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CHEST Chest Imaging and Pathology for Clinicians: Special Feature

Bronchiolar Disorders
A Clinical-Radiological Diagnostic Algorithm
Arun Devakonda, MD; Suhail Raoof, MD, FCCP; Arthur Sung, MD, FCCP;
William D. Travis, MD, FCCP; and David Naidich, MD, FCCP

Bronchiolar disorders are generally difficult to diagnose because most patients present with non-
specific respiratory symptoms of variable duration and severity. A detailed clinical history may
point toward a specific diagnosis. Pertinent clinical questions include history of smoking, collagen
vascular disease, inhalational injury, medication usage, and organ transplant. It is important also
to evaluate possible systemic and pulmonary signs of infection, evidence of air trapping, and
high-pitched expiratory wheezing, which may suggest small airways involvement. In this context,
pulmonary function tests and plain chest radiographs may demonstrate abnormalities; however,
they rarely prove sufficiently specific to obviate bronchoscopic or surgical biopsy. Given these
limitations, in our experience, high-resolution CT (HRCT) scanning of the chest often proves to
be the most important diagnostic tool to guide diagnosis in these difficult cases, because different
subtypes of bronchiolar disorders may present with characteristic image findings. Three distinct
HRCT patterns in particular are of value in assisting differential diagnosis. A tree-in-bud pattern
of well-defined nodules is seen primarily as a result of infectious processes. Ill-defined centrilobu-
lar ground-glass nodules point toward respiratory bronchiolitis when localized in upper lobes
in smokers or subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis when more diffuse. Finally, a pattern of
mosaic attenuation, especially when seen on expiratory images, is consistent with air-trapping
characteristic of bronchiolitis obliterans or constrictive bronchiolitis. Based on an appreciation
of the critical role played by HRCT scanning, this article provides clinicians with a practical algo-
rithmic approach to the diagnosis of bronchiolar disorders. CHEST 2010; 137(4):938–951

Abbreviations: ABPA 5 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis; BO 5 bronchiolitis obliterans; CF 5 cystic fibrosis;

CXR 5 chest radiograph; DAB 5 diffuse aspiration bronchiolitis; DPB 5 diffuse panbronchiolitis; HP 5 hypersensitivity
pneumonitis; HRCT 5 high-resolution CT; PFT 5 pulmonary function test; PLCH 5 pulmonary Langerhans cell histio-
cytosis; RB 5 respiratory bronchiolitis; RB-ILD 5 respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease

Bronchiolitis is a nonspecific inflammatory andⲐor

fibrotic process involving the respiratory and mem-
diseases and other immunologic disorders, drug
reactions, inhalational injuries, and posttransplant
branous bronchioles that may also involve the alveoli.1 (bone marrow, lung, and heart-lung), among others.2
It is relatively common and occurs in a variety of clini- Numerous classification schemes have been previously
cal conditions, including infections, connective tissue proposed, using a variety of clinical, histopathologic,
and radiologic features; yet, no single classification is
Manuscript received March 31, 2009; revision accepted October widely accepted.3-5 The purpose of this article is to
15, 2009.
Affiliations: From Integris Southwest Medical Center alert the clinician of the possible diagnosis of bronchi-
(Dr Devakonda), Oklahoma City, OK; New York Methodist olar disease in patients presenting with nonspecific
Hospital (Drs Raoof and Sung), Brooklyn, NY; Memorial Sloan respiratory complaints and, usually, disproportionate
Kettering Cancer Center (Dr Travis), New York, NY; and NYU
Langone Medical Center (Dr Naidich), New York, NY. shortness of breath with reduced diffusing capacity of
Correspondence to: Suhail Raoof, MD, FCCP, Division the lung for carbon monoxide and reduced midexpira-
of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, New York tory flows. This article summarizes the important clin-
Methodist Hospital, 506 Sixth St, Brooklyn, NY 11215. e-mail: ical conditions associated with bronchiolar involve-
© 2010 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproduction ment and highlights the importance of high-resolution
of this article is prohibited without written permission from the CT (HRCT) scanning in considering the diagnosis. The
American College of Chest Physicians (www.chestpubs.orgⲐ
siteⲐmiscⲐreprints.xhtml). three HRCT scan patterns that point toward bronchi-
DOI: 10.1378Ⲑchest.09-0800 olar involvement are discussed in detail. It should be

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noted that we have excluded organizing pneumonia as pulmonary veins and lymphatics are identified (Fig 1).
a predominant airways disease. In the majority of condi- The latter are also seen in centrilobular regions. How-
tions, the actual airways component of this disease is ever, the lymphatics in the center of the lobule are much
minimal. Additionally, this article focuses primarily on less profuse than at the periphery of the lobule. There-
small airways disease. However, certain conditions, fore, although conditions affecting the lymphatics may
mentioned in the description, involve both large produce centrilobular nodules, it would be rare to find
and small airways. These conditions include cystic these nodules without more conspicuous nodules in the
fibrosis (CF), primary ciliary dyskinesis, and allergic interlobular septae or pleural surfaces. These struc-
bronchopulmonary mycosis. The clinical signs and tures, with the sole exception of lobular arteries, are
symptoms of large airways disease usually eclipse the normally , 1 mm in size and therefore lie below the
symptoms produced by small airways diseases. Those resolution of HRCT scanning.9 When there is thick-
bronchiolar diseases in which the presence of typical ening or edema around the bronchioles, or intralumi-
HRCT scan pattern and appropriate history and clin- nal secretions, however, these findings may become
ical features obviate tissue diagnosis are enumerated. recognizable. It cannot be overemphasized that opti-
Finally, we describe the spectrum of histologic patterns mal evaluation of small airways requires HRCT pro-
that are seen in patients with bronchiolar disease who tocols that use thin (0.63-1.25 mm) collimation with
undergo a lung biopsy. images reconstructed contiguously or at most at 10-mm
intervals from the apices to costophrenic angles in the
HRCT Scan—Anatomic Correlations: Imaging supine position.10 One advantage of contiguous 1- to
the Secondary Pulmonary Lobule 1.5-mm sections is the ability to use additional advanced
imaging techniques, including coronal or sagittal
Bronchioles are small airways , 2 mm in diameter multiplanar reconstructions or either maximum- or
without cartilage or submucosal glands. This includes minimum-intensity projection images.11 These latter,
terminal bronchioles, whose principal role is to conduct in particular, may be of value in detecting otherwise
air to the respiratory bronchioles.6 The latter contain subtle foci of mucoid-impacted peripheral airways
alveoli, which are the site of air conduction and gas resulting in a tree-in-bud pattern (Fig 2).
exchange. Critical to the HRCT scan identification of HRCT scanning at full exhalation should be obtained
bronchiolar diseases is detailed familiarity with the routinely when small airways disease is suspected.
cross-sectional appearance of secondary pulmonary Prone imaging should only be performed in select
lobules. As defined by Miller,7 the secondary pulmonary cases to distinguish gravity-dependent atelectasis from
lobule corresponds to the smallest morphologic unit of an early interstitial process. In most cases, there is little
the lung and is limited along its perimeter by connec- indication for the use of routine contrast enhance-
tive tissue septa. Each lobule consists of a lobular ment, as this adds little to an evaluation of bronchiolar
bronchiole (0.15 mm wall thickness) accompanied by abnormalities. An important exception is cases in which
a peripheral pulmonary artery, typically measuring 1 mm mucoid impaction involving the central bronchi is
in diameter. At the periphery of the secondary lobule,

Figure 2. A 2:1 target reconstruction showing a routine 1-mm

section though the left mid lung in a patient with Kartagener
syndrome (note the middle lobe is collapsed on the left side) with
Figure 1. Anatomy of secondary pulmonary lobule. (Reproduced an adjacent 5-mm maximum projection intensity image showing
with permission from CHEST.8) the tree-in-bud pattern with exquisite detail. CHEST / 137 / 4 / APRIL, 2010 939

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suspected, as these fluid-filled airways will show no
evidence of enhancement following administration of
intravenous contrast media.11 Finally, it should be
emphasized that in those cases in which primary
bronchiolar disease is suspected, or those cases in
which bronchiolar disease is being sequentially fol-
lowed, the use of low-dose CT technique (ⱕ 80 mAs)
is strongly advised.
Abnormalities on HRCT scan that reflect bronchiolar
diseases can be categorized into direct and indirect
signs (Fig 3). Signs directly pointing to bronchiolar
disease primarily include the presence of centrilobular
opacities, either focal or diffuse.12 When caused by
inspissation of secretions in the lumen of bronchioles, Figure 4. A high-resolution target reconstructed 1-mm images
as typically seen in patients with infectious bronchioli- in a patient with classic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Evident
are multiple, small, ill-defined, ground-glass opacities. There is no
tis, the result is either branching or clustered, sharply evidence of peripheral branching (tree-in-bud) opacities or sub-
delineated, centrilobular opacities typically demon- pleural nodules as is seen in patients with infectious bronchiolitis
strating a tree-in-bud pattern. These are often seen in or primary perilymphatic disease.
association with more proximal airway inflammation,
including thickened bronchial walls andⲐor bronchiec- significantly better for chest CT scans. In a study
tasis. Alternatively, when abnormalities are primarily by Gruden et al,15 the ability of readers to identify
localized to inflammation in the centrilobular peri- different categories of diffuse multinodular disease
bronchiolar or perivascular space in the absence of was studied in 58 patients. There was an overall
bronchiolar impaction, the result is poorly defined concordance among four readers of 79% with an
subcentimeter ground-glass nodules and typically additional concordance of 17% when three of four
absent branching or tree-in-bud configuration.13,14 readers agreed. Very importantly, observers were
Importantly, regardless of their etiology, centrilobular correct in 218 (94%) of 232 localizations. This study,
opacities by definition characteristically lie 5 to 10 mm performed prior to the era of multidetector CT scans,
distant from either pleural or fissural surfaces (Fig 4). provides sufficient proof that reader agreement is
Distinct from direct signs, the most important high with this modality.
indirect sign is the finding of mosaic attenuation,
especially on expiratory scans. Characteristically the Stepwise Approach to Bronchiolar
result of obstructive small airway disease, this finding Disorders
may be seen in isolation or in association with direct
signs of bronchiolar disease (Fig 5). Although the The clinical presentation of patients with bronchi-
reproducibility in the interpretation of plain chest olar disorders depends on the cause and varies from
radiographs for diffuse lung diseases is poor, it is insidious onset of cough and shortness of breath to an
acute, fulminant illness. A proposed algorithmic
approach that takes into consideration the history,
HRCT Signs of Bronchiolar Disorders physical findings, pulmonary function tests, and
imaging studies is outlined in Figure 6.

Step 1: Clinical HistoryⲐPhysical Examination

Direct signs In- direct signs
Pertinent history may suggest bronchiolar disor-
ders. This includes, among others, inhalational expo-
sure to toxic gases, mineral dust, and organic dust;
Bronchial wall Bronchiectasis or Luminal impaction Mosaic attenuation
thickening Bronchiolar (on expiratory CT) cigarette smoke; respiratory tract infections; drug-
dilatation induced reactions caused by D-penicillamine and
gold; organ transplantation; and associated connec-
Centrilobular nodules Tree in bud Pattern
tive tissue diseases.16
History of hereditary conditions such as CF and dys-
Figure 3. Direct signs of bronchiolar disease include evidence kinetic cilia syndrome, which result in chronic inflam-
of dilatation of bronchiolar lumen, thickening of bronchiolar wall, mation and infection leading to progressive bronchial
or obstruction of bronchiolar lumen. By observing mosaic atten-
uation, it can be inferred (indirect sign) that bronchiolar disease wall damage, should be included. In patients with per-
may be present. HRCT 5 high-resolution CT. sistent asthma, Aspergillus colonization in the proximal

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Figure 5. A four-on-one set of inspiratory and expiratory paired images showing extensive air trapping
in a patient with constrictive bronchiolitis.

bronchi acts as an antigenic stimulus for the production diagnoses included under bronchiolar disorders. How-
of IgE and IgG antibodies, resulting in wide ranging ever, a prolonged expiratory phase associated with expi-
bronchiolar disorders, including bronchiectasis. ratory wheezing favors both infectious and constrictive
Ethnic background is relevant in diffuse panbronchi- bronchiolitis over hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP)
olitis (DPB), especially in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean and cryptogenic organizing pneumonia.
populations, where this rare, chronic inflammatory
lung disease of unknown cause is prevalent. In elderly
Step 2: Chest RadiographicⲐPulmonary Function
bedridden patients, especially those with significant
oropharyngeal dysphagia, diffuse aspiration bronchi-
olitis (DAB) should be considered. Following detailed history and physical examina-
Onset of symptoms may be relatively acute in bron- tion, posteroanterior and lateral chest radiographs
chiolitis from infections, inhalational injury, or drugs; (CXRs) and pulmonary function tests (PFTs) are typ-
subacute in organizing pneumonia; and indolent ically obtained in no particular order.17 Unfortunately,
and chronic in patients with atypical mycobacterial these rarely establish specific diagnoses and often
disease. Cough with copious expectoration may be prove of only limited value in directing the diagnostic
seen in infectious bronchiolitis and DPB. A detailed workup. CXRs in bronchiolar disorders may be nor-
history of symptoms suggestive of connective tissue mal or may demonstrate nonspecific abnormalities,
disease, as well as exposure to inhalational irritants, including variable degrees of hyperinflation, peri-
drugs, and radiation, should be elicited in order to pheral attenuation of the vascular markings, and,
identify a possible cause. sometimes, nodular or reticulonodular opacities.18,19
On physical examination, the chest may demonstrate Increased bronchial wall thickening may also be seen
air trapping with increased anteroposterior diameter (Figs 7A-C).
and may be hyperresonant to percussion. Findings on PFTs may yield variable results depending on the
auscultation include any combination of prolonged predominant physiology. Acute infectious bronchi-
expiratory phase, expiratory wheeze, and coarse or fine olitis may demonstrate airway obstruction affecting
crackles. It is important to highlight that the ausculta- mainly the small airways, often associated with air
tory findings are not specific for the various etiologic trapping.20 Similar air trapping also occurs in patients CHEST / 137 / 4 / APRIL, 2010 941

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Step 1: History & Physical Examination
(Infection, inhalation exposure, drug reactions, organ transplantation)

Step 2: Chest radiograph & PFT

(Hyperinflation with airflow obstruction)

Step 3: HRCT
Predominant Tree-in-bud opacities
YES NO Step 4: Predominant
Centrilobular nodules

Focal Diffuse Smokers Non-smokers

Step 5: Mosaic
Infectious bronchiolitis Diffuse aspiration RB/RB-ILD Sub-acute HP attenuation/
Viral bronchiolitis expiratory airtrapping
Bacterial Diffuse pan bronchiolitis Less common:
Mycobacterial Constrictive
PLCH bronchiolitis
Parasitic Congenital diseases CHF
Fungal CF Obliterative
Lymphoma bronchiolitis
Dyskinetic cilia syndrome BAC
Less common:
Juvenile laryngo tracheo-
bronchial Papillomatosis
ABPM, rheumatoid arthritis, collagen vascular disease

Step 6: Consider tissue diagnosis

(surgical biopsy preferred; however, BAL+TBBx may suffice in some conditions)

Figure 6. Algorithmic approach to bronchiolar disease. The algorithm takes into consideration
important history and physical findings that should tip the clinician to suspect bronchiolar disease.
The plain chest radiograph (CXR) may not always show evidence of hyperinflation. Small air-
ways dysfunction on PFT should trigger a request for an HRCT scan of the chest, performed dur-
ing inspiration and exhalation. Further classification is based on the pattern seen on the HRCT
scan. A tree-in-bud pattern generally signifies an infectious bronchiolitis. On the other hand, cen-
trilobular nodules in a smoker point toward RB-ILD, whereas the same pattern in nonsmokers
may indicate HP. Evidence of air trapping on the HRCT scan may be due to constrictive or oblit-
erative bronchiolitis. Finally, if histologic confirmation is required, especially in conditions
such as subacute HP, constrictive or obliterative bronchiolitis, RB-ILD, or bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma,
a tissue diagnosis may be obtained. Generally, surgical biopsy is preferred because of difficulty in
recognizing and classifying bronchiolitis in transbronchial biopsies. Conditions diagnosed by lavage
(PLCH) or where infections are suspected (Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, bacterial, parasitic,
and fungal), or BAL may be performed. In lung transplant patients suspected of having constrictive
bronchiolitis, five or more pieces of tissue, obtained by transbronchial biopsy, are recommended.
ABPM 5 allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis; BAC 5 bronchoalveolar cell carcinoma; CF 5 cystic
fibrosis; CHF 5 congestive heart failure; HP 5 hypersensitivity pneumonitis; PFT 5 pulmonary
function test; PLCH 5 pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis; RB-ILD 5 respiratory bronchiolitis-
interstitial lung disease; TBBx 5 transbronchial biopsy. See Figure 3 legend for expansion of other

with constrictive bronchiolitis, which often shows doned at this stage, if the clinical history suggests
nonreversibility with inhaled bronchodilators. In otherwise. Clinicians should maintain a high index
addition, these patients also demonstrate reduced of suspicion for bronchiolar disorders and proceed
diffusion capacity. Obstructive defect is the predomi- with ordering an HRCT scan of the chest to further
nant abnormality in follicular constrictive bronchi- evaluate.
olitis or DPB.21 In distinction, a restrictive or mixed
obstructiveⲐrestrictive pattern is observed in patients
Step 3: HRCT Scan Evaluation: Tree-in-Bud Opacities
with HP, respiratory bronchiolitis (RB), respiratory
bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD), and The main features on HRCT scan of patients with
organizing pneumonia.22 predominant bronchiolar disorders can be classified into
It is important to note that in some bronchiolar three distinct, easily identifiable patterns: (1) centri-
diseases, both the CXRs and PFTs may appear nor- lobular branching or clustered nodular opacities—
mal or only minimally abnormal. The search for the latter appropriately labeled as tree-in-bud opac-
bronchiolar disorders, however, should not be aban- ities; (2) poorly defined centrilobular ground-glass

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Figure 7. Plain CXRs of a middle-aged man with a history of working in shipyards as a welder for 30 years.
He was severely short of breath on exertion and did not show significant improvement with oral steroids.
Surgical biopsy was read as peribronchiolar chronic inflammation including lymphoid aggregates, con-
sistent with respiratory bronchiolitis. Of note, the posteroanterior film (A) shows linear opacities at both
bases, but a paucity of radiographic signs, such as flattening of diaphragms, to suggest hyperinflation. On
the lateral image, (B), the retrosternal air space is not significantly increased, although both images show
reticular opacities. The CT images (C) show, in addition, mosaic attenuation, suggestive of air trapping.
These images highlight the importance of suspecting bronchiolar diseases based on the history and
symptoms elicited from patients, even in the absence of clear signs on plain CXRs. See Figure 6 legend
for expansion of abbreviation.

nodules absent tree-in-bud opacities; and (3) mosaic diagnosis for this pattern of disease is infectious
attenuation, especially when apparent on expiratory bronchiolitis.24
scans. A particular advantage of this approach is that It should be pointed out that endobronchial infec-
following strict definitions of the various patterns tion results in mucoid impaction with a variable
mentioned allows consistent differentiation between degree of extension into the adjacent peribronchiolar
these patterns.15,23 alveolar sacs. Both these mechanisms make the nod-
Of these, the most common is the tree-in-bud ules appear well defined, a feature that distinguishes
pattern. Defined by the presence of clusters of them from the ill-defined, ground-glass, and hazy
well-defined nodules attached to centrilobular nodules (emanating from peribronchiolar inflamma-
branching or tubular structures, tree-in-bud opacities tion without impaction) seen in HP. Other entities
result from extensive bronchiolar mucoid impac- causing predominantly tree-in-bud opacities include
tion with or without the additional involvement immunologic disorders, such as allergic bronchopul-
of adjacent alveoli. The most important differential monary aspergillosisⲐmycosis25; congenital disorders, CHEST / 137 / 4 / APRIL, 2010 943

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Table 1—Bronchiolar Diseases With Predominantly Tree-in-Bud Opacities

Characteristic Clinical Causes andⲐor Associated

Features Conditions HRCT Features Histopathologic Features
Infection Wheezing with Viral, bacterial, parasitic, Tree-in-bud pattern, Acute and chronic
concomitant signs of mycobacterial, fungal centrilobular nodules, inflammation of small
respiratory dense consolidation bronchioles with
tractinfection epithelial necrosis and
Immunologic Cough, fever, wheezing; Asthma Tree-in-bud pattern, central Mucoid impaction of
disorders (allergic recurrent episodes of bronchiectasis, mucoid bronchi, eosinophilic
bronchopulmonary bronchial obstruction impaction, upper lobe infiltration, bronchocentric
aspergillosis) predominance granulomatosis
Congenital disorders Recurrent purulent cough, Genetic predisposition, Tree-in-bud pattern, bronchial Cellular infiltration
(CF, dyskinetic cilia airway hyperactivity multisystem disease wall thickening,
syndrome) bronchiectasis,
Neoplasms Symptoms and signs Juvenile Tree-in-bud pattern, Varies from multiple
of upper respiratory laryngotracheobronchial multiple solid or clusters of squamous
tract obstruction papillomatosis cystic nodules cells within alveoli to
(hoarseness, stridor) large cavitary lesions
Diffuse aspiration Nonspecific Elderly, bed bound Tree-in-bud pattern, Foreign body giant cell
bronchiolitis centrilobular nodules reaction
Idiopathic diffuse Mainly in Japanese Associated sinusitis, Tree-in-bud pattern, Infiltration of lymphocytes,
panbronchiolitis adults; subacute HLABw54 antigen thickened ecstatic bronchi, plasma cells, and foamy
onset of cough, centrilobular nodules macrophages at the
dyspnea level of respiratory
CF 5 cystic fibrosis; HRCT 5 high-resolution CT.

such as CF and dyskinetic cilia syndrome; juvenile surprisingly, superimposed infections that respond to
laryngotracheobronchial papillomatosis26-29; DAB30; antibiotic therapy, even in these settings, are often
and diffuse panbronchiolitis.31 The important clin- implicated.
ical, radiologic, and histopathologic characteristics Diffuse tree-in-bud pattern is commonly seen in
of the diseases resulting in tree-in-bud opacities DAB, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA),
are described in Table 1. Depending on the extent diffuse panbronchiolitis, and congenital disorders,
of disease, this group can be further classified into including CF and primary ciliary dyskinesia. DAB
focal and diffuse tree-in-bud patterns. The proto- presents with recurrent episodes of bronchorrhea,
type of focal tree-in-bud pattern on HRCT scan is bronchospasm, and dyspnea. It is characterized by dif-
acute infectious bronchiolitis. Symptomatic acute fuse bronchiolar involvement secondary to chronic
bronchiolitis is relatively rare in adults and is aspiration.29 It occurs most commonly in elderly
caused by viral or bacterial infections.32-34 Local- patients with neurologic deficits or dementia,
ized tree-in-bud opacities are more often seen in bed-ridden patients, or patients with oropharyngeal
patients with chronic infections, including those dysphagia.30,37 DPB is a rare form of bronchiolitis
seen in patients with AIDS, for example, or espe- mainly in Japanese and Korean adults and is charac-
cially in patients with TB and atypical Mycobacte- terized by bronchiolar inflammation.37-40 The most-
rium. In this regard, it should be noted that some affected individuals are middle-aged men, nonsmokers,
patterns of distribution may suggest specific diag- and almost all have chronic sinusitis. Histopathology
noses. For example, localized tree-in-bud opacities is characterized by presence of acute and chronic
restricted to or predominantly involving one lung inflammation involving the bronchiolar wall or the
apex or upper lobe are often seen in patients with lumen associated with epithelial necrosis and slough-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, often due to the ing. There may be associated edema as well as
endobronchial spread of disease, whereas similar inflammatory exudates and mucus in the bronchiolar
findings predominantly involving the middle lobe lumen. A characteristic feature is the accumulation of
and lingual are often seen in patients with atypical foamy macrophages within the peribronchiolar inter-
mycobacterial infection.35,36 stitium (Fig 8).31 Again the pattern of distribution
Rheumatoid arthritis and Sjögren syndrome may may provide a key to the correct diagnosis. The pres-
also affect the small airways resulting in focal tree- ence of central bronchiectasis associated with a tree-
in-bud opacities with or without associated centrilob- in-bud pattern is commonly seen in patients with
ular ground-glass opacities and bronchiectasis. Not ABPA, for example, whereas a truly diffuse pattern

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Figure 8. Diffuse panbronchiolitis: This bronchiole shows a marked
chronic inflammatory infiltrate involving the bronchiolar wall and Figure 9. The image was taken from a patient who had a smoking
extending into the surrounding interstitium (hematoxylin-eosin, 34). history. A diagnosis of respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung
In addition to many lymphocytes and plasma cells, there are numerous disease was made. Note the focal areas of ground-glass opacities
foamy histiocytes in the peribronchiolar interstitium (top left). alternating with more lucent areas. The lucent areas are abnormal
and represent air trapping.

uniformly identifiable throughout the lungs is highly these entities occur, albeit rarely, in smokers and even
suggestive of panbronchiolitis. more rarely in those with collagen vascular diseases
and mineral dust-induced diseases.40,46-48 HRCT scan-
ning of patients with RB demonstrates characteris-
Step 4: HRCT Scan Evaluation: Poorly Defined tic upper lobe-predominant, ill-defined centrilobu-
Centrilobular Ground-Glass Nodules lar ground-glass nodules, which are typically smaller
If HRCT scan discloses centrilobular opacities appear- and less defined than those seen in HP. Although the
ing as ill-defined ground-glass nodules in the absence extent of ground-glass opacities in patients with RB
of a tree-in-bud pattern, the differential diagnosis is may be exceedingly subtle, in patients with RB-ILD,
distinctly different than if tree-in-bud opacities are small foci of ground-glass attenuation are typically
present. This is despite the fact that ill-defined cen- present as well, simplifying the identification of this
trilobular nodules as well as tree-in-bud opacities entity.48,49 Not surprisingly, emphysema is often pre-
anatomically lie at least 5 to 10 mm from either the sent also (Fig 9). Pulmonary Langerhans cell histio-
pleural and fissural surfaces and may be either focal cytosis (PLCH) is an uncommon disorder of young
or diffuse in distribution.14,41 adults that is also strongly associated with cigarette
The classic example of this appearance is subacute smoking.50,51
HP. HP is a disease usually found in nonsmokers, and
is characterized by diffuse inflammation of lung paren-
chyma and terminal bronchioles in response to the
inhalation of organic and inorganic antigens to which
the patient has been previously sensitized.42 To date,
HRCT scanning has proved of particular value in the
diagnosis of subacute HP, because characteristically
this is one of only a few entities that lead to the pres-
ence of diffuse centrilobular ground-glass nodules uni-
formly noted throughout the lungs (Fig 4). These find-
ings in the appropriate clinical setting are sufficiently
suggestive of the diagnosis to potentially obviate fur-
ther diagnostic procedures, especially bronchoscopy.
Parenthetically, air trapping on expiratory thin-section
images may also be present, which accounts for the
finding of preserved secondary lobules reported with
the chronic, fibrotic form of this disease.43-45 Figure 10. The image is taken from a patient with pulmonary
In patients with smoking history, a substantial nar- Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Note the dilated bronchi, which are
larger than the accompanying pulmonary arteries. In addition,
rowing of the differential diagnosis is possible. RB and there are thick-walled cysts in the periphery of the lungs in both
RB-ILD, in particular, should be considered because upper lobes. CHEST / 137 / 4 / APRIL, 2010 945

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Distinct from patients with RBⲐRB-ILD, although idiopathic or occur in association with connective tis-
scattered centrilobular nodules may also be seen in sue diseases (particularly rheumatoid arthritis and
PLCH, these typically occur as isolated findings only Sjögren disease), immunodeficiency syndromes
quite early in the course of the disease and are typi- including AIDS, and pulmonary infections.56 Micro-
cally better defined (Fig 10).52 Far more often, centri- scopically it is characterized by presence of hyper-
lobular nodules are associated with characteristic plastic lymphoid follicles with reactive germinal cen-
bizarre-shaped, thick-walled cysts, some of which ters distributed along bronchovascular bundles.57
represent cavitary nodules with characteristic sparing HRCT scanning demonstrates predominantly centri-
of the lung bases.8,51,53 lobular and peribronchial nodules, with most being
It should be emphasized that the differential diag- around 3 mm in size, but ranging from 1 to 12 mm
nosis of a pattern of ill-defined centrilobular ground- (Fig 11).40
glass nodules, both focal and diffuse, is extensive, Mineral dust airways disease occurs because of
encompassing a number of far less common disease inhalation of a number of inorganic dusts, including
entities; this includes, among others, follicular bron- asbestos, iron oxide, aluminum oxide, talc, mica, sil-
chiolitis, mineral dust exposure, infection with human ica, and coal.58 Inflammatory response induced by the
T-lymphotropic virus type 1, other early viral infec- dust likely leads to local production of fibrogenic fac-
tions, and multifocal or lobar bronchioloalveolar cell tors and morphogenesis of the bronchiolar lesion.58
carcinoma.8,25,54,55 Peribronchial infiltration of dust-laden macrophages
In patients with human T-lymphotropic virus type 1, is often noted on microscopy. Poorly defined centri-
an etiologic retrovirus of adult T-cell leukemia or lobular opacities can be seen on HRCT scans early in
lymphoma, the most common CT scan findings are the course of the disease; these predominate posteri-
centrilobular nodules, followed by thickening of orly and at the lung bases owing to the gravitational
bronchovascular bundles. Centrilobular nodules cor- effects of fiber deposition.
respond to the extent of lymphocytic infiltration into Similar to differential diagnosis in patients with tree-
the wall of respiratory bronchioles extending into the in-bud opacities, it is apparent that in select cases, a
adjacent peribronchiolar interstitium.54 combination of clinical and HRCT scan findings by
Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma may present with a themselves are sufficiently specific to obviate further
variety of appearances on HRCT scan and diffuse invasive testing. Specifically included in this group
clusters of centrilobular nodules is least common, are patients with subacute HP, RB, PLCH, and mineral
especially in the absence of associated parenchymal dust exposure. In distinction, in the absence of a sug-
consolidation.55 Centrilobular nodules in bronchi- gestive history, serologic findings, andⲐor an appropriate
oloalveolar carcinoma, if present, are rare, likely to be smoking history, nearly all other causes of ill-defined
associated with the airspace filling process, and not centrilobular nodules, especially when diffuse, require
likely to be the dominant pattern. at a minimum bronchoscopic, and more often, surgical
Follicular bronchiolitis is defined as lymphoid lung biopsy for definitive evaluation. Since bronchiolar
hyperplasia in response to an extrinsic immune stimulus diseases are sometimes patchy, surgical lung biopsies
or altered systemic immune response. Most cases are should be made from multiple lobes, preferably with
biopsy sites chosen after review of the HRCT scan by
the surgeon obtaining diagnostic tissue. The important
clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic characteristics
of the diseases resulting in centrilobular nodules are
described in Table 2.

Step 5: HRCT Scan Evaluation: Mosaic Lung

In patients presenting with predominant obstruc-
tive airways physiology, HRCT scan often displays a
characteristic finding of mosaic attenuation in the
absence of centrilobular opacities. This pattern is char-
acterized by alternate foci of relatively increased lung
density with foci of decreased lung density, frequently
resulting in a geographic appearance to the lung
parenchyma. The appearance is characterized by het-
Figure 11. A 1-mm axial image of a patient with documented
follicular bronchiolitis showing asymmetric involvement with a erogeneous lung density, with the lower-density lung
few discernible centrilobular changes. being abnormal because of decreased perfusion and,

946 Chest Imaging and Pathology for Clinicians: Special Feature

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Table 2—Bronchiolar Diseases With Centrilobular Nodules

Characteristic Causes and or

Clinical Features Associated Conditions HRTC Features Histopathologic Features
Hypersensitivity Subacute onset of Organic and inorganic Ground-glass centrilobular Patchy peribronchiolar
pneumonitis dyspnea, fever, inhalation nodules, low attenuation and lymphocytic infiltration,
malaise mosaic perfusion, tree-in-bud poorly formed granulomas
pattern (uncommon)
RBⲐRB-ILD Inspiratory crackles, Cigarette smoke Ill-defined ground-glass Pigmented macrophages
digital clubbing centrilobular nodules, and interstitial
upper lobe predominance inflammation around
respiratory bronchioles
Follicular Progressive dyspnea, Connective tissue Centrilobular nodules, Peribronchiolar lymphoid
bronchiolitis cough disease (Sjögren, diffuse and bilateral aggregates
rheumatoid arthritis),
Mineral dust Progressive dyspnea Inhalation of inorganic Ill-defined panacinar Peribronchial infiltration of
airway disease dusts, asbestosis, centrilobular nodules, dust laden macrophages
talc, aluminum calcification
oxide, silica, coal
Pulmonary Dyspnea, cough, Immune mediated, Centrilobular nodules, Cellular interstitial infiltrates
Langerhans cell chest pain predominantly in macronodules, eccentric composed of Langerhans
histiocytosis females, smokers and bizarre cysts cells, lymphocytes,
macrophages, and
RB 5 respiratory bronchiolitis; RB-ILD 5 respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease. See Table 1 for expansion of other abbreviations.

commonly, an element of air trapping. In the context tive bronchiolitis. In patients with constrictive or
of small airways disease, this is mainly from reflex obliterative bronchiolitis, because the predominant
hypoxic vasoconstriction. Mosaic perfusion is a non- pathologic finding is concentric narrowing or oblit-
specific finding and can be seen with any airways or eration of the bronchioles caused by submucosal
vascular disease. When mosaic perfusion is the only and peribronchiolar fibrosis (Fig 12), direct CT scan
or predominant finding, it is more specific and is typ- signs of bronchiolar and peribronchiolar inflamma-
ically seen with constrictive bronchiolitis, HP, asthma, tion (ie, centrilobular opacities) are characteristi-
or chronic pulmonary embolism. The “headcheese cally absent.59
sign” is the combination of mosaic perfusion and A common cause of constrictive bronchiolitis
ground-glass opacities in the same patient. Typically is previous childhood infection, resulting in the
in these patients three densities of lung are seen (nor- so-called Swyer-James syndrome, identifiable as
mal, too dense [ground-glass opacity], and too lucent
[mosaic perfusion]). This is indicative of a mixed
obstructiveⲐinfiltrative disorder and is very suggestive
of HP. Very rarely, headcheese sign may be seen with
other diseases, such as RB, follicular bronchiolitis,
and viral infections. Of note, the history of causative
exposure is elicited in only 50% of cases, increas-
ing the importance of HRCT scan even more. In
distinction, mosaic attenuation due to diffuse infil-
trative lung diseases is not characterized by attenua-
tion of low-density regions on exhalation, as low-
density regions represent normal lung. Therefore,
they demonstrate an increase in density as expected
on exhalation. A similar lack of persistent low den-
sity is noted on exhalation in patients with chronic
thromboembolic hypertension.
The prototype for this characteristic radiologic
Figure 12. The lumen of this bronchiole from a bone marrow
finding is constrictive bronchiolitis, also commonly transplant patient shows marked narrowing by prominent submu-
referred as bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) or oblitera- cosal fibrosis (hematoxylin-eosin, 3 20). CHEST / 137 / 4 / APRIL, 2010 947

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Figure 13. Axial (A) and coronal (B) images in a patient with mosaic attenuation due to Swyer-
James syndrome with constrictive bronchiolitis. The coronal view shows the extent of disease to better

asymmetric hyperlucent lung on routine chest radio- 50% of patients.61 Because it is inappropriate to per-
graphs (Figs 13A, 13B). Other conditions resulting in form a biopsy on transplanted lung to make this diag-
a pattern of mosaic attenuation include connective nosis, the diagnosis of BO is based on clinical symp-
tissue disorders, bone marrow and transplantation, toms and spirometry.62 Constrictive bronchiolitis is
toxic fume inhalation, drugs, and cryptogenic con- seen as a manifestation of graft vs host disease in 10%
strictive bronchiolitis (Table 3).9,60 of people who have received allogeneic bone marrow
Of particular note, constrictive bronchiolitis transplants.63 Other less common causes have also
remains the most common form of chronic rejection been described. Rheumatoid arthritis-associated
in patients with lung transplants, occurring in up to constrictive bronchiolitis, for example, has been
described as a rare pleuropulmonary complication,
presumably as a result of autoimmune reaction.64,65
Table 3—Causes andⲐor Underlying Disorders
Most of the reported cases have marked irreversible
Associated With Constrictive Bronchiolitis
airways obstruction and a fulminating course of the
Postinfectious disease. Most have had long-standing rheumatoid
Viral (adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, arthritis, although in rare cases, pulmonary abnor-
malities antedate rheumatologic manifestations. In
Collagen vascular diseases some cases, use of D-penicillamine therapy66 has been
Rheumatoid arthritis implicated as a potential causative factor. Silo filler’s
Systemic lupus erythematosus lung (nitrogen dioxide) is a classic cause of toxic
Eosinophilic fasciitis exposure-related constrictive bronchiolitis. Other
Transplant related toxic fumes, such as chlorine, sulfur dioxide, ammo-
Graft vs host disease
Allograft recipients
nia, and phosgene, have been reported to cause
Bone marrow transplant constrictive bronchiolitis.10,67 Most recently, work-
Heart-lung transplant related inhalation of flavoring agents (diacetyl used in
Toxic fume exposure making popcorn) has been found to result in a clinical
Nitrogen dioxide presentation and imaging pattern typical of con-
Sulfur dioxide
strictive bronchiolitis.68
Chlorine Other causes and associations with constrictive
Phosgene bronchiolitis are listed in Table 3 and include neuro-
Diacetyl (popcorn workers) endocrine cell hyperplasia or multiple carcinoid
Ingested toxins tumorlets, Sauropus androgynus ingestion,69 and
Sauropus androgynus
drugs, such as D-penicillamine,10 gold,70 cocaine,
D-penicillamine and lomustine. Clinically, dyspnea is the most com-
Gold mon complaint. The clinical criteria used for diag-
Cocaine nosing constrictive bronchiolitis include evidence of
Carmustine severe irreversible airflow obstruction measured by
Cryptogenic constrictive bronchiolitis
spirometry, with an FEV1 of , 60% of predicted

948 Chest Imaging and Pathology for Clinicians: Special Feature

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Table 4—Histologic Patterns of Bronchiolitis bronchiolitis. In the heart-lung transplant setting, it
is recommended to obtain at least five pieces of
Cellular bronchiolitis
Follicular bronchiolitis well-expanded alveolar parenchyma with transbron-
Organizing pneumoniaⲐ bronchiolitis obliterans with intraluminal chial biopsies.76 It is also recommended to gently
polyps agitate the biopsy tissue samples in formalin to
Constrictive bronchiolitis expand the airspaces, because interpretation can be
Respiratory bronchiolitis
compromised by specimen atelectasis. Clinical and
Diffuse panbronchiolitis
Bronchiolitis with peribronchiolar metaplasia radiologic correlation is particularly important with
This table summarizes the major histopathologic patterns seen in
such small biopsies.
different bronchiolar diseases.

value in the absence of other pathologic causes for Bronchiolitis is a nonspecific inflammation of the
airway obstruction, such as emphysema or chronic respiratory bronchioles and peribronchiolar alveolar
bronchitis. The midexpiratory phase of forced expi- sacs that has variable causes, clinical manifestations,
ratory flows is a measure of small airways disease; a and evolution. However, suggestive, specific diagnoses
marked decrease (ie, , 30% of predicted) is a par- are rarely made based on clinical history alone. As both
ticularly sensitive indicator of BO. Obtaining expira- CXR and PFT findings are also frequently nonspecific,
tory HRCT scans increases the likelihood of identi- a high index of clinical suspicion should be maintained
fying areas of air trapping that are not apparent on in order to diagnose andⲐor exclude bronchiolar disease.
inspiratory scans.61,71 Bankier et al72 showed that Given these limitations, in our experience, HRCT
expiratory air trapping achieved a sensitivity and scanning may play a critical role in both suggesting
specificity of 87.5% for the detection of BO specific causes of bronchiolar disease and directing
syndrome; in another study, Lee et al73 demon- optimal management in select cases. Tree-in-bud opac-
strated a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 67% ities, for example, typically signify an infectious cause
for air trapping in histologically proven BO in lung with a pattern of distribution often suggestive of par-
transplant patients. ticular causes, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
atypical mycobacterial infection, CF, and ABPA. Even
when nonspecific in appearance, as typically occurs
Step 6: Role of Lung Biopsy
in AIDS, the finding of tree-in-bud opacities is often
Histologically, bronchiolitis can have a wide vari- sufficiently specific for infection to suggest empirical
ety of patterns, as summarized in Table 4.74-76 Most treatment obviating biopsy. Poorly defined centrilobular
of these have already been mentioned here. In sur- ground-glass nodules commonly indicate subacute HP
gical lung biopsies, it is usually possible to recognize in a nonsmoker, whereas RBⲐRB-ILD and PLCH are
these patterns, and these terms can be applied when typically seen in smokers. In select cases, these findings,
the histologic findings are clear. Bronchiolar pathol- coupled with appropriate clinical history and serologic
ogy is often patchy, and severity of clinical manifes- testing, also may obviate more invasive diagnostic
tations frequently exceeds that of the histologic testing. In distinction, other causes of centrilobular
changes. Thus, it is important to obtain wedge biopsies nodules usually require open lung biopsy rather than
from multiple lobes. It is also not uncommon for transbronchial biopsy for definitive diagnosis. Finally,
bronchiolitis to be seen among a mixture of histo- mosaic attenuation is characteristically associated with
logic patterns of lung injury, such as an interstitial constrictive bronchiolitis. It is anticipated that the
pneumonia or pleuritis. Occasionally, bronchiolar application of the algorithmic approach presented in this
pathology may be very subtle, and on biopsy alone it article will facilitate the timely diagnosis andⲐor optimal
is difficult to be certain if the morphologic observa- management of bronchiolar disorders that may other-
tion is an incidental or clinically significant finding. wise be difficult to identify. In many cases, a diagnosis
In such cases, careful clinical and HRCT scan corre- may be made solely using HRCT scans in combina-
lation is required. tion with the history and clinical presentation.
It can be difficult to recognize and classify bron-
chiolitis in transbronchial biopsies because of the
limited sampling size. However, in certain clinical Acknowledgments
settings, such as heart-lung or bone marrow trans- FinancialⲐnonfinancial disclosures: The authors have reported
plantation, these are the most common specimens to CHEST that no potential conflicts of interest exist with any
obtained. In these patients with appropriate clinical companiesⲐorganizations whose products or services may be dis-
cussed in this article.
and HRCT scan findings, the presence of submuco- Other contributions: We thank Ms. Patrice Balistreri for her
sal fibrosis may support a diagnosis of constrictive invaluable secretarial assistance and coordination. CHEST / 137 / 4 / APRIL, 2010 949

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