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Syllabus PHYS 4456 — Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2019

Title: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Course numbers: PHYS-4456

Prerequisites: 3356, 3406

Time and Location: MW 5:30pm to 6:45pm, room ROB 210
Instructor: Ian Shoemaker (email:
Office hours: Monday 2:00pm to 3:00pm, Robeson 119 (or by email appointment)
TA: graders are Husong Zheng (email: and Vivek Sharma (email:

The course textbook is “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics” Third Edition by David Griffiths
and Darrell F. Schroeter.
Another highly recommended textbook is “Principles of Quantum Mechanics” by Ramamurti
Shankar. A less recommended but still helpful book is “Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction,”
by Walter Greiner.

It is your responsibility to read all the announcements sent to you. The announcement system in
Canvas will be used. You are responsible for accessing the messages and information sent to you.
There will be announcements pertaining to lecture material, homework assignments, tests, and
the final exam.

It is your responsibility to attend the lectures and take notes.

Your total percentage will be calculated as follows: Final grade = (Homework grade* 40%) + (2
Midterm grades, each 15% for a total of 30%) + (Final exam score *30%) = Final Grade / 100%.
Each exam will be curved to adjust the class average to about a B. The boundaries for your letter
grade are as follows: A (90-100%), B(75-90%), C(60-75%), D(50-60%), with + and - sub-

Homework – 40% of the final grade

• New homework assignment will be handed out on Wednesdays.
• Homework will be due the following Wednesday, at the beginning of the lecture.
• Late homework is not acceptable and will earn zero credit, unless you have a valid
medical excuse. A written notice from the Health Center is required.
• You are encouraged to discuss and work in groups. However, you must submit your
own written solutions.
• Homework will be returned back in class. Per FERPA rules, your grade will NOT
be on the Homework pages itself; you will see notations as to where you lost points
and the grade you obtain for each assignment will be available on Canvas.
• Your worst homework grade will be dropped from the final grade.
Midterms – there are 2 midterms, each counting 15% towards the final grade.
• First midterm: Wednesday October 2nd, 2019 during class hours.
• Second midterm: Monday November 4th, 2019, during class hours.
• Midterms will be closed book and no cheat sheets are allowed.
• An equation sheet containing frequently used mathematical identities
will be provided.
Final – 30% of the final grade

• December 13th, 2019, 7:00pm to 9:00pm in Rob 105.

• Final will be comprehensive, covering material up to and including the
last lecture.

• The final will be closed book and no cheat sheets are allowed.

• An equation sheet containing frequently used mathematical identities will
be provided. 

Approximate List of Topics

• Identical Particles: Bosons & Fermions
• Symmetries and Conservation Laws
• Time-independent Perturbation Theory
• Variational Principle
• WKB Approximation
• Time-dependent Perturbation Theory
• Emission and absorption of radiation (if time allows)
• The adiabatic approximation (if time allows)
• Scattering (if time allows)

Honor Code
The Undergraduate Honor Code pledge that each member of the university community agrees to
abide by states:
“As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not
lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.”
Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by the Honor Code. A student
who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to any assignment is responsible for
obtaining specific guidance from the course instructor before submitting the assignment for
evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the University community
from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code. For additional information about the
Honor Code, please visit:

Disability-related accommodations
If you require adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability, if you need
special arrangements in case of building evacuation, or if you have any emergency medical
information to share with me, please contact me as soon as possible, ideally during the first 2
weeks of class in order to most effectively respond. Where necessary students should obtain
documentation from the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).

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