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Job Number Sheet

Job Title
Software Consultants (Pty) Ltd Client
E-Mail : Calcs by Checked by Date

Weld Group Shear Analysis Ver W3.0.04 - 10 May 2017

Title : Default Connection Created: 05/10/2019 7:38:09

51.22 kN

Design Code : SABS 0162 - 1993

Analysis : Non-Linear
Electrode fu : 480 MPa
Parent Metal fu : 450 MPa
Parent Metal fy : 250 MPa

Since unit values are used for the length and size of the weld, the capacity
of this layout is given in MPa
The capacity, Vr is the lesser of Vr1 and Vr2 : Table 3
Vr1 = 0.67 .  w. WeldUltimate. Aw
= 0.67 ×0.67 ×480 ×0.7
= 150.830 MPa

Vr2 = 0.67 .  . f y.parent . Aw

= 0.67 ×0.9 ×250 ×0.7
= 105.525 MPa

Vr = Vr2 = 105.525 MPa

Capacity = 0.633 kN/mm of a 6 mm weld

The resistance of the Weld Group is : 204.9 kN

The Applied ULS Force is : 51.2 kN

Weld is Safe

Weld Forces at Ultimate Load

Job Number Sheet
Job Title
Software Consultants (Pty) Ltd Client
E-Mail : Calcs by Checked by Date

0 1.0 2.0
0.5 1.5 2.5

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