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First, let’s find out what are the basic kinds of environmental pollution:

air pollution; water pollution; noise pollution; soil pollution; light pollution; radioactive
Causes and effects of air pollution in Nigeria
Air pollution in Nigeria and many other countries in Africa and all over the world is a big
problem of the 21st century. The first discussions about air pollution becoming a global issue
began in the 1960s and continues in 2018. What are the effects of air pollution in Nigeria? What
are its consequences and where are we heading? Read more:
There are a lot of industrial enterprises in Nigeria. It is one of the key reasons why we can’t
ignore the problem of protection of the environment. Furthermore, we have to control water and
atmospheric pollution to avoid its harmful influence, keep the nature clean and provide safety for
the wildlife. In this article, you will find out 10 ways to control pollution that will help to reduce
environmental pollution. Environmental pollution Many people do not recognize the harm of
water and air pollution in its full measure. Rather often, one can meet a person who says that this
problem has no slightest relation to them because they live far from industrial districts and areas
with a high level of pollution. However, this is wrong! Read more:
There are a lot of industrial enterprises in Nigeria. It is one of the key reasons why we can’t
ignore the problem of protection of the environment. Furthermore, we have to control water and
atmospheric pollution to avoid its harmful influence, keep the nature clean and provide safety for
the wildlife. In this article, you will find out 10 ways to control pollution that will help to reduce
environmental pollution. Environmental pollution Many people do not recognize the harm of
water and air pollution in its full measure. Rather often, one can meet a person who says that this
problem has no slightest relation to them because they live far from industrial districts and areas
with a high level of pollution. However, this is wrong! Read more:
Alternative sources of energy. The control of air pollution requires significant attention. That’s
why it is high time to emphasize on decreasing the dependence on fossil fuels for transportation
and energy. Possible ways out - alternative sources of energy (wind energy, solar power,
geothermal energy, hydroelectricity, ocean wave energy, and bioenergy) that do not release
carbon dioxide and buying hybrid vehicles. Bike instead of car or bus. To reduce the existing air
pollution, people can take a walk or a ride on a bike instead of catching a bus. Local producers
support. How often do you buy food that was produced abroad or in the neighborhood? Did you
ever think on how much fuel the vehicle used to carry these products burnt? What is the
solution? Support local producers. Their vegetables, fruit, and meat are of the same quality but
cost less. Usage of environmentally-friendly chemicals. What about water? One of the ways to
control water pollution is the usage of environmentally-friendly chemicals. Furthermore, one has
to pay his attention to a significant dosage of pesticides and herbicides used in the agriculture
sector. These chemicals not only kill the pests and harmful microorganisms but also penetrate in
the soil, water, and the products the farmers grow. Read more:
Three R - reusing, reducing and recycling. Another way of pollution control is reusing, reducing
and recycling plastic. Some people throw plastic garbage into rivers, do you know that plenty of
fish dies because plastic. Furthermore, plastic does not break up. The only way to dispose of it is
to reuse it. Reducing the landfills areas. Reusing and recycling have relation not only to plastic
but to all the waste produced by people. By sorting garbage, you can help draw to the minimum
the number of sources necessary for its recycling. Furthermore, you help to prevent soil
pollution. Plant more trees. It is one of the best ways to reduce the harmful influence of air
pollution. Trees are the lungs of the planet. Read more:
Start composting the garbage that doesn’t need any additional efforts to be recycled (like
vegetables, fruit). You can also do the same actions with leaves instead of burning them. A few
months later, you will have an effective fertilizer of natural origin, which is rich in nutritive
microelements for your trees and flowers. Take your paper or fabric bag for shopping. Are you
one of those people who like shopping? Do you like coming back home with all those colorful
packages and bags, which are usually thrown into the garbage a few minutes later? Then, you
should know that all of them also require as many resources to be recycled as plastic. By taking
your bag, you can help the planet breathe freely. Do laundry only when your basket with dirty
clothes is full. Thus, you will reduce the amount of water needed and produce less water
pollution. Environmental pollution may come from the sources you could hardly ever expect it.
Furthermore, most kinds of deceases people have to experience in Nigeria are the result of the
activity of the country’s industry. Read more:
Environmental pollution may come from the sources you could hardly ever expect it.
Furthermore, most kinds of deceases people have to experience in Nigeria are the result of the
activity of the country’s industry. Here are the top 5 reasons to think about establishing strict
control over environmental pollution: it depresses the immune system and causes autoimmune
disorders; it increases the risk of cancer and heart decease; it is the fundamental cause of
allergies and asthma; it is one of the primary reasons for global warming; it hinders fertility and
reproductive functions. Read more:

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