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About 15% of all couples are unintentionally childless. In about 60% of these couples, the causes are
in the man's limited fertility.
In a frighteningly clear and long-term tendency, the quality of the male sperm decreases 1 . The
typical 30-year-old man now has on average less than half of fertilizable sperm compared to 50 years
ago. Most researchers see this as a sign of the generally poor diet 2.
Recently, a French long-term study showed in 2012 that the average sperm quality (number, density,
mobility) of men fell by 33% within just 17 years.
The study has taken into account the spermiograms of more than 5,000 men in a variety of clinics
and is therefore considered to be extremely meaningful. It is estimated that about 40% of men
worldwide have a poor spermiogram and are therefore poorly fertile.
Causes of limited fertility
While the causes are not well identified, scientists are largely unanimous that a combination of
increased pollution and poorer nutritional quality are the main causes.
Standard spermogram according to WHO

reading Normal value (WHO 2010) Normal value (WHO 1999)

Total volume over 1.5 ml over 2.0 ml

Sperm per ml over 15 million per ml over 20 million per ml

Total sperm over 39 million over 40 million

PH value over 7.2 over 7.2

morphology normal looking over 4% over 14% normal

Forward motility about 32% forward over 50% forward

overall mobility over 40% over 50%

Proportion of live sperm over 50% over 50%

antibody less than 50% with antibody less than 50% with antibody

leukocytes below 1 million per ml below 1 million per ml

Over the last 25 years, more than 200 human studies have been conducted by independent
universities. Various amino acids, vitamins and trace elements have proven to be particularly
important for a good sperm quality.
These micronutrients, ie vitamins, amino acids and trace elements as well as plant extracts, are
approved as dietary supplements. Because of their safety and compatibility, they also need no drug
The amino acids and vitamins are still very effective, as an analysis of 17 selected clinical trials
states. In 82% of the studies there was an improvement in sperm quality and in 60% of the studies
there was a significant improvement in the pregnancy rate 3 .
Improve spermiogram
Amino acids for sperm development
Amino acids are of central importance in sperm development of the male:
L-arginine is an essential building block of sperm,
L-carnitine important for energy production.
L-cysteine and glutathione protect against oxidative stress inside the cell.

L-arginine: building block of spermine and spermidine

The essential components of the male ejaculate spermine and spermidine consist to a large extent
of L-arginine . Therefore, it was tested relatively early on only partially fertile men, whether the
intake of additional L-arginine may have an influence on the quality of the spermiogram.
In fact, in one study, taking 4,000 mg L-arginine a day, three-quarters of men with inadequately
motile sperm significantly improved their sperm count 5 .
In a subsequent study from Italy, men with normal sperm density (over 20 million sperm per ml) but
limited sperm motility were given L-arginine. The amount was very high at 8,000 mg daily. Here,
too, sperm mobility could be significantly improved 6 .
L-carnitine: necessary for energy production of the cells
Sperm are the carnitine-richest cells in the body. They contain about 2,000 times more L-carnitine
than the blood.
L-carnitine transports fatty acids into the cell, where they are needed for energy in the cell. The
process of energy production is particularly important for sperm: they gain a large part of their
energy from fatty acids. The male sperm must travel a very long way to the egg cell in relation to
their size.
Even in the normally fertile man, only about half of the sperm is sufficiently motile. If this proportion
of normally motile sperm in the ejaculate is below a minimum limit (according to WHO: at least 32%
forward, see above), it is called " astenozoospermia".
The intake of L-carnitine in studies on men with astenozoospermia showed a significant
improvement in the motility of the sperm present. In a study in which 3,000 mg L-carnitine was
taken daily, the proportion of motile sperm increased by 75% (from 10.8% to 18.0%) 7 .
An Italian study has shown that the sperm motility is significantly improved by taking L-carnitine for
six months, according to the highest clinical standards 8 . The results were confirmed in another
study 9 .

L-cysteine and glutathione

Glutathione is a tripeptide , the compound of three amino acids. It is one of the best radical
scavengers and protects sensitive cells from oxidative stress.
The availability of the amino acid cysteine is particularly important for the body's production of
glutathione. Several studies have shown that good availability of glutathione in the blood is
associated with improved fertility.
Preferably, cysteine in the form of the stable N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) should be consumed to
improve glutathione levels.
Which amino acid is best? Combine!
Many previous studies have looked at individual micronutrients in very high dosages. However, the high
dosages are only approved as medicinal products in many countries. The best results have been achieved,
according to several recent studies, with a better tolerated combination of the most important components
in moderately high doses. That makes sense, because a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
L-arginine, L-carnitine, glutathione, vitamin E, vitamin C, folic acid, Q10, selenium and zinc have been
able to achieve very good results individually but above all in interaction with each other. This was
proven by three studies. In 25% of the men who took part in the first study, a spermogram in the normal
range was found again after the three-month course of treatment 23 .
A Brazilian study has also shown that for a similar combination of vitamins, amino acids and trace
elements, the spermiogram can be improved very effectively 24 .
In a second study, the combination was compared with a placebo (ineffective sham). Result: significant
increase in sperm density and mobility. 34 pregnancies were in the group who took the
combination. There were only 11 pregnancies among the couples who took the ineffective placebo 25 .

Increase agility
Increase ejaculate volume

81% Increase sperm density

Normal spermiogram
(previously: 0%)

Vitamin and amino acid cure without side effects

Anyone who wants to actively do something to improve their chances of getting pregnant with their
partner should not take this micronutrient cure for less than three months.
Since the amino acids, vitamins and trace elements are purely natural, special nutritional
components, no side effects or negative side effects are to be expected . On the contrary: the amino
acids, vitamins and trace elements are micronutrients that also have other health benefits. For
example, they can stabilize the immune system, have a positive effect on blood circulation and skin
Therefore, there is no medical reason not to carry out this treatment of amino acids and vitamins for
half a year or a year.

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