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Chapter 2

Review of Literature and Related Studies

This research cited the different concept, understanding, ideas, generalization or conclusions,
and different development related to water pump motor controller with automatic and manual
operation which serves as the researcher’s guide in developing the project. It is composed of related
literature and studies, both local and foreign, which contains facts and information on the research.
Those that were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and
similar to the present study.


According to Hicks, Tyler, & Edwards, 1971, there are different types of water namely; well
water, pipe-borne waters, rain water, stream water, river water, and so on. Sustainability of available
water resource in many regions of the World is now a dominant issue. This problem is related to poor
water allocation, inefficient use, and lack of adequate and integrated water management. Therefore,
efficient use and water monitoring, have necessitated research into various water level sensing
technologies, and collection methods (Khaled, Shah, & Mohsin, 2010; Venkata, 2013; Hodgson &
Walters, 2002). In order to eliminate water wastage during pumping and to care for future need for
large volumes of water, the concept of automatic pumping machine with microcontroller based water
level controller is developed.

Hodgson and Walters (2002) discussed the potentials of modern optimization technology to the
pumping industry and presented examples of cost-saving design experiences. However, Khaled, et al.,
(2010) introduced the notion of water level monitoring and management within the context of electrical
conductivity of the water. The authors investigated the microcontroller based water level sensing and
controlling in a wired and wireless environment.

Olabimpe, (2010) worked on the design and construction of an automatic water pump control
with level indicator. The design consists automatic control, with digital circuitry, for switching ON and
OFF the pump, and an indicator to notify the user about the level of water in the overhead tank.
Another feature of the design was the use of an alarming circuit to alert the user whenever there is an
absence of water in the underground tank. Meanwhile, Omolola, (2010) worked on the design and
construction of a water level detector with pump control based on a microcontroller. The project
involved the use of a digital water level detector with pump control and an instrument that indicates the
level of water in a tank, using seven-segment display to indicate the following levels; 0%, 25%, 50%,
75%, and 100%. Like Olabimpe, (2010), it has an alarm to indicate when water is at the 0% level.
However, the alarm emits a continuous sound for 10s indicates the 100% level of the tank.

Another study was conducted by Erua J. Band and Anyasi, F. I (2014) which presented the design
of an automatic water level controller aimed at providing an appropriate control to pump water to an
overhead thank when empty and automatically stop the pump when the tank is full. The system
incorporates two mains contactor which are energized to provide a direct online start of the motor. An
over load relay which senses the presence of excess current and disconnect the supply and a mercury
flood switch which uses the Archimedes principle of floatation to provide the electrical contact to switch
ON or OFF supply to the motor when the tank is empty or full respectively.

In their study, the operation of automatic water pump controller was discussed. The control unit
is made up of 1 miniature circuit breaker, 2 contactors, 1overload protection relay, 2 indicating lamps, 1
OFF/ON switch and float switch. Main supply, through the circuit breaker provides the power to
energizethe first contactor. At the same instance, supply gets to the float switch, second contactor and
the green lamp comes on, indicating there is power in the circuit. If the supply from the second
contactor is not up to the tripping current of 7Amps of the overload protection relay, supply gets to
water pump motor, but if it exceeds 7Amps, the overload protection relay trips. The automatic switching
ON/OFF of the water pump motor depends on the level of water in the reservoir tank which is
monitored by the mercury float switch (UN 2012) At instance when the water level in the tank has
dropped to a lower limit (empty), the float switch with two counter weights and a float ball attached to
one side of the counter weight will now dangle to a side in order for mercury to flow and complete the
switch on the circuit where there is more weight. The one that is heavier will be on one side (i.e. a
counter weight and float ball). It works on Archimedes principle of floatation which states that“Any
object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal tothe weight of the fluid
displaced by the object” When the circuit is completed, the water pump motor is actuated. Therefore
water is pumped into the reservoir tank. As the tank gets filled, the float ball begins to move upwards
with the level of the water in the tank until an upper limit is reached. At this limit, the weight of the float
ball and the counter weight at same side is displaced in the liquid, thereby causing the switch to dangle
to the side of the single counter weight which becomes heavier than the side with a counter weight and
float ball. At this point, the mercury flows to disconnect the switch and supply is cut-off from the motor
(Obinabo et al. 2010).

A proto-type was constructed and tested and the pump was able to pump water to fill an
overhead tank of 2000liters in record time. The aim of the design of an automatic control mechanism
using float switch for a domestic water pump was successfully realized. The system worked according to
specification and proved quite satisfactory. It is relatively affordable, durable and efficient. Hence, give
room for ease of operation and high level of reliability. The system would provide a clean and efficient
way of using water for both domestic and industrial application thereby avoiding pollution from water
spillage associated with the manual control of a water pump. Finally, it reduces stress associated with
manual water pump controller, which require that somebody go to physically switch them on and off.

Erua J. Band and Anyasi, F. (2014) recommend this device to private individuals Government and
cooperate organization where there is a need for large consumption of water and the demand for a neat
and hygienic environment free from water pollution.


Based on the study of Natividad and Palaoag (2019), the City of Ilagan in the province of Isabela
is under continues development to improve the quality of living for its constituents. It is the capital and
the largest town in the province that has 91 barangays and targeting to become a smart city. The water
distribution in the city particularly the barangays in the Poblacion area is under the management of the
City of Ilagan Water District (CIWaD). The continues development in the city such as construction of
commercial buildings, subdivisions, residential houses and business establishment, water supply
becomes one of the priority. Currently, CIWaD continue in expanding their coverage to provide the
needs of the community and providing the needed amount of water daily for the consumers is a serious
matter. The poor mechanism in monitoring and maintaining water distribution has become the problem
of the management due to its manual operation that requires human intervention. As to date, the
geographical jurisdiction of CIWaD covers 24 barangays within and near the Poblacion area. Currently,
CIWaD manage 7 water reservoirs where in 2 are located in a high ground and 5 elevated tank. There
are also 22 pumping station deployed in the different areas within the jurisdiction connected in a series
that supply waters to the community and to the water reservoirs.
According to Mr. Moises P. Pascual, Water Utility Management and Development Officer, in an
interview conducted, monitoring of facilities is still in a manual operation. It requires 2 operators to be
deployed in every pumping station but due to lack of manpower, 1 operator maintains two pumping
stations that cause maintenance and monitoring issues.
Their study is focused on the use of IoT technologies for the development of intelligent water
management system for CIWaD in monitoring the status of the different water tanks and pumping
stations as well as water pressure. Controlling system is also included to the proposed system to avoid
tanks from over filling, pipe leakage due to over pressure. A prototype was developed for simulation and
testing. In particular, Arduino micro-controller and other IoT devices were used for monitoring and
controlling. Also, a web application was developed as front-end for monitoring the status of the
Their study is limited only to CIWaD water distribution and management. Result and evaluation
of the study was based and conducted only on the developed prototype.
After testing, researchers concluded and recommended that providing good quality services for
a sustainable community is a big challenge to the leaders. Based from the problems that the CIWaD
management are now facing in terms of water distribution, the developed system can be a big help for
them to address these problems. It allows them to utilize lowcost smart technologies to easily manage
the distribution of water to the community. The developed prototype functions properly according to
the specification and purpose. It successfully passed all the tests and met the expected result based on
the different input parameters. Finally, the continues development in technologies particularly IoT
devices in terms of providing smart communities will have a great chance for this study to further
improve the ideas and concept for future use.

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