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Candace Parks


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence are robots that are programmed by a computer that is operated by a
human being. Ai’s can give information like a regular computer can and it has more than one
function. The AI can be used as a Wi-Fi support system which can be given with the aid of a
neighboring country or the US can supply them with one. This will allow countries to have
access to the internet and be able to have access to real time news so that they know the events
that are happening around the world.

Educational technology

Educational technology is informative technology that can help aid in giving information
to people around the world. An example of educational technology are E-books, Facetime
learning, online classes, and many more. This type of technology is life saving because of
benefits that this has on people, like the ability to teach a lesson across the world by simply video
chatting. This can help people because this gives access to a diverse learning experience by
exposing them to different learning techniques which can help most students and or professors in
the long run.

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