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Love Poems

Never Like This

I’ve held others before,
But it was never like this,
Where my body inhales you
And quivers with bliss,
Where my senses are reeling
From the strength of desire,
And if I can’t have you soon,
I’ll be consumed by the fire.
By Karl Fuchs
Love poetry should make the recipient feel treasured. This free
rhyming romantic true love poem is a love rhyme that could
also be used as a relationship poem.
If Not For You
If not for you, I wouldn’t know
What true love really meant.
I’d never feel this inner peace;
I couldn’t be content.
If not for you, I’d never have
The pleasures of romance.
I’d miss the bliss, the craziness,
Of love’s sweet, silly dance.
I have to feel your tender touch;
I have to hear your voice;
No other one could take your place;
You’re it; I have no choice.
If not for you, I’d be adrift;
I don’t know what I’d do;
I’d be searching for my other half,
Incomplete, if not for you.
By Joanna Fuchs
Love poetry can describe a fulfilling relationship. This love
verse does that. You can attach this to a romantic gift or put it
in your own love card.
Black background with fireworks. Erotic love poem,
My Everything
Bonded to you in emotional bliss,
united in physical rapture,
I realize my dreams and fantasies.
Engulfed in contentment
and satisfaction,
I know heaven in your arms.
My intense hunger nourished,
deep yearnings fulfilled,
I am open to you in total trust.
You are my refuge,
my everything
By Joanna Fuchs
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Author's Choice
Some years ago, when I thought about starting a poetry site, I
prayed about it. "Lord," I said, "I'm about to write a poem,
and if you want me to go ahead with this poetry site idea, make
it a really good one." I started writing, and in a short time,
"Creatures of the Fire" was done. I looked at it and just knew I
had the go ahead from God. Technically, it's the best poem I've
ever written, with its internal rhyme and metaphors. I loved it
then, and it's still my favorite.
Creatures of the Fire
We swan-dive into the volcano, burning;
We’re creatures of the fire,
Mingled male and female, yearning
For the heat, the sweet explosion of desire.
I splash into the pleasure, all consuming;
I’m joyfully insane,
My passion for you deep, and fully blooming;
Long after, sweet warm flickers still remain.
You make my body sizzle with your kisses,
And yet there’s so much more;
My heart is kindled, too; It knows what bliss is,
This closeness that I’ve never felt before.
My body and my heart belong to you;
I’m peaceful and complete.
I see more adventures coming for we two,
We creatures of the tender fire and heat.

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