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Doganay Yakup
Suleyman Demirel University


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Филология илимдери

УДК 791



Yakup Doganay
PhD, Assist Professor.
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Philology,
Two Foreign Languages Department


In this paper, the issues, problems and difficulties of translating the titles of movies, mass
media and literary works have been discussed and alternative ways of solutions have been
Key words: film titles’ translation, translation strategies, cognition in translation, cross-
cultural interpretation, intercultural communication, education of translation.


Кыскача мазмуну

Бул макалада тасма аталыштарын, массалык маалымат каражаттарындагы маа-

лыматтарды жана адабий чыгармаларды которуудагы көйгөйлөр каралып, аларды че-
чүүнүн кошумча жолдору сунушталат.
Ачкыч сөздөр: тасма аталыштарын которуу, котормо стратегиялары, котормодогу
аң-сезим, маданияттар ортосундагы интерпретация, маданияттар ортосундагы комму-
никация, которуу.



В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы, касающиеся проблем и трудностей в

переводе названий фильмов, средств массовой информации, также обсуждаемых ли-
тературных произведений и их альтернативные пути решения.
Ключевые слова: перевод наименований фильмов, переводческие стратегии, по-
знания в переводе, межкультурная интерпретация, межкультурная коммуникация, об-
разование перевода.


Yakup Doganay

Introduction skills of professional translator for cross-

Intercultural communication and inter- cultural interaction are rather intensive and
action of the people and communities of high.
diverse lingua-cultural background have In gaining the demanded skills in trans-
become almost unavoidable with the ef- lation for intercultural communication, we
fect of globalization under the influence of should re-define the translation from the
many factors in our era. This situation needs points of views of new paradigms. Vardar
cognition, language and culture forthe re- says that ‘Translation is transference of cul-
quirements of intercultural communication. ture, concepts, ideas and thoughts form one
As translation is one of the ways of inter- language to another.’ (Vardar, 172) He also
cultural communication, the importance of adds that translation is building bridges be-
translation becomes rather clear.We think tween different worlds of societies through
it has become a must to apply new perspec- languages. Marash indicates that ‘Transla-
tives and paradigms to analyze and define tion is activity/event of understanding and
the phenomena of translation. Because, in- having the audienceto understand’ (Marash,
tercultural communicative competence of 30). Komisserovstates that ‘translation is
an interpreter – is the ability to cognate, functional interaction of language’ (Komis-
recognize, understand and interpret his own serov, 11). Thus, we can infer from the men-
and another picture of the world in their in- tioned expression that translation is cross-
teraction with the aim of ensuring quality cultural, cross-languages and functional
transformation the source text into target transference or in other words transference
language text (Tareva, 1476). Some of the of any information from one society to an-
most widely used ways of intercultural com- other by using a language as a means pro-
munication of the people and communities viding its semantic, functional, cultural and
are movies, media and literary works. Thus, conceptual equivalence of source language
having the communities to understand with in target language. According to Basnet,
each other correctly through the mentioned there are four equivalences that a translator
items necessitates the well educated and should provide wile translating any infor-
competent translators.Consequently, a trans- mation such aslinguistic, paradigmatic, sty-
lator must be very attentive while translat- listic andtextual/syntagmatic Equivalence
ing the filmtitles and publicistic headings to (Basnet, 25).
make them as sonorous as the original ones. The main aim of translation is to serve as
Translation for Intercultural a cross-cultural bilingual or even multilin-
Communication gual communication means among people
Intercultural communicative compe- as mentioned above. In our century this ac-
tence as a concept of theory, practices the tivity has developed along with the rise of
translation, is the reality of today (Tareva, international trade, increased migration, glo-
1474). Languages, communities and cul- balization, recognition of linguistic minori-
tures are inseparable notions. Thus, accord- ties and expansion of mass media and tech-
ing to culture-centered approach, translation nology. For this reason, translators play an
necessitates the knowledge of both real cul- important role as bilingual or multi-lingual
tural and cognitive semantic facts of another and cross-cultural transmitters of culture and
cultural community. Hornby offers a new truths by attempting to interpret concepts
term ‘the cultural turn’ in this filed includ- and speech in a variety of texts as faithfully
ing the move from translation as text to and accurately as possible (Gerding, 2010).
translation as culture and politics translation Hence, it gets quite clear that a poor transla-
(Hornby, 1990). From these points of views tion can not only lead to minor confusion,
it becomes clear thatthe requirements and but it can also be a matter of life and death.


Филология илимдери

For these reasons, interpreters should, not their audience various clues about the genre
only competent in the source language, tar- and the plot of a film itself on the other hands
get language, relevant fields and different newspaper headings and books’ names are
professional knowledge, but also be familiar also quite important as for giving ideas about
with the two different kinds of cultures and the content of them, messages to be sent and
the reflection of them in languages’ expres- to attract audience’s attention.Headlines and
sions. Tareva says that, ‘translation is not film titles contain emotionally colored words,
only a translation between two languages, phrases, sayings, expressions and special
but also a kind of cross-cultural communi- terms to produce a strong emotional effect.
cation; interpretation is full of challenges’ From a linguistic point of view, all titles and
(Tareva, 2011). So it can be said thattransla- headings are just like literature, that is, art
tion is rather complex and complicated phe- work of which original intentions, functions
nomena necessitating great deal of skills, and flavor should be preserved as much as
rather deep knowledge and understanding, possible in translation. From a cultural point
intellectual capacity, intuition and compe- of view, theyare bound to the original au-
tence especially in the 21st century where thor’s cultural setting and, as such, they can
there is quite immense international and be viewed as an expression of cultural identity
intercultural communication take place. which may pose problems in translation. From
We think it would be convenient to discuss a marketing point of view, film titles and pub-
about difficulties in translation of film titles, licistic headlines are held responsible for the
publicistic headlines and ways of overcom- success or failure at the box office.
ing these problems. Although, it is almost impossible to con-
Translation of Publicistic Headlines vey all the details of films, books and news
and Film Titles or information of any news infilm titles and
The title is an identifying name given publicistic headlines, it seems that strate-
to a book, play, film, musical composi- gies employed to deal with it are justified by
tion, or other work. It comes from old Eng- commercial needs beside cultural differenc-
lish “titul” – superscription, and from old es or linguistic difficulties. Cultural differ-
French “title” – title; both from Latin “titu- ences between source text viewers and tar-
lus” [James, 1999]. Titles, by their nature, get text viewers inevitably affect the transla-
should provide readers and viewers enough tion of film titles, newspapers headings and
information about the text or the film they books’ names and “the extent to which a
refer to.They are often more innovative than text is translatable varies with the degree to
the films, books and the content of the news which it is embedded in its own specific cul-
in newspapers themselves and can also be ture, also with the distance that separates the
dramatically and emotionally satisfying. cultural background of source text and tar-
Most of the time, readers note the headlines get audience” (Snell-Hornby 1988: 41). The
of an article, title of a film and newspapers question is, therefore, whether and how to
and then decide whether to read and watch translate film titles and publicistic headlines
them or not. Therefore the headlines are one in order to be successful. Newmark (1988:
of the most important components of the lit- 56), with regard to titles in general, claims
erary works. In the words of Martin Scorse- that “if the SL text title adequately describes
se, “titles have the unique function of setting the content, and is brief, then leave it”. The
the tone, providing the mood and foreshad- translated versions of titles should sound at-
owing the action”. [The American Heritage tractive, allusive, suggestive, even if it is a
Dictionary, 2003] proper name, and should usually bear some
On the one hand Film titles play an impor- relation to the original, to attract the audi-
tant role in the media field because they give ence attention.Some of the strategies to be


Yakup Doganay

implemented in translation of film titles and “Пропавшие”; “Потерянные”; “Забытые”;

publicistic headings could be classified as; “Затерянные”; Погибшие” and etc. The
keeping the original title, translating the difficulty in translating this film title con-
title literally, literal translation with modi- sists in its history. Only after watching the
fications, keeping part of the original title film, we can understand why it’s called
and adding a literal translation, transla- so.Another example is “Крепкий орешек”.
tion with an omission, creating a new title We think the translation of this movie is
loosely related to the original title and fi- quıte successful and beautiful, because the
nally creating a completely different title.It translator tried to find either literal transla-
can be inferred from the statements given tion of it or the resembling set-expression
above that translation of film titles and pub- in Russian language, which would mean
licisticheadlinesis rather difficult; we may the similar thing as the English “Die Hard”.
have a lot of types of translated versions. The Turkish serial film “KurtlarVadisi” and
They have the grammatical nuances; the its translation in Kazakh language “Kok-
words used in headlines are not so often ap- jaldarMekeni” is also genius among some
plied in colloquial speech that requires stop- other alternatives such as “KazkirdarMek-
ping on grammatical features of headlines. eni, kazkirdar Jeri. Because the alternatives
But the most difficult thing is to choose the which are semantic and grammatic transla-
most attractive, correct and suitable variant. tions does not provide the conception and
Sometimes the original titles areabsolutely logic of the film in Kazakh language but it’s
different from the translations we are given. Russian Translation “DalinaValkov” is con-
To take some samples to for clearance let venient from almost all perspectives. Here
us look through several translated movie ti- are some other film titles with their Russian
tles. One of the famous movies is “Форсаж”. translations could be confronted some oth-
But the original title of this film is: “The er optional translations: “Public Enemies”
fast and the furious”. If we translate this ti- – “Джонни Д.”, Die Hard – “Крепкий
tle with word for word translation method, орешек”, The Hangover – “Мальчишник
we have these possible variants: “Быстрые В Вегасе”, Now you see me – “Иллюзия
и яростные”; “Крепкие и безумные”; Обмана”, Men of Honour – “Военный
“Твердые и взбешенные”; “Быстрые Ныряльщик”, “Under Siege” as “Морская
и неистовые”; “Стойкие и яростные”; Блокада 2: Теперь в Поезде”
“Скорые и безумные” and etc. The diffi- Translations of publisitic headlines also
culty of translation this film title is that it was desire attention to pay on them form all
absolutely changed and hasn’t any relation points of views in terms of titles and head-
with the original one. This type of translating lines translation. By the way they have al-
the movie titles is called semantic translation, most all similar features that the film titles
because the Russian variant was created ac- have such as colorful, emotional, attractive,
cording to the film’s plot, where a group of grammar rules and sentence patterns free
young people is fond of cars, high speed and use. We can present some examples with
races. The Russian word “Форсаж” is close- their interesting Russian translations such as
ly related to these concepts – that’s why it “4 found guilty in London bomb plot (четы
was chosen as the official version; though the рехчеловекобъявиливиновнымивподгото
literal translation “Быстрые и яростные” is вкевзрывоввЛондоне), “Pakistani soldiers
convenient too. storm mosque (солдатыПакистанавзялиш
As another example, we can take the турмоммечеть), “Strong earthquake strikes
film “Остаться в живых”. The original Mexico (сильноеземлетрясениеобруши
movie title is: “Lost” The possible film лосьнаМексику) or Leo Tolstoy titled his
titles are: “Потерпевшие крушение”; novel as “War and Society”, not “War and


Филология илимдери

Peace” !, to be able to reflect the cognitive Hornby, Mary Snell, (2006),The Turns of
lingua-cultural backgrounds and aspects the Translation Studies, John Benhamins, Amster-
titles carry in original ones. dam, The Nertharlendas.
Conclusion Komisserov, V, (1981), Teaching Transla-
It is evident that lingua-culture back- tion, Linguistica Pravda, Kiev.
ground does play an important role in the Lefevere, A. & S. Bassnett (1998). Where
translation of film titles and publicistic head- are we in Translation Studies? In Bassnett, S.
lines as it does the commercial component. & A. Lefevere: Constructing Cultures. Essays
A title is an expression of the source text’s on Literary Translation. Clevedon: Multilin-
lingua-cultural background but it has to at- gual Matters.
tract, at the same time, the attention of the Marash, 30, (2010), quoted from Koca-
people if it to result in a success at the busi- man, A., Boztash, İ. Aksoy, Z., ‘İngilizce
ness life. Language allows communication Çeviri Kılavuzu (A Guidebook for English
but culture plays a crucial role in the success Translation) ’, HacettepeTash, Ankara
of communication itself. Translation allows The American Heritage Dictionary of the
cross-cultural communication but, in do- English Language. Fourth Edition/ Houghton
ing so, it should take the cultural elements, Mifflin Company, 2003.- 1115p.
logic, mentality,lingua-cultural background Vardar, 172, (2010), quoted from Koca-
and cognition of them into account. In or- man, A., Boztash, İ. Aksoy, Z., ‘İngilizce
der overcome the translation problems, ap- Çeviri Kılavuzu’ (A Guidebook for English
pear especially in film titles and publicistics Translation), Hacettepetash, Ankara
translation, a translator must use his/her full
intellectual capacity, creativity, curiosity, in- RELATED LINKS:
tuition, ingenuity, reflection, resourcefulness,
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a kind of communication between two cul- lish/EST/cf/Schjoldager.doc
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tural information and emotions carried by the English’,
original title but, at the same time, it should translation.html
ensure that no misunderstanding or offense Guide to Good Practice: Interpreting by
is carried over the target community. It is in- Isabelle Perez, (
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extent, conditioned by the target language ConstanzaGerding-Salas, ‘Teaching
cultural conventions and beliefs. Translation Problems and Solutions’, http://
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