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Helena was in Tunisia, she massacred many vampires there, but she felt her potency withering until the call
ceased entirely. That happened to all grfbbdbbdfbbndred that felt the Beckoning or just happened to Helena?,
Do you think Helena can feel the call again in the future?

In this year 2019 the elders are feeling the call or the Beckoning already come to it end?, If it has come to it end
what happened to the elders that survived?, same than Helena?

About the Giovanni and Tremere clan, the elders of these clans felt the Beckoning too?, They where called to
middle east too or theirs antediluvian called to Europe?, Augustus Giovanni and Tremere where called to
middle east?... What about bloodlines?, did the Baali, Samedi or Osiris Child felt the Beckoning too?, Did the
Ashirra or the Ebony Legancy felt the Beckoning?
In Beckett Beckett's Jyhad Diary there is a chapter about malkavian clan been called to middle east to devour
their antediluvian, is that the malkavian Beckoning or this called was before? If it was before, the malkavian
elders felt the Beckoning too?, even with their antediluvian dead.

I thing I have a lot of questions about Beckoning, maybe is because I think is a great step and I love it, now I
want to made some questions about Cult of Blood Gods. First, in Beckett's Jyhad Diary there is a chapter about
the Giovanni Endless night, it was the Endless night what take the clan to it end?

I understand the Hakata clan as a necromancy union, why the Cappadocian and the Harbingers of Skulls
accepted be in the same clan with the Giovanni?, What made them accepted to work together? Or maybe
Hekata clan have factions inside like Tremere?

Talking about Giovanni as a almost extinct clan I was thinking in Ravnos clan, maybe we can get info about the
Ravnos clan in next books?

About blood cults and Bahari, are there Paths of Enlightenment inside the anarchist now?, Like the bahari dark
mother cult related with the feminist kindred inside the anarchist.

What about the True Black Hand?, Will we have info about it in the next books?

Those were all my questions, I really appreciate that you've been to read them. I'm sorry if I asked the wrong
questions. You know, those you can't answer for being spoilers of the following books.

Thanks for all, I love how good are you with us, your fans... Thanks and I wish you the best. I'm sorry if I don't
know how to end this interview, it's my first time haha, good bye.

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