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Isabella Neurock

Creative Writing

In the City of Detroit Michigan, lived me, 17 year Mya Brown. I live with my father while

my parents are separated, but I see my mother often. My parents, Dave and Jennifer, split when

I was eight years old. Although this was hard on me I would like to say that I am a pretty

independent girl on my own. I currently attend Detroit Central Highschool in the busy part of the

city, meaning lots of drama and kids. My best friends are Jenna, Mike, Kate, and Jake. I would

like to say we are obnoxiously inseparable.

So enough about me, lets get onto the love thing. Personally, I find the whole love topic

comical. I always thought that if my parents couldn’t make it through then I probably couldn’t

either. I just found the whole thing kind of stupid. Kate on the other hand, has had so many

boyfriends and every single time it never works out for her. I have seen so many people close to

me just get their heart broken, that I just never thought to even consider it. Everytime she comes

crying to Jenna and I crying out “He doesn’t love me, I thought he was the one.” At this point,

Jenna and I glanced at each other and just roll our eyes knowing the same thing will happen

again in a few weeks. We continue to tell her she will be okay and she can get through this. As

for Jenna and I, we are pretty independent. Being Vice President of Student Council takes a lot

more of my time then you would think. And of course then there's Mike and Jake. Mike s what

we like to call a “ladies man.” Thanks to him I have met half of the girls in our school that I will

probably never see again.

I do not see myself wanting a relationship for a long time. To me , there just so sappy,

corny, and just quirky overall. Not to mention, I just can't seem to trust a single person around

here except my best friends of course. “Ok Ok Ok enough Mya” as I thought in my head. As

much as I hate this whole love thing I do have to admit Jake is pretty attractive. “Ew! No why am
I even thinking this right now, Jake is one of my closest friends ever.” As much as I would like to

get those thoughts out of my head it is always on my mind. I could never picture myself telling

Jake I think he is …….. Cute? No No No. Is this love thing seriously taking over me right now? I

promised myself I would not let this happen. He has been talking to me a lot recently, which I do

find weird. On a normal day I get a “hey” in the hallway and I continue on with my day until he

comes to me with his girl problems.

Now that I have caught myself thinking I should probably go to bed. Today was a long

day, as I finally rest my head up on my pillow and loose the thought of Jake in my head and

begin to close my eyes. DINGGGG, as my phone beings to ring over and over again. I glance at

my phone and my heart starts pounding. It’s Jake! Do I answer? Okay whatever I’ll just answer.

“Hello?” as I said when I picked up the phone sounding confused.

“Hey Mya I know this is kind of random, but I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date


“Ew! That sounds so cliche I want to die.” I thought in my head. “Uhmmm are you sure?” I

actually said to Jake.

“Yeah, I know its random because we are so close and ummm if not it’s totally fine I


“I mean sure I’ll go with you.”

“Okay great see you tomorrow”, Jake said as he hung up the phone.

I was so excited as I ran downstairs to tell my father who always wishes he had Jake as a son.

“Mya going on a date? NEVER.” my dad said mocking me.

“Shut up dad come on please do not embarrass me I am getting in the car and leaving you do

not need to say anything to him.”

My dad shook his head “Okay fine.”

As I woke up the next day feeling butterflies in my stomach I rolled my eyes as I thought

to myself “Am I really feeling this right now this is so annoying.” I try to deny I am falling in love
because I know my past self would never approve and I almost feel guilty. The time has come

and I am finally ready for my date. Jake picks me up in his old silver honda civic. I get in the car

because this generation does not open the door for you. As we drove to the movie in silence

with and old Selena Gomez song playing from 2013 over and over again I was not feeling this

date at all. “Finally took long enough!” I thought to myself as we finally pulled up to the movie


“I have the tickets covered, you go in and get us a good spot.” Jake says as we arrive in the


As I wait in the movie theatre for a good ten minutes he finally shows up. Walking down

the aisle with a large diet coke and a medium popcorn he trips ...Diet Coke spills all over me as

think to myself “Of course, this is exactly why I do not go on dates.” Jake takes me home once

again it was a silent car ride. As we arrive at my house he apologizes for what has happened.

I explain to him “I think we are better of friends because of how awkward things were the whole

time.” “It’s okay, I understand.” Jake says looking down. I get out of the car march up to my

room and dig my face into my pillow with regret.

My dad barges in and asks “ Soooo How did it go, is Jake ready to be my Son in law yet?”

I yelled “ Please just get out !”

As I woke up the next morning I decided to just let it go and act like nothing happened. My views

will never change on love I think it’s just not meant for me, and that’s okay. Love is definetely

not for everyone and I guess I am just one of those people.

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