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Kevin Lozano Ramirez

The fashion industry

About the fashion industry. I think it could have some different effect on
people’s lives, for example for many people the fashion is the best thing ever,
and for others it is normal or something boring. Talking about the fashion
industry, it encompasses the design, manufacturing, distribution and
At first sight, people say that is not crucial or important for them the fashion.
But, for people the appearance is too important, even if they don’t want to
accept. However, this also depend of the socioeconomic, and it also involves
the terms of cultural thoughts. Because fashion is simply as the style or style
of clothing and accessories.
Secondly, all this about style, about clothes. Many places sell clothes like
jackets, pants, jeans, shoes. We can find that in this places the price always
changes, and all depend of the clothing bland. Sometimes the prices are highly
just for the clothing bland. But, the price is no important for some people that
decide to buy this kind of clothes no matter the price.
finally, in my point of view. The fashion is something important in our
century, we are being dominate to the industry that want that people spend and
spend money to support them and increase industry’s capital. However, people
are the only one that decide to promote and use it. So in conclusion people are
happy when they buy clothes and many different things that the fashion
industry sell or distribute.

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