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Numb No More
By: Kim Pottle

First of all, I’m not a fan of reading. But this book made my perspective on reading in a way
changed. Anyways, So you might all wondering why I chose Numb no More when there are plenty of books
to choose from plus it is all about addiction. The book itself is simple yet inspiring. In one book,
thousands of emotions are compiled like... Courage, Hope, & Bravery. We all know that addiction is
a serious matter.

To give you a little background of the story, This story of gambling addiction exposes the negative
desires to escape numbness. Plus it is written from an addict’s perspective to be a successful source
of help.

A lady named Jane, At the age of 21, She was introduced into a world of casino gambling by her
Mother named Amber. Amber isn’t a traditional mother as you all know. She was raised by her
grandparents. At the age of 12, There were no times for her to be a kid, She was handed a great
responsibility . She was more needed by her grandpa in times of her mom not being around. Amber haven’
t showed any interests into her daughter’s life in short she was unwanted. There are times that
she waited hour long because she wasn’t old enough to go in. So she had to stay outside while her
mom was gambling.

But on his 21 it’s way more different. On her 21 years of existence, She hadn’t took a droplet
of alcohol & a pinch of cigarette, gambling either. It wasn’t her interest. She knew to herself
that she never wanted to be like her mom, But Amber, her mom taught him addiction.

Her grandparents were old & ailing. Her Grandmother is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease while
her Grandpa is slowing down due to an old age of 90yrs. After that, Her grandma didn’t make it &
passed away. Then, they moved her grandpa into a home for the aged. Sadly, An accident had its place
at the home for the aged causing her grandpa dead. She filed lawsuits for the death & court. But
Jane doesn’t have the strength for taking it into a trial, The strength of taking it alone.

After She went through a tragic misfortune, Her beloved cats died about years apart. In short
period of time she had lost everything.

On her journey, She realized that there is still something on her life. Leading her to apply
the Stepping Stones:

 Stop, Listen & Learn: hear what is says & choose to learn & grow from it.

 Plant seeds to grow: plant positive thoughts in your mind that will grow into blossoming plants.

 Exercise: helps you to feel good

 Take your DOSE: Do something else

 Snap out of it: Guide yourself into a positive direction

Now that you’ve know her story, You’ve indeed discovered how to achieve freedom. The process
might be slow & bumpy, But trust the process, It will be worth it. Make the choice you’re not going
to settle for anything less than the best anymore.

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