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An Inquiry to the Influence of Choosing the Strands among

the Students


Vitug, Ronalyn M.


Sierra, Anthonette
Tindoc, Aira
Tiquin, Jessalyn
Tividad, Ciara
Toledo, Evita
Tolentino, Crystelle
Trinidad, Anekiel





This research that was conducted by group 5 of ABM 16 was all about the
factors that influence a student when choosing the best strand for them.
The curriculum of K-12 is confusing the student; especially that it was all
new to us Filipinos. That’s why we came up to this topic to help the
students decide for the strand they’re going to take up. In this research we
also want to know the insights of the students if they really want the strand
that they are in or are it because of some factors and we want to know
what those are. And we think that this research is a big help to the
upcoming senior high school students to acquire the knowledge they
needed in order for them to be in the right strand for the course they want
to take in their college life.



Now in the modern world, it’s getting harder for the students who are going to step
forward to their senior high school life, especially to the path that they are going to
pursue. And its curriculum is new to the Filipinos that made it harder for us. Decision
making in the teenage years is confusing especially in choosing the course that they are
going to take in college. Students still don’t know what career they should take, that’s
why they are still confused about the strand that they will take in senior high because
they should be consistent and serious about it because they are going to engage with it
to the rest of their lives. Everyone is claiming to collect information about certain things
than risking immediately. Collecting, gathering, and making an official effort to
determine the influences of choosing a strand is necessary for students to finalize their
chosen strand. What are the possible influences? One of the primarily caused is the
external factors and the different social influences. External factors including parental
preferences, family considerations, financial constraints, and peer pressure while in
social influences like compliance, identification, persuasion, and conformity. These
influences create a conflict to what one’s thoughts about his/her chosen strands. The
direct interaction of the student in their social relationship pushes them to believe the
other. As the attachment to these important people strengthen the more the conflict
between his/her decision and to other decision arises. This influence is indeed can
make a huge effect on a student, it can be positively recognized the student’s most
suitable strand or can negatively bring them more in confusion. It creates changes in the
student’s real plan. A lot of question is destroying a one’s mind but other than that as an
individual with own thinking still considered his/her personal factors, limitations,
strengths, weaknesses, and personality trait before stating a final strand. Conducting
decision making, being responsible, self-consciousness, and being realistic is the bit
better to determine the best strand for them.


Significance of an inquiry to the influence of choosing the strands among the students
includes the following: (1) they can decide of what strands they are going to choose
once they reach SHS (Senior High School). (2) Also the students in grade 10 can
prepare for the upcoming grade 11. (3) They can plan and think properly whether to
choose the strand that they want to choose or not because they already asked the
batch of the SHS students about it. And if they already chose the strand that they want,
they will not regret choosing it. (4) Students in grade 10 level will not be shocked once
they step in SHS level because they already have background information about the
strands that they choose. (5) So that they would know if the strand that they took up will
be aligned to their college course and it will help them to have advance knowledge.


 What will happen to the students who want to shift their strand but don’t have
enough money for summer class?
 For instance a student is having a hard time in choosing between two strands,
what should the student consider to choose the final and right track for them?
 Are the students fully aware about the opportunities that surround their career?

As we gather our results a student who wants to shift their strand but can’t afford to
have their summer class tends to have a flunking grades or a low performance during
their class. They might also have a lack of motivation and it will be hard for them to cope
up both emotionally and physically.
If a student is having a hard time choosing between two strands, they should choose
the strand they want or according to their personal choice and the things they are
capable of doing.
The orientations can help the students to realize what their strand is all about and how
could it help them when finding their possible jobs.


We all know that choosing your career in life is a big decision. Having and doing a
career that you really love will make a huge impact in your life and you, yourself.
An American self-help author Steve Pavlina wrote an article about The Challenge of
Choosing the Right Career. According to him, those people who are conscious and
deliberate in making decisions tend to choose the wrong career. So if you feel like you
made a wrong choice of career, it’s definitely fine. “Good choices rarely happen by
accident”, as Pavlina said. Staying in that bad decision can also lead your health,
relationship, and life in to bad situation.
But still, making good career choice will most likely be hard unless you have tried it.
Pavlina stated an example in his article about a chef that he and his friend hired. When
they gave a recipe to the chef for her to bake, the result was unexpected. He said that
the cake feels like a mattress when they try to chew on it. Instead of telling the chef how
the cake really tasted, they somehow told the chef that maybe the recipe is the bad one.
And that example made him make another lesson that if you ever made a mistake, just
the same as choosing bad career, all you have to do is move on and forgive yourself.
Don’t stay on the situation but learn from it. Little by little, your decision making will
“A good career is one of the greatest blessings you’ll ever experience, and a bad career
is one of life’s greatest curses.” (Pavlina, 2007).
Martin, F. (nd) Factors that affect a students’ decision in choosing their College Course
according to their research Decision making is very important in our day to day life
because in everything we do we always make decisions. One of the most crucial people
to decide are the adolescents because teenagers are unsteady and can easily believe
in what they want, not in what should they do. The research said that after high school,
some students find it hard to choose what career they will take for college and some,
took it easy with not a care in the world as if they were just deciding what candy to buy.
There are a lot of factors affecting a student’s decision in choosing their strand, one of
these factors are financial stability, university prestige or practicality, peer pressure,
school location, or parental preferences. It is important that a student must decide what
they really want to take or in what career they are good at, for them to have a
successful college career. Students who took peer pressure as a consideration in
choosing their career mostly have a difficulty getting through college, while on the other
hand, students that pursue their desired course with no doubt, were able to graduate
with high spirits. So to avoid having a wrong decision to make, parents must talk with
their children and guide them because their future is involved. They must also consider
what their children is really good at, for them to be motivated enough to aim higher.
‘’Continuous lifelong process of developmental experiences that focuses on seeking,
obtaining, and processing information about self, occupational and educational
alternatives, life styles, and role options.’’ – Richard A. Hansen defines career
development. He is a researcher from the City College of the City University of New
York, he conducted a study and described career development among the high school
student. Based on his definition, he concluded that everything we had earned is
determined by what we learned and pertain to where we can apply this skill and
because it’s a non-stop process we must possess on how to improve our lives.
Career development affects and influences the career selection of a student and it is
important to know how these factors relevant to the student.
Witko, Bernes, Magnusson and Bardick (2006) studies on senior high school students'
occupational aspirations found out that interest, skill, personal meaning, challenges and
parental support are variables contributory to the occupational aspirations of senior high
school students. In like manner with the study of La (2009) on factors influencing the
educational and career choices of senior high school students revealed that parent’
supports, school structure, gender and grade point average has considerable influence
on the Vietnamese Senior high school students’ educational and career choice. In same
year, Leonard (2009) study on high school students' course selection decisions in South
Carolina found out that parents and teachers are highly influential in the course
selection decision. In addition, Heilbronner (2011) claimed that the greater number of
the students manifested to proceed to STEM courses in college. This is brought about
with the quality, adequacy of preparations and scholastic experiences of the students.
Eremie, (2014) study on comparative analysis of factors influencing career choices
among senior secondary school students in Rivers State, Nigeria. The result showed
that there were significant differences in the career preferences when grouped
according to their sex, parity, and parental influence. In addition, socio-economic
background was influential in participants' decisions to pursue a postsecondary degree.
Cultural factors, especially English fluency, were also relevant. Local communities and
institutional factors had generally a negative impact on career choice of the students.
“There are two main factors to consider choosing your Senior High School Track and
Strand in the K-12 Program, college plans and availability,” (Gubalane, 2016)
Daniel Gubalane, a former teacher and is now a blogger, stated that there are two main
factors in choosing a strand for Senior High School, Availability-because not all tracks
are offered by schools in your area- and College Plans –Is the student planning to go to
college after Senior High or what course is the student planning to take in college-.
These two factors could majorly influence a student in choosing their strand for Senior
High School. Gubalane based these factors by the student’s preference.
To furthermore educate the students about the strands for Senior High School, he listed
down all the Strands and Tracks and explained what they are for and what are the
possible college courses could you take after choosing a certain strand and track. With
this article, junior high school students could be aware of what the strands are all about
and could help them in choosing a strand for their upcoming Senior High School years.
McFadden (2015) stated that parents and peers could also influence the students in
choosing a career. According to higher education consultant Noel Levitz, although kids
tend to deny the fact that their parents affect their decisions, their parent’s opinions
matter. A study by ACSD points out those students may be affected by their peers, but
the relationship is correlational. Researchers haven’t determined whether like-minded
students tend to become friends or if friendship affects career choices.

John Holland’s (1985)


tive and Enjoy the They like Good at
Outdoor by company to organizing
type creating of others things
concepts Socialize

There are a lot of theories that are presented about choosing a specific strand or course
that a student will pursue after their high school life; however some of these are very
useful that may help a student to look a different perspective about choosing their
The first theory was introduced by Talcott Parson (Parsons Theory), this theory was the
most common way advocated by advisers, which it analyze a specific skill of the
student. One way to determine the strand that you will take is through identifying what
are the skills that you are capable of doing, it’s hard to do a certain thing if you don’t
have an experience of doing it. The next one is the value, this is one thing that you must
consider when choosing a strand because you must know the advantages of taking this,
and you must be practical if this strand will help you to reach your desired goals in life.
Your thinking must also be futuristic to think about the benefits that you will gain if you
choose this strand. The last one is based on your interests and personalities, it is hard
to do a work if don’t want to that’s why you should choose a strand because you want to
not because you need to or just because that is the strand that your parent want you to
take. If this strand is based on your personalities and interests your works will be a lot
easier and you will not be that stress because you’re doing it according to your will and
you’re enjoying it. This program that will help you choose your perfect graduate job is
also called “Prospect Planner”.
The next theory is according to John Holland’s (1985) theory. To make an individual
liable to a certain occupation he stated six types of vocational personality. According to
the underlying hypothesis of Holland that those occupations that match their personality
will have the most job satisfaction. Quoting John Holland himself, “people can function
and develop best and find job satisfaction in work environments that are compatible with
their personalities” (ICDM, 1991, p.4-4).
According to John Holland there are the six personality types and this are: REALISTIC:
outdoor type. This is the type of people who tend to like and be good at activities that
require strength and coordination. They are not into socializing with others but they like
working with things such as tool, machines etc. INVESTIGATIVE: These are the people
who are interested in logic and concepts, they also like working with information
because they tend to enjoy and be good at abstract thought. These kind of people are
more likely involved in science. ARTISTIC: they like to express their feelings and ideas
through their imagination and by creating things, they work through enjoying music,
drama and art and dislikes rules and regulations. SOCIAL: they tend to be warm and
caring people because they enjoy the company of other people especially to help them.
ENTERPRISING: They also like to socialize with others. For these kinds of people
actions are more enjoyable rather than thoughts, to influence or persuade is what they
want to do, they are also aligned to be a ruler. CONVENTIONAL: These people tend to
be good at organizing things with little or no artistry idea. They like rules and
regulations, structure and order. These six personality guides can help a student to
determine their true characteristics, that will guide them when choosing their strand and
to know that they are on the track that they want.


The researcher aims to: (1) identify how the students choose their strands for
Senior High School. (2)Identify how does the students choose their strands for
Senior High School.(3) Acquire knowledge and understanding to have extra
information about their course. (4) Determine if the students are satisfied with their
chosen course.
In order to attain these objectives, the researcher must conduct a survey among
the students.

Research Site

The place where the research will be held is in the University of Perpetual Help System
Dalta Molino Campus. The school has been chosen because of these reasons: First,
since our respondents have to be enrolled in UPHSD, it’s a must that we conduct our
study here. And second, if we conduct the data gathering here inside our campus, it will
be much easier, accessible and practical for us the researchers and also the

Respondents of the Study

The participants of this study are current Grade 11 students and Grade 10 students
enrolled here in UPHSD. For grade 11 students, we will interview 1 student for each
strand: STEM, ABM, GAS, HUMMS, ICT, AD and HE. And 7 grade 10 students who will
be upcoming senior high student. We will choose our respondents randomly and
according to their availability if they are willing to help us in our research.

Research Design and Data Collection

In order for us to gather data, we will conduct an interview to 7 current grade 11

students and 7 grade 10 students of our campus UPHSD. We will be asking 7 questions
to each participant.
While asking them the questions, one of our members will jot down the answers they
will give. The researcher will also conduct a mediated interview under asynchronous,
we will ask our question through social media. And after collecting their answers, we will
tally the answers of the grade 11 students and grade 10 students and classify all the
same answers that were given.

Data Analysis

After separating the answers of the Grade 10 and 11 students, we then proceed to
classifying and categorizing the results. In the answers of our respondents, we will
gather all the keywords that mostly has the same thought and then construct it to a tally
board. But the tally board that will be constructed won’t be included in our final paper
since the type of this research is qualitative. Instead of showing the tally board in this
research, the researchers will further explain the answers of the respondents. At the
same time, some answers might also be quoted as credits to the respondent.
Research Instrument

1. What are the possible factors of students in choosing a strand in SHS?

2. What are the bases of the students in choosing their strand?
3. Who are the possible people that influence the students in choosing their strand?
4. What are the possible factors that affect a student to shift their strand?
5. How will it affect the student if they end up taking a strand they don’t want?
6. Why does a student end up choosing a strand they don’t want?
7. How does proper orientation about SHS will affect the students in choosing their


The primary purpose of this research study was to determine the students influences in
choosing a strand and our results revealed that there is more than 3 influences or
specifically given by the answer of our respondents there is 7 influences which is their
friends, idols, parents influences, school activities and capacity, programs offered, job
opportunities, personal choice determine by own capabilities or self-preferences. These
results clearly showed the significance of the study, and it’s up to the student if they will
be affected by these influences but right decision making should always be noted, it
because these influences can make a big impact to the future of a student just like the
saying ‘’to predict the future is to create it ‘’ every decision of today is reflected to our
Out of 14 respondents, most said that the possible factors of choosing a strand is their
personal choices and their capability to take that certain strand. 5 students chose the
parents’ choices and decisions could affect the students in choosing a strand. One of
the respondents has stated that “Oftentimes, students follow their parents’ suggestion
for they think that these will be beneficial to them since it was suggested strand, then
they may choose a different strand according to their wants”. The other possible factors
that the respondents chose were school capacity and the programs offered –because
sometimes some schools only offers limited strands-, cost, safety and the job
opportunities for that strand.
The most common answers that were given by the respondents were the strand that are
based on the field they want to be in and the strands that has the high demands of jobs
for the students when they graduate. “Some students take up a strand that they really
like but some students think practical and choose a strand with high demand and future
beneficiaries” and “Most students think of their education after SHS therefore they base
their strand choice in what they think will be related to the course they want to take in
college” were some of the statements of the respondents.
The most common answer was “friends”. Mainly because the students tend to be want
to be with their peers especially when going into a new environment they want to have
someone to be with. Secondly, the parents influence the students in choosing a strand.
A respondent said that “As students, we always seek for guidance and second opinions
coming from our parents because it has been our mindset that they know what’s better
for us…” Another influence that the respondents has answered was the successful
people or their idols because these people may serve as an inspiration for the students
to do better in their studies and to graduate to be like the people they look up to.
Here are some possible factors that could affect the students in shifting a strand
according to the respondents’ answers. First and the most common of all is the strand
isn’t what the students really want or simply called, the students realization. After taking
a certain strand during the first semester of being a Senior High, the students may
realize that the activities of that strand is not what they really want to be their career for
the future, so they tend to shift strand halfway through the Senior High year. The
second factor is their lack of knowledge in that strand, the “subjects” factor could also
be considered on this factor. As the students are studying under a certain strand or
track, they may realize that the subjects were far beyond their capability so they shift to
a strand that they think will be easier for them.
Here are some instances that may happen if a student ended up taking a strand they
don’t like. First, a student may have lack of motivation to study since they don’t really
want the subjects in that certain strand and they won’t take studying seriously which will
result to them receiving low grades and failed subjects. If the student doesn’t have the
motivation to study, it will be most likely emotionally and even physically difficult for
him/her to cope up. As one of the respondents said, “I think they will have a poor
performance. They won’t be able to grow and develop themselves both academically
and socially because it’s hard to do something you are only forced to do.” With these,
the results of the students ended up in a strand they don’t want will be negative for their
A student may take up a strand that they don’t like because of these following reasons,:
(1) Parents’ choice. A parents’ choice plays a big role in students choosing a strand.
Some parents want their child to take what they prefer and don’t consider the choice of
their child. That’s why some students take a strand that they don’t want but what their
parents’ like the student to take. (2) The students don’t have enough ideas and
information about choosing a strand. When a student doesn’t have enough ideas about
the different strands, they will just choose a strand without thinking too much about it
and later on realize that they don’t want what they chose. (4) Peer Pressure. A student
may choose a strand that they don’t want simply because it’s not their choice, but their
friends’. Some students tend to depend too much on their friends and they want to be
with them so if their friend chose a certain strand, they will most likely to choose that
strand too even if they don’t want it because he/she want to be with his/her friend. (5)
No choice. A student may choose a strand because they don’t have any ideas yet about
what they want to be in the future. (6) Job Opportunities. This is for those students who
like to think practical. They end up taking a strand they consider the job opportunities for
them in the future when they graduate.
How does proper orientation help students in choosing their strand? This applies for
grade 10 students. Before going or entering Senior High School, grade 10 students
should be oriented about the tracks and strands of SHS program. This will serve as their
source of information so they will know what the different subjects of each strand are.
The orientation will also help the students to distinguish what they like and their abilities
are before choosing what they want to take in senior high. The students will have an
idea if a school offers a strand that they want on the orientation. So, the proper
orientation about senior high could help students in their decision making.

V. Conclusion

After conducting our research on the possible factors of a student in choosing a track for
senior high school, our team came up to a conclusion that the most important thing that
a student consider in choosing a track is their personal choice because for them when
they chose a track they are interested in, they would be more motivated to achieve a
good performance in that field. For their basis in choosing their strand, again it is
personal choice and if it requires high demand in the future or if one would benefit from
it. And looking back at the data gathered from the respondents, Parent’s choice and
Peer pressure plays a big role in choosing a strand. Most students also isn’t sure about
what they really want to do for their future so they tend to ask and consider other
opinions for them because for them, parents only want what’s best for them and they
know what best suit for their children so their parents has been a big consideration for
them. Some other’s choice worked out but some did not so the student ended up getting
low grades or shifting to another strand. The students should think thoroughly about
what strand they really want to take as early as possible so they won’t have any
problems when the time comes and be satisfied with what strand they chose for Senior
High. Of course friends and the people they look up to pay a big contribution as well.
We, the researchers realized that the possible reasons for a student to shift a strand is
their lack of knowledge, motivation, financial stability, and if one realizes that it is not
what they really want or change of one’s desire. The researchers also realized that
students will not take it seriously if they end up taking a strand they do not want in the
first place; students would also receive flunking grades and they would have a hard time
coping up. The reasons why a student ends up choosing a strand they don’t want is
because of their parent’s choice, lack of financial capability, peer pressure, Job
opportunities, and they don’t have enough ideas and information about choosing a
stand. We researchers also noticed that proper orientation about SHS will affect a
student in choosing their strand in their decision making, it would help them to
distinguish their likes and abilities, they would know if the strand they want is available
in a certain school, and they will have enough information about SHS.
The secrets to happiness are being able to love whatever you do in life. In choosing
your strand in Senior High School is one of the most hardest thing to do but always
think that the most important consideration when choosing your strand is asking
yourself why you are looking to study. Think about what you are interested in and what
course you want to study. By questioning yourself, you can work out the exact path you
want your strand to take you on. You should choose a strand that is consider
prospective careers and employment opportunities.

As a final point, students whether upcoming senior high school or a current senior high
who are contemplating on the strand they are going to choose or they are already
taking, should always remember that in the end, whatever strand or path they are going
to choose, it should give them happiness in life and will make them comfortable when
they grow up. Also those students who haven't given the freedom to take their chosen
career should try to study harder because we may never know that it is truly destined for
you to be in where are you now and who knows that it can and will lead you to success
in your future.


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