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Scrum Meeting Checklist
Release Planning Sprint Planning Daily Scrum
Purpose: Establish a plan and goals that the Scrum Team and Purpose: Confirm what will be included within the iteration and how the team will Purpose: Standing meeting that facilitates team communication, eliminates other meetings,
organization can understand and communicate. build the functionality. identifies and removes impediments to development that may impact Sprint goal, highlights
and promotes quick decision making and improves everyone's level of project knowledge.
Frequency: Sprint 0 / First day of each Release Frequency: First day of each Sprint
Length: 4 - 8 hours Length: 2 - 4 hours Frequency: Daily
Length: 15 Minutes
Attendees: Attendees:
Team members All team members Attendees:
Scrum Master Scrum Master All team Members (ensures team has the meeting)
Product Owner Product Owner Scrum Master (responsible for conducting the meeting)
Key stakeholders SME Product Owner (Optional)

Meeting Preparation: Meeting Preparation: Meeting Preparation:

Product Vision Defined Product Backlog is visible and accessible to all team members Tasks on the Sprint Backlog have been updated
Agile Risk Assessment undertaken Product Backlog has been Groomed and Prioritized No distractions
Estimate of team Velocity per Sprint Meeting time boxed
Product Backlog COS have been determined Meeting Moderation:
Architecture Principles Meeting is time boxed to 15 minutes
Team Working Agreement Meeting Moderation: Held each day at the same place and time throughout Iteration
Team should always have final say when it comes to estimating Meeting ideally held by team board
Meeting Moderation: Dependencies should be minimized No interruptions are allowed
Product Owner explains the Release goal to the team Encourage design discussions before work is estimated Not a status meeting
Agree Team Working Agreement Team commits to a well defined Sprint goal Halt off-topic conversations quickly
Define Definition of Done Team members understand definition of selected Backlog Item Use a speaking token to control flow
Backlog Sizing Team define tasks for each Backlog item Every team member answers the following 3 questions
Owner for each Backlog Item Learning new technology 1. What have you done since the last meeting?
Conditions of Satisfaction for each Backlog Item Coding Move task from in-progress to done
Assess technical risk for each Backlog item Testing 2. What will you do before the next meeting?
Spilt large stories Peer Review
Add task if it is not on the Iteration Backlog
Estimate Backlog items Documentation
Move task from Defined to in-progress
Select Sprint length Team estimate each task (typically in hours)
State estimated work remaining
Estimate velocity Team commit to the workload
If task is already in-progress ask if there is an impediment
Prioritize Backlog items Review Capacity
3. What obstacles are in your way?
Agree Scope Product Owner agrees to work that will be completed
Listen for implicit impediment and make them explicit
Release plan and date determined Rolling Planning
Record impediment
Meeting Output:
Signal closure
Meeting Output:
Updated Release plan Sprint Goal and Backlog are visible to everyone
Prioritized Product Backlog visible to everyone Meeting Output:
Sprint Backlog including:
Probable delivery date and cost Summarize the follow-ups (what and when)
Major risks identified Acceptance Tests
Sprint Backlog and task progress updated
Spike technical unknowns Task Estimates Sprint Burn down chart is updated
Release Goal identified and visible Sprint Burndown Chart Update Impediment Backlog
Definition of Done Arrange Additional Meetings
Definition of Ready Scrum of Scrums agenda items
Update Team Board (Visual Control) Update Team Board (Visual Control)

Copyright © Equinox IT 2011 Version 1.0 Contact: Anthony Boobier

Sprint Review Meeting Retrospective Grooming the Product Backlog
Purpose: Team to present to the Product Owner and key stakeholders Purpose: Inspect how the last Sprint went in terms of people, relationships, Purpose: Ongoing process to ensure Backlog Items defined in sufficient detail, ready
functionality that was done during the Sprint. process and tools. for Sprint Planning

Frequency: Last day of each Iteration Frequency: Last day of each Sprint Frequency: As appropriate (10% of Sprint)
Length: 1 - 4 hours Length: 1 - 2 hours Length: As required (10% of Sprint)

Attendees: Attendees: Attendees:

Product Owner All team Members Product Owner
All team members Facilitator and/or Scrum Master Appropriate team members
Scrum Master Product Owner Scrum Master
Stakeholders SME
Meeting Preparation:
Meeting Preparation: Accomplishments from previous Sprint Meeting Preparation:
Team should spend no more than 1 hour preparing for the Sprint Review Impediments Backlog
Release Plan
Working tested software complying to agreed done criteria Details of previous retrospective including agreed actions
Prioritized Product Backlog
Sprint Goal is visible to everyone
Rolling Plan
Infrastructure prepared ready to demonstrate working software Meeting Moderation:
Intended to focus on Process and people not the product
Meeting Moderation: No uninvited guests are present
Meeting Moderation:
Functionality that is not "done" cannot be presented 1. Set the stage Split Epics
Stakeholders can identify new functionality to be added to the Backlog Establish goal and approach Team members understand definition of selected Backlog Items
Team identifies any incomplete backlog items Ensure that everybody speaks Detailed Analysis
Product Owner moves and/or splits incomplete items into next Sprint or Review actions from previous Retrospective Define COS and Acceptance Tests
Product Backlog if not a priority 2. Gather data Team size Backlog Item
Team and/or Product Owner demonstrate working software to Stakeholders 3. Generate insights
Product Owner closes Sprint and accepts functionality delivered 4. Decide what to do Meeting Output:
Review Product Backlog Team decide what problems they want to fix most Backlog Item small enough to fit into the next Sprint so can be transformed into a
Review Velocity and likely Release completion date Team pick no more than three actions to be completed in next Sprint product increment according to the Definition of Done
Scrum Master confirms location and date of the next Sprint review 5. Close Backlog Item complies with Definition of Ready
Backlog Item sized appropriately
Meeting Output: Meeting Output: COS Defined
End of Sprint Summary Updated Impediments Backlog Acceptance Tests
Common understanding of Product state Updated Sprint Backlog
Final Acceptance of completed functionality Update Organizational Improvement Backlog
Resolution of any incomplete Backlog items Update Team Board and/or Working Agreement
General Meeting
Product Backlog prepared for next Iteration
Update Impediments Backlog Additional Checklist items for use within all Scrum Meetings
Release Burndown Chart Updated
Update Team Board (Visual Control) Meeting Preparation:
Working Agreement established
Meeting Purpose and Goal established
Key participants are invited
Agenda defined and published at least 24 hours in advance
Meeting goal and agenda sent to each participant 24 hours in advance
All resources are booked

Meeting Moderation:
Parking lot to collect topics which are not part of the meeting agenda
Review and analyse

Meeting Output:
Meeting results and responsibilities in visible location for all to see

Copyright © Equinox IT 2011 Version 1.0 Contact: Anthony Boobier

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