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Selective breeding/Artificial breeding

It is the intentional breeding of organisms with desirable trait to produce off springs with similar
desirable characteristics of improved traits.
 Rules out weakness and disabilities
 Can produce fitter, stronger animals
 Can produce animals better suited to survive in poor climates or marginal conditions
 Can ensure the eradication of hereditary sickness in some bloodlines
 Produces more and better food products for humans
 Gets rid of variety
 Breeding for visually pleasing traits can result in implication of inherent sickness

Natural breeding

 Evolution is stupid.

It is not efficient. It is not intelligent. It is not all-powerful; it cannot see through the future. There is no
motor driving it to create amazing creatures.

It is, as we know, a mindless phenomenon of the survival of the fittest, and of them passing their genes.
However, the variation mutations cause that influence the chance of survivals is not what you think.
Generally, mutations don’t cause a fish to give birth to dolphins, or apes to humans. It is gradual. So
gradual that changes may not be detected for hundreds of generations - evolution takes millions of years.

 It is not proactive, and is only retroactive.

This is because the genes inherited, are able to be inherited, because they "worked", hence the parent
being able to reproduce successfully, etc.

The problem is that changes are sometimes too rapid to adjust to in this fashion, and, adaptations to a
long history of constant conditions, can lead to over specialization to be optimized to those
conditions....making it too hard to adapt to new conditions.

This is why ~ 99.9 % of all species that ever existed, have gone extinct.

A better design would have enabled proactive adaptations, to hit the ground running so to speak, when
the environment changes.

Alas, its impossible for evolution to not happen the way it does, because there is no mechanism to
magically make changes for conditions that did not yet happen, and ALSO account for the simple fact
that genes for what worked will STILL be what is passed on.
What are some of the factors that prevent natural selection from creating new kinds?
Answers will vary.
*The variety within kinds has definite boundaries, and natural selection itself produces no new
characteristics but acts on preexisting characteristics. Thus, natural selection plus genetic variety cannot
produce new kinds.

*Natural selection keeps a kind strong and healthy by suppressing harmful changes. As a result, it acts to
preserve existing kinds, not to create new kinds.
The limitations of natural selection

There are many reasons why natural selection may not produce a "perfectly-engineered" trait. For
example, you might imagine that cheetahs could catch more prey and produce more offspring if they
could run just a little faster. Here are a few reasons why natural selection might not produce perfection
or faster cheetahs:

Lack of necessary genetic variation

Selection can only operate on the available genetic variation. A cheetah might run faster if it had "faster"
alleles — but if faster alleles are not in the population from mutation or gene flow, evolution in this
direction will not happen

Faster cheetahs

Constraints due to history

Perhaps a different arrangement of leg muscles and bones would produce cheetahs that run faster —
however, the basic body form of mammals is already laid out in their genes and development in such a
mutually constrained way, that it is unlikely to be altered. There really may be "no way to get there from

Changing one feature for the better might change another for the worse. Perhaps faster alleles exist in
the cheetah population — but there is a trade-off associated with them: the alleles produce cheetahs with
longer legs (and hence more speed), but these long legs are hazardously delicate. Although longer limb
bones increase stride, their chances of failing due to bending loads increases as well. In this case,
perhaps no net increase in fitness would result from the faster alleles.
Trade-off between the safety factor and length of limb bone

So natural selection may not produce perfection, but you'd at least expect it to get rid of obviously
deleterious genes, wouldn't you?
However natural selection can only work when the individuals are different and have traits to select for
so in cases of breeding programs and captivity, this process is lost so the animals reproducing may not
be the best or the strongest or the fittest, this will then pass to the offspring producing disadvantaged
offspring and so on and so on through the generations

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