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eCommittee, Supreme Court of India - TO DO LIST DC CIS NC 3.


1. Please check your migrated data i.e. pendency in Old Software and New Software.

2. Please check some cases randomly through kiosk.

3. Please check dash board pendency and case type wise pendency.

4. Go To Masters

5. In the Case Type master please ensure that Case Type Name is properly filled and it gives
meaning to ordinary litigant. If not, please correct it centrally so that in the entire State the
same Case Type name is reflected everywhere. This name will be shown on website also.
Similarly, please select Matter Type. This is one time exercise. Please do it. You can prepare
on SQL and circulate in the State wherever Master entries are common and with same serial
Numbers. The above suggestion is also applicable to IA Type.

6. Please try to restrict entries of purpose master. Entries which are incorrect or improper can
be hide so that they are not used again. Keep in mind for what purposes cases are listed in
the cause list and what are stages of litigation in that case type. If your purpose master does
not contain entries in the National Master, please ponder whether you can add these entries
in the master. Update the master and then circulate or make aware Courts in your State or
make aware Judicial Officers and Staff members about this process. By this process master
entries get cleansed once for all.

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7. National Master of Adjournment types master is provided to you in the software. Please
ponder what entries in National Master of Adjournments can be added to your Adjournment
Master. It is necessary to check whether unnecessary entries are available in adjournment
master. It is possible that entires which do not attribute adjournment to any side are available
e.g. “Advocate absent”. This does not indicate whether advocate for plaintiff is absent or
advocate for defendant is absent. Therefore, it may not give correct picture. Please hide such
entries, if cannot be removed. Check what alternatives are available in the National Master.
Finalize your master for the State then either circulate SQL or ask all the establishments to
add such entries in your master.

8. National Master of Disposal Types is provided to you in the software. Please ponder what
entries in National Master of Disposal Type can be added to your Adjournment Master. It is
possible that your Disposal Types contain ambiguous entires like “Judgement”. This may
not give indication as to what is outcome of the case. Try to avoid such entries. If already
available then you can hide such entires. Check National Master entries. Entires which are
useful and which you can adopt can be entered in your master. Configure the master for
entire State, either circulate SQL or ask all the establishments to add such entries in your

9. National Case Type Nature Master is provided in your software. If you master is blank or
contain minimum entries, you can create master by adopting National Case Type Nature
provided to you.

10. National Document Master is provided to you inside the software. Master contains
documents which are either filed by parties or output by the Court. Keep in mind that
Document Type should be broad headings. When we will prepare Index of all documents
filed by parties and process issued by the Court, Judgments and Orders delivered by the
Court, how that index will look like. This will give you insights to amend entries in your
document master. Please refer to National Document Master for better insights.

11. National Designation Master is provided to you in the software. Please ensure that correct
designation is selected against your entered designation.

12. To update the status of litigant a National Master for Litigant Status is provided to you.
You can update the status of litigant using these entries.

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13. National Master of Central Acts is provided to you in the software. This Master contains
almost 1000 Central Acts and 1000 Central Rules. You may have entries of Acts in your
master already made. Please examine those entries.

14. National Act_Section Master is provided to you in the software. This contains section wise
information of 299 important Central Acts.

15. National Organization Type Master is provided to you in the software. Please go through
the same so that you understand its configuration.

16. National Police Station Master is provided to you. It is possible that in your police Station
Master entries like CID, CBI, Crime Branch etc. are made. These are Investigating Agencies
and not police stations. If such entries are available please remove such entries and ensure
that only police stations are entered in the police station master. We have provided separate
facility to enter Investigating Agency. Use that facility wherever necessary.

17. National Prison Master is provided to you in the software. Please enter all District and
Central Prisons of your State. Once master is ready, map it with National Types.
Accordingly, make aware all Court Establishments to complete this exercise.

18. National Masters for State, District, Taluka, and Village. These masters already provided
in the software. This contains data from LG Directory and Census Codes provided by the
Government. Please check information of District, Taluka and Village. Please ensure that
these entries are correctly mapped. When users will try to file cases through efiling portal,
they will select Districts and Taluka as are available in your system database. Therefore, it is
necessary that this activity is taken seriously and completed at the earliest. This is equally
important for sending electronic summons and warrants to desired destination automatically.
This is very important activity.

19. DELAY TYPE AND ITS USE : In the menu “Court Proceedings” you will find sub-menu
“Delay Status”. Just as a initial exercise select all 10 year old cases and start selecting
proper reason as suggested by the Judicial Officer of the respective Court. It is very
necessary to involve Judicial Officers in this exercise. This exercise will be useful for
appreciating delays with reasons and on the basis of report subsequently remedial measures
can be adopted.

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Types of Delay are already provided just select

20. Now Please come to UNIFICATION. Before visiting UNIFICATION, it is necessary to

set right your masters first. Therefore, please ensure above mentioned things are done
and then unification/mapping is carried out. We have provided facility to check mapping
of local masters with National Master. Verify mapping for Case Type, Adjournment Type,
Disposal Type, Purpose Type, Police Stations, Prisons, Case Type Nature, Acts, Designation,
Documents, IA Classification, Organization Type, State, District, Taluka etc. If mapping is
correct and no entries are unmapped nothing much needs to be done further. However if
entries unmapped, please map it by selecting appropriate match from the National Types. If

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entries incorrectly mapped you can correct it by selecting appropriate matching entries from
the National Type. This exercise is very very important.

21. Configure Establishment : If your High Court is migrated to CIS 1.0 then check boxes
against your Court Establishment, Your District Court establishment and Your High Court
Establishment. This is necessary for seamless integration of information between Taluka
Court, District Court and High Court. (See the screen shot below)

22. Objection Type Master : In the Objection Type Master you will find list of objection
which are generally marked during scrutiny. It generally happens that a long list of

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objections is shown. To reduce such list please associate objections with case types given in
the blue coloured box show below. This will bring ease and convenience with user.

23. Short Order Master : You configure Short orders as may be frequently required in your

24. Order Template : Order templates are necessary because onwards CIS 3.0 every order
generated through CIS will have QR Code. Therefore, we may have to sensitize staff and
Judicial Officers to develop habit to use these order templates. You will find as many as 36
templates when you click Order ID. In the screen shot given below you will notice that list
of Templates names is generated. From the list it will be clear that both Civil as well as
Criminal type of templates are shown in the list. This is because templates are not tagged
with appropriate case types. Please associate these templates with specific case types where
they can be used. By and Large Civil Type Template should be tagged with Civil Type of

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Cases and Criminal Type Template should be tagged with Criminal Type of Cases. By
this you will not get long list and selection will be easy from the user perspective.

25. Issue Master : You can add Issues in master as per requirement.

26. Charge Master : You can add Charges that you need frequently.

27. Prayer Master : Prayer Master includes short name of the prayer name. It keeps provision
to insert text you wish to insert in the prayer. The available text can always be modified
suiting you need and practices you follow. Please go through this and if required make
necessary changes.

28. IA Classification Master : In some States IAs are registered separately whereas in most of
the States they are not so registered. Be that as it may. Please see to it that whenever IA has
been filed you take note of it in daily proceedings so that lawyers and litigants will come to
know as to when it was filed and when it was disposed. Classification of IAs is provided in
the software you can always change to IAs you want.

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29. Case Type Labels : This master is used when you have some additional data field to be
entered for any specific case type then you can do so by configuring Case Type Labels for
selecting desired case type. Make use of it wherever necessary.

30. Civil Processes Master : Now we are close use electronic generated Summons and
warrants. We are also shifting to a system where electronic processes can be send by
electronic means and can further be tracked for its outcome. This we are managing through
N-STEP (National Service and Tracking of Electronic Processes) Portal. In the software you
will find that all required Civil Processes as per the prescribed Format under Code of Civil
Procedure have provided. Please sensitize staff members as to how generate processes,
please sensitize bailiffs as to how to use these facilities. (As a preliminary exercise please
collect all information of Bailiff viz. His Name, address, date of appointment, areas
assigned, date of retirement, mobile and email if any.) This would be required for future
integration with N-STEP.

31. Criminal Processes Master : All that is mentioned for Civil Processes Applies to Criminal
Processes however it may not be necessary to collect information of Police Constables who
server processes.

32. Advocate Designation Master : There Advocates in each Court Establishment who are
nominated as Government Advocate. There are Advocates in each Court Establishment who
are appointed for Free Legal Aid. For such Advocates Advocate Designation Master needs
to be configured. Please enter names of these Advocates which Designations are APP, APP1,
APP2 or GP, AGP1 AGP2 etc. For Legal Aid Advocates Legal Aid Adv1, Legal Aid Adv2,
and like wise. If there are Law Firm you can maintain their information in by selecting
advocate against Law Firm. This is important exercise.

33. FIR Type Code: If in your State some cases are filed by State Excise Department and it has
separate FIR Type, you can set such FIR Type in this master. Please consult with Police
machinery as to what FIR information maintained by them and in how many types. Please
think whether it can be configured accordingly. Similarly there are other agencies which
may have separate types viz. Forest Department, State Excise Department, Central Excise,
Custom and like agencies. Accordingly configure FIR Types. Please examine attending
situation in your State and accordingly create FIR Types.

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34. Court Name Master : Previously also this master was there in CIS NC 2.0 however in the
new version there is provision to enter unique Court Code. Unique Court Code will be
unique to that Court. For example, in Maharashtra there is Aurangabad District. Assume that
First Court we want assign unique code is of Principal District Judge. Court Code would be
MHAUC001. Court Code for District Judge immediately next to Principal District Judge
would be MHAUC002. Say in the Same District there is outlying Court or Taluka Court the
number may come to MHAUC091. IMP ALERT : MR. ABC Judge works as Civil Judge
Junior Division and Judicial Magistrate First Class. As a Civil Judge Junior Division his
court is attached to Court establishment of Civil Judge Senior Division Aurangabad and as a
Judicial Magistrate First class his Court is attached to Chief Judicial Magistrate First Class.
However it is only one Court Room from where he functions. Both, Civil and Criminal
Cases are heard from the same Court Room. In that Case at Both the places his Unique
Court may be (MHAUC060). It is possible that in CIS two separate virtual Courts are
created one in the establishment of Civil Judge Senior Division, Aurangabad and another in
the establishment of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Aurangabad. However the Court is one and
the same at both the places we need to enter common Code i.e. say (MHAUC060). Do not
forget to check the box for the Principal Court of the establishment.

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35. Judge Code : Please keep in mind that JO Code as decided does not contain any characters
in the JO Code although it may contain prefix characters as MAH or RAJ or PUN or KAR
or KER and like wise. However, after that all Code is in numerical digits. z

36. Judge Period Master : You must be aware of this Master. However now there are some
changes in this Master. Assuming for moment that one judge from that Court is transferred
to another Location and some other judge is given additional charge of the Court till the
time new officer is appointed. This needs to be shown in this master. First Select Room No.,
then select name of the Judge, select his designation, join him as “In charge Court”
selecting appropriate from date. Another instance is some courts are link Courts meaning
thereby they are operational for 15 days or month or any specified regular periodic interval
at one place as link Court. For such link Court you need to check box made for “Link
Court”. Some Courts specially notified Courts viz. CBI Court, NIA Court, PMLA Court,
POSCO Court etc. These Courts are special Court created by Notification of the
Government. Click “Notify Court” box and drop down list will appear, here you will find
names of special courts. Please select appropriate name from the list. This is important

Click Notify you

will get list of
Special Courts

37. Judge Seniority : At most of the places Judge Seniority is not entered or not updated from
time to time. Please check the entire list and arrange Judges as per their seniority in the

38. Case Type Judge : In CIS NC 3.0 we have introduced random allocation of Cases among
desired Courts. It needs to be kept in mind that at certain places special Courts are created
for special cases. Therefore, there is no choice in allocation, the cases will be assigned to
Court specially meant for such cases. However, whenever a case can be allocated to two

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more than two Courts in such contingency random allocation can be put to use. To use
Random Allocation it is necessary to identify Case Types and Judges. Once Case Types and

Judges are identified they need to be tagged in this master. In the given example Case Type
Regular Civil Appeal is tagged with two judges. Similar exercise needs to be done for all
such case types where random allocation is intended to be undertaken.

39. Case Type Stage Master : Now we have configured purpose master which consists
different stages of civil and criminal litigation. However, each stage may not applicable to
each type of litigation. Whereas, some purposes would be required commonly for some
Case Types. More often than not while completing daily proceedings when staff wants to
assign desired purpose to a case they have select that purpose from the drop down list. When

purposes Master consists so many list of purposes it becomes difficult for staff members to
select appropriate purpose from long list. Many a times while selecting purposes mistakes
are made. To avoid this if purposes are tagged with Case Types such events may not happen.
Similarly there is no chance that Civil Cases would be assigned with purposes meant for
criminal cases. Same is the case with Misc. Applications and Appeals. So please make use
of this facility to maximum.

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40. Subordinate Court Master : This is one of the important masters often ignored in
configuration. When appeals are filed in the Court it is necessary to identify from which
Court the appeal is filed. If all the sub-ordinate Courts name are entered in this master it
would be of immense help to use so many utilities provided in the software. It is also
necessary to mention other Authorities whose orders are often challanged in Appeal. For
example: Charity Commissioner. Therefore, please enter all information of subordinate
Courts need to be entered in this master. For illustration purposes following screenshot may
help you to understand.

41. Trial Judge : Trial Judge Master is also often ignored by the Courts. This is very important
Master while Registering cases of Appeals and Revisions. If information of Trial Judge is
filled in along with JO Codes, registration section will be able select name of Trial Court
Judge while registering any appeal of revision. This will be clear from following screenshot.

Registration Form (Subordinate Court Tab)

Trail Judge Master view

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42. Establishment Master : It is necessary to fill in information of Establishment Master as per

the required fields given in the masters. The information is necessary for seamless
integration of various systems operating in Districts.

43. Organization Name : When you will try to add any organization name in your master you
will find that Your Organization Types are not coming in drop down list rather there are new
types. Now onwards Organization Types will be a National Master. You will have tag your
organization names with the types from Unification Master. Please complete this exercise.

44. Advocate Master : Advocate Master is of immense importance in CIS Business. It is one of
the mandatory requirement to have mobile numbers and email IDs of Advocate to shift to
efiling. Therefore please ensure that all the advocate details are entered in your CIS. Please

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ensure that when cases are listed on the board Advocate details are updated then and there. If
this undertaken as continuous exercise, probably with in short time all the cases will be
tagged with Advocates. This exercise is must kind of exercise for all the Court

45. Unit Type Classification : Unit Type Classification master is important for automatically
calculating norm for disposal. For example High Court has given additional norms for 5
year old matters or 10 year old matter or for giving judgments in local language etc. We can
specify in this master as to who what is subject of such classification and what are the
additional norms given for such classification.

46. Unit Type Disposal : High Court may specify norms for certain case types. For example if
Regular Civil Appeal is decided by judgment then it has norms of 1.50. All such cases types

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need to be entered in this Unit Type Disposal Norms. Only after this you will be able to
generate automatic norms.

47. Property Disposal Type: Property Disposal Orders are passed by the Courts generally after
conclusion of the trial. There are various modes through which properties can be disposed.
You need to enter those modes in this master so that you will be in a position to select
appropriate mode when property needs to be disposed actually through the software.

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48. Auto Generation of Processes : Go to Case will find Civil and Criminal
Process. Click that menu and try to generate one Civil and One Criminal Process.

Fill Data
Step - 1

Step - 2

See Draft
Step - 3

Step - 4

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Criminal Process – Process to Generate

Fill Data Generate

Step - 1 Step - 2

Draft Publish
Step - 3 Step - 4

49. Templates : There are following types of templates provided in the software under State
Masters >> Order Templates.

1. Judgement Template.

2. Order templates

3. Remand templates

4. IA Order templates

5. Plead guilty judgment templates

6. Issue templates

7. Charge Templates

8. Pre-trial application templates

9. Lok-Adalat Notice template

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Under type of template bears several types of templates. You can go through the same and try to
generate some templates.

50. Judgement and Order Template : Follow following steps to generate Judgement or order.
Go to Court Proceedings>> Order and Judgment>>Order Judgement template.

1. Select Case No. 2. Select

Name from
Down list.

3. Generate

4. This is

51. Remand Template : Similarly you can generate templates for remand orders as under. Go
to Pre-Trial menu>>Remand order>>Give FIR No. and generate template.

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52. Issue / Charge Templates : By following exactly similar processes you can generate Issues
or Charge. The option of Issue Charge is available in Case Proceeding Menu.

53. Lok-Adalat Module : Following types of Lok-Adalat are configured in CIS. Keep in mind
that for creating event of Lok Adalat give from date only. When the proceedings are closed
you can give to date.

54. Adding Members for Lok-Adalat: Judges as well as Advocates can be added as Members
of Lok-Adalat with a view to form panel. Following screnshots will be sufficient for demo.

Add Judge as Add Advocate

Member Page 19As
of Member
eCommittee, Supreme Court of India - TO DO LIST DC CIS NC 3.0

55.Creating Panel for Lok-Adalat : From the

available Members you can create panel for Lok-Adalat

56. Assigning Cases to Lok Adalat : Once you have created event for any future date for Lok
Adalat you can post cases to Lok-Adalat. The day on which event is created each Court can
post their to Lok Adalat from day to day. By this there will not be burden on staff members
to refer cases with in a day or two. Proper cases having element of settlement can be
identified and posted for Lok-Adalat on each day till finalization of list. Please see the
following screenshot.

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Once cases are posted this is how

You will be able to view it.

57. Assigning Cases to Panel : You can assign cases to panel by selecting panel and selecting
from the total cases posted for the Lok-Adalat. You can get idea from the following

58. Generating Notices of Lok-Adalat : This facility is likely to save lot of efforts of staff
members as with the help of this facility with in a minute you can automatically generate
hundreds of notices. (It is necessary that addresses entered in CIS must be correct to
automatically generate Lok Adalat Notices).

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Link of settlement
of cases will open from the date fixed for Lok-Adalat. It will not open prior to the date of

59. Query Builder and Management Reports : These are improved functionalities. Please test
the generation of report.

60. Remand : First and Foremost requirement for Remand is FIR information must be filled in.
When you have entered names of the accused through FIR their remand can be done. You
may have add name of the accused if it is already not mentioned in FIR. Once this is
ensured, simply select FIR No. and Year and you will see the list of the accused. In the given
screen shot the accused are remanded to Police Custody for five days. Please see how
proceedings are recorded.

61. Remand Order : Go to remand order and select FIR No and year. You will see names of the
accused. Select appropriate template to generate the order. Please see the following images.

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Check Bail and other facilities given under Remand

module. This will be of immense help to Judicial

You can file Summaries and Charge Sheet through

this module and information already registered in
system while entering FIR need not filled again.

62. Plead Guilty Module: Plead Guilty Module was already in the software. However now if
the accused does not plead guilty the cases can be taken in ordinary pool. Now you can join
one or more accused in plead guilty module. You can generate plead guilty judgment in no
time and data entry for plead guilty module is separate. Therefore, it is necessary to impress
upon filing section to enter petty cases through plead guilty module.

63. Act and Section Search : Please check Act Section View given in Quick Menu on the

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