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Building Bridges Across the Disciplines: Learning

Science Through Technology

Abstract Integration
The purpose of this study was to investigate Curriculum integration is highly promoted as a
students' learning and understanding of the cure for many of the ills associated with the
concept of forces in the context of a Year 9 teaching of middle school aged students such
class studying an integrated technology unit as the alienation they feel from the curriculum
called the Bridge Project. Data consisted of and the more traditional school structures
cases prepared from observational field notes (Bean, 1991). Others argue that a common
and formal interviews with the teachers and problem with curriculum integration is that its
five of the students in the class. The results of meaning is "often vague, unclear, ambiguous
the case study indicated that all five or even vacuous" (Hargreaves, et ai, 1996,
interviewed students recognised passive forces p.99). What exactly is curriculum integration
involved in the equilibrium situation of the and how far should it go in abolishing the
bridge and four of the five students appeared to traditional disciplines? Claims have been made
accept a force as a feature of interaction that "virtually no empirical support exists for
between two objects. The results were the superiority or desirability of organising
surprising when compared with a vast body of curriculum/instruction into either a thematic or
literature that suggests that the majority of integrated approach" (Lederman and Niess,
students of this age associate forces only with 1997, p.58). An interdisciplinary approach,
movement and as a property of a single object. where the integrity of the academic disciplines
Grady Venville, Several aspects of the course that may have remains clear and the connections between the
John Wallace, contributed to the students' understanding of subjects are emphasised, is supported by
Leonie Rennie forces are discussed. Lederman and Niess (1997). They suggest that
and John Malone with an interdisciplinary approach teachers are
flexible to explicitly address critical
Recently in Western Australia, subjects such as mathematics and science concepts.
Science and
manual arts, home economics and computing
Mathematics Learning about Forces
have been superseded by the new learning area
Education Centre, While there were many aspects of science and
of Technology and Enterprise. This new
Curtin University of mathematics incorporated into the bridge
learning area, to be implemented in schools
Technology, Australia project, this investigation focused on the
over the next four years, is described in the
students' learning of concepts related to forces.
recently published Curriculum Framework
A recent summary of research about students'
(Curriculum Council, 1998) and has a status
learning and understanding of forces (Driver,
equivalent with more traditional learning areas
Squires, Rushworth and Wood-Robinson,
such as science, mathematics and English. The
1994) reported that high school students tend
Technology and Enterprise learning area is
to associate forces only with movement, not
directly linked with the Science learning area
recognising the passive forces involved in
in the Curriculum Framework and curriculum
equilibrium situations. For example, a
integration is encouraged throughout the
Norwegian study (Sjoberg and Lie, 1981)
reported that more than 50% of a sample of
Calls for the introduction of technology into 1000 upper high school students did not
the curriculum have not been isolated to recognise passive forces. Erickson and Hobbs
Western Australia. In the United Kingdom, (1978) found only 9 of28, (32%) 12-14-year-
Price and Cross (1995) suggest that this change old students recognised forces acting in both
has been fuelled by economic difficulties and directions when a weight is pulling on a fixed
high unemployment and that the aim of these string and Minstrell (1982) found that only
developments has been to make science better twelve of a group of 27 high school students
understood. This may well be the case in (44%) thought that a table exerts an upward
Australia and other countries, but the question force on a book resting on the table. Driver et
remains, what does curriculum integration look al suggested that these results are a
like in practice? What do students learn about consequence of learners thinking of forces as a
science when taught in an integrated context? property of a single object rather than as a
Evaluations of the effects of curriculum feature of interaction between two objects.
integration on practice are not common in the
A series of bridging analogies were found by
literature (Hargreaves, Earl and Ryan, 1996). In
Clement (1987) to be useful in tutoring
an effort to contribute to this literature, this
students and remediating their misconception
study investigated students' learning and
that a table does not exert an upward force on a
understanding of forces in the context of a Year
book resting on the table. By discussing a book
9 integrated technology unit called the Bridge
resting on a spring and a book resting on a
flexible table and then returning to the problem
of the book on a normal table, the researchers
found that students were more likely to accept
the idea that the table exerts an upward force
on the book. A load on a bridge is similar to a In the first two weeks of the course, the
book on a table in terms of the equal and students completed several investigations about
opposite forces in action. For this reason, structures, beams and bending, joints and
Clement's (1987) bridging analogies were jointing, and were introduced to types of
utilised during interviews with students in this forces, the history of bridges and bridge types,
study (see the method for more details). before planning their bridges. The students
designed, manufactured and evaluated their
This study brought together two important
own bridge before the class evaluation where
avenues of research, firstly an investigation of
prizes were awarded to the structure with the
student learning in an interdisciplinary setting,
best strength to weight ratio, the most
and secondly, an investigation of students'
aesthetically pleasing bridge and the cheapest
understanding of forces. By doing this, we
bridge that met all the design criteria. A prize
hoped to explore whether the contextualised
also was awarded to the group who submitted
nature of the bridge project was beneficial for
the best written documentation of their project.
students in terms of learning science concepts.
The Bridge Project
Seven of the 10 lessons in the five-week course
The design and technology teacher in this
were observed. The first author of the paper
suburban, high school, Ms O'Reilly
used field notes to record the activity of the
(pseudonyms are used throughout the study),
teacher, the students and students' responses to
developed an engineering science course
the teacher's questions about their bridges.
incorporating science and mathematics
Interviews with five students were conducted
principles and practices within technology
one week after the completion of the course.
projects. The technology studies course is a
Students were selected in collaboration with
Year 9 (13/l4-years-old) optional unit
the teacher, with the aim of interviewing a
comprising two, one-hour lessons per week.
range of academic ability students from as
The course attracts a wide range of students of
many groups as practical. The semi-formal
different ability levels. Ms O'Reilly said that
interviews consisted of a list of prescribed
regardless of their ability levels, most of the
questions, however, the interviewer adjusted the
students are "interested and motivated". The
scope of the interview according to individual
class involved in this study comprised 15 male
student's responses. The first seven questions
students. The students were involved in several
elicited the student's description of his bridge,
projects throughout the year, one of which was
his reasons for the design, opinions about what
the bridge project.
was learned during the project and the
The bridge project was a five-week course usefulness of science and mathematics
requiring groups of two or three students to knowledge for the construction of the bridge.
role playa bridge construction company. The The final three questions were specifically
students were informed that another company aimed at probing the students' understanding
had gone bankrupt, leaving one of their bridges of the forces acting when a load is placed on a
unfinished and they were to use the bridge. These questions were adapted from
information they discovered about structures to Clement's (1987) investigations of students'
complete the job. Students were asked to understanding of forces. Students were asked
produce a strong, aesthetically pleasing bridge, about the forces acting in three diagrams
while minimising the cost. Design criteria (Figure I). Diagram A was of a load on a
included a span of 750nun with no support or straight bridge, diagram B was of a load on a
legs and support capacity of two cartons of bridge that was flexed in a downward direction
coke cans. The bridge was to have a maximum and diagram C was of a load on a spring.
of 25mm vertical deflection under full load,
The teacher was interviewed two weeks after Figure 1: The
constructed from the materials on the official
the completion of the course with the aim of
supply list with tools available in the workshop diagrams used during
documenting her general reflections and
and cost under $150.00 in 'bridge bucks' (play interviews with
opinions about integrating science,
money supplied by the teacher). students (adapted
mathematics and technology through the bridge
project. All interviews were audio-taped and from Clement, 1987)
Table 1: Student responses to diagrams A, B, and C during the interview.
Student Response to Diagram A Response to Diagram B
J, i
J, ? J, ? J, i
J, i J, i J, i
J, i J, i J, s

J, * J, * J, X

#- - student said there is a force acting up on the load

- question not asked in interview

s - student said there is a small force acting up on the load

? - student said they don't know whether there are any forces acting in that direction

X - student said there is no force acting in that direction

transcribed. The students' ideas about the they could get a prize for spending less money.
forces acting in diagrams A, Band C were They decided to add suspension "because it
summarised and tabulated (Table 1). The will add some strength and it doesn't cost very
student and teacher interview transcripts and much." Gavin had to work out the cost of the
field notes were reviewed by the researchers so string. He wanted 3000mrn of string and he
that a case story about each of the students' knew that the string cost $1.00 for every
experiences during this course could be 300mrn. He had difficulty doing the
constructed. The five case stories, field notes proportional problem to work out how much he
and interview data were used to generate had to pay. Ms O'Reilly helped him work out
discussion about the aspects of the course that that the string would cost $10.00 by doing the
may have contributed to the students' cross multiplication on the blackboard. When
understanding about forces. he saw the calculation he said they do those all
the time in mathematics.
The results of the interview are sumrnarised in Gavin and Colby decorated their bridge with
Table I which shows the five students' ideas dowel rods and string, spray painted it and
about the forces acting in diagrams A, Band covered the ends so that the internal "I" beams
C. This table is referred to in three case stories were not visible. The students then covered the
about Gavin, Adam, and Lawrence presented bottom of their bridge with corrugated
below. cardboard "to make it look good." During
testing, when two cartons of drink cans were
Gavin placed on top of Gavin and Colby's bridge, it
Gavin was described by Ms O'Reilly as deflected slightly, but not more than the 25mrn
creative and prepared to take a risk. She said limit. This group won the "best looking bridge"
that Gavin asks a lot of questions in class and competition and the teacher from the English
will (light heartedly) challenge her if he thinks department who did the judging said that the
she has made a mistake. Gavin worked with suspension presented pleasing curves, the
Colby to make the bridge for this project and, bridge had slim, clean lines and the corrugated
like most of the other groups, they constructed cardboard was interesting.
a deck bridge from two pieces of plywood with
"I" beams in-between. Gavin said they tested Gavin said that their biggest problem during
different beam structures with pop sticks at the construction was working out how to fix the
beginning of the project and found that top deck on their bridge. The glue from the hot
triangles and "I" beams were strong but the glue gun dried too quickly, so they decided to
triangles were too expensive. use PYA glue even though this meant the
bridge had to be clamped and left to set. They
Gavin and Colby spent considerable time also had difficulty reinforcing some screws and
during one lesson debating whether to spend they solved that problem by drilling them into
more money strengthening their bridge or to the "I" beams. The students only spent one
make it more aesthetically pleasing. They also hundred of the one hundred and fifty bridge
said they were wondering whether to do this at bucks they were allocated ·and Gavin said they
all, because the bridge was already strong and could have spent less, but they decided to
spend some on decoration. Gavin felt that Adam didn't think his scientific knowledge
learning about the "I" beams and triangles was very useful for this project, but said it was
being strong structures was important and that useful for other teclmology studies projects like
his mathematics knowledge was useful for a Lego racing car project. Adam enjoyed the
measuring. He also said that his scientific project because he liked "constructing things,
knowledge was useful for finding out a lot problem solving, always doing research and
about using the "I" beams and the triangles. things like that."

When asked during the interview about the Adam said that the kind of forces acting in
forces acting in Diagram A, Gavin said that Diagram A are, "just static forces, hitting one
they were "static" forces because "it's just place, just going down ... also shear force here
holding up itself like by the strength of the [the sides of the bridge], that's a force down
wood or whatever the materials are". When and that's a force up like that." When asked to
asked if the forces had any direction. Gavin explain further Adam said, "that's [the bridge's]
said that, "mainly it's just, well, the load is just holding it [the load] there, so there is an
pushing down, but it won't go down unless it equal push down and up" (Table 1). For
was going to snap" (Table I). The interviewer Diagram B Adam explained that it was the
asked Gavin why the load stays there and he same as Diagram A except there was "a
answered, "because of the strength of the heavier load that had bent the bridge" and for
bridge." When asked if there is a force acting Diagram C he said that "the load is pushing
up on the load he said, "I suppose, the strength down and the spring's coil is pushing up."
of the bridge would be pushing up ... that (Table 1.)
would even out until there was a larger load
here, then it would overcome this one, which is
a set load I suppose, and it would push down Ms O'Reilly described Lawrence as "capable, a
and it would break." (Table I.) good on-the-spot problem solver, but not an
academic kid. He doesn't like the paperwork, I
Adam still haven't got his paper work in." Lawrence
According to the teacher, Adam is a very good corroborated the teacher's description when he
practical student, an independent thinker and said, "I enjoyed it [the project], I didn't like all
worker, he is logical and always produces the the paper work because it was way too much
paperwork. Adam worked in a group of three and she [Ms O'Reilly] made a big deal out of
with Daniel and JJ for this project and they it."
produced a deck bridge that was the lightest
Lawrence worked with David and Cain and
bridge in the class that held the required weight
made a double layered deck bridge with the
without any deflection. The students had tested
bottom layer consisting of "I" beams in-
several structures in class and worked out the
between two pieces of plywood and the top
strongest. They then did simple calculations to
layer comprising a layer of Styrofoam with a
estimate the costs of the various structures. As
third piece of plywood. The group found that
a result of their calculations, they also decided
the "I" beams were the strongest structure from
to use "I" beams, and only spent $88.00 in
the testing they did and Lawrence explained
total. Adam, Daniel and JJ decorated their
how they got their idea for the two-layered
bridge with string rai Is along the edges and
they coloured the deck with charcoal. The
students made a mistake when calculating the It didn't take long to make, we "stole" the
amount of string they needed to go down both design from two people's bridges piled on top
sides of their bridge and then had to buy a of each other. We saw them on the desk while
second piece. The three students were very people were putting away their stuff and that's
proud of their bridge because they thought it where we got the idea.
was strong and inexpensive. When tested, the
bridge did not show any deflection under the The main problem for this group was that by
weight of the drink cartons. the end of the project they had spent eight
dollars more than they were allocated.
Adam said that one of the problems they had to Lawrence said they solved the problem by
overcome was finding a cheap design and that's borrowing the extra money from Ms O'Reilly.
why they did the calculations to work out Lawrence admitted that the group did not work
which structure would be inexpensive. Adam out how much money their design would cost
felt the important things he learnt were the before they started constructing it. "We sort of
different kinds of structures, beams and made it up as we went along." The double-layer
triangles for example, that were alternatives to bridge was very strong and didn't deflect at all
"just putting planks on planks." Adam found during testing, but the weight of the bridge was
his mathematics knowledge useful for comparatively high, so this group didn't win
"totalling things up, working out any prizes.
measurements, strength and things like ratios."
During the construction of the bridge, words, "so there is an equal push down and
Lawrence's group had difficulty adhering the up."
"I" beams with PYA glue. Lawrence said that
In contrast to the encouraging results discussed
one important thing he learnt during the project
above, there were indications that some of the
was that "PYA glue doesn't work very well on
students held misconceptions. Lawrence's
the plywood for the "I" beams, the glue gun
notion that the load was the force acting on the
[hot glue] was good with the "I" beams."
bridge suggested that he saw a force as a
Lawrence didn't think his mathematics
property of a single object (the load) rather
knowledge was useful during the project
than an interaction between two objects. Steven
because the mathematics involved was "fairly
and Lawrence's pondering about the extent to
simple." Creativity was the aspect of science
which the spring was pushed down may
that Lawrence said was useful for the project,
indicate that they had an anthropomorphic
"we sort of painted it, that's the only creativity
view similar to that described by Yiennot and
we used."
Rozier (1994) where students saw a mass
When asked about the forces acting in diagram suspended from a spring "as a dynamic conflict
A, Lawrence said that he didn't think there between the two objects in which the strongest
were any forces acting on the load, but there of them determines a global motion in the
was on the bridge. The interviewer asked him direction of its own effort" (p.239). This brings
what forces were acting on the bridge and into question Clement's (1987) and Brown and
Lawrence replied, "the load." For diagram B, Clement's (1989) use of the spring as a
Lawrence thought that there were forces acting bridging analogy for understanding the forces
on the load, "yes, it's being pulled because this involved when a book sits on a table.
is going down" (Table 1). When asked whether
While it is difficult to directly attribute
he thought the spring in diagram C was
students' learning to the bridge project, there
pushing up on the load, Lawrence suggested
seems to be something about the project that
that "the spring is just sitting there, and this
switched the students on to a scientific
[the load] is pushing down on it a bit. The load
understanding of forces. It may have been one
is pushing down on the spring, I don't think the
specific classroom learning episode, however,
spring is doing much at all" (Table I).
it is more likely to have been a composite of
Lawrence clarified his explanation by adding,
several components of the learning
"if it was light, the spring would be real high
environment that contributed to the success of
and the load would fall off and that but, it's all
this project. One aspect of the project that
the way down, I don't know how high it is."
made it different from introductory physics
The extent to which the spring was pushed
courses was it's hands on nature. The students
down was important information for Lawrence
had to physically construct the bridges and test
to decide whether or not the spring was
the consequences of putting a load on the
exerting a force on the load.
bridge. During the course of the project, the
Discussion students were constantly handling the materials
The results of this case study provide and testing them. James discussed the "tension
considerable information about students in the wood" and this association with the
learning science in a technology-based, materials may have been a contributing factor
integrated environment. There is evidence to in the students' understanding of the forces in
suggest that the practical, technological action.
experience of the bridge building project
Aside from the practical aspects of the bridge
precipitated important scientific understandings
project, the students were involved in complex
about forces for the majority of the students.
problem solving. For example, how to increase
For example, all interviewed students
the strength of their bridge while keeping costs
recognised that there were forces in action in
to a minimum. The problem solving process
diagrams A, B, and C, even though there is no
engaged the students in thinking about the
suggested movement in any of these diagrams
materials available and their properties because
(Table I). The results of this study contradict
they had to make decisions about their bridge
the findings from research discussed earlier
based on this knowledge. The testing of beams
that the majority of students of this age
and structures at the beginning of the course
associate forces only with movement.
assisted the decision making process. The tests
Moreover, three of the five students, Gavin,
were often mentioned by students as they
Adam and Steven, clearly recognised that
sought solutions to their problems. For
forces were acting in opposite directions in
example, Gavin and Colby found from their
diagram A. Two of these students, Gavin and
testing that "I" beams were strong, but the
Adam, identified some kind of balance
triangles were too expensive, so they used "I"
between the forces resulting in the equilibrium
beams for their bridge.
situation of the load on the bridge. In Adam's
Students were encouraged to be creative and a The findings of this study were very positive in
prize was awarded for the most aesthetically terms of the students' understanding of the
pleasing bridge. This created an alternative forces associated with the bridge and load
dimension to the bridge building project that structure, especially considering this was not a
complicated the process of problem solving. science class, but a technology class. The
The students had to find solutions for the results show a wealth of potential scientific
problems they encountered within parameters learning experiences that may possibly address
for strength, cost and aesthetics. This engaged well recognised alternative conceptions held by
the students in complex cost-benefit analysis. a large number of students. While recognising
The social aspects of the bridge project were the difficulties in attributing outcomes to
apparent. Students within groups worked particular teaching strategies, there are several
together to test materials and conferred with aspects of the course that may have contributed
each other to make decisions about their to the students' understanding. These included
bridge. The social aspects of learning also were the hands-on aspects of the bridge construction,
evident between the groups, for example, when
complex problem solving, testing of beams and
Lawrence's group's ideas came from observing
structures that assisted decision making,
two other groups' bridges and Steven consulted
attention to aesthetics, social interaction within
Adam about the materials his group had used.
and between groups of students, the structure
The structure of the project itself may have
of the project and the background knowledge
contributed to the students' understanding of
of the teacher. It does seem that the
forces. Students were introduced to ideas about
pedagogical features of this kind of project do
static and dynamic forces early in the project
offer the potential for enhanced learning of
and the practical and social aspects of the
science concepts.
course were likely to have reinforced those
ideas. Another important aspect of this project References
was the content knowledge of the teacher. Ms Bean, J A (1991). 'The middle school: The natural
O'Reilly had a background as an architect with home of integrated curriculum' Educational
a keen interest in engineering science. Her Leadership, 49 (2), 9-13.
content knowledge was outstanding and this in Clementt, J (1987). 'Overcoming misconceptions
itself may have been an important factor. in physics: The role of anchoring intuitionand
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Cornell University.
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creativity as the only aspect of science that he Robinson, V (1994). Making sense of secondary
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used. For example, Steven discussed several Routledge.
ways in which he used his mathematics
Erickson, G & Hobbs, E (1978) The
knowledge during the project but said, "I don't
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think we did as much science." Not only was and eqUilibrium.Physics Education 20 (4). 162-5.
there considerable science about forces implicit
Hargreaves, A, Earl, L, and Ryan, J (1996).
within this project, students were involved in Outcomes and integration. In Hargreaves, A, Earl,
investigating different structures in a scientific L and Ryan J (Eds.), Schooling for change:
way to help them make decisions about the Reinventing education for early adolescents.
kind of bridge they would make. Gavin was the London: Falmer Press.
only student who said that science was useful Lederman, N G and Niess, M L (1997).
for helping him with the investigations. Adam 'Integrated, interdisciplinary,or thematic
recognised that he was doing "research" when instruction? Is this a question or questionable
semantics?' School Science and Mathematics, 97
he did the investigations and he said that he (4), 200-205.
liked doing the research, but he did not
Minstrell,J (1982). 'Explaining the "at rest"
associate the investigations with science, "I
condition of an object' The Physics Teacher 20,
don't think [science was useful] so much for 10-14.
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recognition of the science aspects of the teaching of science' International Journal of
Science Education, 17 (3), 285-293.
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science more as a content oriented subject Sjoberg, S and Lie, S (1981). Ideas about force
and movement among Norwegian pupils and
rather than a skill or process oriented subject.
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