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My 10 FAQ questions and 5 answers

❖ If I want to change my major will i have to repay my classes or will it

affect my scholarship
❖ Are there any programs that can help with student loans?

❖ How much writing and reading are expected?

❖ Where do I get help with applications?
➢ There are many sites and people you can go to for help and
there is online help in which you can chat directly with a college
administrator. You are guided by experts that help you fill out
and start the application process.

❖ What is the typical breakdown of loans versus grants?

❖ What percentage of financial need does the school typically meet?
❖ How do you provide academic advice to students?
❖ How long are dorm accommodations guaranteed?
❖ What kind of jobs require a 4 year degree ?
➢ There are a good amount of jobs with good pay that only require
a bachelor's degree some examples could be Chief executive or
some sort of manager like in marketing.
❖ What opportunities are there for undergraduate research?

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