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Appendix A


NAME: _____________________________________________________
Surname Given name Middle name



Part 1. GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Check the box that will correspond to your

answer as the problem you encounter with growing population of the sukarap in

your community using the scale below:

5- Highly Agree
4- Agree
3- Fairly Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree


1 2 3 4 5

Shoplifting, Stealing a Bicycle, Stealing from
Backpacks and Lockers
Tagging and Graffiti, Drawing on Public
Restroom Walls and Keying a Car and Cutting
Auto Tires

Alcohol Offenses
Underage Purchase or Possession, Underage
Consumption of Alcohol

Disorderly Conduct
Fighting in a Public Place, Cursing at a Teacher
and Flashing, Mooning and Indecent Exposure
Simple Assault or Battery
Bullying when it Amounts to Assault,
Child/Parent Physical Disagreements and
Shoving or Pushing a Person
Possession of Marijuana and Smoking Cigarette
Possessing Small Amounts of Marijuana,
Smoking Marijuana in a Public Place, Illegally
Purchasing Tobacco, Chewing or Smoking
Tobacco at School and Providing or Enabling
Youth to Use Tobacco
Curfew Violations
Sneaking Out of Home After Curfew. Walking
Home After Curfew and Violating a Park Curfew
School Disciplinary Offense
Disrupting Class, Food Fights and Cheating and
Violating the Dress Code
Criminal Trespass
Entering a Vacant Building, Entering Land or a
Dwelling Without Permission and Returning to a
Store After Being Banned
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Having a Pipe in Pocket with Resin, Using Drug
Paraphernalia to Use a Controlled Substance
and Possessing Drug Paraphernalia to Grow
Enter Friends or Relatives Homes to Steal
Something, Entering a School Building to Steal
Something and Entering a Home/School and
Causing Damage
Hanging Out in a Group in Front of a Building,
Smoking in Groups on the Street Corner, Being
in a Park or Store After Closing
Possession of a Weapon
Unlawfully Possessing Pepper Spray,
Possessing a BB or Pellet Gun While Underage,

Carrying Weapons like Metal Knuckles or

Resisting an Officer without Violence
Lying to a Police Officer, including one’s Age,
Running Away from Law Enforcement and
Refusing to Move When Ordered by an Officer
Running Away from a Noncustodial Parents
House, Going to another City/State when
Forbidden by a Parent and Staying at a Friend
or Families House without Parent Permission
Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle
Typical Cases:
Driving Without a License, Unlawfully Using All-
Terrain Vehicles (ATV’s) and Taking Parents or
Friends Car without Permission

Part 2. GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Check the box that will correspond to your

answer as the response of the authority using the scale below:

5- Highly Agree
4- Agree
3- Fairly Agree
2- Disagree
1- Strongly Disagree


1 2 3 4 5

1. Community-based mechanisms.

Mechanisms at the community level—such as

the the SK implements programmes for the

youth but these usually involve sports

development and social activities only.


2. Prevention of offending. Prevention of crime

is not deliberately addressed. The needs and

rights of children at risk of offending–such as

those below the age of criminal responsibility

but have committed crimes, those used for

criminal activities, and street children–are not


3. Reintegration programme. There are no

aftercare or reintegration programmes for

children released from jails or rehabilitation

centres. Thus, re-offending may not be

effectively prevented

4. To develop a strong referral system to allow

systematic coordination and quick and

effective response among barangays, and

among different agencies, including NGOs.

5. For barangays to set up Children’s Justice

Committees to deliberate and determine

noncustodial measures and prevent the

formal contact of the child with the justice

system. The committee should adhere to the

principles of restorative justice. Resolving

conflicts requires the maximum involvement


of the victim, the offender, and the


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