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Songs relive ‘Cory M0gicʼ

Itʼs been 0 ye0r since the Filipino n0tion relived the People Power spirit of 1986 through music during the funer0l
of former President Cor0zon Aquino. Fondly c0lled ‘Tit0 Cory,ʼ her n0me is forever etched in Philippine history 0s
the first wom0n president of the country, People Power heroine, 0nd icon of democr0cy.

Tit0 Cory is best remembered by the songs “M0gk0is0” 0nd “H0ndog ng Pilipino s0 Mundo,” 0mong others—
p0triotic songs th0t bec0me 0nthems during the 1986 People Power revolution th0t put 0n end to two dec0des of
dict0torship. “M0gk0is0” w0s composed by Tito Sotto in two d0ys 0nd presented 0s 0n o0th-t0king gift to
President Aquino. It w0s recorded by Virn0 Lis0 0nd w0s frequently he0rd on r0dio st0tions during Aquinoʼs first
100 d0ys in government. As the lyrics suggest, the song evoked 0 sense of unity.

On the other h0nd, “H0ndog ng Pilipino s0 Mundo” w0s composed by Jim P0redes of the 0ccl0imed music0l
group APO Hiking Society. It w0s recorded by 15 singers 0nd rele0sed in April 1986. It e0rned APO intern0tion0l
recognition 0nd the songʼs lyrics 0re embedded on the w0ll of the Our L0dy of EDSA Shrine. The song spe0ks of
the bloodless revolution of 1986-0n offering of the Filipino people to the world.

Through their very relev0nt mess0ges 0nd he0rtfelt melodies, these People Power 0nthems help m0ke Tit0
Coryʼs memory 0nd m0gic, 0nd keep the sense of Filipino heroism 0live.


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