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PTE note login


Write from Dictation - Most important

Fill in the Blanks

Speaking section

1) Read Aloud -> Just speak properly with annotations

2) Repeat a sentence --> Remember with phrases. Try practicing this way - Do this
until exam everyday
3) Descrive Image --> Copy Sonny English videos templates. Practice desparately and
speak with confidence
4) Re-Tell Lecture --> Use below template and practice every day

Tip: Just write down only keyword from lecture and put all into template and speak
in one go. Whenever single keyword match you will get score into listening and
fluency with this lecture will give you good score in speaking as well.
The lecture describes about (main topic).It also provides the information about
different aspects like (keywords1,keywords2, on). After analyzing
this lecture, It can be concluded that this lecture is having crucial information
about the topic strongly supported by important facts and figures having great
impact on the (main topic).
5) Answer Short Questions --> Nothing much to help here. Be clear and if dont then
repeat the question

Writing Section

1) Sumarize written text - Use Sonny videos to create complex compound sentence
2) Essays : Use a mixture of pteguru template and sonny create your essay

Listening Section

1) Summarize spoken text :

2) Multiple choice, choose multiple answers : Nothing much, just listen carefully
3) Fill in the blanks : very important , write carefully
4) Highlight correct summary : Try try
5) Multiple choice, choose single answer
6) Select missing word : Beep
7) Highlight incorrect word : Done
8) Write from dictation : Remember in phrases, Write all possible spelling. Marks
for additional words are not deducted.

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