of the organization Honda. these elements help the business enterprise in growing its
price within the market and satisfying the customers. excessive value and low product best
dissatisfies the customers and breaks their loyalty.

The applications act a drawback in reaching the goals and objective. The programs result in
taking a choice in the organization Honda. It also results in the wastage of the resources and put
off within the work because of the incorrect decision and making wrong analyses of the business


That is being concluded from the report that the company Honda is using centralized company
shape to distribute the power most of the employees. This power is being distributed among the
individuals of the organization in step with their roles and obligations. by way of using
extraordinary theories and models, the role of the chief is being understood. by using analyzing
the strength and weakness of the theories and models these theories are used within the
organization Honda. The significance of operation control is being analyzed within the agency
Honda. With the theories, approaches, models, and fee of operation management, correct
decisions are taken which helps inside the growth of the organization and in earning a profit. At
ultimate, the relationship between a frontrunner and manager impacts the business internal


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i erent types of

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