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Reeve Tan 11 - Charity

When you think about an apex predator on top of the food web that represents life that equals
its own ferocity with beauty, ferocity and beauty found in its eyes, the glorious crown worn,
what predator would fit this description? A predator with 4 letters to match its hind claws, the
lion, dubbed as the king of the beasts, the apex predator in its food web, the strongest and
most glorious amongst the cat family. A beast enough to characterize an entire biome, aside
from being the chief predator, the lion is also keystone specie. Such majestic predator with
movies based off it, can’t simply be characterized by one specie or description.

The lion was the choice for my work due to its extensive and vast reputation. The thought of
being able to represent this apex predator would truly be an honor, but such a predator,
dubbed as the king of the beast, could not simply be described with a single specie or of one
color, as it robs the glory due it.

The lion mosaic done, was characterized by a vast array of species and of multiple colours, that
hopes to describe the intricacy and beauty of the lion, with shades of purple, indigo, multiple
shades of blue, black, red, yellow, orange, white, pink. The vast array of species which
characterizes life, and life which is beautiful and colourful, with shades of joy, happiness,
sadness, anger, and emotions that makes life beautiful, in this sense the multiple species and
colours shown, is set to represent that life is much more than a single specie, colour, or word.
And that the lion, brought about by pieces of different species and colours is set to show the
multiple organization of life, its beauty, and how together characterizes life, the lion which is

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