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Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, Magazine Vol. I, No.

1, 2005

Successful Power Quality Monitoring

Andreas SUMPER, Antoni Sudrià ANDREU, Joan Rull DURAN
Center for Technological Innovation in Static Converters and Drives, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain

Summary: Monitoring power quality often seems the solution for power quality problems. Key words:
However, in order to solve power quality problems something more than simple installation of power quality,
power quality monitors at the site is needed. This article attempts to dissipate any doubts of power quality moni-
engineers about organizing a monitor program to solve power quality problems. It can be toring,
organized in three programs: an overall power quality program, the power quality survey and monitorng instru-
the immunization program. In all three programs, monitoring plays a decisive role. Furthermo- ments,
re, an overview of the main monitor features will be given. power quality survey

1. INTRODUCTION mendable for every project related with power

When the assembly line stops, or the com- quality solutions,. Third, technology is good,
puter network crashes for no apparent reason, but knowledge is better. Solving power quality
very often the electric power quality is invo- problems not only depends on the technology
lved. Voltage dips, harmonics, interruptions, applied to solve the problem, but a profound
high frequency noise, etc. are the most impor- knowledge of the power quality phenomena,
tant power quality problems that we find in in- the applied solution and the electrical installa-
dustrial and commercial installations. Trouble- tion is needed to find the most effective solu-
shooting these problems requires measuring tion. Trouble shooting and simple fixing me-
and analyzing power quality and that leads us asures are short term solutions; knowledge is
to the importance of monitoring instruments in the only way to find long term solutions. At
order to localize the problems and find solu- last, the personal relationship between the ma-
tions. intenance personnel and the company offering
Power quality problems are not only solved power quality solutions is sometimes decisive
by the simple installation of a power quality what kind of solution is applied. In many cases,
monitor, there are other aspects to consider, either maintenance personnel do not trust new power
technology or non-technology aspects. The tech- quality solutions offered in the market, becau-
nology aspects are all very well known and di- se they are not sufficiently informed about the
scussed in engineering societies. On the other different alternatives in the market.
hand, the non-technology aspects, like mana-
ging power quality projects and economic im- 1.1. Benefits of power quality monitoring
pact of power quality problems, are still unk- There are several reasons to monitor power
nown. The awareness of these non-technologi- quality. The most important reason is the eco-
cal aspects of power quality helps to apply the nomic damage produced by electromagnetic
most effective solution to the problem, which in phenomena in critical process loads. Effects on
some cases can differ from the most appropriate equipment and process operations can include
technical solution. In many projects related to malfunctions, damage, process disruption and
finding a solution for power quality problems, other anomalies [1]. The costs caused by the
monitoring plays a decisive role, and therefore, lack of power quality can be identified in:
managing monitoring properly helps minimizing — costs by product damage due to the pro-
the cost of solving problems. cess interruption of continuous or batched
It is useful to know the relationships behind production;
power quality in order to solve the related pro- — the downtime production losses;
blem. First, quality of electric supply depends — losses by the process restarting;
on both, utility power supply and the loads. — increased costs due to lost opportunity in
Secondly, it must be recognized that electric time-critical and just-in-time production.
power is a like one of the raw materials in the Monitoring requires an investment in equ-
production process; better quality will incre- ipment, time and education. In many cases ma-
ase the quality of the end-product. Better qu- nagement, production and plant engineers must
ality of the end-product helps to justify the costs be sufficiently convinced of the benefits of
in power quality solutions. An economic study monitoring. Monitoring is an essential analy-
of the impact of poor power quality is recom- zing tool in order to improve the availability of

Andreas SUMPER et al.: Successful Power Quality Monitoring 37

Fig. 1. CBEMA and power. The investment in monitoring can be only way to truly determine the cause and the
ITIC curves are used in
justified by its increased availability due to the nature of the power quality phenomena.
order to establish
criteria for acceptable following:
power quality in — preventive and predictive maintenance
industrial plant — determining the need for mitigation equip- 2. POWER QUALITY PROGRAM
ment When power quality problems occur in in-
— ensuring equipment performance dustry, monitoring may be useful to determine
— sensitivity assessment of process equipment the cause of the lack of power quality, but it
to disturbances. should be a part of a whole power quality pro-
Monitoring can help to identify power qu- gram. Monitoring is an important part of the
ality problems and minimise losses in the pro- program, but it should go with a power quality
duction process and increase plant productivi- program. The following list summarizes its prin-
ty. Monitoring is an essential component of the cipal parts [3, 4, 5]:
customer care process for this business. 1. Secure a commitment. The first task is to
obtain internal support for the program. Engi-
1.2. What is the difference between measu- neering, production and management must be
ring and monitoring power quality? convinced of the benefits of this program.
First, measuring is the procedure of quanti- 2. Assemble a team. A team of persons coming
fying electrical phenomena in magnitudes like from different plant division should be assembled.
Voltage, Ampere. These measurements are re- 3. Obtain participation and cooperation of
alized by measurement instruments, well known, the electric utility. An important part is to ob-
like ampere or volt meters. On the other hand, tain the participation of the electric utility. Usu-
we need to define limits of power quality ma- ally, the utility is interested in collaborating in
gnitudes; those within the measured values are order to improve customer satisfaction.
defined as good power quality. Once these li- 4. Establish a power quality specification. It
mits are defined, measurements can be compa- is needed to specify the lack of power quality,
red and the level of power quality in the grid defining limits for the measured magnitudes. The
can be determined. There is a quantity of po- limits refer to the process, which suffers the con-
wer quality parameters defined, for example in sequences of power quality problems. For exam-
the standard EN 50160 which shows the most ple, the CMEBA and ITIC curves can be taken
important parameters of voltage quality in di- as basis for the voltage dip analysis.
stribution networks. 5. Establish a communication process with
Monitoring power quality differs from sim- the electric utility. Events in the power system
ple measurement as a time component is added that lead to interruptions etc. should be expres-
to the measurements; thus, we can determine sed to the customer by the utility through a defi-
when a power quality problem occurs. That ned communication process. For example, restar-
means we record the electrical quantities for a ting a production process should be delayed, when
defined period then they exceed a defined limit more grid side disturbances are expected.
in order to analyze them afterward. This is ne- 6. Establish a monitoring project and exe-
cessary because most of the power quality pro- cute a power quality survey. This part deals
blems are temporary, and they appear and di- with monitoring power quality and recording
sappear. Stored data can be analyzed after the event data. The organization of this survey is
power quality event, and sometime this is the described in a later section.

38 Electric Power Quality and Utilization, Magazine • Vol. I, No 1, 2005

7. Establish an immunization program. In with the kind of current clamps required. Also,
this part a process for event analysis, root cau- the accessibility of the measurement point sho-
se analysis and corrective action should be re- uld be determined.
alized. A principal description of an immuniza- 5. What kind of equipment should be used
tion program is exposed in a later section. for the measurement? The instrument can be
8. Set improvement targets. Business los- separated into two main types: power quality
ses can be reduced by improving power quality monitor and power quality analyzer. Power qu-
or immunizing processes. An evaluation of long ality monitors are instruments equipped with
term improvement actions, taking into account memory and the ability to record power quality
these business losses, should be done. parameters over some period of time by trig-
9. Establish a process to evaluate the po- gers. Modern monitors can self adjust thre-
wer quality program. It is necessary to evalu- sholds to capture the most relevant events and
ate the effectiveness of this program periodi- also ignore non-relevant events. On the other
cally and if required, continue the program, re- hand, power quality analyzers are instruments
define targets or terminate this program. that measure and analyze real time data, some-
times only harmonics. The analyzing results will
not be recorded.
3. MANAGING MONITORING PROJECTS Monitors and analyzers on the market enc-
When managing a monitoring project, signi- lose a wide range of features, and it is not easy
ficant questions will arise depending on the tar- for custumers to choose the right instrument
gets established previously [4]: for the required application.
1. Why measure? This question clarifies the 6. How long should we measure for?
monitoring objectives as they determine the Often it is important to define the period of mo-
choice of measurement equipment, the trigge- nitoring depending on the event expected to
ring thresholds, the methods for collecting data, take place and the available budget. In critical
the data storage and analysis requirements, and processes, permanent monitoring is also ap-
the overall level of effort required. plied.
2. What kind of power quality parameter do
we want to measure? Power quality includes a After clarifying these six questions, the su-
wide variety of conditions on the power sys- rvey is developed by the following steps:
tem. Important disturbances can vary in dura- 1. Planning the survey. All involved per-
tion from very high frequency impulses (light- sons of the monitoring survey should partici-
ning strokes), to long-term overvoltages and pate in the survey planning and agree on a sche-
interruptions. Standards, like IEC 61000 and dule for the monitor installation, the monito-
EN 50160, and grid codes define the power ring period, the communication process and the
quality parameter to be measured. The IEC de-installation of the monitor.
61000-4-30 defines the methods for measure- 2. Preparing for the survey. Appropriate
ment and interpretation of results for power monitoring instruments and current clamps
quality parameters in 50 Hz systems and is part should be available. The staff using the moni-
of the standard IEC 61000 of electromagnetic tor equipment should have received sufficient
compatibility. training on the instrument in order to avoid
3. Where should the measurement equip- human errors.
ment be located? Power quality monitoring can 3. Inspecting the site. The optimal monito-
be very expensive due to the number of possi- ring location may not be easily accessible and
ble monitor locations. It is very important, the- therefore the possible location should be deci-
refore, to carefully select the monitoring loca- ded by a site inspection. Modifications in the
tions based on the monitoring objectives to electrical cabinet or programmed power inter-
minimize the involved costs. For example, for ruption may be necessary. Furthermore, during
trouble shooting applications, the monitor sho- the inspection, the most significant electrical
uld be placed as near to the sensitive load as and non-electrical data of the installation sho-
possible. On the other hand, for overall power uld be collected for further analysis.
quality monitoring, the monitor is located at the 4. Installing the monitor. The installation
power entrance. Often, the monitor placement should be done according to the security code,
is limited by the access to the power lead, espe- in particular when the installation is done wi-
cially for current metering. thout interruption. Isolating gloves, protective
4. How should the measurement be carried goggles and a helmet are indispensable in or-
out? The physical organization of the measure- der to prevent accidents during the monitor
ment should be carried out carefully; the num- installation.
ber of monitors needed should be defined along

Andreas SUMPER et al.: Successful Power Quality Monitoring 39

5. Monitoring the power. In this part, the 1. Analyze the process. This activity has
monitor is installed for the agreed monitoring technical and management components. The
period. It may be necessary to discharge the technical component is the basis for identify-
monitoring data from the monitor periodically, ing the origin and streaming of dip disturban-
if a lot of power quality events are expected ces due to monitoring as well as to analysis of
and the monitor memory is limited. Furthermo- the production process. The management com-
re, the trigger levels should be chosen with care, ponent is the basis for evaluating the econo-
because very high levels could fill the memory mic impact of the disturbance. Sometimes it is
with unimportant events without significance. useful to monitor the power supplies and to
It is recommended to check the memory one compare the results with the overall produc-
hour after the installation of the monitor and tion plant monitor.
readjust the trigger levels. 2. Identify the critical parts. As a result of
6. After the monitoring period, the deinstal- the previous step, we can identify the critical
lation of the instrument is done, respecting the parts. These are the parts that have a major
security code. If the event expected to take pla- contribution to production losses, or that indi-
ce, is not recorded, a decision to prolong the cate the origin of disturbance, or both. Due to
monitoring or abort the survey must be done. the high level of plant complexity; the critical
7. Analyzing monitoring and inspection parts should ranked according to their impor-
data. The most difficult part is analyzing and tance.
interpreting the data collected during the su- 3. Choose the immunization technique. Ba-
rvey. Several kind of analysis can carried out sically, there are two families of immunization
with this data: RMS analysis, waveform analy- techniques: to stop the plant with a controlled
sis, trend analysis, transient analysis, harmo- stop and try to restart after the dip, or to keep
nic analysis, etc. Monitor manufacturers offer the plant working during the dip. In both cases,
special software in order help the user to visu- the process controls (“brains”) of the plant must
alize the data and some software are able to be on, so UPS or other techniques must be used
generate reports automatically. Nevertheless, to assure this. To implement any one of the two
the right interpretation of the results of these immunization techniques we need to combine a
tools can only be carried out by an experienced set of the following immunization tools in a co-
engineer. herent form:
8. Defining corrective solutions. The next i. Timed under-voltage relays
logical step is to perform an immunization pro- ii. UPS “process brains” feed
gram, following the steps described in the next iii. Time and level protection sets
section. iv. Special programs in “brains”
v. “Ride through” features in static converters
4. Estimate the attainable theoretical level
4. IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM of immunity. In the case that parameters for a
As the process becomes more automated, good plant characterization are known, the cal-
the sensitivity to power quality problems, in culation of the attainable immunity level is po-
particular to voltage dips, increases. In many ssible.
cases, the failure of one element due to the dip 5. Simulate and/or test the proposed ac-
(sensors, static converters, bus controllers, re- tions. If a correct simulation is possible, in ad-
mote racks, etc.) causes the entire production dition to the attainable immunity level, other
to stop because the automation chain acts as a useful information can be obtained, like relay
propagation stream. Restarting the processes protection set points, speed changes, tempera-
can be difficult due to the raw materials accu- ture changes, peak torques, etc.
mulated, which must be removed before. The 6. Project the concrete case. As result of
proposed method [5] takes into account quan- the previous steps, a project plan for every case
tity and quality aspects, as well as the hetero- can be realized. It includes changes in the wi-
geneity between the productive branches or ring scheme, or, the new programs and the new
different technologies involved. Depending on set points, installation of immunization equip-
these technologies, different actions are needed ment, etc.
to correct the sensitivity to dip voltages. Basi- 7. Estimate costs. Execution cost, operation
cally, there are two families of immunization cost and maintenance cost must be estimated.
techniques: to stop the plant with a controlled 8. Make the decision. The plant manage-
stop and try to restart after the dip, or to keep ment, after considering cost estimation and fu-
the plant working during the dip. ture benefits due to fewer production losses,
The steps to characterize the problems and, must decide if the immunization projects will be
when possible, solve them, are: executed. The final decision to immunize the

40 Electric Power Quality and Utilization, Magazine • Vol. I, No 1, 2005

plant and the strategy to be applied is always
taken in accordance with economical parame-
ters such as payback time.

There are different types of monitoring in-
struments available in the market, sometimes
their characteristics are not easy to compare. In
order to choose the right instrument, it is ne-
cessary to analyze the monitoring needs first,
for example, type of disturbance to be monito-
red, monitor period, requested accuracy. In func-
tion of these needs, the selection of monitor
can be realized more objectively. The following
list describes the general features of power
quality monitoring instruments [2, 4].
— Enclosure options: handheld, portable and
fixed. The choice of the enclosure option — Accessories. Leads, probes, sensors, cur- Fig. 2. Inrush peak
depends on the user’s requirement. The han- rent clamps, frames, handles and carrying current after voltage
dheld and portable options are more dedica- cases are typical accessories supplied by the dip of a power supply
ted for engineering and trouble shooting manufacturer.
applications. The fixed install option is more — Warranty. Manufacturer or supplier may pro-
often used by utilities, industrial plants and vide a warranty for a year or more.
equipments that are integrated in a power — Update ability. The update ability of so-
quality monitoring system. ftware and hardware (optional modules or
— Enclosure protections. The environmental cards) is an important deciding factor in the
limits for the power quality monitors are usu- purchase of the monitor.
ally specified by the manufacturers. The IP — Maintenance and calibration. Power quali-
(Ingress Protection) rating also must be spe- ty monitor requires periodic maintenance and
cified by the manufacture, instruments co- calibration. This is an important factor for
uld have a similar NEMA rating too. the life time costs of monitoring and should
— Power supply. The power supply of a power be considered.
quality monitor is also an important consi- — Accuracy. The accuracy of a power quality
deration. Supply voltage and frequency, bat- monitoring is specified by the manufacturer
tery back up during power failure or separa- — Resolution. The resolution of an instrument
te supply should be checked. is a measure of the detail of the digital sam-
— Memory. The memory options for the recor- pled data after the analogue digital conver-
ded events can be hard disks, floppy disks, ting process, and it is represented in bits.
internal RAM and PCMCIA memory cards. The larger the number of bits, the finer the
— User interface. The instrument – user com- resolution with which the sampled data is
munication is usually realised by built-in di- captured.
splays, external viewing devices or personal — Sampling rate. It defines the rate at which
computers. The user – instrument communi- the input channels are sampled and should
cation is done by keypads, keyboards or by state in samples per cycle. For detecting tran-
a personal computer. The personal compu- sients, high sampling rates in the MHz are
ter options require a connection interface necessary.
from the instrument to the personal compu- — Voltage withstand. Manufacturers may spe-
ter. Many instruments allow remote monitor cify the voltage withstand of the monitor and
operation and real-time displaying of the si- the complied standards.
— Software and data analysis tools. The so- 5.1. Signal Input/Output
ftware and data analysis tools supplied with The following list describes the signal input
most power monitors have a variety of func- and output interface of power quality monito-
tions and data manipulating abilities. ring instruments.
— Printer. The printer can be installed inter- — Input channels. The input channels are the
nally, with a direct connectaion or connec- main analogue inputs to which the voltage
tion by a personal computer. current transducters are connected.

Andreas SUMPER et al.: Successful Power Quality Monitoring 41

— Analogue inputs/outputs. Analogue inputs rect errors in the metering algorithms or to en-
can, for example, monitor additional parame- hance the existing feature set of your meter wi-
ters while analogue outputs are used, for thout purchasing new hardware.
example, as signals to other monitors.
— Digital inputs/outputs. These types of in-
puts and outputs are mainly used to trigger 6. STANDARD IEC 61000−4−30
other monitors. The aim of this standard is to define measu-
— Communication and networks. Internal and rement methods which make the comparison of
external modems via RS232, Ethernet and the monitoring results available, no matter
direct PC connection (USB, RS232, RS485, which instrument is used. The first version of
and Infrared) are provided with the monitor the standard IEC 61000-4-30 was published in
instrument. Many instrument manufacturers 2003 [IEC].
allow the user to download information or Measuring parameters defined in this stan-
operate the monitor via internet. dard are power frequency, nominal voltage, flic-
ker, voltage changes, voltage dips and swells,
5.2. Functions voltage transients, imbalance, harmonics, inter-
The following list describes the functions of harmonics and signalling voltages. It also spe-
power quality monitoring instruments. cifies measurement uncertainties for voltage,
— Data capture by present thresholds. Para- current and frequency as well as for derived
meters to be measured are usually captured values; even through uncertainties of connec-
when the disturbance exceeds a present thre- ted current and voltage transducers are not
shold (event logging) or at repeated set time considered.
intervals. The thresholds and time intervals On of the most important parts of this stan-
are set up by the user. By event logging, the dard is the specification of measurement inte-
captured waveform is usually logged one or rvals and their aggregation as well as the time-
more cycles before and after the event to clock uncertainty.
provide a full picture of the event. Two different classes of measurement per-
— Data capture by self-adjusting thresholds. formance are defined in this standard:
The monitor can set its own thresholds by — Class A performance: This class of measu-
an established steady state norm. This me- ring instruments is recommended for con-
thod allows the detection of small deviations tractual measurements between network pro-
and trends. viders and customers to verify compliance
— Externally triggered data capture. Many with standards or resolving disputes.
monitors provide the feature to be triggered — Class B performance: This class of measu-
externally. ring instruments should be used for statisti-
— Manual data capture. For a snapshot of the cal surveys, trouble-shooting applications,
present situation many monitors provide a etc. where high accuracy is not necessary.
manual trigger function. This standard brings about two different
— Data logging and time interval recording. product lines for monitor manufactures: high-
With data logging, the parameters are conti- end product with class A and low-end instru-
nuously monitored and can be captured at ments with class B.
set time intervals established by the user. The technical requirements of class A me-
— Waveform capture. Some power quality mo- asurement devices are very high, the required
nitors have the ability to capture waveforms accuracy of voltage and current is 0.1% and
(mainly voltage and current). These captu- the aggregation of the measurements results
red waveforms can de viewed by built-in di- requested is very strict. Therefore class A in-
splays or can be downloaded to a PC. Often, struments are definitely more expensive than
the instruments provide functions such as class B instruments and there are very few ma-
harmonic analysis and wave form analysis. nufactures offering them. Moreover, there is no
— Time synchronisation. Some power quality authorized test laboratory for this standard;
monitors have the option of time synchroni- mostly the certificates are given by firms and
sation by an external time signal or a radio laboratories on their own self-reliance.
signal. For trouble-shooting applications, were the
accuracy is less important than the type of di-
5.3. Firmware sturbance and the location of its source, class
Some meter manufacturers periodically pro- B instruments or existing measuring instru-
vide new releases of monitor firmware. Firmwa- ments may be adequate. Also for measurements
re releases, typically provided free of charge according to the standard EN 50160, class B
by manufacturers, are sometimes used to cor- devices are adequate.

42 Electric Power Quality and Utilization, Magazine • Vol. I, No 1, 2005

7. CONCLUSION Andreas Sumper
Graduated as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engine−
The success of planning and executing a ering (Dipl.−Ing.) at the Technical University
power quality program is dependent upon a of Graz, Austria, in 2000. From 2000 to 2001,
he was an international project manager in
profound knowledge of technology as well as the private industry. In 2002, he jointed the
the non-technological aspects, like management Centre for Technological Innovation in Static
and organization of monitoring projects. Converters and Drives (CITCEA) at the Poly−
technic University of Catalonia (Spain), whe−
In this paper, three different programs for re he is currently completing his PhD. At CIT−
power quality improvements were presented: CEA, he is executing research and innovation projects with the
local industry in the field of power quality. His research interests
an overall power quality program, designated are power quality, power system reliability and distributed gene−
for an overall power quality improvement of the ration.
plant; a power quality survey, focussed on de-
termining and locating the source of the power Joan Rull
quality problem by inspecting the site, plan- Graduated as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engine−
ning and executing a power quality monitoring ering at the Polytechnic University of Catalo−
nia, Spain, in 1989. Since 1992, he has been
program; and lastly, an immunization program associate professor at the Polytechnic Uni−
with the objective of immunizing industrial pro- versity of Catalonia. He is a founding member
of the Centre for Technological Innovation in
cesses to disturbances. In all three programs, Static Converters and Drives (CITCEA) at the
their correct management plays a decisive role, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. His re−
search interests are power quality and elec−
and helps to achieve the required results. trical drives.

Antoni Sudrià
REFERENCES (M’95) received the M.Sc.E.E. degree from
Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barce−
1. IEC 61000-4-30 Electromagnetic compatibility lona, Spain, in 1979.
(EMC) –Part 4-30: Testing and measurement tech- In 1979, he joined Electronics Engineering
niques - Power quality measurement methods. Department, Polytechnic University of Cata−
2. L a m D . ; A Review of Power Quality Monitoring lonia, Barcelona, Spain, as an Assistant Pro−
Instruments, ERA Report 2002-0213, ERA Tech- fessor. He joined the Research and Develop−
nology Ltd, ISBN: 0 7008 0761 6. ment Department at La Maquinista in 1980.
3. L a n g R o b e r t G .: A 10-step program for im- He developed static converters for traction
proved power quality. Plant Engineering, 99, 53, 4, (trains) and several static converters for auxiliary services in trac−
p. 84, 4; ISSN:0032082X. tion. In 1985, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department,
4. S u m p e r A . e t . a l .: Voltage disturbance mo- Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain as a Full−
nitoring. LPQI Application Note 5.2.2; not publi- Time Associate Professor. He is the author and/or co−author of
shed yet. more than 100 publications including several books. He has
5. R u l l J . e t a l . : Voltage dips in industrial plants: managed numerous industry research projects and as a conse−
identification methodology, effects and solutions. quence, in 2001, he founded the Centre of Technological Innova−
Immunization cases. CIRED 2003, Barcelona, 2003. tion in Static Converters and Drives (CITCEA), Polytechnic Uni−
versity of Catalonia, with the support of a Government agreement.
Currently he is director of CITCEA Research and Innovation Cen−

Andreas SUMPER et al.: Successful Power Quality Monitoring 43

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