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Running head: WEEK ONE JOURNAL 1

Week One Journal

Matthew Miller

EDU417: Cognitive Studies Capstone

Maureen Lienau

September 16, 2019


Week One Journal

When I think about the relationship between psychology, neuroscience and education I

think of how a teacher interacts with their students. Psychology, even though this is a field of

study, is something that most people have some sort of grasp over. We try and understand each

other, learn their motives and ambitions, follow rules, manage our emotions and try and manage

the emotions of others. We do this at home, work, when we’re at the movies. People are

naturally curious about others. Neuroscience, though it’s not something that people pick up

naturally, but it is a way that we can prove what we know and how we can expand our potential

based on data. Education can draw from both neuroscience and psychology to provide a learning

experience that is both memorable and individualistic. The way I see these three terms is that

neurosciences is the “how”, psychology is the “why” and education is an “interaction within an

environment.” As a teacher I can assess issues and deficits that my students might be having,

while trying to determine the root of the problem. Use brain based strategies to intervene while

providing a comfortable space and atmosphere for the student to learn.

These concepts will help me understand my students in many ways. Each concept can

provide me with a frame of reference in which I can draw from. In the many scenarios running

through my head, I can see me at some point having to figure something out. Whether it be a

behavioral issue, or a learning disability I will inevitably theorize as to what a problem might be

and how I can fix it. Luckily, I have an education in which I can draw from, and the know how

to find new and relevant information. My decision won’t be based on arbitrary hunches or

misguided emotions, or at least not for the most part. There are many thing’s I want to

accomplish in my future career and using tools like psychology and brain based research can

help me find the right path my students need to take to become successful.

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