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Theoretical lens

Kegan’s theory, is a theory that was developed by Robert Kegan that tackles
about social maturity. This is an important subject to tackle within the research since
this theory can best describe the reactions of the and changes that occur within the
Muslim population in Christian institutions. Essencially Kegan’s theory talks about how
one develops, and becomes “socially mature”. Social maturity is important because it is
essential in order to deal with new environments which require a slick social skill in
order to get a grasp of the ins and outs of society and understand the very nature of it.

Kegan’s theory of development is applied to the research study because like in

the framework of the theory, the population (Muslim students) undergoes several
changes in their “adjustment period” in order to properly fit in. One of the first things
observed in Muslim students in Christian schools is transformation. In their adjustment
period, they undergo a period of transformation, in their day-to-day contact with other
religions, and cultures, there occurs an intermingling of ideas. This transformation
entails growth within the individual, for he/she gains new insights, and is better suited to
act better.

The next thing is a subject-object shift. This is a change from an “I am” to an “I

have”. The “I am” is one that focuses on oneself; it includes character, personality traits,
assumptions to the nature of how the world functions, behaviors, and emotions. This is
seen in the participants, since they first focus on themselves, they base on assumptions
to the nature of the school, its students, and its staff. This then shifts to the “I have”
which focuses more on the surroundings, and detach themselves to self-principles. This
is due to them gaining insight and being able to reflect in order to have understanding.

The theory is applied to the research since it coincides with the observations of
the researchers about the changes of the participants. This theory is relevant because it
forms the basis of the themes that the researchers have come up with and shows the
evolving self.

The participants show a consistent pattern which was observed by the

researchers. First is the adjustment stage, this is the stage where most of the changes
occur. This occurs starting from first contact where they start their adjustment to the
new environment.

Then comes the alienation stage where the participants feel they are different,
where they feel somewhat alone, this is the stage which they start to find a place to
belong in. After this stage comes the enlightenment stage. This is the stage where they
become enlightened to the very nature of their surroundings, and learn new insights to
their surroundings and the people around them.

Then there is the stage of Belongingness, where the person finds a place for
himself, as observed in the participants, they often come to faith as their place to belong
to, they use prayer as an aid to the process of belonging. Some participants also come
to other people, and other Muslims, it seems that they are more incline to go to people
with more commonality with them.
This are the stages that were observed in the participants, the changes they
undergo, and the very process of their social development in order to belong. This
common theme within them is in line with Kegan’s theory since it also follows processes
of change and growth.

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