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Draft 1

Dear whomever it may concern,

August 23, 2019

This is the first day of school and I have no clue how or what I am planning to do this

year or how well this year is going to go. I was freaking out about how and what I what I was

going to do when I got into my first class and how I was going to react in that class. I wasn’t sure

if I was going to be engaged or if I should just blow it off and worry about it later. My final

decision right before I walked through the doorway was to be an active and main part of the class

conversation and have input about what we were talking about and how we can improve the

understanding of the topic we were talking about. That is now the student that I have developed

into and the student and that is the student that I keep trying to improve because I believe no

matter the situation that there is always something to be improved.

Hello my name is Joseph Pontes and I am writing to you today to explain why I am a

better and harder work in any given room. This letter is because I am willing and able to

complete any and all tasks it takes to make my college life and my college grades the way they

know they can be and the way that I want them to be. The main reason you should the letter I’m

writing today is because you need to understand the struggles and the way I overcame them to

become a better student and a better person. The best example of the type of person I am has

actually happened to me during school. This situation started with me and my mindset towards

school and the way that I viewed the world and the way I felt about the “school government” was

all out of whack. Furthermore, I did not realize how much I could not pay attention and I was not

paying attention to myself and my education and I slipped and ate it. As a result, my grades
dropped to the point that I couldn’t participate in my freshman year of baseball. This really hit

home. So much in fact that I was not forced but determined to get my grades up to a point where

if I failed a test that I was still able to play baseball for example if I failed a math test and I mean

boomed the test completely the grade that I had after the test was put in I would still be able to

play and enjoy baseball. Another example of a way that I was able to show my initiative towards

my school work was when I did poorly on an english essay and once the test was in I realized

that I had done poorly and I found someone that could help. Finding this person took a lot of

time but it was worth it. This person could help me improve my grade in the class because I

needed to improve my grade not because I wanted to get my GPA up and my joy level of myself

doing something that I enjoy doing.

I am not able to talk or speak for any other community that is me or I am part of outside

of school except the club that I took part in. This club was called the Do Good Crew Club. This

club was is and is very similar to the company that is called Do Good Be Kind. This club

promotes being kind and being a good person and being kind and respectful towards the

environment, the community, and other people no matter if you know them or not. My part in

this club was making ideas about how the club was going to make progress in the school

environment and how we can move forward throughout the school campus. For example, last

year we had the same type of club that took part in the same type of things that the club is doing

this year but the activities that the last years group were only focused on one school and on type

of community were as this years club is more involved in trying to get the whole city community

or at least many more schools involved and participating in being good and being kind to the

environment and to the other human.

The main point that I am getting a cross is that I am a very loyal, responsible, and I am

able and willing to be able to take my schooling to any and all levels to accomplish the goal(s) I

am setting for myself at the time of schooling. I believe that all the examples that I was able and

comfortable to give disbaled how my actions lined up. This whole essay matters because of how

I think and how I think of school and how I knew how when I “dropped the ball” in school I

knew what had to be done. Also, I knew that whatever I was going to end up doing was going to

help me in the long run. I mean this was going to help me when I have to apply for work or

become an internship. Also, this matters because this becof how this letter shows the way I am

writing as of now. Thankfully, that entails that I and my writing skills can be improved and they

will be improved not only by high school but also by myself and my individual reading and

writing practices. I can’t wait to keep improving my skills and talents at college and finding new

and more promising ways to get things done faster and easier.


Joe Pontes

Draft 2

Dear to whom it may concern,

Hello my name is Joseph Pontes and I am writing to you today to explain why I am a

better and harder work in any given room. I am writing to you today because I am looking for a

spot and a chance to prove myself and see how well I accomplish my time in college by myself.
Also, another reason for this letter is because I am willing and able to complete any and all tasks

it takes to make my college life and my college grades the way they know they can be and the

way that I want them to be. The main reason you should the letter I’m writing today is because

you need to understand the struggles and the way I overcame them to become a better student

and a better person. The best example of the type of person I am has actually happened to me

during school. This situation started with me and my mindset towards school and the way that I

viewed the world and the way I felt about the “school government” was all out of whack.

Furthermore, I did not realize how much I could not pay attention and I was not paying attention

to myself and my education and I slipped and ate it. As a result, my grades dropped to the point

that I couldn’t participate in my freshman year of baseball. This really hit home. So much in fact

that I was not forced but determined to get my grades up to a point where if I failed a test or

failed my final that I was still able to play baseball.Another example of a way that I was able to

show my initiative towards my school work was when I did poorly on a test and once the test

was in I realized that I had done poorly and I found someone that could help. This person could

help me improve my grade in the class because I needed to improve my grade not because I

wanted to get my GPA up and my joy level of myself doing something that I enjoy doing. I am

not able to talk or speak for any other community that is me or I am part of outside of school

except the club that I took part in. This cub was called the Do Crew Club. This club was is and is

very similar to the company that is called Do Good Be Kind. My part in this club was making

ideas about how the club was going to make progress in the school environment and how we can

move forward throughout the school campus. The main point that I am getting a cross is that I

am a very loyal, responsible, and I am able and willing to be able to take my schooling to any
and all levels to accomplish the goal(s) I am setting for myself at the time of schooling. I believe

that all the examples that I was able and comfortable to give disbaled how my actions lined up.

This whole essay matters because of how I think and how I think of school and how I knew how

when I “dropped the ball” in school I knew what had to be done. Also, I knew that whatever I

was going to end up doing was going to help me in the long run. I mean this was going to help

me when I have to apply for work or become an internship. Also, this matters because this becof

how this letter shows the way I am writing as of now. Thankfully, that entails that I and my

writing skills can be improved and they will be improved not only by high school but also by

myself and my individual reading and writing practices.


Joe Pontes

Draft 3

Dear to whom it may concern,

Hello my name is Joseph Pontes and I am writing to you today to explain why I am a

better and harder work in any given room. This letter is because I am willing and able to

complete any and all tasks it takes to make my college life and my college grades the way they

know they can be and the way that I want them to be. The main reason you should the letter I’m
writing today is because you need to understand the struggles and the way I overcame them to

become a better student and a better person. The best example of the type of person I am has

actually happened to me during school. This situation started with me and my mindset towards

school and the way that I viewed the world and the way I felt about the “school government” was

all out of whack. Furthermore, I did not realize how much I could not pay attention and I was not

paying attention to myself and my education and I slipped and ate it. As a result, my grades

dropped to the point that I couldn’t participate in my freshman year of baseball. This really hit

home. So much in fact that I was not forced but determined to get my grades up to a point where

if I failed a test or failed my final that I was still able to play baseball.Another example of a way

that I was able to show my initiative towards my school work was when I did poorly on a test

and once the test was in I realized that I had done poorly and I found someone that could help.

This person could help me improve my grade in the class because I needed to improve my grade

not because I wanted to get my GPA up and my joy level of myself doing something that I enjoy


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