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Famisan, Camille Ann F. Ms. Herssel Shaira A.

12 STEM-A 12 July 2019

LGBTQs in Society: A Blessing or a Curse

Despite the recent trends toward greater societal acceptance of LGBT individuals in many

countries, the struggle of the LGBTQ on where to place themselves in the society is a great deal to be concerned

with. Due to the religious community’s and some movements disapproval to these peoples’ way of life, issues

arise regarding the citizen’s perspective on the LGBTQ community. For my stand, I strongly believe that the

LGBTQ community is a blessing to the world. They have contributed so much that we can say that they are an

asset to the community, starting from their achievements, contributions, activities and ideas that changed the


One of the figures of the LGBTQ that made a lasting impact in the world is Leonardo Da Vinci, a

prominent master artist wherein his sketches were the foundations for aviation research that led the way to its

realization (Senzee, 2019). Karl Heinrich Ulrich, the most decisive and influential pioneer of homosexual

emancipation … in world history (Sigush, 2015). And another is Sir Francis Bacon, the man that paved the way

of science by introducing the scientific method (Hamer, 2015). With a wildly successful chain of beauty salons,

a resort, and a line of beauty products, it would be hard to believe that Ricky Reyes even had a humble beginning.

And yet, Mother Ricky, as he is also called, began his career as a floor sweeper in a beauty salon before becoming

a hairdresser (Maclang, 2015). On 2017, several states introduced legislation that limits transgender rights, but

the LGBT continues condemned anti-transgender legislations and holds protests and forums aimed at addressing

gender inequality head-on (Whiteknot, 2018).

Their feelings have been demonized and trivialized by bigots and homophobes who imperiously dictated

the gender of the human heart. And I beg to disagree. There are a lot of LGBT individuals that are leaders, models,

advocates, entrepreneurs, and that’s something to be proud of. LGBTQ individuals has the same heart that beats

fast at the sight of a loved one. Additionally, their gender is not a virus; these people are not dreaded infectious

disease. And just like other genders, these individuals are still people. They have fundamental right to life,

acceptance, respect and happiness.

Famisan, Camille Ann F. Ms. Herssel Shaira A. Capobres
12 STEM-A 12 July 2019


 Senzee, T. (2019) 20 LGBTQ People Who Changed the World, Advocate. Retrieved from


 Sigusch, V. (2015). Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich (1825-1895). The International Encyclopedia of Human

Sexuality, 14051408.doi:10.1002/9781118896877.wbiehs523

 Whitenot (2018) LGBT’s Greatest Achievements In 2017, LGBT Rights. Retrieved from

 Hamer, A. (2018) 5 LGBT Scientists that Changed the world, Science and technology. Retrieved from

 Maclang, K. (2015) 7 Inspiring Members of the Filipino LGBT Community, Kalibrr. Retrieved from

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