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Once upon a time, there was a monkey who lived in the forest. We call him, Jackson.

He was alone
in the forest, because his parents were already died because of the hunter. But, he still had a
friend. His friend’s name was Po. Everyday, they always played and look for food together.
Jackson likes eat banana and Po likes eat bamboo.

Someday, when they were playing together, they saw some people walked around the forest.
Jackson felt afraid, because he thought, that they were hunters. Then jackson asked po ;

“Po, do you see them? Who is that?”

“I don’t know, but I feel that they aren’t kind people. I think they want to do something bad to our

“But, I think they are hunters, I’m afraid. How if they want to kill me like they killed my parents?”

“Don’t worry Jack, they don’t bring any gun”

“Really? Ah, okay. Let’s go! Let’s find a foods, I’m hungry!”

“Okay! But Jack, we must still be careful if they come here again. We must control them”

“I see Po”

Jackson and Po decided to find some foods and keep away from that people.

In the next day. Jackson and Po saw the same people again in the forest. But the people were in
their way to left the forest. Jackson was a smart animal, he saw a paper on the ground. He thought,
he could find the plan of that people.

“They come again, but i think they are in their way to leave our forest. I’m so disappointed because
we are waiting for a long time and we can’t find any clue. Jack? Jackson?”. Po called Jackson but he
didn’t give an answer.

“Wait! I think i see something. Wow! I get it!”. Jackson ran as fast as he can and took the paper

“Jackson! What are you doing?!”. Jackson ignored his friend.

Jackson was back to Po and brought the paper in his hand.

“Po! Look! I get something!”

“What is it Jack?”

“I don’t know, just open it now!”

Po opened the paper. He was shocked.

“Jack..i think i’m right. They want to burn our forest and will build a lot of house here!”

“Really?! Let me see it!....Oh! they will do it tomorrow! We must do something!”

“What?! Tomorrow?”

They thought, thought and thought what would they do for stop that people plan. They must stop
it. If they couldn’t, they wouldn’t have the place for live and all people in the world couldn’t live
well without the forest. But they weren’t Jackson and Po if they couldn’t.

“Hi Po, how if we ask all of animals in this forest for..”. Jackson whispered his plan to Po

Po smiled. They did a high five and back to their home for prepared the plan.And of course! They
would ask to the all of animals for did the plan.

The day was came, Jackson, Po, and all animals were ready on theirself place. They hoped, it
could stop that people. After some minutes, the people walked into the forest and brought a lot of
tools for burn the forest.

Suddenly, the lion roared and make the people was fear. But they ignored it. Jack and all animals
still have a plan b. The Bear and lion ran together to make the people out from the forest and
never come back again.

And, they did it well! The people left their tools and runaway from the forest. Jack, Po, and all
animals were so grateful.

“Good Job friends! You’re the best! I hope that people never come here again for destroy our home!”

“Yes! That people is such a selfish people. How can they want to burn the forest? Don’t they know?
The Forest is important for our lifes and for their too! They must realized it!”

“You’re totally right Jack, the people should keep the forest and not destroy it!”

Finally, they could live without any disturb from the people who want to destroy the forest.
Jackson and Po or other animals want we do it too, keep the forest. So, we can live well and the
animals too.


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