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LBEB Tactical Athlete Program( w/ the assistance of Dave “Knuckles” Libbey)

Week 1:
Day 1:

Starting w/ empty bar, use 10lb jumps to find a 2 rep overhead press

Work up to 2 rep one-arm dumbbell clean and press (one clean + 2 press for each arm)

Starting with feet on a 24” box 150 pushups (Break into as few sets as possible, with as little
rest as possible, finish any way you can, scale if necessary)

Day 2:

Taking no more than 30lb jumps, work up to 3RM for deficit axle deadlift (Stand on two
plates) (Use straps) 5x2 heavy sets of medium-width stance squats (Sit back into this one,
open up the hips)

four Max sets of pull-ups (if you can already do 20 in a set then do weighted pull-ups) Pull-
ups are not only on nearly every fitness test for TAs but we all know they are great for
strengthening the back.

Day 3:

15 sandbag squats, run 400m, 30 pushups (rest 3-5 mins between rounds, 5 rounds)

Day 1:

Starting w/ empty bar, use 10lb jumps to find a 5 rep max for bench press

Work up to 5RM push press with 20lb jumps

100 overhead two handed dumbbell extensions

Day 2:

Find 5RM front squat with 20-30lb jumps

Find 5RM snatch deadlift (use straps). Reset at bottom of each DL (Small jumps)

5X5 Pendlay rows, 5X20 box jumps (no more than 3mins rest between), 100 situps

Day 3:

Prowler push (push your car if you have to) find the maximum distance you can push from a
dead stop with your own body weight or start with 50m and work up to 100m repeat till
Day 4: 5 sets of max Russian KB swings in 60 seconds (rest 3 mins between rounds)

100m sprint, 10 burpees (8 rounds)

farmers DL or trap bar DL , max reps in 60sec with conventional deadlift weight (2 sets)

Week 3:
Day 1:

Using no more than 20lb jumps, find 8 rep max for the following lifts (press, close grip bench
press, seated press, decline bench)


Farmers walk 50m X5, with 30second rest if available use sand bags or ammo cans, lateral
step-ups use same weight, be as explosive as possible.

Day 3:

no more than 40lb jumps, work up to 5 rep clean deadlift max Med stance squat, find 8 rep
max sumo RDL 3x12 medium weight (straps)

Day 4:

Bear hug heavy sandbag and do max rep squats until you fall on your ass (repeat 3x)

30 second hill sprint, 30 seconds walk for 15 minutes

max sandbag clean and jerk in 60 secs ( Knuckles note: one of the best TA lifts EVER) (3

Day 5:
alternating 400m Sprints/jog for 1.5 miles

Week 4: (deload)

Day 1:

3x5 med-light push press

3x5 medium close grip bench
100 pushups

Day 2:
2x7 medium weight high bar squats
3x6 medium weight axle deadlifts
3x15 bicep curls
Box jumps sets of 10 until your shins bleed

Day 3:

Max out farmers walk with turn

Max KB swings in 60 secs with 2pood KB, repeat 3 times
Week 3:
Day 1: Using no more than 20lb jumps, find 8 rep max for the following lifts (press, close grip
bench press, seated press, decline bench)

Day2: Farmers walk 50m X5, with 30second rest if available use sand bags or ammo cans,
lateral step-ups use same weight, be as explosive as possible.

Day 3: no more than 40lb jumps, work up to 5 rep clean deadlift max Med stance squat, find 8
rep max sumo RDL 3x12 medium weight (straps)

Day 4: Bear hug heavy sandbag and do max rep squats until you fall on your ass (repeat 3x) 30
second hill sprint, 30 seconds walk for 15 minutes max sandbag clean and jerk in 60 secs (
Knuckles note: one of the best TA lifts EVER) (3 rounds)

Day 5: alternating 400m Sprints/jog for 1.5 miles

Week 4: (deload)
Day 1: 3x5 med-light push press 3x5 medium close grip bench 100 pushups
Day 2: 2x7 medium weight high bar squats 3x6 medium weight axle deadlifts 3x15 bicep curls
Box jumps sets of 10 until your shins bleed
Day 3: Max out farmers walk with turn Max KB swings in 60 secs with 2pood KB, repeat 3 times




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