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Come Unto Christ


Sally DeFord

4 6

1.(Soprano/Alto): Come un - to

a tempo

8 (Sopranos verse 2 only) 10

Come un - to Christ, Come un - to Christ, Come un - to Christ ,

Christ, ye pen - i - tent and meek, Seek this Je - sus of whom the pro - phets
Christ who bore our griefs a - lone, Who will car - ry our bur - dens as His

Come Unto Christ - SATB-1


Come un - to Christ, Ah,

speak, Seek this Je - sus whose mer - cies ne - ver - cease, - - Come un - to
own, Seek this Je - sus, and by His love be - blessed, Come un - to

14 16

and find in Him e - ter - nal

Christ and find in Him e - ter - nal peace. 2: (Men unison) Come un - to
Christ and find in Him e - ter - nal

18 Soprano 20

rest. Come un - to Christ ye sor - row - ful and frail, Seek this

rest. Bass

Come Unto Christ - SATB-2


Je - sus whose com - fort can - not fail, Seek this Je - sus and tri - umph in His

24 26

might, Come un - to Christ, Come un - to Christ! Come un - to

a tempo

Christ, a - bide in Him and live, He will bless you with ev - 'ry per - fect

a tempo

Come Unto Christ - SATB-3

30 32

gift, Seek this Je - sus a - mid a world of strife, Come un - to

! a tempo

". " 34 # . " 36 "

Christ and find in Him e - ter - nal life.

! a tempo

Come Unto Christ - SATB-4

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