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Chap When all I desire Explanation

1 Namjoon and the crew get assigned to a part of Introducing

the Project and have to bring in another helper - The cast of characters and the way
NJ & co go out to celebrate, he meets a girl and NJ lives
they fuck - establishing NJ’s interest in HY
Yoongi meets his soulmate
2 YG a& NJ try to make a plan to get SJ Fleshing out HY’s character apart from
HY enters the office NY
Work @ the project Establishing the concept of the work
YG & the kids go eating they’re doing
HY & NJ talk & fuck Clues to YG’s and SJ’s relationship
Kickstarting NJ& HY’s relationship
3 NJ & HY start dating without knowing Fleshingout HY & NJ’s relationship sans
YG meets SJ again HS
NJ realizes he’s dating HY while on dinner w vmin Introducing the notion that NJ has
HY & NJ agree to date another soulmate and that HY & NJ r
NJ starts dreaming soulmate dreams doomed
Hoseok enters the pic Introducing Hoseok & HY’s soulmate
Interlude HS & HY meet, realize they’re soulmates Introducing Hoseok before he knows
Sweethearts (first kisses, dances, etc) Namjoon and revealing HY’s past
First fight & break up Establishing HS & HY’s relationship and
College + tentative make up revealing their characters
HY overhears HS talking to JK about staying
She breaks his heart (cheats?), leaves and takes JK
w her and they promise 5 yrs
HY travels the world
HS opens a studio
4 HS meets the office people Introducing HS as NJ’s love interest and
HS & HY talk in NJ’s apartment ultimately his soulmate, detailing the
NJ walks HS progression of their relationship and
Rap line become friends the inevitability of soulmates
NJ offers HS apartment, he moves in, HY & HS
mend things
Vmin announce wedding
HS gives NJ dancing classes
HS’s studio inauguration: HY goes after SY
HS’s confession they all realize NJ’s soulmate is HS
5 HY leaves, takes JK with her
HS tries to live with NJ as boyfriends
YG plays HY’s videos for NJ, HS watches
HS goes looking for HY
Show inauguration: NJ leaves early, finds HS & HY
at is place
epilogue Lazy morning @ their place Showing happy ending and the
NJ wakes up, tries to make breakfast progression of their relationship
HS shoos him out the kitchen, NJ & HY take a Debunking the inevitability of
shower soulmates further
Start getting ready for vmin’s wedding
Vmin’s wedding:

When all i desire talking fic ver

yall: namseok soulmate au!!

me: alright strap on fam we going on a ride here

so namjoon is part of the humanities department at an institute that’s dedicated to researching the
existence and inner workings of talents which is like, a group of people born with a heightened
sense. they’re more like the culture department and it’s kind of a clusterfuck because the institute
is geared more towards like the sciency side of things and they’re really a science institute but they
kinda had to have a humanities department. the department is like, a mixmatch of people that kinda
just wound up in there. there’s yoongi, who is nj’s bff and who was a producer with him before they
wound up being recruited into this institute. they’ve been there since the institute was like, five
people so they know the inner workings of it a lot which means they get green lights for a lot of
stupid projects that get sent into the editing department with a post it that says sorry I love u most
of the time. namjoon’s technically the head of the humanities department but the place is small and
mostly empty because their resident researchers are like, never there. they mostly get out
publications and coordinate cultural events regarding those publications and stuff like that. yoongi’s
very good at his job which is basically coming up for ideas for whatever project they’re having next
that’ll fundraise money for his next research. jimin is his assistant and he handles most of turning
whatever brilliant idea yoongi has into reality and he’s really nice to everyone at the office and so
efficient but he is So Scary whenever he can’t unwrap something or they’re having handling issues,
it’s hilarious how everyone goes around him during events because when jimin is stressed, he’s

meanwhile, namjoon is stuck with an intern that kind of stopped being an intern a while ago but
they keep calling her an intern anyway. the deal was that they were supposed to host her for a while
as like a joint project they had with Yonsei uni and she got stuck in the humanities department even
if she was a biology major because her talent was hearing ink, so they thought she’d do good there,
right, humanities do ink things. namjoon always laughs because half their department, including him
and yoongi, happen to be talents and most are auditory. anyway, namjoon initially didn’t get along
with siyeon a lot but she got yoongi immediately (which did Not make him jealous despite whatever
yoongi said) and often latched onto him, so namjoon thought she was lazy and underperforming
and whatnot and was kinda hoping she’d go away until she found him reading like, michelet and
asked something and joon was dismissive and then she teared him open a new one because turns
out her minor was history and she loved the romantics and so joon apologized and invited the drinks
next time and the rift between them healed very organically so when siyeon’s interning period was
finished she kept coming back and namjoon just didn’t take her off the roster. nowadays she teams
up with yoongi to tease him endlessly but then he teams up with jimin, who is secretly evil, to change
their coffee with decaf.

anyway, so one day they’re like, having a normal week and sejin invites himself into his office to
inform him/pitch him a project that they’re kinda obligated to do and it’s got to do with soulmates
and namjoon thinks it’s hilarious because both siyeon and yoongi have been having their soulmate
dreams lately and it’s taken a toll on them both even though it’s hilarious for namjoon, who hasn’t
gotten anywhere near his own soulmate, and jimin, whose soulmate is taehyung, the boy from the
Chinese restaurant down the street that they order occasionally from. so the project is basically a
big effort from the institute to promote their newest batch of books which are publications so
they’re going to have namjoon herd their resident researchers for some articles to send into
publication but he has to like build up a project around it as well. namjoon decides it’s probably
going to be like, a love letter fundraiser with the question of life and he’s going to have siyeon and
jimin dig up archives for things like that to adorn their collection of articles. before he goes, sejin
tells him they’re going to have to include two people from the commissioner/sponsor’s team to see
what goes on so they can approve and joon is like ugh okay.

so namjoon like goes over and gathers the crew and like, tells them about it and they’re like what
and siyeon is suspiciously nonchalant about the thing but anyway they decide that they’re gonna go
celebrate their last days free form The Intruders which is basically just ganging up on namjoon to
pay for their drinks at the bar that yoongi’s having a gig at, which they were all going to anyway.
later that night they like, actually go to the gig ang they have a good time, but they disperse very
quickly. yoongi says he’s like, nervous to namjoon before everything happens because something
about the situation reminds yoongi of the last dream he had and like, hes not going to say anything
about what it was bc he does believe in siyeon’s superstition that if you talk about your soulmate
dreams aloud they kinda dissipate so he doesn’t say anything while namjoon’s driving him but he’s
like very excited about it lowkey joon can see it. when they get there, yoongi has to be called away
so he can get prepared and namjoon head over to the table where there are New people there.

jimin introduces seokjin, who is the chef of their restaurant rn and taehyung’s brother, who
accompanied them because he happens to enjoy rap and is getting back into the city after being
away because he was a culinary student. siyeon vaguely introduces her cousin, shim hayeon (“yeah
our mums are not funny. my older sister is called jiyeon.”) but she gets cryptic and says something
like they’ll get to know her more and hayeon just directs a small glance at her, seemingly amused at
everything. siyeon is kinda grumpy but they all kind of end up scatterin after yoongi’s performance.
he sees siyeon talking to chanyeol about something on his way to pick yoongi up but he can’t seem
to find him anywhere so he returns to their table but only hayeon and a strange dude are there and
he almost like… fucks off because well, he’s definitely gonna interrupt something until he
accidentally catches a peek of their convo and he’s like oh my god she’s definitely getting harassed
or something and he tries to look for siyeon but suddenly she isn’t there, and neither is chanyeol for
that matter and he just thinks the worst and now what does he do and he just like sits down and
tells the dude like “dude she’s been telling you she doesn’t want to dance with you why don’t you
fuck off” and the dude’s like “what the fuck are you her boyfriend or some shit” and he cuts him off
with a “that’s bullshit go the fuck away” rant and she’s like watching amusedly after they leave she’s
like “that’s such a humanities move what even I thought you were gonna pretend to be my
boyfriend” and he’s like “lol why” “dunno. don’t really expect good judgement from people at bars”
“why the alcohol?” “mostly. thank you though I was almost about to leave the booth and it’d be a
shame it’s a nice place” and they like start talking about stuff and then hayeon gets a text and she’s
like “siyeon’s not coming back” and then joon is like, trying to ring yoongi and he just gets a text
that’s like “fuck off busy. but fine” and then jimin and taehyung roll back in and they’re both giggling,
and they tell joon they’re going home and he has to call them a cab. so like, he ends up at the
sidewalk with hayeon after they’re gone and he’s like well gotta go and she’s like I’ll walk you with
Obvious Intent or something and they get to his place and like make out and afterwards joon wakes
up and she’s gone but she leaves him a note that’s like “I had a good time, don’t regret this later”
and he’s like huh funny, anyway moving on

cp 2

next Monday rolls on and he like peels himself off his bed and most of the weekend he couldn’t get
that girl out of his head kinda but like lowkey and then yoongi was also like, mia the entire weekend
as well but he sometimes does that, and he texted joon anyway so he isn’t too worried. still he kinda
gets there early, not that he cares that much but he does just in case yoongi has something he wants
to tell him and the minute he gets there yoongi hounds him like I FUCKING MET MY SOULMATE I
THINK and nam is like dude! nice! what’s their name and yoongi fucking BLANCHES and he’s like, oh
my god and nam is like what what and yoongi is like I don’t know??? I didn’t ask??? and namjoon is
like DUDE WHAT THE FUCK and prevents yoongi’s meltdown because it’s getting late and they’re
gonna have to receive their intruders in like five minutes and he’s like dude we’ll find him don’t
worry and he assures yoongi even though he’s not so sure himself

anyway so he hears siyeon knocking on their door and being like um they’re here and namjoon
comes out of the room to greet them with yoongi and fucking shim hayeon smiles at him from the
middle of talking to jimin animatedly and namjoon blanches but like, goes through the motions and
she introduces Jungkook, a tall kid that’s his assistant and that is throwing siyeon some strange af
looks and who siyeon is olimpically ignoring and he files that info for later because right now they’re
like, introducing everyone to everyone and he kinda has to give a speech for them and so he invites
them to his office to talk about stuff because that’s what he was gonna do before right?? and he
kinda has no other plan and then she tells Jungkook to stay behind and just enters his office and
namjoon is like um. uh. um and she laughs at him and tells him she told him not to regret this later
and he’s like HAHA right. right. cool. and she like basically eases him into thinking everything will be
Fine even if they work on close quarters and he’s like sure you know what that’s true

and then he hounds siyeon the minute she’s out and he’s like WHY DIDN’T U SAY UR COUSIN WAS
GOING TO WORK WITH US and she’s like I DID MF you were LATE and I didn’t tell u to FUCK HER and
he’s like oh my goooooood and she’s like I know right why don’t we do some collective suicide and
he’s like… wait what’s going on with you and she’s just like u know. later. right now is not the time
also hayeon is coming towards us.

namjoon’s following weeks are So Strange and he actively works towards not making shit strange
most of the time but right now he’s like, kind of losing it if he’s entirely honest because he gets to
know hayeon and cannot really stop thinking about her because he likes her an awful lot as like a
person. like she quickly becomes a homie in the office, part of the crew and he’s like, awfully
charmed by that bc she kinda is just a charming person? and the kid Jungkook is exceptionally good
at everything he does and everyone loves him. except siyeon. siyeon ardently hates him and
namjoon thinks he should probably do something about that but when he goes to like, stop one of
the fights hayeon stops him from doing something because she’s like “let them sort it out” and he’s
like. ok? she probably knows what she’s talking about.

meanwhile yoongi is Going Insane because he cannot find the man at the bar, even if he’s been
going there for like two weeks straight. namjoon grows tired of accompanying him so he lets siyeon
take up his place although he doesn’t really know if that’s a good choice but whatever. they’re not
getting close to finding his soulmate and joon doesn’t know what to do but let him live. he’s thinking
a lot about that one evening when he sees them go wreck their liver or really when jimin and siyeon
drag yoongi out of craiglist (who even uses that in korea hyung) for some lamb skewers and
Jungkook joins in because those are his favourite and siyeon almost bails but yoongi holds onto her
and so they go. which effectively leaves him alone with hayeon which is kind of what namjoon’s
been dreading since the day she stepped into the office. he had actually been making a few advances
in normalizing everything and it’s not like he’s never fucked around bc he does that. quite a lot
actually. but he’s never really had to see them afterwards and it’s so strange for him still.

“for someone so smart, hyung, sometimes ur so fucking dumb” siyeon had said once. it wouldn’t
have been anything if jimin hadn’t backed her up, months into their friendship, still very tender.
anyway, so, he gets alone with hayeon who knocks on his door at the office with like actual human
food and not ramen packages which is usually what they whip up for themselves because they don’t
really have a kitchen per se and the cafeteria is closed. and shes like can I come in and joon kinda
panics but is like no be cool and he lets her in and they like eat together when he puts aside his work
and they talk a bit about the project and namjoon is like, “you know you told me to let them figure
it out and siyeon still hates Jungkook so much” and she’s like “nah, she doesn’t. not really. she’s just
angry.” and he’s like “at him? she barely knows him” and hayeon is like “yeah, and they got roped
into an eternity together, it’s not like she was gonna be happy about that. you know how she is”
and he’s like “a what now” “um. a forever? you know how soulmates can barely escape each other
like, we’re working on that right now” “A WHAT” “she didn’t tell you they’re soulmates?” “of course
she fucking did not oh my god siyeon” and she just. laughs at him. and he’s like “AKFDJS?” and she’s
like “just let her figure it out” and they talk a bit about like, what siyeon was like between them
when she was young and when she was interning with namjoon and at one point hayeon is like “see
we can be friends” and he plays dumb like “was I not being friendly” and she snorts and is like “you
were being polite, it’s another thing entirely.” and then she explained to him how she acted around
her and he’s like “sorry I think I was just kinda scared? weirded out?” and she’s like “do u not fuck
people often or was I that good” and it’s so late and namjoon is like “definitely the second one” and
he Regrets for all of one second except hayeon grows quieter and she just looks up and is like “wanna

cp 3

and something should be said about like, namjoon and relationships because once it begins he can’t
stop and they don’t fuck on siyeon’s desk because she would kill them and jimin would cease all
coffee access the very moment they even stepped on the vicinity of his belongings so they mostly
keep to his apartment because surprise! hayeon lives with siyeon and Jungkook and he’s not kind
on the thought of either walking in on them or being in their shared space or really anything that
gets him near them in the context of sex. it seems like things between them go back to normal or
sort of adjust this new reality to work and it all flows so easily? like it should weird him out how
companionable they become in such a short time but he reasons it’s only natural if they’re kinda
having sex regularly bc that takes a lot of intimacy, right? they friend up really quickly

he also begins to notice a lot more stuff after she tells him things, like how siyeon and Jungkook
seem drawn to each other, how they always end up in the same side of the room until siyeon angrily
stalks towards the other side and how jungkook rolls his eyes after he hides the flash of hurt in his
expression. It’s particularly odd the times that they’re in the same room as taehyung and jimin
because the contrast is insane. it gets him thinking a lot, really about soulmates and stuff. he
wonders about all the stuff theyre preparing while this is happening. gets him thinking a lot, really.

he gathers the office (sans them) at taehyung’s restaurant, although jimin and tae leave hurriedly
because Friday is kind of date night hyung and namjoon can’t believe how very married they are.
anyway it’s just him, yoongi and hayeon at the Chinese restaurant and they’re drinking while they
wait although yoongi keeps nursing the same glass hesitantly and namjoon is finally like “so we gotta
get them together some way you know siyeon is never going to get her head out of her ass” after
yoongi tells him he already knows they’re soulmates (“HOW WHEN” “the lamb skewers dinner I
treated them to. it was painfully obvious after a while and she confessed while I was driving them
home” “so I was the last to know??” “it’s not surprising,” yoongi says, shifting in his seat. “what’d
you mean” yoongi glares at him, tangled into hayeon under the table. he keeps quiet. hayeon wishes
she didn’t grow stiff. “you’ve been distracted, joonie”) and yoongi’s debating whether that’s a good
idea or not while hayeon shuts her mouth. she doesn’t talk a lot around yoongi but she never has,
really, so joon doesn’t think about it a lot, although it gives him some anxiety to think that his best
friend isn’t getting along with his… friend. co-worker. it doesn’t mean they can’t work with each
other, they usually do some of the greater work together but it’s off when they’re forced to be
around each other. namjoon doesn’t quite get it because they both love siyeon ardently in much
the same manner, for example, so they must like similar things. he doesn’t really know what’s
happening. regardless, they bicker over whether siyeon needs their intervention or not. then
hayeon goes to the bathroom and namjoon asks about yoongi’s soulmate and how that’s going and
yoongi despairs a bit over not being able to find him even though there aren’t that many jins out
there (how are there so many jins there) and that there hasn’t been that much progress and he’s
losing hope. then namjoon lets a comment slip that’s like don’t worry you’ll find him and yoongi’s
like sure, since you have hayeon, and namjoon is like nah it’s not like that we’re buddies and yoongi
is like sometimes you’re so dumb, kim namjoon and namjoon is about to ask about what he means
when another waiter comes to ask them how they are doing and would they like something else
and namjoon is like “oh! seokjin-hyung” and yoongi is Choking and he’s like “you know each
other??????” and namjoon is like “yeah? this is taehyung’s older brother. he was at your gig, didn’t
tae introduce you?” and yoongi is like “no, not tae” and namjoon is like ??? and seokjin purses his
lips and is fake cheery like “well. hi. I, um, didn’t expect to see you again.” and yoongi is like
“?????????” and seokjin cocks his head to the side and is like “you never called” and yoongi is like
“WHERE WOULD I” and seokjin is like “I left you my number? in the kitchen?” and namjoon is
laughing so hard at this point and goes “oh seokjin hyung, yoongi hyung doesn’t step inside his
kitchen ever” and “you should probably figure this out” and seokjin is like “uh, wait for me? I will
just check out in a bit” and yoongi is just Overwhelmed for a few moments and then seokjin comes
back in normal clothes and they go off
hayeon comes back and is like did yoongi go and he’s like yeah and they both pay the bill and when
they start walking outside she asks who the man with yoongi was and he tells her he was seokjin
and she’s like oh, wow and then he continues saying that yoongi thinks seokjin is his soulmate
probably because he’s most likely the one person he’s been chasing since they all met. hayeon grows
quiet and she’s like, “you think he is?” and namjoon thinks it over a bit before he says it’s likely
because he’s never seen yoongi feel so strongly about someone he doesn’t really know before so
he wouldn’t know how to explain it. and hayeon asks “what if he’s just imagining it?” and namjoon
is like “what do you mean” and she hesitates and is like “well… seokjin is a regular, isn’t he? how
could he really know if yoongi hyung is telling the truth” and namjoon is like “yoongi wouldn’t lie”
“no, but he has no way of knowing either” and namjoon thinks and is like “well, taehyung is also a
regular, and you’ve seen him and jimin. you wouldn’t think they weren’t made for each other.” and
she’s like “yeah, and you’ve seen siyeon and Jungkook, they know they’re made for each other, and
yet.” “I think it’s a delicate matter, though. sometimes it doesn’t work out even if you’re perfect”
and she’s like “it’s hard being chained to somebody else, isn’t it” and namjoon teases “I didn’t know
you shared siyeon’s beliefs” “which ones” she ironizes “I don’t think it’d be chains, though,”
namjoon muses, “not if they really are the one meant for you” hayeon lets out a sigh “what if they’re
meant for you but you’re not meant for them?” “then that’s just unfortunate. and you need to work
it out” “sounds easy” “everything does” and they end up falling asleep back at namjoon’s apartment
and they muse about life a little bit more

namjoon wakes up and hayeon is still there and it’s Saturday now and he keeps stumbling upon her
things in his bathroom and it’s been little more than three months since they started hooking up
and he thinks a bit about what yoongi hyung said while they were eating and hayeon was in the
bathroom, thinks about it while he’s attempting to make breakfast and hayeon slides into the
kitchen and shoos him away like she smelled the attempt on her life that is namjoon near the kitchen
and he sits on the couch and they both eat pancakes while watching cartoons and reflecting on
classic references in pop culture and namjoon tries very hard not to think about how they hadn’t
really had any sex in a few weeks and he had chalked it up to them having become friends and not
just a good lay somewhere along the way but it doesn’t erase the fact she tiptoes to kiss him very
sweetly and he keeps the lingering heat close to his heart which is Worrying in a lot of degrees

he doesn’t freak out until he’s having brunch with taehyung and jimin the next day and he’s like “I
think I might be dating hayeon” and they’re like “oh he finally found out” “really hyung I was
worried” “we gotta prod siyeon to find out if hayeon knows as well” really?” “yeah she’s said they’re
similar in that way that their feelings catch them off guard a lot of the time” and joon is like “im right
here” and they’re like “we know. anyway, what are you gonna do” and namjoon blinks “gonna do?
gonna do what?” and they’re like, suffering bc how do u explain love to a person like this. and they’re
like, hyung, you gotta do something like actually ask her out you know

namjoon thinks about that a bit. he worries at it until it’s nothing but a marrowless bone and hayeon
doesn’t treat him any differently but he’s a bit worried about her. he doesn’t know what to do. he
contemplates dating her, despite what HR thinks if they even think anything about whatever
happens inside the office. namjoon guesses they don’t really think much beyond the fact they exist.
anyway so namjoon thinks about shit and like, maybe… he thinks one time they’re on his living room
not really doing anything. she tends to leave her apartment and go to his because siyeon refuses to
leave her own house and Jungkook is also a homebody and it’s excruciating to watch really. she’s
under the sunlight and he kisses her forehead when he goes to draw the curtains so the sun doesn’t
hit her in the face with how fast it’s moving and he just blurts out “are we dating” and she puts
down her papers and looks at him and there’s something in her dark eyes that chases at his thoughts
but she’s serious when she says “would you like to” and he’s like “yeah” “then yes” she says and he
kisses her forehead again and goes into the kitchen and she calls out “step away from the stove you
can’t kill me right after we became a couple HR will have nightmares” and he laughs

turns out dating hayeon is not anything different from whatever they were doing but it is also a bit
more different because, siyeon says in a particular occasion that they’re “disgustingly fluffy” and
Jungkook scrunches up his nose whenever he walks in on them holding hands or something but it is
also different because he relearns hayeon under a different light and the new label bring on new
actions and a new depth to whatever they were doing before and hayeon is tentative and things like

and then namjoon starts dreaming with a new sense. panic overpowers him the first night and he
exudes guilt from every pore and he thinks this might be what hayeon thought of or was talking
about that night with yoongi because he had known they weren’t soulmates but he isn’t really ready
to give her up so soon after they became whatever they did. he corners yoongi because he doesn’t
know what to do and yoongi grimaces and joon feels out of a loop once again when he just tells him
to tell her and insists when joon says he doesn’t want to hurt her and he’s like “she’ll get it, if anyone
will it’s her” so namjoon sits her down at the table and confesses that he’s been having his soulmate
dreams for a while now and that they’re just nearing and nearing and he promises, swears nothing
will come out of it and she’s like “they’re also a talent aren’t they “ and he’s like yes but it doesn’t
matter and she’s like “at least you will know, really” and he’s very fiercely like “im not leaving you”
and she’s like “no, it’s fine. it’s gonna be fine” and things seem to be fine for a while. they get back
to normal or to configuring normal anyway. the project moves on but now namjoon feels guilty
reading over letters of soulmates and he skips everything he sees that is remotely like that and
pretends like hayeon doesn’t know he slips her the happily ever after ones for her to read

one day he comes at the institute and hayeon is outside talking about something with a man and
they both seem put off by it so he approaches them. she is gorgeous and everything she always is
but she’s clearly uncomfortable or angry or sad or a mix of all these things and it makes him frown
because he had never seen her so blatantly out of control in the middle of the street. for the same,
the man is also unsettled but he seems more … urgent or sad or pleading, he seems like pleading
and like there’s something in the air between them that namjoon can’t quite figure out. he ignores
the trembling at the back of his mind, the soft memory of their last dream together, now daily, until
he steps into the conversation with a hand on the back of the small of her back and asking if
everything was okay. she steps out of his hand and is angry, he can tell, but also ashamed. and she’s
like “kim namjoon, my boss and…. boyfriend” she introduces him quickly and he watches the mman
carefully not put anything but politeness underneath him and she’s like “this is jung hoseok?” and
he’s like “the soulmate”

cp 4.

Hoseok and hayeon grew up together. hayeon meets hoseok as she’s climbing on a tree to retrieve
the balloon that siyeon had let gone fly away and she was crying and now hayeon is making a mess
of herself, she has no hiking experience or anything and she’s like eight years old but five yr old
siyeon keeps sobbing from the grass. it doesn’t really help that hayeon is secretly kinda scared of
heights and she moves very slowly. suddenly she hears a soft voice consoling her cousin and she
looks from the leaves to find a smiling boy cradling siyeon and telling her it’s going to be okay and
then he starts climbing the tree and is like “oh! oh wow fancy meeting you here” and hayeon is like
sure dude just help me and sunshine hobi gets both hayeon and the balloon down and he walks
them back and tells them he just moved and that he’s down the road and they see their parents
talking to each other bc turns out their neighbours and siyeon trails behind them bc hobi and hayeon
are walking next to each other chattering bc wow talking to this dude is very fun actually! and then
they hug as parting and hoseok goes Very Still and he turns to his mum and is like “uh… mum???”
so then the parents get roped into having dinner together and all of them spend the night at
hayeon’s house and hayeon is like “so what does it mean that we’re soulmates” and “how do you
know” and he like, explains that he’s been dreaming of the moment he hugged her and he could
feel her fabric softener and then they’re like a bit awkward but it’s fine

they make friends over the summer, turns out that having a soulmate so young doesn’t mean you’re
getting married tomorrow like she asked her mum and she laughed after hayeon was like “mum I
cant do taxes I cant count that high” and hoseok comes around very often, almost every day,
because he says he feels the need to be around her and he tells her she probably doesn’t feel the
sme way but hayeon thinks she does bc she doesn’t get tired of him despite the fact she gets tired
of everyone else and they turn out to be best friends very soon

things change when they return to class bc they get put together in the same classroom after the
school finds out they’re soulmates and their class prods them bc they want to know everything and
hoseok always turns them around when everyone’s getting on her case and he always keeps her
warm when it’s cold and he always reminds her of their homework and he always cheers when she
gets good grades and one day she asks him if she’s not tired of her not doing anything for him and
then he tells her it’s not really like that and she decides she shouldn’t feel bad for having hobi as her
slave. it’s not like either of them wanted it.

they have their first kiss surrounded by classmates who instantly yell out things, grossed out and
they both make disgusted faces but hobi does pick up the habit of kissing the top of her head bc
he’s growing taller than she is. they have their first real kiss when theyre thirteen and they’re hiding
behind the bleachers bc they don’t want to go home and they always do that and hoseok asks
hayeon if she’s ever kissed anybody and she says she’s never had the chance even tho ruri told her
last week that she had kissed kim junmyeon after soccer practice and everybody’s doing it and then
she asks hobi if he has ever kissed anyone and he cocks his head to the side and is like, well, we
kissed when we were nine and she’s like a real kiss hobi and he’s like no you’ve never wanted to kiss
me again and she’s like, a litte baffled and goes “what u wont kiss anybody but me” and he’s like
“not? really?” and she’s like WHAT not even soojung? if she asks?” “why would soojung ask stupid”
“well I mean were talking utopia aren’t we” and they bicker a bit more and after they’re walking
home he’s like “I don’t know why you won’t believe me” and she’s like “about what” and he grows
quiet and she’s like oh hobi just spit it out and he looks at her and is like “that you’re the only person
I’d kiss” and hayeon thinks they’re too old to be so stupid around feelings and she likes the way
hobi’s cheeks look red at dusk and she stands on her tiptoes and kisses him, a real kiss, and he’s like
stiff for a sec but he tries to reciprocate and they clash teeth and they laugh and then she links their
arms together and they walk home again
they only start dating after fifteen though and her dad tries to pull the “don’t go around doing stuff
you wouldn’t do without me around” thing but he cant scare hobi anymore and they are just pulled
into rooms and informed about safe sex and things like that and hayeon rambles about it with hobi
while they’re in his room watching a movie and someday maybe they’ll do that but not really today
and she’s happy the way she is right now. they have sex a year later and jiyeon helps them plan it
out and somehow everybody knows and it’s awkward with the rest of the world but they’re so very
happy. until they aren’t, or something like that. hayeon listens in on their professor scolding hoseok
about his grades and confronts him when they come out and they have their first fight about hoseok
not doing well in school and he says something like if she actually knew what it felt like to love her
so wholly maybe she’d know why he couldn’t focus on things and she’s like what so is my love
nothing to you because it’s not assured?? because I actually chose to love you instead of you being
bound to me? and he’s like that’s not it but sometimes I feel like I love you more than you love me
and I cant get it off my mind and she’s like yk what come back when the only thing holding you onto
me isn’t this stupid bond that I cant even feel

and then they break up for a bit and they keep their distance even though they’re both kind of
miserable but hoseok kind gets his grades up and hayeon starts thinking that maybe people were
right, that maybe hoseok was right, and that he was better off without her. they both get into college
while they’re not talking and hoseok picks up dancing while they’re apart and he’s super good and
it doesn’t really surprise hayeon but it does everybody else and one day hayeon goes to pick him up
from class and hoseok breaks into the biggest smile and they just hug really tightly and then she
takes him out for ice cream and they have a really big, deep talk with their ice cream melting under
the summer afternoon and she’s like remember the time we met and he points out a tree and tells
her she should try to climb it and she laughs and they grow quiet “im sorry” “what for” “everything
really” and then another silence “I missed you. I missed you like air.” and “do you still feel what you
said” “what” “I don’t know if I love you the same way you love me. I don’t think you were wrong”
“…what” “we have known each other for so long, hoseok, don’t you fear we’ve only fallen in love
because that’s what everybody expected of us” and hoseok is silent and he says to the sky “I cant
believe it’s been five years and you won’t believe it” “what” “that you’re the only person in the
world I want to kiss” and she’s like “…what if I want to kiss other people” and hobi tries very hard
not to be heartbroken but it’s there in the air and he’s like “alright. alright.”

they tentatively hold a friendship. they relearn each other. they have coffee dates that aren’t dates.
hayeon doesn’t miss the way her heart still flutters when she’s round him nor the looks he sends
her that linger on more than acceptable but with time it gets easier to ignore it and it fades away
into the background. they enter college, the same one, but hoseok is meant for the stage and he
goes towards a dancing major pretty quickly while hayeon wilds out in a way she hasn’t she means
to grow apart from hoseok but he’s usually out there as well and shedoesn’t know how he can have
so much fun while taking care of her and he doesn’t mind opting out of parties when she’s going
away early just to walk her and she tells him to back down later when shefeels his eyes at the back
of her neck every time she goes to make out with some guy because she’s not cheating on him okay
it doesn’t matter anymore and she cant stand the puppy eyes everywhere she goes

she meets Jungkook when he’s a freshman and she’s almost graduating and she’s a literature major
and Jungkook does photography and they partner up for a project and she introduces him to hoseok,
who promptly steals him away to dance with him but Jungkook is dedicated and even when they
both graduate he keeps at their side, the sort of bridge they have. she takes him away with her when
she decides to move for a job around the world because she overheard Jungkook talking about
hoseok being offered a place on the national dance company and that hobi was gonna reject it.
hoseok staunchly refuses to let her go and they fight. she’s like “we’re nothing we’ve never been
anything” and he’s like “im just gonna pretend you never said that” and then when they’ve yelled
everything out, she’s like “give me five years” “what” “live a life. an actual life. somewhere without
me holding you down- ““you’ve never held me down” “but you have me. and I have you even if you
don’t want to see it. so give me five years. five years and we’ll meet again and we’ll see who’s right”
and hoseok lets her go with the promise of seeing each other in five years

hayeon scours the world with Jungkook at her tail, having become a pair of journalist and
photographer that are hired by magazines to shoot landscapes and people and conduct interviews.
jungkook’s photography gains all the awards and hayeon remains average but appreciated in her
writing and they are a good pair. hoseok gets accepted into the national dancing company after he’s
scouted at the studio he was working on and he undergoes training and stuff and is in a few
contests,w ins some awards, is generally very talented. but he dislikes the fame and he laves the
company to open his own studio not one year after everything.

they text each other once in a while. it’s mostly Jungkook keeping their relationship alive, really.
thefive year mark passes and they never find each other.

cp 5.

namjoon finds himself in a coffee shop with his girlfriend and her soulmate drinking one americano
and one iced coffee while heholds a frapuccino because he can’t really spend the evening refereeing
a chat between them without like lots of coffee and sugar. his frappucino has like. three shots of
espresso. its gonna be lit. hoseok keeps sending him dazzling smiles and hayeon knocks her knees
into his when she’s quiet and today’s a windy day.

he had shooed them inside when he first met hoseok, had them follow him to the department
because it was cold outside and because they were going at it for long and it was not the sort of
thing he wanted out there. also, he kinda wanted an explanation. hoseok was kind and everything,
so tall nd looking at him made namjoon feel kinda dizzy. they enter room and Jungkook and siyeon
stop bickering and jump out like “HOSEOK HYUNG” and nam is like tf was I the only one that didn’t
know him while the children crowd around hoseok and he SMILES THE BIGGEST MOST DAZZLING
SMILE and glances at namjoon with his eyes formed into crescents and namjoon’s heart Skips a Beat
and hayeon like, reaches into his hand and drags him to his office while the kids call out for jimin
and yoongi to meet him

hayeon is like “I can explain” and namjoon is like can you??? bc I have no fucking idea and she like…
hesitantly tells him that hoseok had texted her a few days ago about coming into seoul and she was
like, ok im gonna ignore that bc 1 how did he get her location (Jungkook) and 2 how did he get her
workplace address (siyeon) and why was he even there and namjoon just like, squashes down
whatever he’s feeling and hugs her bc she’s clearly having a crisis and she promises to tell him later
what’s happening and what they were. so they come out of his office and jimin tells him siyeon and
Jungkook went to drive hoseok, who got a work call, to his studio?? or something, and that yoongi
sent them for some stuff for their videos.
later, hayeon tells namjoon everything about hoseok and namjoon listens in the dark and conjures
up the image of this man. in the next few days hayeon tries having a conversation or meeting up
with hoseok but they’re both busy and angry at each other and she doesn’t really know if hobi’s
even angry and namjoon is like what if I go with you, very softly and sacredly, and she’s like oh my
god thank you so much I cannot think of anything better siyeon would side with him immediately
and Jungkook would do anything hoseok asks of him and she Cannot Deal

so now namjoon is sitting between them and hoseok keeps glancing at him and he feels like a
scaredy cat whenever he jumps at the glance and hoseok smiles into his cup of warm coffee and this
was probably a bad idea. but they’re both just drinking and he can feel the gap and he tries to fill it
in trying to talk to hoseok. he asks him what he’s doing in seoul out of sudden and hoseok explains
that he’s trying to see if he opens a dance studio, he has one in gwangju but they’re loking to branch
out since they’ve grown big. he’s staying at an Airbnb while looking for places but, and this he says
looking at hayeon, he thinks he might have to start looking for somewhere else to stay since he’s
probably going to be around much longer than he expected. hayeon begins to look angry at that
and namjoon holds her hand under the table. she’s like “I never asked you to stay” and hoseok very
calmly replies “it’s been more than five years” “I never said-“ “yes you did. you broke your promise”
“I never asked you to look for me” and he’s like “I would’ve gone searching for you to the end of the
world” there hovers in the air a lot of questions that he thinks he wouldn’t really like to hear perhaps
or that maybe they can’t say with him in the room so he’s like “so. I don’t want to interrupt but I
think we should move somewhere else maybe my apartment?” and so they go

namjoon kinda tries to make tea for them while they’re arguing in the living room because he
doesn’t want to intrude but he tells hayeon that he’s going to be in the kitchen for a while and he
kissed her hand and she leans on his hip and hoseok watches and namjoon tries not to feel the heat
under his skin when they cross eyes and then he buries himself inside the kitchen and puts the kettle
on and maybe kinda burns himself with the stove a little bit and when he reaches for the bandaids
in the cupboard he eavesdrops on them accidentally and their voices are angry and resentful and
filled with feelings and he’s never listened to hayeon raise her voice like that and hoseok must be
scary when angry and they say things like “I want us to be better” and “there’s not a us anymore”
and “namjoon seems nice” “he is. he is that and much, much more” and “do you love him?” “I do”
and “do you love him more than you have loved me?” and then he just buried himself back in the
kitchen, wondering what he got himself into and also a bit guilty, because he can’t bear the answer
and he pours the cups and walks with his wrapped finger and knocks on the door when he hears
silence. they’re both sitting there and hayeon definitely cried and she buries into namjoon and
hoseok takes the mug with a blinding smile and he makes small talk with joon

and then “siyeon offered me her apartment when we were at your office” he says and namjoon
chokes. hayeon rolls her eyes and is like “the one Jungkook and I are occupying?” and hoseok is like
“well she didn’t say That. she just said she could room with Jungkook if that happened. I didn’t know
they were close friends” and namjoon snorts and hayeon explains when hoseok directs him a look
“they’re soulmates. not friends.” and hoseok chokes and is like “WHAT” and “how did that even
happen oh my god” and hayeon launches into an explanation of their dynamic and namjoon can see
in their interactions the years as best friends and they finish their mug in a discussion of when
perhaps they would get together if siyeon is willing to share rooms and things like that. hoseok
stands up and namjoon is like “you know how to get to the subway?” and he’s like “not really but
there’s always gps” and he winks and namjoon Does Not Blush and hayeon brushes it off and is like
“walk him pls he’ll get lost” and they bicker a bit more

when they’re out the door and namjoon is telling hoseok about an app and offering to show him
around the easiest places and hoseok just fixes him with a look and is like “you’re taking this way
better than I thought” “well, im no gps but I’ve lived here all my life” and hoseok chuckles and says
cute and namjoon Ignores that and then hobi’s like “I meant me showing up. being around your
girlfriend. being her soulmate” and namjoon sighs and is like “I knew we weren’t soulmates when
we met. I didn’t know she already had one but I didn’t expect her to tell me when we met. I don’t
think it’s fair I make a fuss when my own soulmate could pop up any second now” and hoseok is like
“that’s terribly insightful” and he’s like “didn’t she tell you my iq is 185?” and hoseok laughs at him
“are you trying to impress me?” “would that look very bad?” “I don’t see the point” “well, you were
good friends with her before. I think you want to be friends now. I want good things for hayeon and
I think you’re one good man.” and hoseok is like, smiling v softly and just says “ah kim namjoon,
you’ve made me flustered” and namjoon is like , blushing and hoseok just laughs at him and is like
“I hope we can also be friends, though. tell any of the kids to give you my number. I wanna hear
more about that intellect” and he winks and enters the subway and namjoon is Red in the Face and
hayeon asks when he gets home and he’s like “oh it was windy outside” “…hoseok won you over
didn’t he” “in my defense he’s irresistible” “yeah. been on the end of that.”

it doesn’t take long at all for hoseok to integrate himself into their group of friends. he doesn’t spend
the day at the institute or anything but he seems to orbitate between them or around them
nevertheless. it’s probably the fact thathe knows half their group of friends and is quickly becoming
friends with yoongi (they both like rap and they get along and if namjoon didn’t know better he’d
say yoongi has a bit of a crush on hobi but he doesn’t because that woud mean he also has one and
that’s ludicrous at best. also he is Not jealous). siyeon and Jungkook continue to be over the moon
with his presence there and namjoon can see why. hoseok has them wrapped around their finger
and he often orders them around and they just pipe up the same answer or the same manner and
hoseok winks at namjoon over his shoulder bc soulmates right

yoongi, namjoon and hoseok have meeting where they work on music. namjoon isn’t serious about
it, even though he like, produces a lot of tracks for the videos they use with yoongi, and hoseok also
participates in creating music for some of their choreos and things like that so it’s very fun to have
those kinda meetings and they dish out lyrics and melodies and stuff and namjoon doesn’t want to
say anything but it feels as though he has come together for all of them. hoseok ignores the fact
that they both talk about the same person in their lyrics and is actually helpful and stuff. one day
he's like “hayeon has terrible bed hair what is that talking about” about a lyric and namjoon hesitates
and hoseok is like “too soon?” and namjoon is just like “how am I gonna talk about her having bad
bed hair, do you want me dead?” and hoseok laughs and yoongi pushes them both with a huff that’s
like too fond and too implying

hoseok works hard on putting the studio and he has to go back to gwangju a couple of times and
they all kind of seem to miss him when he does go but he brings back a couple of their people and
he goes over contracts and is like “gosh I really need to find a place to live” during one of their
sessions and joon is just sitting there and then he suddenly offers his apartment for hoseok to live
in, like “well I’ve got a spare bedroom” and then hoseok stills and yoongi is like “uh joonie, I don’t
think that’s the best idea…” and namjoon is like “right right sorry, I just. wanted to help” and hoseok
like just waves him off with a smile and when they leave yoongi’s apartment, they bth walk in silence
and hoseok is like “you meant that?” “hmm?” “the apartment thing” “oh… yeah. I mean, you don’t
have to. I know hayeon goes around a lot and like… I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” and hoseok
sighs and is like “no, it’s fine. things are fine. I gotta get used to it, right? I didn’t come here to steal
her away,namjoon.” “I never thought that.” hoseok regards him under the light of the streetlamps.
“why not?” “oh, it’s got nothing to do with you. I just don’t think it’s very fair for me to demand
anything from her like that. i have a soulmate of my own, you know.” “do you now? have you met
them?” “not yet. I started having my soulmate dreams a while ago, before you came around. they
vanished already but they’ll come back sometime.” “and what will you do?” “honestly? I’ve no idea.
I can’t attest to soulmate feelings. I don’t know how that works. I don’t know how I will feel. I can’t
guarantee a forever, which is why I don’t feel I have a right to ask her for it.” “hmm… what if. what
if I wanted her back. what if she wanted me back?” “then I’d let her go. it’s not like she’s forced to
be with me just because I love her. it’s her life.” “ah, you’re too good. I see why she likes you” “ah
hoseok” “cmon boy lets get dinner. I’ll treat”

hayeon tells him that she had dinner with hoseok and that hoseok mentioned that joon had offered
the apartment and joon is like “yeah, are you mad?” and she is like “i… don’t think so, no. it was
kind of you.” “that doesn’t mean you want him here” “no, not really. but. im making an effort and I
know he is as well and i… listen, before everything happened, hoseok and I were best friends. I don’t
want him to go around renting stuff.” and so like hoseok moves in with namjoon and to be fair, he’s
almost always outside because things have gotten really really busy with the new studio and hoseok
has to check with his team and they’ve moved onto auditions and stuff and the building is looking
really nice and when he comes in and hayeon and namjoon are cuddling he just says hi and settles
down in the armchair and watches tv with them and they don’t quite mind. namjoon doesn’t. he
knows he watches them but it doesn’t matter.

things with hayeon are better, hoseok tells him sometimes, when it’s just the two of them. he tells
him things about work and they lay down in the carpet and they have takeout together and hoseok
talks and namjoon listens and then sometimes he talks but it’s not all that often. hoseok tells him
that he didn’t know how to act around them at first but that they’re better now and that he had
forgotten that he liked her as a friend first and as a woman second and they discuss the soulmate
problem a little more like “do you think all soulmates must be romantic” “not really, I think there’s
people that never fall in love” “I’ve always felt it was inevitable” “with hayeon? me too” “you’re
surprisingly chill about me talking about your girlfriend like this, man” “am i? I just like you too much
to be bothered”

and other times it’s hayeon the one that sits him down and tells him stuff during his dates or
interrupts him because HE’S talking about hoseok and she is like “ah im jealous” “why” “my best
friend is stealing my boyfriend away” and “oh so he’s your best friend now? Jungkook will be
jealous” “I thought you’d be” “why would I, I have hoseok” and they laugh and namjoon is like “im
happy for you” and she smiles and is like “yeah. happy too.” like she can’t quite believe she’s not
really meant to suffer

then one day in the office the maknaes run inside all giggly and stuff and gather the hyungs and are
like “BE HERE FOR JIMIN” and they’re all like lol wtf is with the kids and then jimin comes in BEAMING
and with a blush and the maknaes jump him and are like WHAT HAPPENED and jimin is like “ah you
knew??” and they’re like did you like it??? and jimin is like “it was nice” and they despair and then
yoongi reaches to mess up his hair and is like “what are these crazies talking about” “oh it’s nothing”
jimin rolls his eyes “taehyung and I had a date, and he proposed and I said yes, so we’re getting
married” And they EXPLODE with happiness and jimin nearly starts crying and they’re like “oh we’re
celebrating tonight we’re having a grand dinner” “as long as hyung is not cooking ofc” and yoongi
chides siyeon and Jungkook laughs and all is well. they go out for dinner and they congratulate
taehyung and the maknaes congregate around him to hear the whole story and “hyung, you’re
gonna have to learn to dance” says jimin to namjoon and he’s like “Me???and yoongi??” “yoongi
hyung can hold his own, although u need practice” and then hoseok just leans over and is like “it’s
fine, joon, I’ll teach you” and hayeon snorts and is like “you want bloody murder? I don’t think so”
“what are you afraid of hmm” “you’re gonna scare namjoon off hobi” “SCARE hIM OFF?? he loves
me more than he loves you!!!!!!” and they bicker and namjoon is so happy is so so happy

hoseok does come thru with the dancing classes though and holy fuck is he Serious about the whole
thing. namjoon basically like thought it would be a fun exercise and then hayeon mocks him the first
day he arrives with his limbs dead and hoseok is like “it wasn’t that bad” and namjoon just laments
and hoseok just ruffles his head and cooks him pancakes. anyway, joon ends up picking hoseok up
at their studio and they have like really intense one hour sessions of practice and namjoon doesn’t
think anything of them and namjoon doesn’t have dreams and sometimes when hoseok runs his
hands across his sides when he’s showing him a move, sometimes he shivers. but it doesn’t matter.
it’s nothing, really. they just end up winded and tired and then they go home and pick something
up and eat and talk and hoseok showers and namjoon just wonders. what the fuck is he doing.

hoseok’s studio inauguration comes fast and their dancing lessons decrease, to which namjoon is
like, mildly grateful for except he doesn’t see hoseok as much. he invites them all of course and he
leaves early and asks that namjoon tie his tie and he still has to pick hayeon and the kids up so he
lets him go. and they arrive and it’s a flurry of movement and they see as press flurries around
hoseok and take acouple photos and it’s a very nice moment and then they start the party and
hoseok is like a butterfly going around and everyone is so proud of him and namjoon too. they
congratulate him and hayeon is like “ah, mum sends her regards” and joon is like “mine too even if
she doesn’t know you” and hoseok laughs. the kids also flurry around him but they all keep to

and then the party is over and people start trickling out and so they start gathering their things from
where they were picking at the tables and then they see siyeon storm out, very upset, followed by
Jungkook and they’re like “?????” and “should we follow them?” and hayeon is like “ill go, you stay
if something happens. they might come back. ill text you” and then she goes and namjoon remains
there until the last person goes and it’s empty and he texts hoseok like “where r u” and “upstairs”
so he texts hayeon and goes to the roof and hoseok is just leaning against one of the rails and
namjoon is like “u wont believe what happened” “Jungkook and siyeon?” “yeah how did ya” “saw
them run out” and they stay in silence and is like

“hoseok, is anything wrong?” and hoseok is like “what do you think happened” “what” “with siyeon
and Jungkook” namjoon sighs. “isn’t it obvious” “humour me” “did jungkook introduce you to his
new girlfriend?” “yeah. she was kind, if a bit aloof.” “siyeon can’t stand her, even though she tries.”
“so?” “she’s in love. at least I think so. or well on her way there.” hoseok stands straight. “there it
is, isn’t it. the inevitability of soulmates.”

“hoseok what are you really thinking” “you know I’ve tried to let go of hayeon, don’t you” “I’ve seen
you try” “I think I managed. or something like that. but I went about it the wrong way” “what do
you mean?” “I’m not sure I’ve fallen out of love with her. I’m not sure I will. I’m not sure I want to.
there is the inevitability of soulmates” namjoon sighs. “hoseok. it’s fine. I told you it’s fine.” “I could
learn to live with that, you know.i have. I just didn’t expect…ah, I mess up so constantly.”namjoon
holds him close and is like “no, hoseok, what’s wrong? hey, you’ve done such an amazing thing. I
know we haven’t known each other that long but you’re my friend and I appreciate you so much.
there’s no wrong you could do” and hoseok looks him in the eyes and is like “ah why must you be
that way?” “what what” “how am I supposed to get over two people now?” and breath hitch
“what?” “you heard” “i… heard” “can I kiss you” “i… hoseok…” “just once. she won’t be mad. I will
take my distance afterwards” and “okay.”

hoseok presses his lips to namjoon’s and namjoon gets his breath taken away. and then it’s over
and hoseok is like “im sorry I know im sorry” and then namjoon is like misty eyed and just pulls him
back and kisses him properly and hoseok is like “what” “it’s you,” breathes namjoon, “it’s you” “what
do you mean” “it’s my heart. it’s the sound of my dreams.” “namjoon….” “tell me I’m not going
crazy, hoseok. you’re a talent too.” “im. I mean, yes, I had thought, at first- but that’s impossible”
“hoseok…” “look. when I first met you, you smelled exactly like hayeon did but I thought it was.
proximity or something, I don’t know? i never… it couldn’t be more than that”

“is that why you wouldn’t stop looking the first time you met?” comes hayeon’s voice from the door
and her face is blank but her brows are drawn together like she’s trying to figure it out. hoseok lets
namjoon go or maybe it’s the other way, doesn’t matter, the cold takes place between them. and
then she comes forward “hayeon” “just say it” “yes. but I thought… I thought it was you. it must’ve
been you” “and what if it wasn’t” “hayeon.” “isn’t it obvious to you? what was it but the person
meant to lead you to namjoon? why did you think we didn’t work?” “the what? hayeon, please.”
“think about it, hoseok, why did you even love me? why me? why me if not to lead you to the real
person you belong to? ah, I’m so stupid for thinking it was even real.” “so what? does everything
I’ve felt for you cancels out now?” “are you not in love with namjoon?” “….” “just answer.” “yes.”
“see? the inevitability of soulmates. I just. I should’ve known it was all too good to be true.”
“hayeon…” “keep it. just keep it. just… I’ll go home. the kids are alright.”

“hayeon” that’s namjoon, for the first time. he’s still leaning against the railing, confused. hayeon
steps forward, as if to reach for him, but keeps her arms next to her. “and us?”

cp. 6

starts with a letter.

dear namjoon, I have loved you and I have known that to be true but I am not sure that is enough
yet or ever. I will go now. I hope you are happy.

“did she leave you a letter as well” namjoon asks while hoseok holds him they’re both on his bed
and it’s at night and hayeon has left. she has left the project, submitted her quitting letter and just
up and left. she just vanished. hoseok breathes into namjoon’s hair and says “yes, she likes that
sort of details” “I know” and then they just remain in silence and “do you think she’ll come back”
“she didn’t promise anything” “does it hurt you if I want her to come back” “no. I want her too”

the worst thing is that little changes when she leaves, besides the fact that she takes Jungkook
with her. it’s kinda voluntary and it makes siyeon really mad, really really mad, he hears them
arguing in the halls and it’s like the first months they met except there’s a burnt edge to it and he
can’t stand it a lot. they drive him to the airport. Jungkook says goodbye and tells him that it’s not
because he wants to leave but because she’s alone and he gives him his number and tells him he’ll
keep him posted and to not lose hope. and then he’s gone.

namjoon fights with siyeon and then they both just like sit and commiserate. siyeon is moody.
everybody can tell.

namjoon and hoseok talk about hayeon in between beers and stuff

namjoon continues filming interviews, takes over hayeon’s place

hoseok goes on a trip (to find her but he tells joon is for work)

the inauguration has hayeon’s vids for the both of them edited in, by yoongi’s effect, and all of her
feelings in chronology it’s the night hoseok comes back. when namjoon goes back to his
apartment, both of them are there.

cp. 7

namjoon wakes up before the two of them. tries to make them breakfast. can’t. hoseok saves him
and shoos him out and they take a shower with hayeon and the morning is a flurry because
they’re supposed to get ready bc it’s jimin and tae’s wedding

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