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Aryanna Camacho


I strongly believe that the mindset itself is critical. I believe that it is the underlying reason
behind every decision making done and it is also the main determinant of perspectives. From
the moment I encountered the lowest point of my life, I have realized that our mindset is what
limit us so from that day forward, I have encouraged myself to have a growth mindset. I believe
that if I am to harness my potential, I have to think differently. I realized that I am not chained
with my skills and capabilities for I can further develop them. I can learn to deliberate practice
and what makes an effective effort. I firmly believe that if we develop our abilities, we strengthen
our conviction that we are in charge of our ability development. Strengthening that mindset
changed how I view every condition given to me whereas, I always see the greener side and opt
to yield learnings and acquire knowledge from it. In addition to that, I also possess grit which
continuously encourage me to ceaselessly improve and fight for my battlecry. My strong passion
and perseverance for my long time goals improved me not only as a person but also gave me
the confidence to share my knowledge and influence the people around me. Lastly, I vow to
have the willingness to explore and perpetually acquire learnings on my experiences. I think that
going out of your comfort zone forces you to adopt the growth mindset avoiding you from
shattering in the midst of adversity. It is a strong edge among others that will help you embrace
yourself and unleash the best version possible which I also believe that make me capable of
being part of Science College Government.

It will be a College honing and shaping minds but also nurturing the individuality among
the students with their respective programs. It is to produce successful Scientists serving the
interest of many and addressing the concerns of the unfortunates. I can help achieve this
through raising awareness on Social Media since the dissemination of information is fast and
the accessibility of the target readers greatly relies on the Internet. I am also willing to
participate and explore my abilities to contribute to continuously improve the current system and
address problems internally and externally to provide a great College experience for every
student. Also, I can use my voice to address relevant issues requiring immediate attention to
help everyone affected by the issue. I believe that I can be a great help on my chosen
committee because of my willingness to learn and serve my fellow students.

Josh Waitzkin, a World Champion Chess player, once said that “The moment we believe
that success is determined by an ingrained level of ability, we will be brittle in the midst of
adversity.” The key to success is not exclusively effort and resilience but it is the underlying
mindset that creates and brings dreams into reality. It is relatively easy to envision your future
and the goals you hope to achieve, however, the consequences, journey, sacrifices, and the
mental fortitude it requires to have the taste of satisfaction on achieving the conditions you have
set can be extremely intimidating for some of us. It is known that not all opportunities knock
twice on our doors so we should grab it once it does but also, we should take a good grip
because once it is gone, it is just the aftermath that we will be left with, which are the
undermining effects of regrets. As you take steps closer to your vision of your endgame and
farther from the beginning of your journey, there will be battles you have to conquer, some of
which will give you the bitterness of losing and the pain of failing, however, those descriptions of
losing and failing greatly depends on you because the view varies based on the perspective you
set and image you want to see. Some battles might desiccate you severely and those are the
times when you have to stand taller and remain unbowed because every step you take, every
day you conquer and every sacrifice you make, the closer you are transforming ambitions into
reality. The continuous means to fight and holding onto the opportunities given despite the
hindrances coming your way will make you much stronger and throw more savour on the taste
of your success. The idea of making-up for the opportunities you are given can only embed the
idea of “there will always be a next time” and can cripple you from achieving the goals you have
set. You are not the determinant on whether there will be a chance for you to redeem yourself
so treat every opportunity as the finale of every performance. You shouldn’t be horrified to
confront difficulty instead, explore and keep on fighting because it will not just challenge you but
also harness your skills and test your capabilities to an extent. Indomitable perseverance will
shape and unleash the unconquerable soul in you for if you hold onto it, make experience your
counselor, and execute actions with confidence, the only thing you are losing are the horror of
regrets and what ifs. It is just a matter of luck whether you will be given the privilege to
experience twice so always opt to give your best because there is no guarantee you can
redeem yourself given the same conditions. A noble purpose will inspire you to make sacrifice,
invigorate fights, and stimulate steadfastness. Instill the passion and perseverance in you and
nothing will be left unrequited. The determinant of reaching the end of the line is your stamina to
continuously fight until that fight is the war you have conquered with your head unbowed.

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