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Building relationships with others

Lord Jesus, thank you for your love that today we can be together again in here. For another
friends who still on their way to this school, protect them till they arrive at this school. God, we
are going to read your commandment for a while. Prepare our hearts and open our minds to
listen to your commandment today. We want your commandment live in our life. Do not let your
commandment just go by in our life. Always makes us to ponder and implement your
commandment everyday whatever the challenge. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Ecclesiastes 4: paragraph 9-12

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?
Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

God created human beings as an individual who will connected to each other to grow together. It
is important to build relationship with others especially a positive connections with the right
persons who have a mutual care like help each other, reminds each other even warned each other
in order to avoid us getting trapped in our weakness.

As an imagery, if pick one rod stick and break it, it will be easy to break the rod stick, right? And
now, what if we try to break one bundle of rod sticks? It will be hard to break. We will never be
able to walk alone because there will be a lot of allurement and pressure around us. The world, or
the life that we live in is not a simple world or a simple life. Maybe one day we will experience
the exhaustion and then we become weak. This condition is the crucial point where all of those
negative things in this world can get into us easily. Nah.. Right in this moment, is the time where
we need support from our friends to make us stay strong. Even if we have already falling down,
we still have the strength to rise up again with the courages that our friends have given.

A good social network is where the people have the same purposes, walking the same directions,
contains people who have a mutual care and also people who not only concerned with themself.
Isn’t it beautiful when we need them, they are there and when they need us, we are here. Like
what has been written in Hebrews 10: 24 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on
toward love and good deeds”

Basically, We should confess that we are a limited human beings and have a lot of weakness.
Going through the life alone won’t bring any good for us. When we facing a hard time, we need
to ponder God’s saying. But, it will be better if we doing it together, discuss it with friends and
look for one another so that we can continue to grow in any condition in the name of Jesus.

Actually, I just know about this paragraph when I was searching for today’s ponder. When I
found this, I like “hahh this is it”. I’ve been in the situation where I felt down. Like, what god
wants from me, from my family and so on..And iyah I have passed it. I’m just gonna skip the
story cause it will be so long . and help from other person (not only friends, but also family) is
very important. And the main key are:

Do not ever make the weakness prey us and set apart us from God’s promises. Do not let our
weakness fade our happiness away. Soooo, do not ignore the chance to share and strengthen each
other. Besides we can grow in Jesus together to resolve our problem, we can also find our
potential that God has given to us.


Lord Jesus, thank you for helping us to realize how vitally important it is for us to support each
other. Lord, help us to overcome our foolish pride and not to hesitate to ask another to pray for
or with us when we having a bad time. We are incapable of doing anything by ourself, but when
we band together there is no walls that can stand against Your power. Lord Jesus, please also
help us to learn to live in surrender to you. Help us to balance this surrender with a
commitment to do our own wok in the place where you have planted us as well as we can. Help
us to trust your plans and merciful providence for our life.

Lord jesus, we also gonna start our school activities for today. Bless the teachers, for they will
give the learning to the students and bless the students too for they will learn the lesson that
the teacher gave and help them to understand it. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

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