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Once upon a time... in the fair land of France, there lived a very powerful lord, the owner of
estates, farms and a great splendid castle, and his name was Bluebeard. This wasn't his real name,
it was a nickname, due to the fact he had a long shaggy black beard with glints of blue in it. He was
very handsome and charming, but, if the truth be told, there was something about him that made
you feel respect, and a little uneasy...

Bluebeard often went away to war, and when he did, he left his wife in charge of the castle... He
had had lots of wives, all young, pretty and noble. As bad luck would have it, one after the other,
they had all died, and so the noble lord was forever getting married again.


Bluebeard married Jocelyne, sister of three lumberjacks who protected her a lot.

When they moved together, Bluebeard gave Jocelyne all kinds of freedom, and she simply enjoyed
them but Jocelyn never had contact with her brothers again, but that didn't matter to her.

About a month later, Bluebeard brought the carriage and while they were eating he told his wife:
"Dear, I must leave you for a few weeks. But stay cheerful during that time, invite whoever you
want and take care of the castle."


Before eating, bluebeard showed that the entire castle room had different things, one was a
sadomasochistic room, another with gold, shoes and clothes, and a room had been waiting for her
with fairies that grant wishes and other eccentricities, but a bluebeard didn't show a specific room
that had the iron door with strange phrases in a strange language.

Bluebeard told Jocelyne that he was going to travel, but then decided to stay hidden in the castle
to look at her, in his supposed absence she found the room key and opened the door at night


When Jocelyn thought that bluebeard had left the house, she began exploring the different rooms
with the keys. She tried on dresses, jewelry, but her favorite room was the habitation of
sadomasochism. However, at the end of the afternoon, Jocelyne entered the room without
thinking twice.

When she entered, she got a big surprise, in this room there was a collection of hands with
engagement rings and on the other hand there were heads attached to the wall, she recognized
that these parts belonged to the old wives of blue beard.


Bluebeard to see that his wife had entered the room that had forbidden her, waited outside the
room to give her punishment, death. When jocelyn saw a blue beard waiting for her with an ax in
her hand, she ran away tripping over a toy from the sadomasochism room, allowing the man to
reach her and kill her. What he didn't know was that his wife was very dear to her brothers and
that she had a spell of protection conjured by her brothers, this spell was that everything they did
to Jocelyn was going to be returned to that person. So in turn, blue beard died leaving all his
money to the brothers of his last wife.

But at the time of his death all his deceased wives killed by him returned to take his soul and make
her pay.


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