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Test Key unit 2

Our body
1 (a) adults (example), (b) elderly, (c) children, (d) babies, (e) adolescents
1 point for each correct answer (4 points)

2 (a) circulatory system (1 point), (b) It pumps blood through the blood vessels in our
body. (c) Veins, arteries and capillaries.
1 point for each correct answer (3 points)

3 (a) Arteries carry blood and nutrients from the heart to all parts of our body.
(b) Veins carry blood back to the heart from the rest of our body.
(c) Capillaries are very small vessels that connect arteries and veins.
1 point for each correct answer (3 points)

4 Top picture – (a) We breathe in oxygen. (example), (c) The diaphragm contracts.
Bottom picture – (b)The diaphragm relaxes. (d) We breathe out carbon dioxide.
1 point for each correctly matched sentence (3 points)

5 1 (d) nose (example) mouth

2 (e) pharynx, trachea
3 (f ) bronchi
4 (a) lungs
5 (b) oxygen
6 (c) carbon dioxide
1 point for each correct number and each correct word (12 points)

Male reproductive organs Female reproductive organs
scrotum uterus (example)
penis ovaries
testicles vulva
urethra vagina

1 point for each correct answer (7 points)

7 (c) Birth is when the baby leaves the uterus and is born. (a) Fertilisation is when a
sperm joins an egg. (b) Pregnancy is when the baby develops in the uterus.
1 point for each correct answer (3 points)

Total for the test 35 points

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