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Growing in my Profession

Using Professional Ethics as your Guide

This I believe… (List major points from your stance toward education.)
I want to teach students in a way that has some upfront instruction, but it also gives the students room to
grow and expand their knowledge on their own. Education is the key to success and every student deserves
the chance to receive an education.

I need… As a future teacher, I need to be aware of the learning motivation, behavior, and development
theories so that I can relate to my students and push them to reach their full potential towards
education. Every student deserves my time and full attention regarding their education.

I like… As a future teacher, I like the fact that I will have an impact on a student’s life and provide them
with the best education. I want every student that I encounter to know that education is important and
the best thing a person can receive.

I dislike… As a future teacher, I will dislike the fact that the backgrounds of some students will cause
them to judge. I also dislike that not all parents support their child’s education and takes it seriously.

My Professional Beliefs
(Principles that guide your approach to the teaching profession)
My love and passionate for children has guided to teaching profession. God has given me
conformation on the calling of my life which is to help children. I find myself always
surrounded by children even in my community. I really knew that teaching needed to be
my profession when I found myself being an assistant to help children gain the
knowledge of something they did not understand. My heart warms to witness a student
to finally gain the knowledge to understand how to read a sentence or solve a math
problem. This gives me the impression that I am striving towards the right profession
that will help a child in need of receiving their education.
My Plan for Pursuing Professional Development
Since education is a never-ending process it is important to always be willingly to continue your
education. In continuing your education and follow professional development to be more effective and
satisfied in the diverse aspects of their job. I plan to further my education once I am in the classroom. I
plan to talk with the principal to reassure I receive all the proper professional development even if that
means extra trainings, etc.
Growing in my Profession
Using Professional Ethics as your Guide
My Plan for Involving Families and Other Partners in my Classroom
I plan to create a welcoming environment for my parents with open communication because I strongly
believe that education is the key. I will provide the parents with materials with ways to improve their
child’s study skills or the learning process in the different academic subjects. As a future teacher, I plan
to incorporate the parents with the specific skill or lesson by giving them the chance to come into the
classroom and assistant. I plan to invite any community partners to share any available resources at
open house or in the parent-teacher conferences. I also plan to connect the students and their families
with community resources that will benefit the child’s education.
Growing in my Profession
Using Professional Ethics as your Guide

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