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Landon Antonio

College Questions
1. How much will college cost with financial aid?
-It depends on what financial aid but for boise WUE scholarship I can get
between 7 and 15,000$ aid
2. What will be the living situation for college?
-I will most likely have to live in a dorm for the first year if I go to boise however if
I go to SRJC I will rent a house with some friends.
3. What financial aid should I look into?
-All of the scholarships that are readily available to me
4. What jobs are available in the area around my college?
-SRJC provides on campus jobs
5. What kind of help can I get in college?
-I can get a tutor which in the end helps me graduate
6. How many colleges should I apply to?
-Around 6 or 9 in groups of 2 or 3, the colleges being grouped into easy colleges
to get into, colleges you want to get into but aren't sure if you'll get in, and lastly
reach colleges you don't think you can get into but are good colleges.
7. What colleges best suit me?
-every college is a little bit different and to decide which college best fits me I
need to look at all the aspects like size, location, housing options, etc.
8. When should I know what my major is?
-Most people going into college don’t know their major and they change their
major 2-3 times during college
9. How do I figure out my major during college?
-I figure out my major by doing things and taking classes that interest me
10. Can I get and sustain a pet in college?
Pets are great but they are expensive
11.What is the benefit of going on a GAP year?
There are many benefits for taking a gap year and these benefits include becoming
happier, more self confident, learning ownership, becoming more self aware, and more. Also
taking a GAP year can also benefit your education and rejuvenate your brain.
❖ When are the application deadlines?
Application deadlines start in November and go till January. Although some schools have
deadlines in October. Early action deadlines are usually November 1 and November 15.
For your RD schools May 1st is the national response date. FAFSA deadlines are
December 15. Scholarship deadline for Cornish is also December 15. Merit scholarships
are available at cornish

★ Should I get a part time job as a student or focus on school?

○ Depending on the school situation (such as scholarships or grade requirements),
working can be very good for college students. It gives students work experience,
time management skills, and extra cash. In conclusion, yes, a part time job would
be a good idea.
★ What do colleges look at more SAT or GPA?
○ It depends on where you choose to go to, but for a majority of students and
SAT/ACT score is the score that colleges look at more instead of GPA, even
though it is this an important factor when applying for college. As we all know
your GPA is based over four years and that's why colleges look at SAT scores
because they are more recent and they can rely on the score being more up to date
not overall.
★ Is early action the best option? If so, why?
○ Yes this is the best option because students that submit an early action application
have a better percentage of being accepted compared to general admission.
Students also are able to see if they get accepted to a college earlier which can
impact what colleges they apply to for general applications.

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