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MTAP Division Elimination 2003

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. X is between A(-4) and B(17) such that AX:XB = 1:2. Find the
coordinate of X.
_____2. An angle is 8 more than its complement. Find the angle.
_____3. AB and CD intersect at P. If APC = 58ᵒ. Find CPB.
_____4. XOY = 125ᵒ. If a = (2b + 5)ᵒ, find a.

_____5. If PQ∥CD∥MN. Find CD.

_____6. A base angle of an isosceles triangle is 6ᵒ more than the vertex

angle. Find the vertex angle.
_____7. ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals meet at K. If KAB = 38ᵒ, find
_____8. ABCD is a rhombus. If B = 68ᵒ, find BAC.
_____9. The sides of an equilateral triangle have lengths 2x-3 cm, 5y cm
and x+6 cm. Find y.
_____10. A man-made circular lake has a diameter of 32 m. if you walk
around it, how many meters will that be?
_____11. A circus tent has the shape of a pyramid with a square base of side
42 m. if the sides are isosceles triangles with a height of 25 m, how much
canvas was used in making the tent?
_____12. A bathroom is 2.4 m long and 1.8 m wide. It is to be tiled by a
square tiles of side 6 cm. How many tiles are
_____13. ΔDEF is isosceles with base DF. If DE
= 2x+1, EF = 3x-5 and DF = x+2, find the
perimeter of ΔDEF.

_____14. ABCDE is a regular pentagon. Find


_____15. In the figure, AB∥DC∥EF. Find ADE.

_____16. The sides of ΔABC are 12, 9 and 14. Is ΔABC a scalene, a right or
an obtuse triangle?
_____17. The width of a rectangle is 10 cm and a diagonal is 26 cm. Find the
area of the rectangle.
_____18. What is the smaller of the two angles between the hands of a clock
at 5:45?
_____19. In ΔABC, AB = 12, AC = 15. What is the range of the possible
length of BC?
_____20. In ΔABC, A = 58ᵒ, B = 65ᵒ. Find the exterior angle adjacent to
_____21. In the figure, AB and CD bisect each other at O. By what postulate

_____22. In ΔABC, AX:XB = AY:YC. By what Postulate is ΔAXY∼ΔABC?

_____23. ΔABC is equilateral of side 14 cm. X, Y, Z are the midpoints of AB,
AC and BC respectively. Find the perimeter of ΔXYZ.
_____24. Find each exterior angle of an equilateral triangle.
_____25. A,the vertex angle of isosceles ΔABC, is 80ᵒ. If the bisectors of
the base angles meet at I, Find BIC.
_____26. In ΔABC, AC=12, AB=14 and BC=9.Arrange the angles of ΔABC
from the smallest to the largest.
_____27. In ΔABC, A=59, B=63. Arrange the sides of △ABC from the
shortest to the longest.
_____28. ABCD is a rhombus. If B=60 and
the diagonal AC=15 cm, Find the perimeter

_____29. In Quadrilateral ABCD, What is the

range of the values of AC?

_____30. ABCD is a parallelogram.

Find B if DCX is a straight line.

_____31. In the same figure, find


_____32. ABCD is a trapezoid with AB//CD.

_____33. ABCD is a parallelogram. If AB = 2x+3, DC = 3x-2 and BC = 2x-1,
find the perimeter of ABCD.
_____34. Find the mean proportional between 4 and
_____35. If a:b = c:d = 5:7, Then (a+c):(b+d)=
_____36. In △ABC, if XY//BC, △AXY∼△ABC by
what postulate?
_____37. In the same figure, XY//BC, △AXY∼△ABC
by what postulate?
_____38. In △RST, UV//ST. If RU = x, US = x+3, RV
= x+2 and VT = 2x. Find RT.

_____39. △ACB has a right angle at C. If A = 30 and AB = 12, find the
perimeter of △ABC.
_____40. In △ABC, AD bisects BAC. If AB = 8, AC = 14 and BC = 16. Find
_____41. △ABC∼△XYZ. If AB = 8, AC = 10, XY = 12, find XZ.
_____42. △ABC∼△XYZ with AB:XY = 3:4. If the perimeter of △ABC = 27,
what is the perimeter of △XYZ?

_____43. △ACB has a right has a right angle at C. CD AB. Find x.

_____44. In the same figure, find the length

of a.

_____45. TA, TB are tangent to circle O at A,

B. Find AOB.

_____46. In the same figure, find TAB.

_____47. Find the equation in the form y=mx+b of the line passing through
A(-3,2) and B(5,6).
_____48. Find the equation, in the form y = mx + b of the line passing through
P(2,5) and parallel to the line 2y + 3x = 5.
_____49. The ratio of the altitude to the base of △ABC is 3:4. If the area of
the triangle is 600 cm2, find the base of the triangle.

MTAP Division Elimination 2004

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1.How many rays can be named from:

_____2. How many segments can be named from the figure in #1?
_____3. ∠A:∠B = 3:4 and the sum of the two angles is 119. Find∠A.
_____4. How many degrees is the angle traced by the minute hand of a clock in
22 minutes?
_____5. In the figure, AOB is a straight line. If a = 72,find b.

_____6. In the same figure, find b if b = 2a.

_____7. LMN is a straight line. Find x if y = z = 2x.

_____8.In the figure, EF‖ GH ‖ MN. If q = 150, p = 140 find c.

_____9. In the same figure, if c = 50, p = 145, find b.

_____10 .In ∆ ABC, if∠A = 44 and ∠B = 68, find ∠C.
_____11. In ∆ ABC, ∠B = 15 less than twice ∠A and ∠C is 31 more than∠A.
_____12. A rhombus has a side of 14 cm. What is its perimeter?
_____13. An angle is (2x+25) and its vertical angle is (3x -5). Find the angle.
_____14. In the figure m‖n,If a =65,find f.

_____15. In the same figure, if f = (3x + 5) and a = (2x +30).Find b.
_____16. The vertex angle of isosceles ∆ ABC is 52. Find each base angle.
_____17.A base angle of isosceles ∆ ABC is 9 more than the vertex angle. Find
the vertex angle.
_____18. The altitude to the base of an isosceles ∆ _______the vertex ∠.
_____19. In ∆ ABC,∠A = 54,∠B =61.Arrange the sides from shortest to longest.
_____20. In ∆ ABC, AB = 12,AC = 15.If the perimeter is 45,which is the biggest
angle of the triangle?
_____21. In ∆ ABC, AB = 13, AC =15.What is the range of the length of BC?
_____22.What is the range of the length of AC in the figure?
_____23. In ∆ ABC,AB = AC = BC = 16cm.
Find the length of an altitude
_____24.ABCD is inscribed in circle O. If ∠B = 70, find ∠D.

_____25. In ∆ ABC, ∠A is 15 less than twice ∠B and

∠C is 10 less than ∠A. Find ∠C.
_____ 26. In parallelogram ABCD,∠A = (2x + 15),∠B = (3x -5).Find ∠C.
_____27. In parallelogram ABCD,A B= (4x -5)cm, and CD = (2x + 7)cm.
If BC = 2x -3 cm, find the perimeter of ABCD.
_____28.If in ∆ ABC, AB = AC, AB≠BC, how many distinct altitudes, angle
bisectors and medians does it have?
_____29. The diagonals of a rhombus are 24 and 18cm.
Find the area of the rhombus.
_____30.ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals meet at K.If∠BAC = 38, find
_____31. In ∆ XYZ, MN‖ YZ. If XM = 6, MY = 8, XZ= 18, find XN.
_____32. In the same figure, if MN = 9, find YZ.
_____33. ∆ ABC ~∆ XYZ. If AB :XY = 4:5 and AC = 16,find XZ.
_____34. The hypotenuse AB of rt. ∆ ACB is 12cm. If ∠A = 60, find BC.
_____35. In rt. ∆ ACB, CD⏊ AB.If BD = 6 and DA = 8,find AC.
_____36. How many degrees is the smaller angle between the hands of a clock
at 8:15?
_____37. A diagonal of a rectangle is 25 cm and one side is 20 cm. Find the
perimeter of the rectangle.
_____38. A chord AB of a circle is 5 cm from the
center. If the radius is 13 cm,how long is AB?

_____39. In circle O,PA,PB are tangent

segments from an external point.
If ∠APB = 35, find ∠AOB.

_____40. In the same figure in #39,if minor arc is 130,find ∠APB.
_____41. In the figure, ABP,CDP are secants. If arc AC = 110 and arc BD =
60,find ∠P.

_____42. In the same figure, if BC is a diameter, find ∠ACB given the same
conditions as in #41.
_____43.Circles O and Q have AB as a common external tangent. If the radii are
15 cm and 30 cm respectively and OQ = 25 cm, find AB.
_____44. For what value(s) of k will x2 -3x+ k =0 have two distinct real roots.
_____45. Find the sum of 2 + 4 +6 + 8 +...+96 +98.
_____46. The sum of the reciprocals of two consecutive integers is72 . Find the
two integers.
_____47. By how much can the 25 dm radius of a circle be reduced so as to
reduce the area by 49Π dm2?
_____48.Aball rebounds 5 of the distance from which it falls. Find how far the ball
will travel before coming to rest if it is dropped from a height of 120 feet.
_____49. If y varies inversely as√𝑥 and y = 5 when x =16,find y when x = 100.
√5 +2 √5−2
_____50. Simplify: -
√5−2 √5+2

MTAP Division Elimination 2005

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. Find X if it is the midpoint of AB with A(-6) and B(8).

_____2. An angle is 12 more than its supplement. Find the angle.
_____3. AB and CD intersect at P. If APC = 62, find CPB.
_____4. XOY = 125. If a=(2b – 7), find a.
_____5. A base angle of an isosceles triangle is 8 more than the vertex
angle. Find the vertex angle.
_____6. In rectangle ABCD, the diagonals meet at K. If KAB = 42ᵒ, find
_____7. In rectangle ABCD, the diagonals meet at O. If AOB =102, find
_____8. ABCD is a rhombus. If B = 64,
find BAC.
_____9. ABCD is a parallelogram. Find a.
_____10. In the same figure, find b.

_____11. The sides of an equilateral

triangle are 3x-1, 5y and x+13. Find the value of y.
_____12. A man-made circular lake has a diameter of 48 m. If you jog around
it 8 times, how many meters, to the nearest meter, will that be? [=3.14]
_____13. A bathroom, 2.8 m by 2.1 m is to be tiled by square tiles of side 7
cm. How many tiles will be needed?
_____14. ΔDEF is isosceles with base DF. If DE = 2x+5, EF = 3x-1 and DF =
2x+3, find the perimeter of ΔDEF.
_____15. The sum of the complement and supplement of an angle is 186.
Find the angle.
_____16. If △ABC △NMO, B corresponds to which angle in △NMO?
_____17. In △ABC, XY joins the midpoint of AB and BC. If AC = 38, how long
is XY.
_____18. In △ABC, AB=14 and AC=21. Find the range of the values of BC.

_____19. In the figure, find the range of the values of DB.

_____20. Find the smaller angle between the

hands of a clock at 10:10.

_____21. If PQ//CD//MN, find CD.

_____22. IF PN = 22, find NR.

_____23. ABCDE is a regular pentagon. Find CBD.

_____24. In the figure, AB∥DC∥EF. Find ADE.

_____25. In the same figure, find DEF.

_____26. In △ABC, A = 58, B = 65. Find the exterior angle adjacent to

_____27. The width of a rectangle is 10 cm and a diagonal is 26 cm. Find the
area of the rectangle.
_____28. If a:b = c:d = 5:7, find (a+c):(b+d).
_____29. △ABC has a right angle at C. If A = 30 and AB = 18 cm, find the
perimeter of △ABC.
_____30. In △ABC, AD bisects BAC. If AB = 8, AC = 14 and BC=16. Find
_____31. △ABC has a right angle at C. CDAB. Find CD.
_____32. In the same figure, find the length of BC.

#31 #33
_____33. TA, TB are tangent to circle O at A and B. Find AOB.
_____34. In the same figure, find TAB.

_____35. A side of a regular hexagon is 16 cm. Find the area.
_____36. ABCD is inscribed in circle O. If B = 78, find D.

_____37. In the figure, RDA = 74,

ABD = 32, ACB = 43, find a.

_____38. In the same figure, find b.

_____39. Two chords AB and CD of a circle meet at K. If KAD=34 and

AKC=38, find KBC.
_____40. In the same figure, find arc AC.
_____41. In the same figure, find AQB.
_____42. Factor a2 – b2 – ac + bc.
_____43. For what values of b will 4x – 8y =5 and 9y + bx = 4 inconsistent.
_____44. Find the positive root of 2x2 – 7x – 3 = 0.
_____45. If y varies directly as x and y=9 when x=3, find x when y=15.
_____46. What is nth term of the sequence 1/3, 2/4, 3/5, 4/6,...
_____47. If 3 geometric means are to be inserted between 162 and 1250,
what is the middle term to be inserted?
_____48. What is the sum of the roots of 3x2 – 15x – 7 = 0?
_____49. If a side of an equilateral triangle is 18 cm, find its area.
_____50. What is the sum of the arithmetic series 10, 13, 16,19,... to 12

MTAP Division Elimination 2006

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. Angles A and B are complementary. If ∠A:∠B = 7:8, find ∠B.

_____2. Three angles are in the ratio 3:4:5. If the smallest is 45°, what is the sum
of the three angles?
_____3. How many edges does a cube have?
_____4. The base of an isosceles triangle is 5cm more than a leg. If the
perimeter is 80cm, find the base.
_____5. The exterior angle adjacent to the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is
108°. Find the base angle.
_____6. The diameter of a circle is 30cm. Find its circumference.
_____7. ∠A and ∠B are linear pair. If ∠A = 2∠B – 15°, find ∠A.
_____8. How many degrees is the smaller angle between the hands of a clock at
_____9. OC ⊥OA and OD⊥OB. If ∠BOA = 38°, find ∠DOC.
_____10. Two angles of a triangle are 2a° and (2a – 15)°, find the third?
_____11. In ΔABC, ∠A = 65° and ∠C = 48°. Find ∠B.
_____12. In ΔBCA, AB = 14, BC = 19. Find the range of values of AC.
_____13. In ΔABC, ∠B = 115°, AD is the altitude to CB. Find ∠DAB.
_____14. In ΔXYZ, ∠X = 48° and ∠Y = 64°. Arrange the sides of the triangle from
the shortest to the longest.
_____15. In ABCD, ∠A = 2x°, ∠B = (2x + 5)°, ∠C = (3x – 15)° and ∠D = (5x –
38)°. Find ∠D.
_____16. In ABCD, AB∥CD and CD = AB. ΔABD≅ΔCDB by which postulate of
_____17. In the figure, m∥n. If ∠2 = (2x + 5)°and ∠8 = (3x – 20)°, find ∠3.
_____18. If an interior angle of a regular polygon is 165°, how many sides does
the polygon have?
_____19. How many diagonals does a nonagon have?
_____20. In parallelogram ABCD, ∠A = (2x + 15)° and ∠B = (3x – 5)°. Find ∠C.
_____21. If ΔABC is isosceles but not equilateral, how many distinct altitudes,
medians, perpendicular bisectors and angle bisectors can it have?
_____22. The diagonals of a rhombus are 24cm and 18cm. Find its area.
_____23. In parallelogram ABCD, AB = (4x – 5)cm, DC = (2x + 7)cm and BC =
(2x + 3)cm. Find its perimeter.
_____24. ABCD is a rectangle. The diagonals meet at K. If ∠BAC = 40°, find
_____25. In ΔABC, XY∥BC; AX = 8, AB = 18, XY = 12. Find BC.
_____26. In rt. ACB, CD⊥AB, AD = 4, DB = 9. Find CD.
_____27. In the same figure, find the length of BC.
_____28. ABCD is a rhombus. If ∠A = 120°, find ∠ABD.
_____29. ΔABC is equilateral with AB = 18cm. Find its area.

_____30. The altitude of an equilateral triangle is 9cm. Find the length of each
_____31. ABCD is a square in which AC = 16cm. Find its area.
_____32. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with AB∥CD, AB = 8cm, CD = 20cm
and ∠D = 60°. Find the perimeter of ABCD.
_____33. What is the area of the trapezoid in #32?
_____34. In the figure, AD∥XY∥BC. If AY = 6, YB = 8, DC = 18 2/3, find XC.
_____35. In the same figure and given, if AD = 9 and BC = 12, find XY.
_____36. In ΔABC, AB = 12, AC = 8 and BC = 15. AD bisects ∠BAC. Find DC.
_____37. In the same figure and given, if AQ bisects the exterior angle at A and
meets BC produced at Q, find the length of CQ.
_____38. Circle O has a radius of 12cm. How long to the nearest cm, is an arc
subtended by an angle of 100°?
_____39. How far from the center is a chord of length 12 cm if the radius is 8cm?
_____40. ΔABC is inscribed in circle O. If arcs AB: BC: CA = 4:5:6, what is arc
_____41. PA, PB, are two tangents from P to circle O. If ∠P = 55°, what is
_____42. In the same figure, if ∠P = 42°, find major arc AB.
_____43. In the figure, if ∠Q = 25° and ∠A = 40°, find arc AR.
_____44. In the same figure and given, find ∠RPB.
_____45. In a circle, chords AB and CD meet at K. If AK = 6, KB = 8 and DK = 4,
find KC.
_____46. Circles O and Q, both of radius 7cm intersect at X and Y so OQ =
10cm. Find the length of XY.
_____47. Two circles of radius 5cm and 9cm respectively are tangent externally.
Find the length of their common external tangent.
_____48. X and Y are points between A(-4, -6) and B(8, 3) such that AX = XY =
YB. Find the coordinates of Y.
_____49. If A(-2, -1), B(1, 5), C(7, 2) and D(x, y) form parallelogram ABCD, find
the coordinates of D.
_____50. ABCD is a rectangle. If the coordinates of the vertices are A(-3, 1), B(4,
1), C(4, 6) and D(-3, 6), find the point of intersection of the diagonals.

MTAP Division Elimination 2007

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. The sum of angles a and b is 83°. If b is 7° less than twice a, find b.
_____2. If ∠AOC = 105° and OX bisects ∠AOC, what is ∠AOX?
_____3. In ΔABC, if ∠A = 38°, ∠B = 58° and the bisectors of ∠ACB and
∠CAB meet at I, find ∠AIC.
_____4. Find the smaller angle between the hands of a clock at 4:40.
_____5. If a base angle of an isosceles triangle is 6° less than the vertex
angle, find the vertex angle.
_____6. ABCD is a parallelogram. If AB = 3x + 2 cm, BC = 2x + 5cm and the
perimeter is 84cm, find the length of AB.
_____7. ABCD is a parallelogram. If ∠A = (3x + 2) and ∠B = (4x – 11), find
_____8. A circular lagoon has a radius of 35m. If you jog around it 5 times,
how many meters will that be?
_____9. The bases of a trapezoidal field are 225m and 195m. If the distance
between them is 92m, find its area in hectares.
_____10. A closed tin cylinder has a radius of 7cm and a height of 20cm.
Find the area of the tin used in making it.
_____11. A conical tent has a radius of 5m and a slant height of 6m. Find the
area of the canvass used to make it.
_____12. What is the total surface area of a sphere of radius 2 ft?
_____13. The scale of a map is 1cm to 2km. What is the area of a farm that
0.23cm2 on the map?
_____14. A, B, C carry a load of 120kg. If A carries as much as B and C
together, and B carries 2/3 of what C carries, find the load of A.
_____15. The top of a 25ft ladder reaches 24ft up a wall and its foot is 7ft
from the wall. If the top slips 4ft down the wall, how far from the wall will
the foot slip?
_____16. The supplement of an angle is 16° more than three times its
complement. Find the angle.
_____17. In the figure, what range of values can the length of AC have?

A 7 B

9 1
1 C
_____18. ABCD is a rhombus. M, N, O, P are the midpoints of the sides. If
AB = 24cm and ∠B = 60°, find the perimeter of MNOP.
_____19. In ΔABC, ∠B = 30, ∠C = 56°, the bisector of ∠BAC cuts BC at X.
Arrange from shortest to longest.
_____20. ABCD is a rectangle. If ∠BAC = 41°, find ∠DBC.
_____21. ABCD is a rectangle. If ∠ABD = 38°, find ∠BAC.
_____22. In ΔABC, D, E are the midpoints of AB, AC. If AB = 24cm, AC =
30cm and BC = 30cm, find the perimeter of ΔADE.
_____23. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with AB∥CD. If AB = 10cm, CD =
22cm and ∠C = 60°. What is the perimeter of ABCD?
_____24. What is the area of the isosceles trapezoid in #23?
_____25. You have two rods of length 17cm and 11cm. How many different
triangles can you form with them if the 3rd side must have an integral
_____26. ABCD is a kite with AD = AB, CD = CB. If AC = 24cm and BD =
16cm, find the area of ABCD.
_____27. ΔABC is equilateral: BCPQ is a square on BC opposite to ∠A. Find
_____28. The diagonals of a rhombus are 24cm
and 18cm. Find the area of the rhombus. A

_____29. In the figure, find ∠A. 3X

O 80 
_____30. If a:b = 4:7, what is (a + b):b? B

_____31. If x:y = 3:5 and y:z = 2:3, what is x:y:z? 2X
 C
_____32. In the figure, if AD∥BE∥CF, AB = 3, BC = 2 and DE = 4. Find EF.


_____33. In the same figure and given, if CO = 2 4/5, find CD.
_____34. ΔABC~ΔXYZ with AB:XY = 3:4. If AC = 12, find XZ.
_____35. In the problem in #34, if the area of E
ΔXYZ = 84cm , find the area of ΔABC.

_____36. ΔACB has a right angle at C. CD ⊥AB. A

If AD = 9 and DB = 25, find CD.
_____37. In the same figure and given, find BC.

_____38. In the figure, AD bisects ∠BAC and
AQ bisects ∠CAE. If AB = 12,
AC = 8 and BC = 15, find CD.

_____39. In the same figure and given, find BQ.

_____40. In ΔABC, AB = AC = 13cm and BC = 10cm. Find the length of the

altitude to BC.
_____41. In ΔABC, AB = AC = 13cm and BC = 10cm. Find the length of the
perpendicular to AB.
_____42. A chord of a circle of radius 6 is 4cm from the center. Find the
length of the chord.
_____43. In the figure, if PA is a tangent and PBC is a secant, ∠P = 40 and
arc AB = 60°, find arc AC.

_____44. In the same figure, if PB = 4cm and PC = 16cm, find PA.

_____45. If A(-10, -4) and B(2, 6), find the coordinates of P(x, y) that divides
AB such that AP:PB = 4:1.
_____46. Determine what special quadrilateral is formed by A(5, 2), B(3, 5),
C(5, 8) and D(7, 5).
_____47. Find the equation of the line through (-1, 5) that is perpendicular to
6x + 8y – 7 = 0. Give answer as ax + by + c = 0.
_____48. How many odd integers are there between 133 and 351?
_____49. Which term in the geometric sequence ¼. ½, 1, ….. is 128?

_____50. The first term of arithmetic progression is 9 and the 4 th term is 24.
Find the 15th term.

MTAP Division Elimination 2008

Directions: Check your answer. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. Two lines that are not coplanar are called what lines?
_____2. What is the name of any segment joining nonconsecutive vertices
of a polygon?
_____3. What is the name of any triangle with no equal sides?
_____4. How many degrees is each interior angle of a regular hexagon?
_____5. Find the area of a square inscribed in a circle of radius 10cm.
_____6. What name is given to a polygon of 12 sides?
_____7. A 4m by 6m floor is to be tiles by 20cm by 20cm tiles. Allowing for
2% breakage, how many tiles are needed?
_____8. A man has P 2 000 000. How many hectares of land can he buy at
P 50 per sq. meter?
_____9. If sugar weighs one kg per 500cm3, what weight of sugar can a
round can of 20cm diameter and height of 25cm hold?
_____10. Find the volume of a cone with d = 10cm and h = 20cm?
_____11. How many liters of water can a spherical tank of 2m diameter hold?
_____12. A car without gasoline will not start. A car does not start. Therefore,
it has no gasoline. Is the conclusion valid?
_____13. In ΔABC, ΔXYZ, if ∠A = ∠X, ∠B = ∠Y and side x equals y, is ΔABC
congruent to ΔXYZ?
_____14. In ΔABC, ∠A = ∠X, b = y and a = x. Is ΔABC ≅ΔXYZ?
_____15. How many degrees is each exterior angle of a regular pentagon?
_____16. The hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 14cm. Find its area.

_____17. If m∥n and ∠1 = 60°, find ∠6.

_____18. In the same figure, if ∠3 = (3x – 8)°and

∠7 = (2x + 13)°, find ∠5.

_____19. In ABCDEF, if ∠A = (x + 58) °, ∠B = (5x – 20)°, ∠C = (4x + 7)°, ∠D

= (4x – 8)°, ∠E = (3x + 14)° and ∠F = (3x + 29)°, find x.
_____20. In rhombus ABCD, ∠B = 60° and AB = 20cm. Find its area.
_____21. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid. Find AB.
_____22. In the same figure and given, find diagonal AC.
_____23. In the figure, AB∥CD. If the area of ΔCBD = 130cm2, find the area
of ΔACD.
_____24. If A(ΔABC):A(ΔXYZ) = 1:3, the area of ΔABC = 200 cm 2 and XY =
30cm, find the length of the altitude to XY.
_____25. ΔABC~ΔXYZ. If AB = 8cm, XY = 12cm and XZ = 11cm, find AC.

_____26. In ΔABC, EF∥AC, AB = 10, BC = 12, EB = 4. Find BF.
_____27. In ΔABC, if E, F and D are midpoints of the sides AB, BC, AC
respectively, what kind of polygon is AEFD?

_____28. In the figure, B, C trisect AD;

G, F, trisect HE and
AH∥BG∥CF∥DE. If AB = 18
and DE = 27, find BG.

_____29. In the same figure and given, find CF.

_____30. In ΔABC, BD bisects ∠ABC. If AB = 15cm, BC = 18cm and AC =

23cm, find DC.
_____31. The shadow of a building is 25m at the same time that the shadow
of a 10m pole is 2.5m. How high is the building?
_____32. In rt. ΔACB, CD is the altitude to AB. Find AD.

_____33. In the same figure and given, find CD.

_____34. Given that BC∥AD and
E, F are the midpoints of
AB and CD. Find EF.
_____35. In the same figure and given,
if BX = 14, find BD.

_____36. A sector is cut from a circle. If ∠O = 30°, find the perimeter of the
sector, given the radius is 10cm.
_____37. In the figure, O is the center. Find ∠B.

#37 #38 #39

_____38. In circle O, OZ⊥XY. If the radius is 16cm and XY = 26cm, find OZ.
_____39. In the figure, ΔABC is equilateral. Find the radius of circle O if AC =
_____40. ∠ABC is inscribed in a circle of radius 20cm. If ∠B = 50°, find the
length of arc AC.
_____41. ABCD is inscribed in circle O. If ∠B = 77°, find ∠D.
_____42. The radius of circle O is 10cm. BD is a tangent
at B. If ∠CBD = 70°, find the length of arc BAC.
_____43. TA, TB are tangents to circle O
at A and B from T. If ∠AOB = 125°, what is ∠T?
_____44. In the same figure, find ∠BAT.

_____45. Find an equation of the circle in standard form with center at (-2, 1)
and passing through (3, -2).
_____46. Find the radius of the circle x2 + y2 – 4x + 6y – 12 = 0.
_____47. ABCD is a rhombus with a perimeter of 200cm. If the shorter
diagonal is 60cm, find the length of the longer diagonal.
_____48. A farmer has 600m of fencing materials. He wants to fence off with
it a vegetable garden. What is the biggest area of the garden he can fence
with it?
_____49. In circle O, AOC is a diameter. If ∠BAC = 50° and ∠BAD = 105°,
find ∠DBC.

_____50. In the same figure and given, find ∠ADB.

MTAP Division Elimination 2009

Directions: Check your answer. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. A statement in geometry that is accepted without proof is a ______.

_____2. Three points on the face of a prism are said to be
_____3. A/An __________ angle is greater than 180° but less than 360°.
_____4. ∠A = 2x°, ∠B = (3x – 20)° and they are supplementary. Find ∠B.
_____5. How many degrees is each interior angle of a regular nonagon?
_____6. A _____ triangle is one with no two sides equal.
_____7. The length of a rectangle is 10cm more than the width. If the area is
600cm2, find the length.
_____8. The bases of a trapezoid are 10cm and 20cm. If the height is 8cm,
find its area.
_____9. A triangle and a rectangle have equal bases. If the altitude of the
triangle is 25% longer than that of the rectangle, find the ratio of the area
of the triangle to that of the rectangle.
_____10. What do we call a statement in geometry that requires proof?
_____11. ∠1 and ∠2 are exterior angles on the same side of a transversal of
parallel lines. If ∠1 = 115°, find ∠2.
_____12. In ΔABC, ΔXYZ, ∠A = ∠X, ∠B = ∠Y and AC = XZ. ΔABC ≅ΔXYZ by
what congruence postulate/theorem?
_____13. ΔABC is isosceles with BA = BC, BE⊥AC, BD = DC and BF = FA.
What special figure is BDEF?
_____14. In the figure, for what value of x and y will AB be parallel to PQ?

#14 #16

_____15. Two sides of a triangle are 10cm and 20cm. What is the maximum
possible integral value of the third side?

_____16. ABCD is a parallelogram. Find BE.

_____17. AB is a diameter of circle O.

If ∠BAC = 42°, what is ∠ABC?

_____18. In ΔABC, X, Y are the midpoints of AB and AC. If BC = 8cm, how
long is XY?
_____19. What is the smaller angle between the hands of a clock at 7:45?
_____20. The diagonals of rectangle ABCD meet at K. If ∠AKB = 104°, find
_____21. In ΔABC, AB = 15, AC = 12, BC = 18. Arrange the angles from the
smallest to the largest.
_____22. In ΔABC, ∠A = 54°, ∠B = 70°. Which side of ΔABC is longest?
_____23. A circle has a radius of 7cm. How many degrees is the central
angle subtended by an arc of length 5.5 cm?
_____24. The width of a rectangle is 7cm and a diagonal is 25cm. Find its
The length of the rectangle is 24cm.
_____25. ABCD is a rhombus. If ∠DCA = 49°, find ∠B.
_____26. ΔABC is isosceles. If AB = AC, ∠B = (3x – 9)°, and ∠C = (2x + 15)°,
find ∠A.
_____27. The sum of the complement and supplement of an angle is 178°.
Find the angle.
_____28. AROW is a kite with RW as the longer diagonal. If ∠OWA = 70°,
find ∠WOA.
_____29. If an interior angle of a regular polygon is 168°, how many sides
has it?
_____30. If the length of a diagonal of a square is 30cm, how long is each
_____31. In the figure, AB∥CD. Find the area of ABCD.

_____32. ΔABC~ΔXYZ. If AB = 9cm, XY = 15cm and AC = 6cm, find XZ.

_____33. ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral. If ∠B = 88°, find ∠D.
_____34. In rt. ΔACB, CD⊥AB, AB = 16 and CB = 10. Find DB.
_____35. In the same figure and given, find CD.
_____36. PA, PB are tangents to circle O at A, B from an external point of P.
If ∠P = 38°, find the major arc AB.
_____37. When a 5m pole cast a shadow of 4m, a tall tree cast a shadow of
36m. Find the height of the tree.
_____38. If the geometric mean of 80 and 180 is x. Find x.
_____39. AC is a diameter of circle O. If OC = 5cm and ∠COB = 60°, find the
chord AB.
_____40. AB is a tangent to a circle O from an external point A. If AO = 25cm
and the radius is 10cm, how long is the tangent?

_____41. In the figure, CA and CB are tangents. If minor arc CB = 128°, find
_____42. In the figure, PAB and PDC are tangents to circle O. If arc BC =
138° and arc AD = 62°, find ∠P.
_____43. In the same figure, if PB = 11, AB = 8 and PD = 4, find DC.
_____44. In ΔABC, AD bisects ∠BAC. If AB = 12, BC = 18 and AC = 10, find
_____45. If a side of an equilateral triangle is 24cm, what is its area?
_____46. What is the sum of the series 12 + 16 + 20 + ….. to 20 terms?
_____47. Find a quadratic equation with integral coefficients whose roots are
_____48. If X, Y trisect the segment connecting A(-4, -2) and B(8, 7), find the
coordinates of Y.
_____49. A group of teachers plan a tour in their province. The total fare is P
1200 and this is to be shared equally among them. If two more teachers
join the tour, each will pay P 20 less. Find the original number of teachers
in the group.
_____50. If a1 = 2, a2 = 3, an = (an-1)2 + an-2, find a4.

MTAP Division Elimination 2010

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. Find each interior angle of a regular pentagon.

_____2. Find the perimeter of a regular heptagon of side 15cm.
_____3. A segment joining two points on a circle is called ______.
_____4. Mang Julio has a rectangular field 450m by 250m. If he is offered 2
million pesos per hectare, how much is he offered?
_____5. The base of an isosceles triangle is 20cm and a leg is 40cm. Find the
altitude to the base.
_____ 6. Find the area of a trapezoid with bases equal to 25cm and 40cm and
the altitude is 20cm.
_____7. What is the volume of the largest ball that can be packed in a cubic
cardboard box of side 1dm?

_____ 8. In the figure, m∥n. If ∠2 = 14° 1

3 4
more than ∠1, find ∠6.
_____ 9. In the same figure, if ∠3 = (2x + 15)° 6 5
7 8
and ∠7 = (3x – 13)°, find ∠4.

_____ 10. In what triangle are one median and one altitude the same segment?
_____ 11. There are 12 distinct named points on a line. How many segments can
be named?
_____ 12. If the non-common sides of two adjacent angles are opposite rays,
what is the sum of the two angles?
_____13. M is the midpoint of segment LN. If LM = 3x + 16 and MN = 7x, how
long is LN?
_____14. A, B, and C are 3 distinct points on a line. If AB = 11 = BC and the
coordinate of B is 4, what is the coordinate of A if A is to the left of B?
_____15. An angle is 16° less than its supplement. Find the angle.
_____16. What is the sum of all the angles of a dodecagon?
_____17. What is the size of each interior angles of a regular polygon of 18
_____ 18. How many diagonals does a polygon of 10 sides have?
_____19. If X is a point on the segment joining a (-5, 1) and B(7, 10) such that
AX:XB = 1:2, what are the coordinates of X?
_____20. Find the perimeter of equilateral ΔABC if AB = 2x – 7 and BC = x + 3.
_____ 21. In ΔABC, if ∠A is 10° more than ∠B and ∠C is 10° less than twice ∠B,
find ∠C. A2 8 B
_____ 22. What is the range of 10 12
values of AC in the figure? D
15 C
_____23. In ΔABC, ∠A = 55° and ∠B = 68°. Arrange the sides of the triangle
from the shortest to the longest.

_____ 24. In ΔABC, AC is produced to D. If ∠A = 60° and ∠B = 85°, find ∠BCD.
_____ 25. ABCD is a rectangle. If AD = x + 1, CD = 2x – 3 and AC = x + 2, find
_____ 26. In the figure, AROW is a kite.
A 1 2
If ∠1 = 30°, find ∠3. O
_____ 27. In the same figure, if ∠2 = 50°, 3
find ∠ROW. W
_____ 28. ABCD is a rhombus. If AC = 10cm and BD = 24cm, find AB.
_____ 29. In ΔABC, DE∥CB. R
If CD = 12, CA = 18 and BE = 8, find AB. X+1 X+4
_____ 30. In ΔPRQ, ST∥PQ. S T
If the sides are as given, find RQ. X+3 X+7

_____ 31. ΔACB is right angled at C. CD⊥AB. If BC = 9, AC = 12, find AD.

_____ 32. In the same figure and given as #31, find CD.
_____ 33. In rt. ΔACB, ∠A = 30°. Find the area of ΔACB if AB = 18cm.
_____ 34. ΔABC is equilateral of side 16cm. Find its area.
_____ 35. In ΔABC, AD bisects ∠BAC. If AC = 10cm, AB = 14cm and BC =
16cm, find BD.
_____ 36. AB is a chord of circle O of length 20cm. If OA = 15cm, find the
distance of AB from O.
_____ 37. ΔABC is an isosceles triangle with base BC inscribed in circle O of
radius 5cm. If BC = 8cm, find AB.
_____ 38. An arc of 25cm subtends a central angle of 60°. What is the radius of
the circle to the nearest whole number?
_____ 39. A central angle of a circle of radius 10cm intercepts an arc of 20cm.
How large is the central angle? Give the answer to the nearest whole degree.
_____ 40. ABCD is inscribed in circle O. If ∠B = 110° and ∠C = 80°, what is ∠D?
_____ 41. In the figure, if ∠P = 30° and ∠A = 40°, find arc AD.
_____ 42. Circle O is inscribed in ABCD.
If BC = 9, AB = 8 and DC = 10, find DA.
_____ 43. What special quadrilateral is formed by the points
A(0, 5), B(2, 1), C(6, 3) and D(4, 7)?
_____44. A triangle has two vertices at (-a, 0) and (a, 0). What must be the third
vertex for the triangle to be equilateral?
_____ 45. Find the equation of the line passing through (-2, -2) and
perpendicular to the line 2x – 3y + 5 = 0.
_____ 46. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the segment joining
(2, 2) and (6, 8).
_____ 47. The vertices of ΔABC are at A(0, -1), B(3, 5) and C(6, 0). Find the
equation of the altitude from B to AC.
_____ 48. Find the center of the circle x2 + y2 – 4x – 2y – 20 = 0.
_____ 49. Find the equation of the tangent to the circle x2 + y2 – 8y = 0 if the
point of tangency is (0, 8).
_____ 50. Find the distance between two parallel lines x + 2y – 6 = 0 and 2x + 4y
– 10 = 0.

MTAP Challenge Division Elimination 2011

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____ 1. What is an angle greater than 180° but less than 360° called?
_____ 2. Two lines that do not belong to the same plane are called
_____ 3. What is the supplement of 120°?
_____ 4. What is an interior angle of a regular octagon?
_____ 5. How many distinct diagonals can be drawn in a nonagon?
_____ 6. How many degrees is one exterior angle of a regular pentagon?
_____ 7. The two parallel sides of an isosceles trapezoid are 10cm and 20cm
respectively. If one of the acute angles is 60°, find the area of the trapezoid.
_____ 8. A circle is drawn inside a semi-circle of radius 10cm. Determine the
area of the semi-circle outside the circle to the nearest tenth of a cm2.
_____ 9. How many circles of radius 6cm can be cut from a piece of cartolina
measuring 60cm by 40cm?
_____ 10. A cylindrical water tank has a diameter of 1.2m and a height of 1.5m.
How many liters of water can it hold the nearest liter?
_____ 11. What is the central angle of a circular arc equal to 2/5 the
circumference of a circle?
_____ 12. Find the number of liters of water a spherical tank of 2m diameter can
hold to the nearest liter.
_____ 13. ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with ∠A and ∠B at the ends of the
shorter base. If angle C is 70°. What is angle A?
_____ 14. ΔABC is similar to ΔXYZ. If AB = 10, AC = 12 and XY = 6, find XZ.
_____ 15. In the figure on the right AB = DC and angle ODC = 55°. What is angle
C 60⁰
2 3
A n
B x
#15 #17

_____ 16. AB is an 8cm chord of a circle of radius 5cm. What is the distance of
the chord to the center?
_____ 17. m and n are two parallel lines. What is angle x?

_____ 18. In the same figure, if ∠1 = (3x + 8)° and ∠2 = (4x – 7)°, find ∠3.
_____ 19. The angles of triangle ABC are 2x°, 4x° and (5x + 15)° respectively.
Find the biggest angle.

_____ 20. In ΔABC, ∠B = 30° and ∠A = 55°. Find the exterior angle at C.
_____ 21. What is the sum of the angles of a heptagon?
_____ 22. ABC is an arc with center O. ∠COB = 40° and ∠BOA = 70°. Find
_____ 23. ABCD is a rhombus with angle ∠ABC = 60°. The diagonals DB and
AC meet at O. Find ∠ACB.
_____ 24. ΔABC is isosceles. If each base is 9° less than the vertex angle, find
the vertex angle.
_____ 25. In quadrilateral ABCD, if ∠B = 110° and ∠D = 60°, what is ∠A + ∠C?
_____ 26. In the figure ∠1 = ∠2, XY∥BC, AB = 15 and AX = 9. What is XD?

#26 #28 #29

_____ 27. ABCD is a parallelogram. ∠ABC = 120° and ∠ADB = 40°. What is
angle BDC?
_____ 28. ABCD is a trapezoid. XY ∥ AD; X, Y are the midpoints of AB and CD.
Find XY.
_____ 29. Lines AD, BE and CF are parallel lines. Find EF.
_____ 30. In ΔABC, X, Y are the midpoints of AB and BC. Find XY if AC = 9.
_____ 31. In ΔABC, X, Y are on AB and BC, XY∥ AC, BX = 3, AB = 9 and BY =
3.5. Find CY.
_____ 32. In rt. ΔACB, CD is the altitude to AB. Find BD.
_____ 33. In the same figure, find CD.

# 33 #34
_____ 34. In the figure, CD is a diameter of length 8cm. Chord AB is the
perpendicular bisector of CO. Find the length of AB.
_____ 35. A pyramid has a square base of side 50ft and a height of 30ft. Find the
surface area of the 4 triangular sides in sq. ft.
̂ = 𝐵𝐶
_____ 36. A, B, C are points on a circle such that 𝐴𝐵 ̂ = 𝐶𝐴.
̂ Find ∠A.
_____ 37. ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral, AD, BC are produced to meet at X.
If ∠B = 80° and ∠X = 30°, find ∠XCD.
_____ 38. TAP is tangent to circle O at A. Arc ABC is 240°. What is ∠CAP?
_____ 39. AB and CD are two chords intersecting at E. If arc AC is 45° and arc
BD is 105°, find ∠AEC.

_____ 40. AT and CT are tangents to circle O at A and C. If the minor arc AC is
110°, find ∠T.
_____ 41. Circle O is inscribed in triangle ABC. ∠A = 50° and ∠B = 60°. Find arc
XY in degrees.


Z . 50 A
O ⁰

_____ 42. ABC is secant and AD is tangent to circle O at D. If AB is 10cm and
BC is 15cm, what is AD?
_____ 43. ABCD is a quadrilateral with AB = 8, BC = 13 and DC = 15. What is
the maximum possible integral value of AD?
_____ 44. In the figure,. AD = 7cm, DB = 6cm, and AC = 5cm. Find the area of
ACED.(There is no given figure.)
_____ 45. ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral. If ∠BAD = 90°, BC = 6cm and CD
= 8cm, find the radius of the circle.
_____ 46. In the figure, AB = 10cm, AE = 8cm and BE = 6cm. Find the area of

A 10cm B


# 46
_____ 47. In the figure XY∥BC, AB is divided at X so that AX: XB = 3:4. Find BC.
_____ 48. ΔABC is similar to ΔXYZ with the ratio of similarity equal to 3:4. If the
perimeter of ΔABC = 48cm, what is the perimeter of ΔXYZ?
_____ 49. If ΔABC in # 48 has an area of 54cm2, what is the area of ΔXYZ?
_____ 50. In ΔABC, AB = 10cm, AC = 12cm and BC = =15cm. If AD bisects ∠A
and meets BC at D, find the length of BD.

MTAP Division Elimination 2012

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question.
Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____ 1. OX bisects ∠AOB. If ∠AOX = (3x + 5)° and ∠XOB = (4x – 13)°, find
_____ 2. X is a point between D and E. If DX = 6, XE = 9 and the coordinate of D
is -4, what is the coordinate of E.
_____ 3. What is the complement of an angle 52°?
_____ 4. What is the supplement of an angle of 64°?
_____ 5. The difference between two supplementary angles is 34°. Find the
bigger angle.
_____ 6. In ΔABC, ∠B = 119°; AD is the altitude to BC. Find ∠BAD.
_____ 7. In ΔABC, ∠A = 45° and ∠C = 72°, find ∠B.
_____ 8. A wheel makes 118 revolutions in traveling 1298 ft. Find its
_____ 9. How much air is enclosed in a tent with a rectangular base 4m by 2.7m
if the height is 5m?
_____ 10. Find the volume of the wood used in making a closed box 20cm by
12cm by 9cm if the wood is 1cm thick.
_____ 11. In ΔABC, the bisector of ∠BAC meets BC at D. If ∠ADC = 70° and
∠BAC = 60°, find ∠B.
_____ 12. How many dusters, 18 in wide and 2.5 ft long can be cut from a 50yd
piece of cloth if it is 36 in wide?
_____ 13. A base angle of an isosceles triangle is 55°, what is the vertex angle?
_____ 14. ΔABC is equilateral. If AM is the median to BC, what is ∠AMB?
_____ 15. Write an equation of the line passing through (2, -3) & (-7, 5)?
_____ 16. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 24° more than a base
angle. Find the vertex angle.
_____ 17. In ΔABC, AB = 14cm and AC = 19cm. What is the range of possible
value of the length of BC?
_____18. Find the interior angle of a regular polygon of 15 sides.
_____ 19. In ΔABC, AB = 12cm, AC = 10cm and BC = 15cm. Arrange the angles
of ΔABC from smallest to largest.
_____ 20. N ΔABC, ∠A = 50° and ∠B = 70°. Arrange the sides of ΔABC from
shortest to longest.
_____ 21. What is each exterior angle of a regular polygon of 20 sides?
_____ 22. Write an equation of the line through (3, -2) and parallel to 2x–y+5 = 0.
_____ 23. ABCD is a rectangle with diagonal AC. If ∠BAC = 38°, find ∠BCA.
_____ 24. In ΔABC, AB = AC = 13cm and BC = 10cm. Find the length of altitude
AD to BC.
_____ 25. ABCD is a parallelogram. If ∠A = 78°, find ∠D.
_____ 26. ABCD is a rhombus, AC = 10cm and AB = 12cm. Find BD.
_____ 27. ABCD is a rhombus. If ∠BAC = 52°, find ∠D.

_____ 28. ABCD is a kite, ∠ABC = 110° and ∠A = 80°. Find ∠C.
_____ 29. ABCD is a rectangle. If the perimeter is 84cm and AB is 6cm longer
than BC, find AD. A
_____ 30. In circle O, if OB = 10cm
and OD = 6cm, find BC.
_____ 31. In the same figure, C B
if BC = 30cm and OD = 8cm, find AB. D
_____ 32. In the same figure,
if ∠B = 48°, find arc BC.
_____ 33. In the figure, O is the
center of arc ABC. Find ∠O.
_____ 34. In circle O, arcs AB:BC:CA = 3:4:5. What is arc BC?
_____ 35. In the same circle and given as in # 34, find ∠CBA.
_____ 36. ABCD is an inscribed quadrilateral. If ∠A = 70°, what is ∠C.
_____ 37. In ΔABC, CB is extended to X, ∠ABX = 110°, ∠A = 50°, ∠C = ____.
_____ 38. In the figure, ∠BAC = 25°,
∠DAC = 46° and ∠ADB = 64°, find ∠DBC. A
_____ 39. In the same figure and given, find ∠DBA. B
_____40. In rt. ΔABC, CD⊥AB,
e = 4 and f = 12. Find CD. e
_____ 41. In the same figure, find AC.
_____42. In the figure, AB and RS intersect at E
so that AE = 3, EB = 16, SE = 6. Find RE. C B
_____ 43. In the figure, SR//TV//PQ. If ST = 8, TP = 6, RV = 6, find RQ.
_____44. In the figure, EKG is a straight line and KG = 5cm. Find the length of
#42 #43 #44
_____45. NRPM is an inscribed quadrilateral and MPQ is a straight line. If ∠NRP
= 138°, find ∠NPQ.
_____46. EPQR and EFGH are rectangles and F and H are midpoints. If RP =
34cm and RQ = 30cm, find the area of the shaded parts.
_____47. Find an equation of the circle in radius center form with center at (-3, -
5) and tangent to the y – axis.
_____48. A leg of an isosceles trapezoid is 12cm. If the upper base is one-half
the length of the lower base and the perimeter is 75cm, find the lower base.
_____49. The bisectors of the base angles of an isosceles triangle meet at I.
Find the angle between the bisectors at their point of intersection if the vertex
angle is 70°.
_____ 50. PT is tangent to circle O at T. PAB is a secant. If PT = 10, PA = 5, find

MTAP Division Elimination 2013

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.
(−2𝑥 −3 𝑦 4 )−2
_____1.Simplify: × (3𝑥 −2 𝑦 −1 )4
𝑥 5 𝑦 −3
_____2.Simplify: .
_____3.Simplify: −2√75 + 5√12 − 4√27.
3 3
_____4.Simplify: 6𝑚𝑛4 √8𝑚11 𝑛4 − 2𝑚3 𝑛 √𝑚5 𝑛13 .
_____5.Simplify:𝑥𝑦 2 √16𝑥 3 𝑦 5 − 7𝑦√𝑥 5 𝑦 7 + 4𝑦 3 √4𝑥 5 𝑦 3 , if x > 0 and y > 0
𝑥 2 −3𝑥−28 𝑥 2 −16
_____6. Simplify: 𝑥 2 +3𝑥−28 ÷ 𝑥 2 −49
𝑥−2 𝑥+5
_____7. Simplify: 𝑥 2 −𝑥−6 + 𝑥 2 +2𝑥−15.
_____8. Solve: x(6x – 1) = 12.
_____9. Find the equation of the line with x – intercept 3 and y-intercept -7.
_____10. Find the equation of the line passing through (2, 3) and perpendicular
to 7x – 5y = 40.
_____11. Find the constant s so that the lines (2s + 4)x + 5y = -7 and (s + 4)x +
3y = s are parallel.
_____12. Find the point of intersection of the lines 5x + 2y = 16 and 10x – 3y =
_____13. Find the supplement of an angle measuring 76 7 °.
_____14. If ∠X = (6 + 5k)°∠Y = (158 – 3k)° are supplementary, find the
complement of ∠X.
_____15. (Figure 1) Find x.
_____16. (Figure 1) Find y.
_____17. (Figure 2) Find RS.
_____18. (Figure 2) Find PQ

_____19. The four points A(-6, 2), B(-3, -2), C(9, 7) and D form rectangle ABCD.
What are the coordinates of D?
_____20. How many circles of radius 9cm can be cut from a rectangular sheet
3.7m by 1.05m?
_____21. In parallelogram PARK, ∠P = 7x°, ∠A = (3x – 20)°, and ∠K = (5y –
10)°. What is x + y?
_____22. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 11:12:13. Find the measure in
degrees of its largest angle.
_____23. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 63°. Find the measure of a
base angle.
_____24. A regular polygon has 15 sides. Find the measure in degrees of each
of its interior angles.
_____25. An equilateral triangle has perimeter 27cm. What is its area?
_____26. A right triangle has legs 4√5 𝑎𝑛𝑑 2√5. How long is the hypotenuse?
_____27. Quadrilateral PQRS has right angles at P and R. If PQ = 9, PS = 12
and QR = 10, find RS.
_____28. What is the area of quadrilateral PQRS from the previous problem?
_____29. The shortest legs of two similar triangles are 5 and 7.5. If the bigger
triangle has perimeter 33, find the perimeter of the smaller triangle.
_____30. (Figure 3) Suppose FG = 12, IJ = 18 and JK = 21. Find GH.

_____31. (Fig3) Suppose FG = x – 3, FH = x + 5, IJ = x + 3 and IK = 2x. Find x.

_____32. (Figure 3) Suppose the perimeters of ΔFGH and ΔIJK are 20 and 48,
respectively. If GH = 12, find JK.
_____33. ATOM is an isosceles trapezoid having bases AT and MO, with AT<
MO. If AT = 12, TO = 6, and ∠TOM = 45°, find the perimeter of ATOM.
_____34. Find the area of ATOM from the previous problem.
_____35. The diagonals of a rhombus differ by 4. If its perimeter is 40, find its
_____36. The diameter of a sphere is the same as the side of a cube. If the
cube’s volume is 512cm3, find the sphere’s exact volume.
_____37. (Figure 4) If TQ = 4√5 and TS = 12√5, find RT

_____38. (Figure 4) If RS = 9√6 and TS = 18, find TQ.
_____39. (Figure 5) Find the perimeter of STUV.
_____ 40. (Figure 6) Find ∠AOB.

_____41. (Figure 6) Using the same data, find ∠BE

_____42. (Figure 7) PA is tangent to the circle at A. PE = 4, EB = 5, PD = 3. Find
_____43. (Figure 7) Using the same data, find DC.
_____44. Circles A and B have radii 5 and 7, respectively, and the distance
between their centers A and B is 6. If the two circles intersect at points M and N,
find the length of the common chord MN.
_____45. What is the 16th term of the arithmetic sequence 13, 19, 25….?
_____46. What is the sum of the first 21 terms of the arithmetic sequence from
the previous problem?
_____47. If 10 – 4k, 2k – 42, and 27 – 3k are three consecutive terms of an
arithmetic sequence, find their common difference.
_____48. A geometric progression has first term 5, and fourth term 80√2. What is
its second term?
_____49. A geometric sequence of positive terms has fifth term 24 and ninth
term 384. Find the sum of its first 6 terms.
_____50. Suppose a ball rebounds 2/3 the distance it falls. If it is dropped from a
height of 20m, how far does it travel before coming to rest?

MTAP Division Eliminations 2014

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.
_____1. Rationalize the denominator of 3+√5.
_____2. Solve for x in 9√𝑥 − 3 − 3 = 5√𝑥 − 3 + 25.
3 3
_____3. Simplify 2𝑦 2 √27𝑥 7 𝑦 2 − 𝑥 2 √𝑥𝑦 8 .
_____4. Solve for x in √5𝑥 + 4 = √𝑥 + 4.
_____5. Simplify √45 + 4√20 − √125.
_____6. Solve for x in √𝑥 + 1 = 𝑥 − 5.
_____7. An isosceles triangle has 55° base angle. What is its vertex angle?
_____8. An angle is 40° less than its supplement. Find the larger angle.
_____9. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3 : 5 : 10. Find the largest angle.
_____10. If ∠𝐴 = (5𝑘 + 2)° and ∠𝐵 = (2𝑘 − 3)° are complementary, find k.
_____11. If the two acute angles of a right triangle are in the ratio 2 : 7, find the
ratio of the exterior angles adjacent to them.
_____12. Find x if the angles of a triangle are (x + 10)°, (2x + 20)° and (3x – 30)°.
_____13. Find the hypotenuse of a right triangle with legs 2√10and 6√10.
_____14. An equilateral triangle has perimeter 18. What is its area?
_____15. In ▲ABC and ▲PQR, ∠𝐴 = ∠𝑃 = 40°, ∠𝐵 = 30° and ∠𝑅 = 110°.
If AB = PQ = 16, BC = 11, and AC = 8.6, find QR.
_____16. The angle bisector at vertex A of ▲ABC meets BC at point D. If AB =
30, AC = 24 and BC = 36, find BD.
_____17. A triangle has sides 7, 2x and 11. What is the range of values that x
can take?
_____18. In ▲ABC, side AB is longer than the other two sides. If ∠A = 50°, what
is the range of possible measures of ∠𝐵?
_____19. What is the longest side of ▲ABC if ∠𝐴 = 35°, ∠𝐵 = 75° and ∠𝐶 = 70°?
_____20. In quadrilateral ABCD, AB = AD and CD > CB. If the diagonals
intersect at P, which one is longer between PB and PD?
_____21. (Figure 1) Which of the marked angles is the largest?

Figure 1 Figure 2
_____22. (Figure 2) In quadrilateral ABCD, ∠𝐶𝐵𝐸 = ∠𝐶𝐸𝐵 = ∠𝐶𝐸𝐷 =
50°, ∠𝐶𝐴𝐵 = 20° and AB = DE. Find ∠𝐶𝐷𝐸.
_____23. A regular polygon has 10 sides. Find each interior angle.
_____24. How many sides does a convex polygon have if the sum of its interior
angles is 5 times the sum of all its exterior angles?
_____25. (Figure 3) Find x.
_____26. (Figure 3) Find z.

_____27. (Figure 4) The figure shows a segment joining the midpoints of two
sides of a triangle. Find x.
_____28. Find the equation of the line passing through (-12, 6) and perpendicular
to 6x + 7y = 3.
_____29. Find the equation of the line having half the x – intercept and twice the
y – intercept of 3x + 5y = 15.
_____30. Find all values of the constant k so that the lines (k2 – 10)x + ky = 10
and (k – 4)x + 3y = 7 are parallel.
_____31. Find the equation of the line perpendicular to and containing the
midpoint of the segment joining (-2, 3) and (6, -1).
_____32. What is the capacity, in cubic meters, of a swimming pool that is 15 m
long, 8 m wide, and 5 m deep on the shallow end and 7 m on the deep end?
_____33. A 40cm x 30cm x 21cm rectangular block is completely submerged in a
box containing water without it spilling over. If the container’s base is 105cm x
60cm, by how much did the water level rise?
_____34. In parallelogram PQRS, ∠𝑃 = (6𝑥 + 10)° and ∠𝑄 = (8𝑥 − 40)°. Find x.
_____35. In parallelogram ABCD, ∠𝐷𝐵𝐶 = 27°and ∠𝐴𝐷𝐶 = 70°. Find ∠𝐵𝐷𝐶.
_____36. The diagonals of parallelogram JKLM intersect at P. If PJ = 3x – 2, PK
= x + 3 and PM = 5x – 5, find x.
_____37. A rhombus has diagonals of lengths 10 and 24. What is its area?
_____38. The lengths of the sides of three squares are s, s + 1 and s + 2. Find
their total perimeter if their total area is 245.
_____39. In quadrilateral REST, ∠𝑅 = 119°, ∠𝐸 = 67°and ∠𝑆 = 73°. Find ∠𝑇.
_____40. Quadrilateral PQRS has right angles at P and R. If PQ=6, PS=8 and
QR=4√5, find RS.
_____41. What is the area of quadrilateral PQRS from the previous problem?
_____42. If y varies directly as x, and y = 14 when x = 6, find y when x = 15.
_____43. If the radius of a circle is doubled, by what factor does the area
_____44. Suppose w varies jointly as x and the square of y, and inversely as z. If
x is increased by 20%, y is increased by 50%, and z is doubled, by how much will
w increase?
_____45. Find the 11th term of an arithmetic sequence with 3rd term 47 and 9th
term 29.
_____46. Find the smallest integer n such that 1 + 2 + 3 + …. + n >450.
_____47. An arithmetic sequence has 2nd term -43 and 4th term -37. What is the
first positive term of the sequence?
_____48. Find x if 2x – 1, x + 4 and 3 – 3x are consecutive terms of an arithmetic
_____49. Find the common ratio of a geometric sequence with 5 th term – 5 and
8th term 135.
_____50. What number must be added to each of 4, 7 and 12 so that the
resulting numbers form a geometric sequence?

MTAP Division Eliminations 2015

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

3 2
_____ 1. Simplify √2 − √3.
20 +2−1
_____ 2. Evaluate 2−2 +2−3.
1 1
_____3. Simplify √9 + 16.
𝑥 −1 −𝑦−1
_____ 4. Simplify 1 1 .
𝑥 3 −𝑦3
𝑏 𝑏
_____ 5. If a, b and c are real numbers such that = 5 and = 2, what is the
𝑎 𝑐
value of ?
𝑥 𝑥
_____ 6. If 𝑥 ≠ 0, 9 = 𝑦 2 and 3 = 3𝑦, what is x?
_____ 7. If f(x) = x2 + 6x + 9, what is f(x – 3)?
_____ 8. If f(x) = x2 + 1 and g(x) = x – 1, for all real numbers x, for what real
number a does f(g(-a)) = g(f(-a))?
_____ 9. Solve for x in √3 + √𝑥 = 3.
2𝑥 𝑥+2
_____ 10. Solve for x in the equation 𝑥+2 + = 2.
_____ 11. If 𝑥 ≠ 1, solve for x in 2√𝑥 + = 5.

_____ 12. Evaluate √2 + √2 + √2 + √2 + ⋯ .

_____ 13. Find two consecutive positive integers whose product is 506.
_____ 14. If c > a > 0 and if a – b + c = 0, find the larger root of ax2 + bx + c = 0.
_____15. Solve for x in 2x2 + x < 6.
_____ 16. Solve for real numbers x satisfying the inequality x - 2√𝑥 ≤ 3.
_____ 17. Find the minimum value of x2 – 8x + 3.
_____18. Find the smallest value of 𝑥 + 𝑥, for all real numbers x.
_____ 19. Solve for b in the equation (x+1)(x+a) = x2 + bx + 3.
_____ 20. Write the quadratic equation with integer coefficients
whose roots are the reciprocal of the roots of 2x2 - 3x + 1 = 0.
_____ 21. Compute the sum of all the roots of (x – 2)(x + 1) + (x – 1)(x + 4) = 0.
_____ 22. If r and s are the roots of x2 + x – 1= 0, evaluate (r + s)2.
_____ 23. For what value(s) of m are the roots of (m – 1)x2 – mx + 1 = 0 equal?

_____ 24. It is known that y varies as the square of x and that y = 8 when x = 1.
What is y when x = 8?
_____ 25. Suppose that x and y are inversely proportional and are positive
quantities. By what percent does y decrease if x is increased by 25%?
_____ 26. If 4 men can paint a house in 5 days, in how many days can 10 men
paint the same house?
_____ 27. If y is proportional to the cube of x and x is proportional to the fourth
power of z, then y is proportional to which power of z?
_____ 28. Running at uniform speed in a race, Allan can beat Ben by 20m, Ben
can beat Carlo by 10m and Allan can beat Carlo by 28m.How long is the race?
_____ 29. Find the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle whose
base angles measures 65˚.
_____ 30. Find x if the angles of a quadrilateral measure x˚, (2x + 10)˚, (3x + 20)˚
and (4x – 30)˚.
_____ 31. An equilateral triangle and a square have the same perimeter. What is
the ratio of the length of a side of the triangle to the length of a side of the
_____ 32. John cuts an equilateral triangular paper whose sides measure 2cm
into pieces. He then rearranges the pieces to form a square without overlapping.
How long is the side of the square formed?
_____ 33. The sides of a triangle are of lengths 5, 12 and 13. What is the length
of the shortest altitude?
_____ 34. Each side of triangle ABC measures 8cm. If D is foot of the altitude
drawn from A to the side BC and E is the midpoint of AD, how long is the
segment BE?
_____ 35. A point E is chosen inside a square of side 8cm such that it is
equidistant from to adjacent vertices of the square and the side opposite these
vertices. Find the common distance.
_____ 36. A point E is drawn inside rectangle ABCD and its distances from A, B
and C are 2cm, 3cm and 4cm. How far is E from D?
_____ 37. Find the area of a rectangle with diagonal of length 10cm is twice as
long as it is wide.
_____ 38. Triangle ABC has a right angle at C. If sin A = 3, what is cos A?
_____ 39. A side of a triangle measures 3cm. A line segment is drawn parallel to
this side, forming a trapezoid whose area is 2/3 of the area of the triangle. How
long is the line segment?
_____ 40. A cone has volume 64m3. If the cone is cut parallel to the base at a
distance from the vertex equal to ¼ of the height of the cone, what is the volume
of the resulting cone?

#41 #42 #43
_____ 41. In the figure, ABCD is a square with diagonal 2cm long and AEC is an
equilateral triangle. Find the area of the quadrilateral AECB.
_____ 42. Pegs are put on a board 1cm apart both horizontally and vertically.
What is the area of the quadrilateral formed by stretching a rubber band over four
pegs as shown in the figure?
_____ 43. In the figure, ABCD is an isosceles trapezoid with AB as its longest
side and O divides the diagonals AC and BD in the ratio 1 : 2. What is the area of
ABCD if the area of BOC is 2m2?
_____ 44. On triangle ABC, D and E are the midpoints of BC and AB,
respectively. The median AD meets CE at F. If the area of the triangle EFA is
1cm2, what is the area of triangle ABC?
_____ 45. Equilateral triangle ABC has side of length 2cm, M is the midpoint of
AC and B is the midpoint of CD. What is the area of ΔMCD?
_____ 46. Points D, E, and F are drawn one on each side of triangle ABC so that
ADEF is a rhombus. If the lengths of AC, AB and BC are 6, 12 and 8
respectively, how long is a side of ADEF?
_____ 47. A rectangular piece of paper 4cm in length and 3cm in width is folded
so that a pair of diagonally opposite vertices coincide. How long is the
crease(fold – mark)formed?
_____ 48. In trapezoid ABCD, 𝐴𝐷 ∥ 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐴𝐵 = 𝐵𝐶 = . Find ∠𝐴𝐶𝐷.
_____ 49. Two angles of a triangle measure 30˚ and 105˚ and the side between
these two angles measure 2cm. What is the perimeter of the triangle?
_____ 50. How many noncongruent triangles with perimeter 9 have sides of
integer length?

MTAP Division Eliminations 2016

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be
sure that you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by
answering the questions.

_____1. Solve for x in 2 x 4  0

_____2. Find sin  if tan  = and cos < 0.
_____3. What is the value of tan   17   ?
 6 
5 2 1
_____4. Solve for x in  
x  2 x 1 2
_____5. Solve for x in x 4  4 x 2  5  0

_____6. Find the sum of the first 20 positive odd numbers.

_____7. Solve for x in x 2  12  7 x
_____8. Find all possible values of x if one of the interior square is (2x2 – 8x).
_____9. What is the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon?
_____10. What is the supplement of an angle four times its complement. Find the
_____ 11. What is the shortest side of ∆PQR if P = 57 and
Q = 67?
2 2
_____12. Rationalize the denominator and simplify: .
6 2
_____13. Find the 25th term of the arithmetic sequence whose first 3 terms are 4,
7, and 10.
_____14. Solve for x in 2 x  1  x  1
_____15. For what value/s of x is x 2  8 x  18  0 ?
_____16. In ∆ABC, B = 90 and Sin A = . Determine the value of tan C.
_____17. The angle bisector at vertex B of ∆ABC meets at AC at D. If BC = 6,
AC = 40, and CD = 15, find AB.
_____18. Find the equation parallel to 4x + 3y = 12 and passing through (-12, 4).
_____19. Express in terms of sines or cosines of  and simplify: cotsec2
_____20. Find the common ratio of a geometric sequence whose first term is -2
and the 7th term is -1458.
_____21. Solve for x in 4 3x  1  4 x  3
_____22. Find the 7th term of the geometric sequence: 8, 12, 18,...
_____23. ∆ ABC is a right triangle with C = 90. If A = 60 and a = 50, find b.
_____24. Two of the exterior angles of a regular polygon have measure
(6x – 30) and (114 – 10x).How many sides does this regular polygon have?
3 2
_____ 25. Solve for x in   0.
2x  1 x

_____26. Find x so that x – 2, x + 2 and x + 4 are consecutive terms of a
geometric sequence.
_____27. What is the smallest positive angle which is co-terminal to -1125
_____ 28. What is the height of an equilateral triangle whose perimeter is 6
_____29. By what factor is the volume of a cube increased if each of its sides is
_____30. z varies directly as x and varies inversely as the square of y. If z = 2
when x = 14 and y = 6, find z when x = 27 and y = 9.
_____31. Express in terms of sines or cosines of  and simplify: cot 2   1

tan   1
_____32. Right ∆ABC, with right  at C, has sides b = 5 and c = = 7. Find csc B.
_______________33. In the following figure, the double arrows indicate parallel
lines. Find x.

For #33 For # 37

_____ 34. What is the perimeter of an equilateral ∆ whose area is 75 3 sq cm?
_____ 35. A person is standing 40 ft away from a street light that is 25 feet tall.
How tall is he if his shadow is 10 ft long?
_____ 36. What is the maximum value of f(x) = -2x2 – 4x + 3?
_____ 37. The figure shows a segment joining the midpoints of two sides of a
triangle. What is the sum of x and y?
1 1
3 3 
_____ 38. If x > 1, is x 2  x 2 positive or negative?
2 2
_____39. The diagonals of a rhombus are in the ratio of 1:3. If each side of a
rhombus is 10 centimeters long, find the length of the longer diagonal.
_____ 40. Find a and b so that the zeros of ax2 + bx + 24 are 3 and 4.
_____41. Find all k so that the graph of y   x 2  kx  9 is tangent to the x –
_____ 42. The diagonals of parallelogram JKLM intersect at P. If PM = 3x – 2,
PK = x + 3 and PJ = 4x – 3, find the length of PL.
_____ 43. Suppose that w varies directly as x and the square of y and inversely
as the square root of z. If x is increased by 80%, y is increased by 40%, and z is
increased by 44%, by how many percent will w increase?

_____ 44. Find k so that the minimum value of f(x) = x2 + kx + 8 is equal to the
maximum value of g(x) = 1 + 4x – 2x2.
_____45. The difference of two numbers is 22. Find the numbers so that their
product is to be the minimum.
_____ 46. In ∆ABC shown below. A’C’ is parallel to AC.
Find the length of BC’. For # 46
_____ 47. Find the length of h, the height drawn
to the hypotenuse, of the right ∆ABC
with right angle at C.

_____48. In the figure below, BAC and DEC are both right angles, CD = 6,
BC = 10, and the length of AD is one – fourth the length of AC. Find CE.
_____ 49. The number r varies jointly as s and the square of t. If r = 6 when s =
12 and t = ½. Find r when s = 18 and t = 3/2.

for #48 For #50

_____ 50. Given the figure below with AB parallel to DE. Find the length of AB.


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