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In history, before miners had access to productive equipment mine-wide, are benefiting from experience gained by tunnel
and blasting agents, mining was hard and hazardous manual contractors, who frequently have to concentrate their focus
work. The idea of excavating large volumes of rock to access on a single tunnel face. This makes the latter more suited for
even the richest mineral zones was not feasible, and, as a re- high-speed ramp and drift development, and is one reason
sult, ore veins were selectively followed, predominantly close why contractors are increasingly being employed by mine
to the surface, or inside mountains. During the past century, owners on this type of work. Also, contractors bring with
introduction of diesel power and electricity, combined with them a range of skills developed under various conditions in
new methods of mineral dressing, paved the way for large multiple locations, and frequently have the latest and most
scale open pit mining, and later for mechanized underground sophisticated equipment immediately available. Gone are the
mining. Nevertheless, the largest quantities of ore are still days when contractors got only the jobs that the mine manage-
excavated from surface deposits. ment could not do, or simply didn’t want to do. Nowadays, it
is normal for a contractor to bring specialist skills and equip-
Atlas Copco, as an equipment supplier with a truly global ment to the project, and for the mine to get its development
presence, has been at the forefront of technical and innova- work completed faster and cheaper than by doing it itself.
tive development. From pneumatic to hydraulic power, from After all, when bringing mines to production, time and cost
railbound to trackless haulage, from handheld to rig mounted are crucial factors in their viability.
rock drills, and lately, from manual to computerized opera-
tion, Atlas Copco expertise is making mining safer and more When designing, manufacturing, selling and servicing Atlas
efficient. Copco equipment, we commit ourselves to achieving the high-
est productivity, and the best return on customer investment.
Today, the mining industry, in its continuous battle for profit- Only by being close to customers, by sharing their problems
ability, is getting more and more capital intensive. Technical and understanding their methods and applications, do we earn
development, especially in underground mining, has been the opportunity to be the leading manufacturer, and the natu-
extremely rapid during the past decade. Less labour is re- ral first choice.
quired, and safety and environmental aspects are of prime
importance. Our main ambition with this book is to stimulate technical
interchange between all people with a special interest in this
Growing demand for metals has resulted in today’s world wide fascinating business. These include, in particular, underground
exploration and mining boom. However, mining companies miners, managers and consultants, universities, and our own
have experienced increasing difficulties in recruiting skilled sales and marketing organization.
labour to work in remote mining communities. This has led
to a stronger involvement from contractors now carrying out The various cases from leading mines around the world illus-
tasks beyond the more traditional shaft sinking operations. trate how geological and geotechnical conditions, never being
Today, contractors get engaged in all kinds of mine infra- identical, give birth to new and more successful variants of
structure works such as drifting, both inside and outside mining methods. We hope that some of this material will
the orebodies, and might also be involved in production and result in expanded contacts between mining companies in
mine planning, as well as scheduling. The miners, tradition- their battle to be more competitive and profitable.
ally focusing on maximizing the utilization of their equipment

Hans Fernberg
M Sc Mining Engineering
Senior Adviser
Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB

2 underground mining methods

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