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is social structure in which people cooperate and which influences the behavior of people and the way they live.
has a purpose.
are permanent, which means that they do not end when one person is gone.
has rules and can enforce rules of human behavior.
Sociologists often reserve the term "institution" to describe normative systems that operate in five basic areas of life, which may be designated as the primary
1) in determining Kinship;
(2) in regulating the distribution of goods and services;
(3) in regulating our relation to the supernatural.
(4) in transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next; and
(5) in providing for the legitimate use of power.

are the organizations in a government which create, enforce, and apply laws; they often mediate conflict, make (governmental) policy on the economy and
social systems, and otherwise provide representation for the population.
Why is political institution important? A democracy works well when these institutions perform functions assigned to them. The Constitution of any country lays
down basic rules on the powers and functions of each institution. a. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are institutions that take all important policy decisions.
Reasons: Political party/ Institution is a group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government. They agree on some policies and
programmes for the society with a view to promote the collective good. Since there can be different views on what is goo for all, they try to persuade people why their
policies are better than others '. They seek to implement these policies by winning popular support through elections.Read more on -
A democracy works well when these institutions perform functions assigned to them. The Constitution of any country lays down basic rules on the powers and functions
of each institution. a. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet are institutionsthat take all important policy decisions.We need the political institutions for the following
purposes:1.To ensure security to the citizens and to provide facilities and education to all2.To collect tax and maintain administration,defence and development
programmes3.To formulate and implement certain development schemes4.To settle the disputes and determine what is right or wrongplease mark it as brainliestRead
more on -
Why courts are considered political institutions? Courts are political institutions because they basically function in the same way over time.
Other Examples: Legislative, Executive, Judiciary branch of the government; Provincial Government/LGUs


Political Institutions are those which directly or indirectly participate :

a)either in, law formation,
b) or in ,its enforcement.
Mainly there are three basic political institutions which can be found easily in any nation state-
1). Legislative Body: Parliament,Senate,Congress etc. Whose main role is to frame a law of public welfare.
2). Executive :
Cabinet, Bureaucracy etc come in the column of executive which is particularly associated with law enforcement i.e Proper imposition of law.
3) Judiciary:It is an important organ of government whose main work is “to check the activities of other organs”.
Subsidiary Organs: Several other institutions are there which used to help the government behind the scene

Examples of such political institutions include political parties, trade unions and the legal courts.
Political institutions are organizations which create, enforce and apply laws. They often mediate conflict make (governmental) policy on the economy and social systems.
Democracy: A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected respresentatives.
Republic: A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president.


A social institution consists of a group of people who have come together for a common purpose. These institutions are a part of the social order of society and they govern
behavior and expectations of individuals. Primary or meta-institutions are institutions that encompass many other institutions, both formal and informal (e.g. the family,
government, the economy, education, and religion. ) Most important institutions, considered abstractly, have both objective and subjective aspects: examples include money and
What is social institution and its function? Social institutions are a system of behavioral and relationship patterns that are densely interwoven and enduring,
and function across an entire society. They order and structure the behavior of individuals by means of their normative character. ... Without social institutions, modern societies
could not exist.

(1) In determining Kinship; FAMILY

(2) in providing for the legitimate use of power; STATE/ GOVERNMENT
(3) in regulating the distribution of goods and services; ECONOMY
(4) in transmitting knowledge from one generation to the next; EDUCATION
(5) in regulating our relation to the supernatural. RELIGION
In shorthand form, or as concepts, these five basic institutions are called the family, government, economy, education and religion.

Why are social institutions important?

Social institutions are important as instruments to create and sustain a society among natural enemies, by articulating certain rules of conduct and their enforcement instruments
so that people can co-exist peacefully and resolve their conflicts by peaceful means.

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