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Science Quiz Bee Grade 3 b.

Easy: c. Birds
1. Bats can fly in darkness because- d. Amphibians
a. They can see objects in darkness. 10-. What is the weather when the sun shining brightly.
b. They have big wings. a. Stormy
c. They generate flashes of light b. Rainy
d. They generate ultrasonic sound waves. c. Cloudy
2. Part of the plant that generates seeds d. Sunny
a. Stem
b. Flower Average:
c. Root 1. It is a curve flap like part attached to the side of the
d. Leaf head.
3. Which of these does a frog mostly likely need in order a. Pinna
to survive? b. Ear Canal
a. A pond 2. A thin transparent material that covers the front eye.
b. Rocks a. Cornea
c. Soil b. Iris
d. Leaves 3. They are special structures which are sensitive to food
4. What is the best way to protect endangered animals? flavors.
a. Build houses a. Papillae
b. Drain wetlands b. Taste Buds
c. Cut down trees 4. It removes extra salt and water from our body in the
d. Preserve their natural habitat. form of sweat.
5. Animals which feed their young through their a. Oil Glands
mammary gland. b. Sweat Glands
a. Amphibians 5. A tube like mouth of butterflies, flies and mosquitoes
b. Reptiles that help them sip their food.
c. Birds a. Proboscis
d. Mammals b. Probiotics
6. Which of the following animal is a carnivore? 6. The hair like parts of clams and other shellfish.
a. Goat a. Cilia
b. Tiger b. Celica
c. Cow 7. They have a complete skeleton, protective covering,
d. Worm and legs or fins.
7. An animal that only eats plant. a. Invertebrates
a. Carnivore b. Vertebrates
b. Omnivore 8. It makes photosynthesis possible.
c. Herbivore a. Pollination
d. Servivore b. Chlorophyll
8. Which of the following can make their own food. 9. The ability to move the body from one place to
a. Plants another.
b. Mammals a. External movement
c. Insects b. Internal Movement
d. Reptiles 10. It is the removal of waste from the body
9. They are known as the feathered animals a. Excretion
a. Mammals b. Respiration
7. Part of the eye where image is focused.
1. Animals without backbones. They have soft fleshy
bodies 8. The back and forth movements that produce sounds.

2. They hold the plant firmly to the ground. 9. Animals without backbones. They have soft fleshy
3. The process in which leaves take in carbon dioxide and
water to make food with the help of sun light. 10. Moisture coming from the sweat glands of the skin.

4. A gas that plants give off to which people and animals Answer Key:
breathe in.
Easy Hard
5. It protects the seed that produce new plants. 1. D 1. Invertebrates
2. B 2. Roots
6. The ability to move substances from one part of the 3. A 3. Photosynthesis
body to another. 4. D 4. Oxygen
5. D 5. Fruits
7. The amount of space taken up by matter. 6. B 6. Internal Movement
7. C 7. Volume
8. The passing on of certain physical and mental 8. A 8. Heredity
characteristics from parents to offspring. 9. C 9. Stinger
10. D 10. Respiration
9. A sharp organ of some animals that is used to wound, Average
paralyze or kill prey or an enemy by piercing and injecting 1. A 1. Malleability
a poisonous fluid. 2. A 2. Propagate
3. B 3. Fangs
10. The act or process of breathing. 4. B 4. Elasticity
5. A 5. Abiotic Factors
Clincher: 6. A 6. Direction
7. B 7. Retina
1. The quality of a material that enables it to be 8. B 8. Vibration
hammered into sheets 9. A 9. Invertebrates
10. A 10. Sweat
2. It means to have or cause to have offspring.

3. One of the long sharp teeth which are used by an

animal to seize, hold and tear apart its prey.

4. Quality of material to return to its original size and

shape after it is stretched or deformed.

5. The nonliving parts of the eco system.

6. The line or course along which sometimes moves, lies

or points.

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