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Interrogatories; Definition; Purpose

 Interrogatories – pre-trial discovery method in which written questions

are propounded by one party and served on the adverse party, who must
serve written replies under oath.

o Used by a party desiring to elicit material and relevant facts from

an adverse party.

o “Interrogatories” and “written interrogatories” are synonymous

How and when may a party SERVE interrogatories: (LJ-WA)

1) By Leave of court After Jurisdiction has been obtained over any

defendant or over property which is the subject of the action; or

2) Without leave After an Answer has been served.

Who shall Answer Interrogatories? (Sec. 1, Rule 25) (P-CAPO)

1) By the Party served; or

2) If Corporation, Partnership or Association – By any Officer

competent to testify in its behalf.

How and when are interrogatories ANSWERED? (Sec. 2, Rule 25)

 Must be answered: (FW-SS)

1) Fully in Writing;
2) Signed;
3) Sworn.

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