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Sir as per my visit to FCMC yesterday I have done all the verification of the noted things and can

conclude the following:

1) The employees were receiving low quality meal and the cook was warned several time to
improve the quality of meal but no improvement was made till date therefore, after a detailed
meeting with mess incharge it was decided that the cook shall be replaced on immediate basis
and inspection of quality shall be done every week through employees survey. It was also
informed to the mess Incharge that if quality of meal is not improved company has no other
option but to replace you on immediate basis. Which was agreed.
2) Mr. Naseem and Mr. Riaz are absent from duty for 2 to 3 hours due to same secret mission of
identifying the vehicles that are distracting sulfuric acid and fuel from company vehicles. As
per discussion with Mr. Fahim, some new places are identified on Multan road which are
under critical observation.
Moreover, as per verification there was not fuel in store and it was informed that limited fuel
is kept in store for emergency purpose only (5 to 10 liter only). Therefore, fuel expenses of
nominal amount are claimed after the visit. The whole situation is under the knowledge of
Operation Manager and the secret operation is being done with the consent of Operation
Manager Mr. Fahim.
3) Three days (3 days) Lunch and Dinner was served to factory labour and the remaining meat
was served to labour on 4th day at lunch (Rice were from mess and meat was from company
The Trotters (seri paye) were also distributed in which 2 were received by Mr. Amin of sulfuric
acid. The cutis (skin/khal) was given to Jambar madrasa.
4) As per discussion Mr. Fahim agreed that this time our factory security is high alert 24/7. He
informed that he does surprise visits after every 2 to 3 nights and find all the persons high
5) Mr. Younis security guard was appointed on 16th December, 2017 and Mr. Zaman Ali was
appointed by Major sb. They are over aged which shall be replaced very soon.
6) The 1.5 kg milk is daily utilized by security guards in tea. Their duty timings are of 12 hours and
they need tea as a necessity to stay active during duty.
7) Mr. Fahim was given official letter not to get indulge in any cash / finance related transaction
for smooth flow of work.

As per my observations what was security doing when:

a) Employees did Intoxication with in factory premises and no security took any notice.
b) Security guards and employees slept during night.
c) A lot of corruption was done in mess but no security person informed the management.
d) Did any previous security guard catch any driver distracting sulfuric acid / fuel from official
e) The current security conveyed the information to Operation Manager 2 hours before media
team and local community arrival Infront of factory premises. Therefore, timely precautionary
measures were taken to resolve the issue.
f) The current security Mr. Naseem and Mr. Riaz raided the vendor premises during night and
disclosed the corruption of drivers. What have been done if any one of these two security
persons was shot during the night raid.
g) The current security is ready to face any situation 24/7.

Note: No one is perfect in this world. Every person and every company require continuous
improvements for which a team is required. If any one player of the team is not fit their will be no
progress. Therefore, in my opinion current team is hard working and honest.
Companies can find persons with excellent knowledge, skills and attitude but could not find a
hardworking and honest person.

Muhammad Zeeshan
Manager HR

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