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Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No.

1, April 2011, pages 19 – 28

Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009



Nuruni Ika
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran
Jalan Rungkut Asri Barat 12 No. 1 Surabaya – Indonesia

The rising globalization era has demanded that the world should change from the old para-
digms into the new one in every aspect, especially in marketing world. Nowadays, to win over
the market share cannot not only do a business that relies on the functionality of their prod-
ucts, but also take into account its brand attributed to their products as it delivers certain
images in the mind of consumers or end-users. This research aimed to acknowledge the im-
pacts of experiential marketing, emotional branding and brand trust towards loyalty on
Honda motorcycle products. Variables in this research are experiential Marketing (X1),
Emotional Branding (X2), Brand Trust (X3) as its independent variables; and Brand Loyalty
(Y) as its dependent variable. To measure these variables, this study employed Semantic Dif-
ferential Scale by using interval as its scale of measurement. 120 respondents of Honda mo-
torcycle users were taken as sample of research from the population of Honda motorcycle
users in Surabaya, with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) employed as data analysis
technique. On the one hand, the SEM analysis results revealed the positive and significant
relationship of experiential marketing and brand trust on product loyalty. On the other hand,
the analysis did not prove the significant nor positive influence of emotional branding to-
wards loyalty.

Key words: experiential marketing, emotional branding, brand trust, consumer loyalty.

INTRODUCTION among competitors, a brand is an asset

The role of brand has shifted (Aaker, 1991) which has economic value to the company
from a lower rate of competition, in which (Aaker, 1991) and it is highly potential to
brand is used solely to differ particular maximize corporate growth and profitability.
product among other products, it functions In connection with such phenomenon,
just as a mere name or identifier, to higher Smith and Wheeler (2002), for example,
strict rate of competition, in which a brand pointed out the states of experiential market-
could determine the contribution in creating ing, which begins with random experiences.
and maintaining the competitiveness of a From this, it increases to more expectable
product. Moreover, the more widely known, experiences as consistency and intention
a brand will make-up certain images that is increases, and finally, it forms the experien-
associated with brand trust in the consumers’ tial marketing with differentiation aspect
mind. In addition, to most companies, brand- added to those of consistency and intention,
ing is a must (Kotler, 2000), thus almost which finally result in product loyalty. It
none of their products left un-brand-ed. Be- emphasizes the focus on human desire of
side, branding can also be used as a starting material satisfaction and emotional fulfill-
point in formulating corporate marketing ment; in which when choosing a brand, con-
policies. Besides to define the products sumers are more influenced by heart and

ISSN 2087-3735 Experiential Marketing … (Nuruni Ika)

emotion than logic Gobe (2001). Lovelock Based on the background being introduced
(1997) explained that the degree of trust and above, this research aimed to the purpose to
loyalty towards products or services depends acknowledge the impacts of experiential
on several factors including the cost of shift- marketing, emotional branding, and brand
ing to other brand, quality of the substitutes, trust towards the loyalty on Honda motorcy-
quantity of substitute goods or service qual- cle products.
ity of substitute services, the risk of using
substitute, and the shifts in satisfaction of THEORETICAL REVIEW AND HY-
substitutes. POTHESIS
In automotive industry, for instance, According to Schmmit (1999), the creation
Honda products are highly reliable in expe- of emotional perception within consumer-
riential marketing, as its quality has made self or so-called experiential marketing is
‘Honda’ trusted brand in delivering cus- measured through three main factors such
tomer satisfaction. Through the word of as:
mouth, Honda users play an important sup- a. Feeling
porting role in the advertisement of its prod- Feeling is also so influential. The delivery of
uct identity. Honda is known for the creativ- feeling is a useful strategy and implementa-
ity on each product they launch. Therefore, tion of delivering brand influence towards
such judgment can benefit the positive value consumers through communication (adver-
in marketing their new products. tisement), products (package and content),
By having the benefit of winning almost product identity (co branding), environment,
every heart of the society, Honda products websites, or through people marketing the
can create emotional attachment with its products. This delivery of experience of
consumers. Consumers are the marketing feelings succeeds if a company has a thor-
target of producers, and as producer Honda ough comprehension about the way feelings
must act trustworthy in promoting its prod- are molded, as it is a result of progressive
ucts. Well-maintained quality and good contacts and interactions with the market
product identity will create consumers’ aspi- through consumption experience.
ration willingly to choose Honda products; The consumption experience, which
as well as good service quality and consult- consumers feel when using or consume par-
ing assistance contributed to Honda as it ex- ticular products, makes up imaginations
ists today. Beside, consumers deliver brand within consumers’ mind then lead them into
trust when they are satisfied towards the a decisive actions. Such feelings attract and
values offered by Honda, for instance by influence consumers through the emotion,
security assurance and guarantee service emerged from within individuals and, are
upon using the products. As world-renowned expressed through ideas, joys, and good
two-wheel-drive Vehicle Corporation, reputations towards customer service. Ex-
Honda motorcycle was not immune from periences can be part of marketing idea,
problems, as evidence found from the com- which is effectively influential by compre-
plaint against the product of Vario scooter- hending the consumers’ emotion and mood.
matic ( The purpose is to trigger emotional stimula-
Therefore, in response to the condition, tion (events, agents, objects) as a part of ex-
PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) withdrawed periential feeling strategy in affecting con-
its automatic motorbike products, Vario, to sumers’ emotion and mood.
undergo components repair. Otherwise, it b. Thought
will cause problem with the rear wheel mal- The experience of thought is a creative and
functionality. The problem was identified theoretical process, in the sense that it re-
after reports by Honda official service center quires intelligence process in order to create
network (AHASS). ( cognitive experience and problem solving

Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 19 – 28
Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

through creative involvement with consum- of us tend to respond emotionally to our life
ers. This aims to encourage consumers to experience and naturally project our emo-
think and be attracted in a creative way so tional values towards objects surround us.
that it may produce re-evaluation feedback “Ten Commandments of Emotional Brand-
to the company and its brand. ing” (Gobe, 2001) below illustrates the dif-
In marketing-by-thought, it bears the ferences between the traditional concept of
concept of future time, focus, value, quality, brand awareness with the emotional dimen-
and growth. The experience is expressed by sion necessary for a brand to be favored and
delivering inspirations, high technology, and given a credit.
essence of surprises. The principles of mar- 1. from Consumers → towards Human
keting-by-thought including (1) Surprise, is Consumers buy, human lives. In the cycle of
something that occurs beyond one’s expecta- communication, consumers are often labeled
tion. It is one of the fundamental elements as ‘enemies’ that a company must take the
which could win the consumers’ heart and flag over. This so-called war involves “us”
allow them to have creative thinking. Ele- (manufacturers, retailers, and their commu-
ments of surprise emerge from an over- nication agents) against “them” (consumers).
whelm satisfied consumers. (2) Intrique, Terminologies like “destroy their defense
which exceeds the element of surprises. If a system, decode their language, or set up
surprise occurs beyond expectations (which strategies to win over the war”, although
happen to be ”inside the box” thinking), then figuratively. Yet, they are still valid, must
intrique reaches those thoughts which are not be of any necessary for there are ways
”outside the box”. It depends on individual better to encourage consumers’ interest posi-
knowledge, consumers’ interests and past tively, instead of fight them with harsh or
experiences. (3) Provocation, in which it even just underestimate them. This is possi-
tends to create a controversy. Finally, the ble when done by implementing “win-win”
experience of thought is designed for the partnering approach, which based on mutual
purpose of creating creative thinking in con- respect relationship between producers and
sumers’ mind through the combination of consumers. After all, consumers are indeed
surprise, intrique, dan provocation. the best source of information.
c. Action 2. from Products → towards Experience
The experience of action is designed to cre- Products fulfill the needs, experiences satisfy
ate experiences that concern consumer’s the desire. Buying is just for fulfilling the
physical body, behavior, and lifestyle, as needs with the price and Joyce. A product
well as the experiences as results of social experience or buying experience as is like
interaction with other people. The experi- any products in the shops, or any kind of
ence of action leaves the consumers with sound system products in department stores,
sensation, influence, and relationship. The entails discovery channel that has a benefit.
purpose is to improve of physical experi- This will result in consumers’ emotional
ence, to give impression upon behavior pat- memory as an association made at a level in
tern and lifestyle, as well as to enrich social which it is not merely to fulfill needs. For
interaction pattern of the strategy being im- the existing products, in order to attract and
plemented. Meanwhile, the experience of maintain consumers’ interests, it is essential
connection aims to relate the consumers with that innovative selling, advertisement, and
their culture and social-environment where new product launching must go together
the consumers live. with consumers’ imagination. Day by day,
Emotional branding defines the channels the boundaries are getting more obviously
where people are emotionally (unawarely) between what is new and what is traditional,
associated with the company through its what is expected and the desire to change.
products. This is an effective strategy as all As curiosity and the nature for adventure

ISSN 2087-3735 Experiential Marketing … (Nuruni Ika)

often defeat what is already known. How- is very special. It represents charismatic
ever, relatively products can be either new or character that encourages emotional re-
old at the same time as long as they are rele- sponds.
vant to emotional side of consumers. 7. from Function → towards Feeling
3. from Honesty → towards Trust Functionality only refers to usage or shallow
Honesty is expected, Trust is bound and in- quality of a product. Sense design is all
timate. Thus, it is a struggle obtaining it. about experiencing. Functionality could be-
Honesty is considered an absolute require- come outdated if its appearance and func-
ment in business. Federal authorities, con- tions are not considered for the sake of con-
sumer groups/unions, and societies in gen- sumers’ feeling. Many corporations design
eral believed in tighter standard of products their products to provide functions or maxi-
from which they can determine what is nec- mum visibility, instead of to create
essary and what is not. Trust is another prob- real/actual experience from their consumers.
lem. It is one of the essential values of a Design is about human solution, of an inno-
brand that requires earnest efforts from the vation that produces sets of new experiences
company to obtain it. Trust is what we ex- serving human senses. Delivering product
pect from a friend. One of the strongest identification with profit emphasize will be
movements in building consumers’ trust is relevant if product innovation is easy-to-
the implementation of ”no question asked” remember and attractive to consumers.
return (consumers are free to return products 8. from Ubiquity → towards Existence
bought without any condition or even any Ubiquity (prevalent availability) is visible.
question). This strategy provides total com- Emotional existence can only be experi-
fort for consumers which they can benefit enced. A brand existence has an impact on
from their own choices. consumers. In fact, a brand could form a
4. from Quality → towards Preference strong and permanent connection with peo-
Quality with a right price is common these ple, particularly those concerning lifestyle. It
days. Preferences are what create sales. exploits promotion media ranging from sta-
Quality is a compulsory ingredient for a dium, sport-players’ uniform, concert hall,
company to stay in business which is ex- or large space inside the city (billboards, bus
pected and it should be delivered. However, stops, walls, or even inside the bathroom
preferences towards a brand represent real door) where most of brand existence strate-
connection with success. gies rely on the concept of quantity rather
5. from Fame → towards Aspiration than quality.
Being famous does not necessary mean be- 9. from Communication → towards Dia-
ing loved. Fame is whatever thing that logue
causes something to be famous or popular. Communication is telling. Dialogue is shar-
Howeverr, being desired means to express ing. Communication, as many companies
something according to consumers’ aspira- tried to perform, mostly involves informa-
tions. Therefroe, awareness is clearly not the tion, which is commonly a form of one-way
only criterion in brand success. conversation. Most corporate budget spend
6. from Identity → towards Personality largest amount on the ‘B1-bomber’ adver-
Identity is a confession. Personality is all tisement approach to attract their consumers,
about character and charisma. Identity is which is figuratively a large widespread
descriptive. This means that it refers to char- blanket that can cover all targets. Not only is
acter and charisma. For that reason, brand more personal advertisement targeted to
identity is something unique, and it ex- consumers, other media such as digital
presses the statement of differences in the communication, brand existence and promo-
landscape view of competition. However, tion can reach further to actually talk to con-
this is only the first step. Brand personality sumers in wherever they “live”. Real dia-

Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 19 – 28
Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

logue represents two-way conversation with The Influence of experiential Marketing

the consumers and the support of the even towards Loyalty
improved digital media nowadays makes Schmitt in Hamzah (2007) implicitly defined
this evolution possible, which eventually experiential marketing as a way to get cus-
helps in developing a valuable partnership tomers to sense, feel, think, and relate to
between consumers and corporations. your company and brands”. Broadly, it is the
10. from Service → towards Relationship way to create consumers’ experience
Service is selling. Relationship is apprecia- through human senses (sense), to create ef-
tion. Service involves a basic level of effi- fective experience (feel), to create a creative
ciency in commercial transaction. It is either thoughts of experiences (think), to create
what succeeds the sales or otherwise fail consumer physical, behavioral and lifestyle
them. Yet, a relationship means that men experience (act), and to create socio-cultural
behind the brand earnestly put their effort in experience (relate). Another proponents,
understanding and valuing who their con- such as Smith and Wheeler in Kustini (2007)
sumers are. Ellena Delgado Ballester (2003) pointed out that experiential marketing be-
in Hamzah (2007:24) explained that Brand gins with random experiences, then in-
Trust is a feeling of security on consumers creases to more expectable experiences as
as a result of their interaction towards a aspects of consistency and intention in-
brand, which based on the perception that creases, and then it forms the experiential
such brand is reliable and responsible for marketing with differentiation aspect added
consumers’ interests and safety. to those of consistency and intention, which
Brand Trust also concerns with the be- finally result in loyalty.
liefs which researchers put them into their
operations, such as validity process (viabil- The Influence of Emotional Branding to-
ity) and disparity (intentionality). wards Loyalty
1. Dimension of Viability (validity process) Joel Desgrippes in Gobe (2001) stated that
refers to a perception that a brand could brand is not only a matter of ubiquity, visi-
fulfill or satisfy needs and values of con- bility and function, but it does not either
sumers. It is measured by the indicator of concern emotional attachment with the soci-
satisfaction and value. ety in their every day life. Only a product or
2. Dimension of Intentionality (disparity) service is deemed to boost emotional experi-
reflects an emotional security within an ence for the consumers. In this case, it can
individual. This represents the aspect of be judged that the consumer’s emotion to-
trust through which existing evidences wards a brand means how a brand could
could assure the feeling of security within arouse consumers’ feeling and emotion, and
individuals. It is measured by the indica- how such brand can shape a deep and long-
tor of security and trust. According to lasting relationship with the consumers
Setiadi (2003:199), consumer loyalty (Gobe 2001).
generally defines the loyalty of an indi- Besides the above concept of emotional
vidual towards certain products, either branding, it also focuses on human desire of
goods or services. It is classified into two material satisfaction and emotional fulfill-
groups: Brand Loyalty and Store Loyalty. ment; in which when choosing a brand, con-
Brand Loyalty refers to the constant pref- sumers are more influenced by heart and
erences that are reflected in constant buy- emotion than logic Gobe (2001). It is also
ing to certain brands over time, while perceived as a brand that concerns is related
Store Loyalty, as in brand loyalty, shows to trust and dialogue. A strong brand emo-
a constant behavior of consumers yet re- tion is created through partnership and
fer to a place/location where they can find communication. Building proper emotion is
the preferred brands (Setiadi, 2003:201). the most essential investment a brand shall

ISSN 2087-3735 Experiential Marketing … (Nuruni Ika)

make. influence towards loyalty in Honda motor-

cycle products.
The Influence of Trust Branding towards Expectedly, brand trust has positive influ-
Loyalty ence towards loyalty in Honda motorcycle
Lovelock (1997) explained that the degree of products.
trust and loyalty towards products or ser-
vices depends on several factors including RESEARCH METHOD
the cost of shifting to other brand, quality of In this section, the description entails re-
the substitutes, quantity of substitute goods search design, variable identification, and all
or service quality of substitute services, the the process of data analysis.
risk of using substitute, and the shifts in sat-
isfaction level of new brands. Loyalty is not Research Design
about percentage of consumers buying your The hypotheses tests explain the phenome-
products, yet it is about them committing non in terms of causality relationship be-
repurchases. It is a percentage of consumers tween several independent variables towards
buying at a range of time, then commit re- dependent variable. Observed analyses are
purchase after their first buy. behavior of consumers who bought and used
Commitment-Trust Theory (Morgan and Honda automatic-motorcycle products by
Hunt 1994) in Ellena Delgado Ballester employing SEM (Structural Equation Mod-
(2003) postulated trust as key variable in eling) statistical test method.
developing conical desire into maintaining
relationship. Furthermore, the alternative Variable Identification
model is one in-line with traditional litera- Experiential Marketing (X1), with indicators
ture, thus to consider satisfaction as a key to proposed by Schmitt (1999:63) including (1)
build brand loyalty. Consequently, this Feeling, with following indicators: commu-
model holds down the evaluation around nication, product, product identity; (2)
experience with brands ignoring the further Thought, with following indicators: creative
commitment towards such brands. and observation; (3) Action, with following
indicators: influence and sensation.
Hypotheses Emotional Branding (X2) strengthen the
Expectedly, experiential marketing has posi- connection or attachment between consum-
tive influence towards loyalty in Honda mo- ers and the market in the anticipation of sub-
torcycle products. stitutes and new products with the term The
Expectedly, emotional branding has positive Ten Commandments of Emotional Branding.

Figure 1
Conceptual Framework

Experiential Marketing

Emotional Branding Loyalty

Brand Trust

Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 19 – 28
Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

The indicators (Amir Hamzah, 2007:22) are: with most positive value place the right side
From Consumers → Towards Human, From and the least negative value at the left or
Products → Towards Experience, From otherwise. Intervals between 1 (one) until 7
Honesty → Towards Trust, From Quality → (seven) is used as its scale.
Towards Preference, From Fame → Towards
Aspiration, From Identity → Towards Per- Research Population and Sample
sonality, From Function → Towards Feeling, The research takes the population from
From Ubiquity → Towards Existence, From Honda motorcycle industry that has products
Communication → Towards Dialogue, and buyers and users in Surabaya. This study
From Service → Towards Relationship gains the sample by using non-probability
Brand Trust (X3) with follows indicators sampling with purposive sampling tech-
(Amir Hamzah, 2007:22): (1) validity proc- nique. Thus, the sampling requirements and
ess, which are satisfaction and values; (2) criterion includes (1) Every Honda motorcy-
Disparity, which are security and trust. cle buyers and users which had bought the
Brand Loyalty (Y) with following indi- products more than once; (2) Every motor-
cators known as 3Rs which are rretention, cycle buyers and users who regarded as
related Sales (Repeat Purchasing intention). adult and understand these study objectives
with minimum age of 17. All of these re-
Research Instrument and Research spondents were gathered by means of ques-
Measurement Scale tionnaires. In connection with data analysis,
This study employed semantic differentials this research employs SEM (Structural
scale which is arranged in a continuous line Equation Modeling) with One-Step Ap-

Figure 2
Measurement Model & Structural
Service Quality, & Customer Satisfaction
Model Specification: One Step Approach - Elimination

1 1
er_16 X21 X22 er_17
1 1
1 1
1 X31 er_18
er_2 X12 Feeling Idea Action 1
1 X32 er_19
er_3 X13 1 10,005
d_fe d_ac
1 Experience
er_5 X41
er_6 X42
1 d_bl
er_7 X43 1 1
1 Y1 er_20
Brand Brand 1
Y2 er_21
Emotion Loyalty
1 Y3 er_22
er-10 X46
er_11 X47
0,005 0,005
d_vp Trust d_dl
X49 1 1
er_13 1 1 1
X51 X61 er_23
1 Validation Deliberation
er_14 Process 1
X52 X62 er_24

ISSN 2087-3735 Experiential Marketing … (Nuruni Ika)

proach to Structural Equation Modeling the results of the consumers’ interaction with
(SEM) method. products. The statement supports what
Schmitt (1999) wrote upon the definition of
ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION experiential Marketing as ”how to get cus-
The estimation and model fit result upon one tomers to sense, feel, think and relate to your
step-approach to SEM method run by Amos company and brands”. Broadly, it is the way
4.01 statistic application is presented in fig- to create consumers’ experience through
ure 2 and Goodness of Fit in table 1. human senses (sense), to create effective
From the degree of causal probability, it is experience (feel), to create creative thoughts
acknowledged that: of experiences (think), to create consumer
1. Emotional Branding did not prove to have physical, behavioral and lifestyle experience
positive and significant influence towards (act), and to create socio-cultural experi-
loyalty. This is indicated by its causal ence, which is developed through sensations,
probability that is higher than 0.10 which feeling, cognitions and actions (relate).
valued at 0.991.
2. Brand Trust proved to have positive and The Influence of Emotional Branding to-
significant influence towards loyalty. wards Loyalty
This is indicated by its causal probability Emotional branding variable did not influ-
that is lower than 0.10 which valued at ence significantly towards loyalty. This oc-
0.000. curred when a brand could not reach the
3. Experiential Marketing proved to have feeling and emotional side of consumers,
positive and significant influence towards thus such brand will not able to create rela-
loyalty. This is indicated by its causal tionship with its market and probably will
probability that is lower than 0.10 which not last because emotional branding empha-
valued at 0.063. size the focus on human desire of material
satisfaction and emotional fulfillment; in
The Influence of experiential Marketing which when choosing a brand, consumers
towards Loyalty are more influenced by their heart feeling
The research found experiential marketing is and emotion more than by their logic think-
a positive and significant variable contribut- ing.
ing towards loyalty. Some efforts of market- The result does not support arguments
ing with personal experience takes place as a stated by Joel Desgrippes (2000) in Gobe
results of the stimulus which is used to relate (2001) that Branding is not only about ubiq-
the products with the consumers. The influ- uity, visibility and function; yet it is about
ence of experiential marketing towards the the creation of emotional bond with the so-
loyalty is due to the experiences created as ciety in every aspects of their life.

Table 1
Causality Test Results
Regression Weights Ustd Std
Faktor □ Faktor Estimate Estimate
Brand_Loyalty □ Brand_Emotion -0,001 -0,001 0,991
Brand_Loyalty □ Brand_Trust 0,343 0,645 0,000
Brand_Loyalty □ Marketing_Experience 0,149 0,281 0,063
Batas Signifikansi ≤ 0,10

Journal of Economics, Business and Accountancy Ventura Volume 14, No. 1, April 2011, pages 19 – 28
Accreditation No. 110/DIKTI/Kep/2009

The Influence of Brand Trust towards search conducted by Lovelock (1997).

Loyalty Based on the analyses and conclusion, it
It is obvious that brand trust has a positive is suggested that Honda Motorcycle Com-
and significant influence towards loyalty as pany could review this research and improve
a brand could gain trust from their consum- its marketing strategies. This study found
ers. Therefore, it makes the consumers limitation, especially concerning the sample.
evaluate and take decisive actions. For mar- As used in this study, the respondents as the
keters, this is important. They can gain such sample are the people or consumers who are
benefits by identifying consumers’ behavior, interviewed only within certain area that is
they can define direct and segmental strategy Surabaya city. Thus, it may not be gener-
upon the behavior, and it helps the marketers alizable for example by representing the en-
to re-evaluate their marketing strategies. tire motorcycle users in all areas.
Generally, consumer loyalty defines
trust of individuals towards certain products, REFERENCES
either goods or services. Consumer loyalty is Aaker, David A 1991, Managing Brand Eq-
a form of manifestation and follow-up of uity, Second Edition, New York,
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using or consuming products provided by Amir Hamzah, 2007 experiential Marketing,
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company. It is proof of consumers being Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Mentari,
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vices depends on several factors including man, Edisi Kedua, Penerbit BP UN-
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or service quality of substitute services, the Paradigma Baru Untuk Menghubung-
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ISSN 2087-3735 Experiential Marketing … (Nuruni Ika)

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