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JINRY: Good afternoon ma’am good afternoon classmates, today we are going to discuss about the
religion of shintoism, which is the last topic in introduction to the world religion.

:after this discussion we will going to have a short quiz

:So, before we start our discussions, we will going to have a short games/activities.

Scenario 2: after the game

ERRAH: before we proceed to the main topic, what is shintoism?

JINRY: (explain what is shintoism)

: shows a video presentation

Scenario 3:

ANGEL: here is the history of shintoism

:Read the history (presentation)

TERRENCE: we will going to show a brief history of shintoism

Scenario 4:

ERRAH: the basic facts of shintoism

: read the presentation

JINRY: explain

Scenario 5:

ANGEL: here is the symbol of shintoism

: (read the presentation)

JINRY: Explain

Scenario 6:

TERRENCE: the sacred books of shinto

: (read the presentation)

JINRY: explain further

Scenario 7:

JINRY: the core teaching of shintoism

:read the presentation and explain

Scenario 8:

ERRAH: Read the presentation

JINRY: explain

ERRAH: read number 1

JINRY: explain

ERRAH: read number 2

JINRY: explain

ERRAH: read number 3

JINRY: explain

Scenario 7:

TERRAENCE: read the presentation number 1 ( three dimensional view)

ANGEL: read the presentation number 2 (Two dimensional)

ERRAH: explain

Scenario 8:

JINRY: the importance of worshipping Gods or Kami

:shows a video presentation

ERRAH: Explain

JINRY: explain

Scenario 9:

JINRY: explain furthermore shintoism

JINRY: questions? Reflection? Violent reaction? If non, we will going to have a short quiz

: get one half sheet of paper and number your paper from 1 to 5


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